/* */
/* X r d O s s C k s M a n a g e r . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2011 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdCks/XrdCksCalc.hh"
#include "XrdCks/XrdCksCalcadler32.hh"
#include "XrdCks/XrdCksCalccrc32.hh"
#include "XrdCks/XrdCksCalcmd5.hh"
#include "XrdCks/XrdCksLoader.hh"
#include "XrdCks/XrdCksManager.hh"
#include "XrdCks/XrdCksXAttr.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucPinLoader.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucTokenizer.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucUtils.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucXAttr.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysFAttr.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPlugin.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh"
/* C o n s t r u c t o r */
XrdCksManager::XrdCksManager(XrdSysError *erP, int rdsz, XrdVersionInfo &vInfo,
bool autoload)
: XrdCks(erP), myVersion(vInfo)
// Get a dynamic loader if so wanted
if (autoload) cksLoader = new XrdCksLoader(vInfo);
else cksLoader = 0;
// Prefill the native digests we support
strcpy(csTab[0].Name, "adler32");
strcpy(csTab[1].Name, "crc32");
strcpy(csTab[2].Name, "md5");
csLast = 2;
// Compute the i/o size
if (rdsz <= 65536) segSize = 67108864;
else segSize = ((rdsz/65536) + (rdsz%65536 != 0)) * 65536;
/* D e s t r u c t o r */
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= csLast; i++)
{if (csTab[i].Obj && csTab[i].doDel) csTab[i].Obj->Recycle();
if (csTab[i].Path) free( csTab[i].Path);
if (csTab[i].Parms) free( csTab[i].Parms);
if (csTab[i].Plugin) delete csTab[i].Plugin;
if (cksLoader) delete cksLoader;
/* C a l c */
int XrdCksManager::Calc(const char *Pfn, XrdCksData &Cks, int doSet)
XrdCksCalc *csP;
csInfo *csIP = &csTab[0];
time_t MTime;
int rc;
// Determine which checksum to get
if (csLast < 0) return -ENOTSUP;
if (!(*Cks.Name)) Cks.Set(csIP->Name);
else if (!(csIP = Find(Cks.Name))) return -ENOTSUP;
// If we need not set the checksum then see if we can get it from the
// extended attributes.
// Obtain a new checksum object
if (!(csP = csIP->Obj->New())) return -ENOMEM;
// Use the calculator to get and possibly set the checksum
if (!(rc = Calc(Pfn, MTime, csP)))
{memcpy(Cks.Value, csP->Final(), csIP->Len);
Cks.fmTime = static_cast(MTime);
Cks.csTime = static_cast(time(0) - MTime);
Cks.Length = csIP->Len;
if (doSet)
{XrdOucXAttr xCS;
memcpy(&xCS.Attr.Cks, &Cks, sizeof(xCS.Attr.Cks));
if ((rc = xCS.Set(Pfn))) return -rc;
// All done
return rc;
int XrdCksManager::Calc(const char *Pfn, time_t &MTime, XrdCksCalc *csP)
class ioFD
int FD;
ioFD() : FD(-1) {}
~ioFD() {if (FD >= 0) close(FD);}
} In;
struct stat Stat;
char *inBuff;
off_t Offset=0, fileSize;
size_t ioSize, calcSize;
int rc;
// Open the input file
if ((In.FD = open(Pfn, O_RDONLY)) < 0) return -errno;
// Get the file characteristics
if (fstat(In.FD, &Stat)) return -errno;
if (!(Stat.st_mode & S_IFREG)) return -EPERM;
calcSize = fileSize = Stat.st_size;
MTime = Stat.st_mtime;
// We now compute checksum 64MB at a time using mmap I/O
ioSize = (fileSize < (off_t)segSize ? fileSize : segSize); rc = 0;
{if ((inBuff = (char *)mmap(0, ioSize, PROT_READ,
#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
{rc = errno; eDest->Emsg("Cks", rc, "memory map", Pfn); break;}
madvise(inBuff, ioSize, MADV_SEQUENTIAL);
csP->Update(inBuff, ioSize);
calcSize -= ioSize; Offset += ioSize;
if (munmap(inBuff, ioSize) < 0)
{rc = errno; eDest->Emsg("Cks",rc,"unmap memory for",Pfn); break;}
if (calcSize < (size_t)segSize) ioSize = calcSize;
// Return if we failed
if (calcSize) return (rc ? -rc : -EIO);
return 0;
/* C o n f i g */
Purpose: To parse the directive: ckslib []
the name of the checksum.
