/* */
/* X r d C l i e n t C o n n M g r . c c */
/* */
/* Author: Fabrizio Furano (INFN Padova, 2004) */
/* Adapted from TXNetFile (root.cern.ch) originally done by */
/* Alvise Dorigo, Fabrizio Furano */
/* INFN Padova, 2003 */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
// //
// The connection manager maps multiple logical connections on a single //
// physical connection. //
// There is one and only one logical connection per client //
// and one and only one physical connection per server:port. //
// Thus multiple objects withing a given application share //
// the same physical TCP channel to communicate with a server. //
// This reduces the time overhead for socket creation and reduces also //
// the server load due to handling many sockets. //
// //
#include "XrdClient/XrdClientConnMgr.hh"
#include "XrdClient/XrdClientDebug.hh"
#include "XrdClient/XrdClientMessage.hh"
#include "XrdClient/XrdClientLogConnection.hh"
#include "XrdClient/XrdClientThread.hh"
#include "XrdClient/XrdClientEnv.hh"
#include "XrdClient/XrdClientSid.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucUtils.hh"
#ifdef WIN32
#include "XrdSys/XrdWin32.hh"
#ifdef AIX
// For user info
#ifndef WIN32
// Max number allowed of logical connections ( 2**15 - 1, short int)
#define XRC_MAXVECTSIZE 32767
void * GarbageCollectorThread(void *arg, XrdClientThread *thr)
// Function executed in the garbage collector thread
// Mask all allowed signals
if (thr->MaskSignal(0) != 0)
Error("GarbageCollectorThread", "Warning: problems masking signals");
XrdClientConnectionMgr *thisObj = (XrdClientConnectionMgr *)arg;
while (1) {
return 0;
int DisconnectElapsedPhyConn(const char *key,
XrdClientPhyConnection *p, void *voidcmgr)
// Function applied to the hash table to disconnect the unused elapsed
// physical connections
XrdClientConnectionMgr *cmgr = (XrdClientConnectionMgr *)voidcmgr;
assert(cmgr != 0);
if (p) {
if ((p->GetLogConnCnt() <= 0) &&
p->ExpiredTTL() && p->IsValid()) {
if (!p->IsValid()) {
// Make sure that we kill the socket in the case of conns killed by the server
// And then add the instance to the trashed list
// And remove the current from here
return -1;
// Process next
return 0;
int DumpPhyConn(const char *key,
XrdClientPhyConnection *p, void *voidcmgr)
if (!p) {
Info(XrdClientDebug::kDUMPDEBUG, "DumpPhyConn", "Phyconn entry, key=NULL");
return 0;
Info(XrdClientDebug::kDUMPDEBUG, "DumpPhyConn", "Phyconn entry, key='" <<
(key ? key : "***def***") <<
"', LogCnt=" << p->GetLogConnCnt() << (p->IsValid() ? " Valid" : " NotValid") )
// Process next
return 0;
int DestroyPhyConn(const char *key,
XrdClientPhyConnection *p, void *voidcmgr)
// Function applied to the hash table to destroy all the phyconns
if (p) {
p->UnsolicitedMsgHandler = 0;
// Process next, remove current item
return -1;
XrdClientConnectionMgr::XrdClientConnectionMgr() : fSidManager(0),
// XrdClientConnectionMgr constructor.
// Creates a Connection Manager object.
// Starts the garbage collector thread.
// Deletes mutex locks, stops garbage collector thread.
// Initializer
bool XrdClientConnectionMgr::BootUp()
fLastLogIdUsed = 0;
fGarbageColl = new XrdClientThread(GarbageCollectorThread);
if (!fGarbageColl)
"Can't create garbage collector thread: out of system resources");
fSidManager = new XrdClientSid();
if (!fSidManager) {
"Can't create sid manager: out of system resources");
return true;
bool XrdClientConnectionMgr::ShutDown()
fPhyHash.Apply(DumpPhyConn, this);
XrdSysMutexHelper mtx(fMutex);
for( int i = 0; i < fLogVec.GetSize(); i++)
if (fLogVec[i]) Disconnect(i, TRUE);
if (fGarbageColl)
void *ret;
delete fGarbageColl;
fPhyHash.Apply(DestroyPhyConn, this);
for(int i = fPhyTrash.GetSize()-1; i >= 0; i--)
DestroyPhyConn( "Trashed connection", fPhyTrash[i], this);
delete fSidManager;
fSidManager = 0;
fGarbageColl = 0;
return true;
void XrdClientConnectionMgr::GarbageCollect()
// Get rid of unused physical connections. 'Unused' means not used for a
// TTL time from any logical one. The TTL depends on the kind of remote
// server. For a load balancer the TTL is very high, while for a data server
// is quite small.
