/* */
/* X r d B w m H a n d l e . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2008 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdBwm/XrdBwmHandle.hh"
#include "XrdBwm/XrdBwmLogger.hh"
#include "XrdBwm/XrdBwmTrace.hh"
#include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsInterface.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPlatform.hh"
#include "XProtocol/XProtocol.hh"
/* S t a t i c O b j e c t s */
XrdBwmLogger *XrdBwmHandle::Logger = 0;
XrdBwmPolicy *XrdBwmHandle::Policy = 0;
XrdBwmHandle *XrdBwmHandle::Free = 0;
unsigned int XrdBwmHandle::numQueued = 0;
extern XrdSysError BwmEroute;
/* L o c a l C l a s s e s */
class XrdBwmHandleCB : public XrdOucEICB, public XrdOucErrInfo
XrdBwmHandleCB *Alloc()
{XrdBwmHandleCB *mP;
if (!(mP = Free)) mP = new XrdBwmHandleCB;
else Free = mP->Next;
return mP;
void Done(int &Results, XrdOucErrInfo *eInfo, const char *Path=0)
Next = Free;
Free = this;
int Same(unsigned long long arg1, unsigned long long arg2) {return 0;}
XrdBwmHandleCB() : Next(0) {}
~XrdBwmHandleCB() {}
XrdBwmHandleCB *Next;
static XrdSysMutex xMutex;
static XrdBwmHandleCB *Free;
XrdSysMutex XrdBwmHandleCB::xMutex;
XrdBwmHandleCB *XrdBwmHandleCB::Free = 0;
/* E x t e r n a l L i n k a g e s */
void *XrdBwmHanXeq(void *pp)
return XrdBwmHandle::Dispatch();
/* c l a s s X r d B w m H a n d l e */
/* A c t i v a t e */
#define tident Parms.Tident
int XrdBwmHandle::Activate(XrdOucErrInfo &einfo)
XrdSysMutexHelper myHelper(hMutex);
char *rBuff;
int rSize, rc;
// Check the status of this request.
if (Status != Idle)
{if (Status == Scheduled)
einfo.setErrInfo(kXR_inProgress, "Request already scheduled.");
else einfo.setErrInfo(kXR_InvalidRequest, "Visa already issued.");
return SFS_ERROR;
// Try to schedule this request.
qTime = time(0);
rBuff = einfo.getMsgBuff(rSize);
if (!(rc = Policy->Schedule(rBuff, rSize, Parms))) return SFS_ERROR;
// If resource immediately available, let client run
if (rc > 0)
{rHandle = rc;
Status = Dispatched;
rTime = time(0);
ZTRACE(sched,"Run " < ")
< ")
<Parms.Tident = theUsr; // Always available
hP->Parms.Lfn = strdup(thePath);
hP->Parms.LclNode = strdup(LclNode);
hP->Parms.RmtNode = strdup(RmtNode);
hP->Parms.Direction = (Incomming ? XrdBwmPolicy::Incomming
: XrdBwmPolicy::Outgoing);
hP->Status = Idle;
hP->qTime = 0;
hP->rTime = 0;
hP->xSize = 0;
hP->xTime = 0;
// All done
return hP;
/* private A l l o c # 2 */
XrdBwmHandle *XrdBwmHandle::Alloc(XrdBwmHandle *old_hP)
static const int minAlloc = 4096/sizeof(XrdBwmHandle);
static XrdSysMutex aMutex;
XrdBwmHandle *hP;
// No handle currently in the table. Get a new one off the free list or
// return one to the free list.