the path of the checksum library to be used.
optional parms to be passed
Output: 0 upon success or !0 upon failure.
int XrdCksManager::Config(const char *Token, char *Line)
XrdOucTokenizer Cfg(Line);
char *val, *path = 0, name[XrdCksData::NameSize], *parms;
int i;
// Get the the checksum name
if (!(val = Cfg.GetToken()) || !val[0])
{eDest->Emsg("Config", "checksum name not specified"); return 1;}
if (int(strlen(val)) >= XrdCksData::NameSize)
{eDest->Emsg("Config", "checksum name too long"); return 1;}
strcpy(name, val); XrdOucUtils::toLower(name);
// Get the path and optional parameters
val = Cfg.GetToken(&parms);
if (val && val[0]) path = strdup(val);
else {eDest->Emsg("Config","library path missing for ckslib digest",name);
return 1;
// Check if this replaces an existing checksum
for (i = 0; i < csMax; i++)
if (!(*csTab[i].Name) || !strcmp(csTab[i].Name, name)) break;
// See if we can insert a new checksum (or replace one)
if (i >= csMax)
{eDest->Emsg("Config", "too many checksums specified");
if (path) free(path);
return 1;
} else if (!(*csTab[i].Name)) csLast = i;
// Insert the new checksum
strcpy(csTab[i].Name, name);
if (csTab[i].Path) free(csTab[i].Path);
csTab[i].Path = path;
if (csTab[i].Parms) free(csTab[i].Parms);
csTab[i].Parms = (parms && *parms ? strdup(parms) : 0);
// All done
return 0;
/* I n i t */
int XrdCksManager::Init(const char *ConfigFN, const char *DfltCalc)
int i;
// See if we need to set the default calculation
if (DfltCalc)
{for (i = 0; i < csLast; i++) if (!strcmp(csTab[i].Name, DfltCalc)) break;
if (i >= csMax)
{eDest->Emsg("Config", DfltCalc, "cannot be made the default; "
"not supported.");
return 0;
if (i) {csInfo Temp = csTab[i]; csTab[i] = csTab[0]; csTab[0] = Temp;}
// See if there are any chacksums to configure
if (csLast < 0)
{eDest->Emsg("Config", "No checksums defined; cannot configure!");
return 0;
// Complete the checksum table
for (i = 0; i <= csLast; i++)
{if (csTab[i].Path) {if (!(Config(ConfigFN, csTab[i]))) return 0;}
else { if (!strcmp("adler32", csTab[i].Name))
csTab[i].Obj = new XrdCksCalcadler32;
else if (!strcmp("crc32", csTab[i].Name))
csTab[i].Obj = new XrdCksCalccrc32;
else if (!strcmp("md5", csTab[i].Name))
csTab[i].Obj = new XrdCksCalcmd5;
else {eDest->Emsg("Config", "Invalid native checksum -",
return 0;
// All done
return 1;
#define XRDOSSCKSLIBARGS XrdSysError *, const char *, const char *, const char *
int XrdCksManager::Config(const char *cFN, csInfo &Info)
XrdOucPinLoader myPin(eDest, &myVersion, "ckslib", Info.Path);
int n;
// Find the entry point
Info.Plugin = 0;
if (!(ep = (XrdCksCalc *(*)(XRDOSSCKSLIBARGS))
{eDest->Emsg("Config", "Unable to configure cksum", Info.Name);
return 0;
// Get the initial object