// Mutual exclusion on the vectors and other vars
XrdSysMutexHelper mtx(fMutex);
if (fPhyHash.Num() > 0) {
if(DebugLevel() >= XrdClientDebug::kUSERDEBUG)
fPhyHash.Apply(DumpPhyConn, this);
// Cycle all the physical connections to disconnect the elapsed ones
fPhyHash.Apply(DisconnectElapsedPhyConn, this);
// Cycle all the trashed physical connections to destroy the elapsed once more
// after a disconnection. Doing this way, a phyconn in async mode has
// all the time it needs to terminate its reader thread pool
for (int i = fPhyTrash.GetSize()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
DumpPhyConn("Trashed connection",
fPhyTrash[i], this);
if ( !fPhyTrash[i] ||
((fPhyTrash[i]->GetLogConnCnt() <= 0) && (fPhyTrash[i]->ExpiredTTL())) ) {
if (fPhyTrash[i] && (fPhyTrash[i]->GetReaderThreadsCnt() <= 0)) {
delete fPhyTrash[i];
int XrdClientConnectionMgr::Connect(XrdClientUrlInfo RemoteServ)
// Connects to the remote server:
// - Looks first for an existing physical connection already bound to
// User@RemoteAddress:TcpPort;
// - If needed, creates a TCP channel to User@RemoteAddress:TcpPort
// (this is a physical connection);
// - Creates a logical connection and binds it to the previous
// created physical connection;
// - Returns the logical connection ID. Every client will use this
// ID to deal with the server.
XrdClientLogConnection *logconn = 0;
XrdClientPhyConnection *phyconn = 0;
CndVarInfo *cnd = 0;
int newid = -1;
bool phyfound = FALSE;
// First we get a new logical connection object
"Connect", "Creating a logical connection...");
logconn = new XrdClientLogConnection(fSidManager);
if (!logconn) {
Error("Connect", "Object creation failed. Aborting.");
// If empty, fill the user name with the default to avoid fake mismatches
if (RemoteServ.User.length() <= 0) {
char name[256];
#ifndef WIN32
RemoteServ.User = (XrdOucUtils::UserName(getuid(), name, sizeof(name))
? "" : name);
DWORD length = sizeof (name);
::GetUserName(name, &length);
RemoteServ.User = name;
// Keys
XrdOucString key;
XrdOucString key1(RemoteServ.User.c_str(), 256); key1 += '@';
key1 += RemoteServ.Host; key1 += ':'; key1 += RemoteServ.Port;
XrdOucString key2(RemoteServ.User.c_str(), 256); key2 += '@';
key2 += RemoteServ.HostAddr; key2 += ':'; key2 += RemoteServ.Port;
do {
cnd = 0;
cnd = fConnectingCondVars.Find(key1.c_str());
if (!cnd) cnd = fConnectingCondVars.Find(key2.c_str());
// If there are no connection attempts in progress...