if (old_hP) {old_hP->Next = Free; Free = old_hP; hP = 0;}
else {if (!Free && (hP = new XrdBwmHandle[minAlloc]))
{int i = minAlloc; while(i--) {hP->Next = Free; Free = hP; hP++;}}
if ((hP = Free)) Free = hP->Next;
return hP;
/* D i s p a t c h */
#define tident hP->Parms.Tident
void *XrdBwmHandle::Dispatch()
XrdBwmHandleCB *erP = XrdBwmHandleCB::Alloc();
XrdBwmHandle *hP;
char *RespBuff;
int RespSize, readyH, Result, Err;
// Dispatch ready requests in an endless loop
do {
// Setup buffer
RespBuff = erP->getMsgBuff(RespSize);
*RespBuff = '\0';
// Get next ready request and test if it ended with an error
if ((Err = (readyH = Policy->Dispatch(RespBuff, RespSize)) < 0))
readyH = -readyH;
// Find the matching handle
if (!(hP = refHandle(readyH)))
{sprintf(RespBuff, "%d", readyH);
BwmEroute.Emsg("Dispatch", "Lost handle from", RespBuff);
if (!Err) Policy->Done(readyH);
// Lock the handle and make sure it can be dispatched
if (hP->Status != Scheduled)
{BwmEroute.Emsg("Dispatch", "ref to unscheduled handle",
hP->Parms.Tident, hP->Parms.Lfn);
if (!Err) Policy->Done(readyH);
} else {
hP->myEICB.Wait(); hP->rTime = time(0);
erP->setErrCB((XrdOucEICB *)erP, hP->ErrCBarg);
if (Err) {hP->Status = Idle; Result = SFS_ERROR;}
else {hP->Status = Dispatched;
Result = (*RespBuff ? SFS_DATA : SFS_OK);
ZTRACE(sched,(Err?"Err ":"Run ") <Parms.Lfn <<' ' <Parms.LclNode
<<(hP->Parms.Direction == XrdBwmPolicy::Incomming ? " <- ":" -> ")
hP->ErrCB->Done(Result, (XrdOucErrInfo *)erP);
erP = XrdBwmHandleCB::Alloc();
} while(1);
// Keep the compiler happy
return (void *)0;
#undef tident
/* private r e f H a n d l e */
XrdBwmHandle *XrdBwmHandle::refHandle(int refID, XrdBwmHandle *hP)
static XrdSysMutex tMutex;
static struct {XrdBwmHandle *First;
XrdBwmHandle *Last;
} hTab[256] = {{0,0}};
XrdBwmHandle *pP = 0;
int i = refID % 256;
// If we have a handle passed, add the handle to the table
if (hP)
{hP->Next = 0;
if (hTab[i].Last) {hTab[i].Last->Next = hP; hTab[i].Last = hP;}
else {hTab[i].First = hTab[i].Last = hP; hP->Next = 0;}
} else {
hP = hTab[i].First;
while(hP && hP->rHandle != refID) {pP = hP; hP = hP->Next;}
if (hP)
{if (pP) pP->Next = hP->Next;
else hTab[i].First = hP->Next;
if (hTab[i].Last == hP) hTab[i].Last = pP;
// All done.
return hP;
/* public R e t i r e */
// The handle must be locked upon entry! It is unlocked upon exit.
void XrdBwmHandle::Retire()
XrdSysMutexHelper myHelper(hMutex);
// Get the global lock as the links field can only be manipulated with it.
// If not idle, cancel the resource. If scheduled, remove it from the table.
if (Status != Idle)
if (Status == Scheduled && !refHandle(rHandle, this))
BwmEroute.Emsg("Retire", "Lost handle to", Parms.Tident, Parms.Lfn);
Status = Idle; rHandle = 0;
// If we have a logger, then log this event
if (Logger && qTime)
{XrdBwmLogger::Info myInfo;
myInfo.Tident = Parms.Tident;
myInfo.Lfn = Parms.Lfn;
myInfo.lclNode = Parms.LclNode;
myInfo.rmtNode = Parms.RmtNode;
myInfo.ATime = qTime;
myInfo.BTime = rTime;
myInfo.CTime = time(0);
myInfo.Size = xSize;
myInfo.ESec = xTime;
myInfo.Flow = (Parms.Direction == XrdBwmPolicy::Incomming ? 'I':'O');
Policy->Status(myInfo.numqIn, myInfo.numqOut, myInfo.numqXeq);
// Free storage appendages and recycle handle
if (Parms.Lfn) {free(Parms.Lfn); Parms.Lfn = 0;}
if (Parms.LclNode) {free(Parms.LclNode); Parms.LclNode = 0;}
if (Parms.RmtNode) {free(Parms.RmtNode); Parms.RmtNode = 0;}
/* s e t P o l i c y */
int XrdBwmHandle::setPolicy(XrdBwmPolicy *pP, XrdBwmLogger *lP)
pthread_t tid;
int rc, startThread = (Policy == 0);
// Set the policy and then start a thread to do dispatching if we have none
Policy = pP;
if (startThread)
if ((rc = XrdSysThread::Run(&tid, XrdBwmHanXeq, (void *)0,
0, "Handle Dispatcher")))
{BwmEroute.Emsg("setPolicy", rc, "create handle dispatch thread");
return 1;
// All done
Logger = lP;
return 0;