if (!(Info.Obj = ep(eDest,cFN,Info.Name,(Info.Parms ? Info.Parms : ""))))
{eDest->Emsg("Config", Info.Name, "checksum initialization failed");
return 0;
// Verify the object
if (strcmp(Info.Name, Info.Obj->Type(n)))
{eDest->Emsg("Config",Info.Name,"cksum plugin returned wrong name -",
return 0;
if (n > XrdCksData::ValuSize || n <= 0)
{eDest->Emsg("Config",Info.Name,"cksum plugin has an unsupported "
"checksum length");
return 0;
// All is well
Info.Plugin = myPin.Export();
Info.Len = n;
return 1;
/* F i n d */
XrdCksManager::csInfo *XrdCksManager::Find(const char *Name)
static XrdSysMutex myMutex;
XrdCksCalc *myCalc;
int i;
// Find the pre-loaded checksum
for (i = 0; i <= csLast; i++)
if (!strcmp(Name, csTab[i].Name)) return &csTab[i];
// If we have loader see if we can auto-load this object
if (!cksLoader) return 0;
// An entry could have been added as we were running unlocked
for (i = 0; i <= csLast; i++)
if (!strcmp(Name, csTab[i].Name))
return &csTab[i];
// Check if we have room in the table
if (csLast >= csMax)
eDest->Emsg("CksMan","Unable to load",Name,"; checksum limit reached.");
return 0;
// Attempte to dynamically load this object
{ char buff[2048];
*buff = 0;
if (!(myCalc = cksLoader->Load(Name, 0, buff, sizeof(buff), true)))
eDest->Emsg("CksMan", "Unable to load", Name);
if (*buff) eDest->Emsg("CksMan", buff);
return 0;
// Fill out the table
i = csLast + 1;
strncpy(csTab[i].Name, Name, XrdCksData::NameSize);
csTab[i].Obj = myCalc;
csTab[i].Path = 0;
csTab[i].Parms = 0;
csTab[i].Plugin = 0;
csTab[i].doDel = false;
// Return the result
csLast = i;
return &csTab[i];
/* D e l */
int XrdCksManager::Del(const char *Pfn, XrdCksData &Cks)
XrdOucXAttr xCS;
// Set the checksum name
// Delete the attribute and return the result
return xCS.Del(Pfn);
/* G e t */
int XrdCksManager::Get(const char *Pfn, XrdCksData &Cks)
XrdOucXAttr xCS;
time_t MTime;
int rc, nFault;
// Determine which checksum to get (we will accept unsupported ones as well)
if (csLast < 0) return -ENOTSUP;
if (!*Cks.Name) Cks.Set(csTab[0].Name);
if (!xCS.Attr.Cks.Set(Cks.Name)) return -ENOTSUP;
// Retreive the attribute
if ((rc = xCS.Get(Pfn)) <= 0) return (rc ? rc : -ESRCH);
// Mark state of the name and copy the attribute over
nFault = strcmp(xCS.Attr.Cks.Name, Cks.Name);
Cks = xCS.Attr.Cks;
// Verify the file
if ((rc = ModTime(Pfn, MTime))) return rc;
// Return result
return (Cks.fmTime != MTime || nFault
|| Cks.Length > XrdCksData::ValuSize || Cks.Length <= 0
? -ESTALE : int(Cks.Length));
/* L i s t */
char *XrdCksManager::List(const char *Pfn, char *Buff, int Blen, char Sep)
static const char *vPfx = "XrdCks.";
static const int vPln = strlen(vPfx);
XrdSysFAttr::AList *vP, *axP = 0;
char *bP = Buff;
int i, n;
// Verify that the buffer is large enough