if (!cnd) {
// If we already have a physical connection to that host:port,
// then we use that
if (fPhyHash.Num() > 0) {
XrdClientPhyConnection *p = 0;
// We must avoid the unfortunate pick of a disconnected phyconn
if (((p = fPhyHash.Find(key1.c_str())) ||
(p = fPhyHash.Find(key2.c_str()))) && p->IsValid()) {
// We link that physical connection to the new logical connection
phyconn = p;
phyfound = TRUE;
else {
// no connection attempts in progress and no already established connections
// Mark this as an ongoing attempt
// Now we have a pending conn attempt
fConnectingCondVars.Rep(key1.c_str(), new CndVarInfo(), 0, Hash_keepdata);
else {
// this is an attempt which must wait for the result of a previous one
// In any case after the wait we loop and recheck
} while (cnd); // here cnd means "if there is a condvar to wait on"
// We are here if cnd == 0
if (!phyfound) {
"Physical connection not found. Creating a new one...");
if (DebugLevel() >= XrdClientDebug::kHIDEBUG)
fPhyHash.Apply(DumpPhyConn, this);
// If not already present, then we must build a new physical connection,
// and try to connect it
// While we are trying to connect, the mutex must be unlocked
// Note that at this point logconn is a pure local instance, so it
// does not need to be protected by mutex
if (!(phyconn = new XrdClientPhyConnection(this, fSidManager))) {
Error("Connect", "Object creation failed. Aborting.");
if ( phyconn && phyconn->Connect(RemoteServ) ) {
if (DebugLevel() >= XrdClientDebug::kHIDEBUG)
"New physical connection to server " <<
RemoteServ.Host << ":" << RemoteServ.Port <<
" succesfully created.");
} else {
// The connection attempt failed, so we signal all the threads waiting for a result
XrdSysMutexHelper mtx(fMutex);
int cnt;
key = key1;
cnd = fConnectingCondVars.Find(key.c_str());
if (!cnd) { key = key2; cnd = fConnectingCondVars.Find(key.c_str()); }
if (cnd) {
cnt = cnd->cnt;
if (!cnt) {
Info(XrdClientDebug::kHIDEBUG, "Connect",
"Destroying connection condvar for " << key );
delete cnd;
delete logconn;
// And then add the instance to the trashed list
//delete phyconn;
return -1;
// Now, we are connected to the host desired.
// The physical connection can be old or newly created
XrdSysMutexHelper mtx(fMutex);
// Then, if needed, we push the physical connection into its vector
if (!phyfound) {
if (!phyconn)
Error("Connect"," problems connecting to " << key1);
fPhyHash.Rep(key1.c_str(), phyconn, 0, Hash_keepdata);
if (fLogVec.GetSize() < XRC_MAXVECTSIZE) {
// Then we push the logical connection into its vector, up to a max size
// and the new position is the ID
newid = fLogVec.GetSize()-1;
else {
// The array is too big, get a free slot, if any
newid = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < fLogVec.GetSize(); i++) {
int idx = (fLastLogIdUsed + i) % fLogVec.GetSize();
if (!fLogVec[idx]) {
fLogVec[idx] = logconn;
newid = idx;
fLastLogIdUsed = idx;
if (newid == -1) {
delete logconn;
Error("Connect", "Critical error - Out of allocated resources:"
" max number allowed of logical connections reached ("<= XrdClientDebug::kHIDEBUG) {
int logCnt = 0;
for (int i=0; i < fLogVec.GetSize(); i++)
if (fLogVec[i])
Info(XrdClientDebug::kHIDEBUG, "Connect",
"LogConn: size:" << fLogVec.GetSize() << " count: " << logCnt <<
"PhyConn: size:" << fPhyHash.Num());
// The connection attempt went ok, so we signal all the threads waiting for a result, if we can still find the corresponding condvar
int cnt;
// if (!phyfound) {
key = key1;
cnd = fConnectingCondVars.Find(key.c_str());
if (!cnd) { key = key2; cnd = fConnectingCondVars.Find(key.c_str()); }
if (cnd) {
cnt = cnd->cnt;
if (!cnt) {
Info(XrdClientDebug::kHIDEBUG, "Connect",
"Destroying connection condvar for " << key );
delete cnd;
// }
} // mutex
return newid;
void XrdClientConnectionMgr::Disconnect(int LogConnectionID,
bool ForcePhysicalDisc)
// Deletes a logical connection.
// Also deletes the related physical one if ForcePhysicalDisc=TRUE.