if (Blen < 2) return 0;
// Check if the default list is wanted
if (!Pfn)
{if (csLast < 0) return 0;
i = 0;
while(i <= csLast && Blen > 1)
{n = strlen(csTab[i].Name);
if (n >= Blen) break;
if (bP != Buff) *bP++ = Sep;
strcpy(bP, csTab[i].Name); bP += n; *bP = 0;
return (bP == Buff ? 0 : Buff);
// Get a list of attributes for this file
if (XrdSysFAttr::Xat->List(&axP, Pfn) < 0 || !axP) return 0;
// Go through the list extracting what we are looking for
vP = axP;
{if (vP->Nlen > vPln && !strncmp(vP->Name, vPfx, vPln))
{n = vP->Nlen - vPln;
if (n >= Blen) break;
if (bP != Buff) *bP++ = Sep;
strcpy(bP, vP->Name + vPln); bP += n; *bP = 0;
vP = vP->Next;
// All done
return (bP == Buff ? 0 : Buff);
/* M o d T i m e */
int XrdCksManager::ModTime(const char *Pfn, time_t &MTime)
struct stat Stat;
if (stat(Pfn, &Stat)) return -errno;
MTime = Stat.st_mtime;
return 0;
/* N a m e */
const char *XrdCksManager::Name(int seqNum)
return (seqNum < 0 || seqNum > csLast ? 0 : csTab[seqNum].Name);
/* O b j e c t */
XrdCksCalc *XrdCksManager::Object(const char *name)
csInfo *csIP = &csTab[0];
// Return an object it at all possible
if (name && !(csIP = Find(name))) return 0;
return csIP->Obj->New();
/* S i z e */
int XrdCksManager::Size(const char *Name)
csInfo *iP = (Name != 0 ? Find(Name) : &csTab[0]);
return (iP != 0 ? iP->Len : 0);
/* S e t */
int XrdCksManager::Set(const char *Pfn, XrdCksData &Cks, int myTime)
XrdOucXAttr xCS;
csInfo *csIP = &csTab[0];
// Verify the incomming checksum for correctness
if (csLast < 0 || (*Cks.Name && !(csIP = Find(Cks.Name)))) return -ENOTSUP;
if (Cks.Length != csIP->Len) return -EDOM;
memcpy(&xCS.Attr.Cks, &Cks, sizeof(xCS.Attr.Cks));
// Set correct times if need be
if (!myTime)
{time_t MTime;
int rc = ModTime(Pfn, MTime);
if (rc) return rc;
xCS.Attr.Cks.fmTime = static_cast(MTime);
xCS.Attr.Cks.csTime = static_cast(time(0) - MTime);
// Now set the checksum information in the extended attribute object
return xCS.Set(Pfn);
/* V e r */
int XrdCksManager::Ver(const char *Pfn, XrdCksData &Cks)
XrdOucXAttr xCS;
time_t MTime;
csInfo *csIP = &csTab[0];
int rc;
// Determine which checksum to get
if (csLast < 0 || (*Cks.Name && !(csIP = Find(Cks.Name)))) return -ENOTSUP;
// Verify the file
if ((rc = ModTime(Pfn, MTime))) return rc;
// Retreive the attribute. Return upon fatal error.
if ((rc = xCS.Get(Pfn)) < 0) return rc;
// Verify the checksum and see if we need to recalculate it
if (!rc || xCS.Attr.Cks.fmTime != MTime
|| strcmp(xCS.Attr.Cks.Name, csIP->Name)
|| xCS.Attr.Cks.Length != csIP->Len)
{strcpy(xCS.Attr.Cks.Name, Cks.Name);
if ((rc = Calc(Pfn, xCS.Attr.Cks, 1)) < 0) return rc;
// Compare the checksums
return (xCS.Attr.Cks.Length == Cks.Length
&& !memcmp(xCS.Attr.Cks.Value, Cks.Value, csIP->Len));