if (LogConnectionID < 0) return;
XrdSysMutexHelper mtx(fMutex);
if ((LogConnectionID < 0) ||
(LogConnectionID >= fLogVec.GetSize()) || (!fLogVec[LogConnectionID])) {
Error("Disconnect", "Destroying nonexistent logconn " << LogConnectionID);
if (ForcePhysicalDisc) {
// We disconnect the phyconn
// But it will be removed by the garbagecollector as soon as possible
// Note that here we cannot destroy the phyconn, since there can be other
// logconns pointing to it the phyconn will be removed when there are no
// more logconns pointing to it
fLogVec[LogConnectionID]->GetPhyConnection()->UnsolicitedMsgHandler = 0;
delete fLogVec[LogConnectionID];
fLogVec[LogConnectionID] = 0;
Info(XrdClientDebug::kHIDEBUG, "Disconnect",
" LogConnID: " << LogConnectionID <<" destroyed");
int XrdClientConnectionMgr::ReadRaw(int LogConnectionID, void *buffer,
int BufferLength)
// Read BufferLength bytes from the logical connection LogConnectionID
XrdClientLogConnection *logconn;
logconn = GetConnection(LogConnectionID);
if (logconn) {
return logconn->ReadRaw(buffer, BufferLength);
else {
Error("ReadRaw", "There's not a logical connection with id " <<
XrdClientMessage *XrdClientConnectionMgr::ReadMsg(int LogConnectionID)
XrdClientLogConnection *logconn;
XrdClientMessage *mex;
logconn = GetConnection(LogConnectionID);
// Now we get the message from the queue, with the timeouts needed
// Note that the physical connection know about streamids, NOT logconnids !!
mex = logconn->GetPhyConnection()->ReadMessage(logconn->Streamid());
// Return the message unmarshalled to ClientServerCmd
return mex;
int XrdClientConnectionMgr::WriteRaw(int LogConnectionID, const void *buffer,
int BufferLength, int substreamid) {
// Write BufferLength bytes into the logical connection LogConnectionID
XrdClientLogConnection *logconn;
logconn = GetConnection(LogConnectionID);
if (logconn) {
return logconn->WriteRaw(buffer, BufferLength, substreamid);
else {
Error("WriteRaw", "There's not a logical connection with id " <<
XrdClientLogConnection *XrdClientConnectionMgr::GetConnection( int LogConnectionID)
// Return a logical connection object that has LogConnectionID as its ID.
XrdSysMutexHelper mtx(fMutex);
return (LogConnectionID > -1) ? fLogVec[LogConnectionID] : (XrdClientLogConnection *)0;
XrdClientPhyConnection *XrdClientConnectionMgr::GetPhyConnection(XrdClientUrlInfo server)
// Gets pointer to the physical connection to 'server', if any.
// Return 0 if none is found.
XrdClientPhyConnection *p = 0;
// If empty, fill the user name with the default to avoid fake mismatches
if (server.User.length() <= 0) {
char name[256];
#ifndef WIN32
server.User = (XrdOucUtils::UserName(getuid(), name, sizeof(name))
? "" : name);
DWORD length = sizeof (name);
::GetUserName(name, &length);
server.User = name;
// Keys
XrdOucString key;
XrdOucString key1(server.User.c_str(), 256); key1 += '@';
key1 += server.Host; key1 += ':'; key1 += server.Port;
XrdOucString key2(server.User.c_str(), 256); key2 += '@';
key2 += server.HostAddr; key2 += ':'; key2 += server.Port;
if (fPhyHash.Num() > 0) {
if (((p = fPhyHash.Find(key1.c_str())) ||
(p = fPhyHash.Find(key2.c_str()))) && !(p->IsValid())) {
// We found an invalid connection: do not use it
p = 0;
// Done
return p;
UnsolRespProcResult XrdClientConnectionMgr::ProcessUnsolicitedMsg(XrdClientUnsolMsgSender *sender,
XrdClientMessage *unsolmsg)
// We are here if an unsolicited response comes from a physical connection
// The response comes in the form of an TXMessage *, that must NOT be
// destroyed after processing. It is destroyed by the first sender.
// Remember that we are in a separate thread, since unsolicited responses
// are asynchronous by nature.
//Info(XrdClientDebug::kDUMPDEBUG, "ConnectionMgr",
// "Processing unsolicited response (ID:"<HeaderSID()<<")");
UnsolRespProcResult res = kUNSOL_CONTINUE;
// Local processing ....
// Now we propagate the message to the interested objects.
// In our architecture, the interested objects are the objects which
// self-registered in the logical connections belonging to the Phyconn
// which threw the event
// So we throw the evt towards each logical connection
// Find an interested logid
XrdSysMutexHelper mtx(fMutex);
for (int i = 0; i < fLogVec.GetSize(); i++) {
if ( fLogVec[i] && (fLogVec[i]->GetPhyConnection() == sender) ) {
res = fLogVec[i]->ProcessUnsolicitedMsg(sender, unsolmsg);
if (res != kUNSOL_CONTINUE) break;
return res;