/* */
/* X r d C p W o r k L s t . c c */
/* */
/* Author: Fabrizio Furano (INFN Padova, 2004) */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
// //
// A class implementing a list of cps to do for XrdCp //
// //
#include "XrdClient/XrdClientEnv.hh"
#include "XrdClient/XrdCpWorkLst.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucErrInfo.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysDir.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysHeaders.hh"
#ifndef WIN32
#include "XrdSys/XrdWin32.hh"
using namespace std;
// To print out the last server error info
void PrintLastServerError(XrdClient *cli) {
struct ServerResponseBody_Error *e;
if ( cli && (e = cli->LastServerError()) )
cerr << "Last server error " << e->errnum << " ('" << e->errmsg << "')" <<
const char *ServerError(XrdClient *cli) {
struct ServerResponseBody_Error *e;
if ( cli && (e = cli->LastServerError()) ) return e->errmsg;
return "Copy failed for unknown reasons!";
bool PedanticOpen4Write(XrdClient *cli, kXR_unt16 mode, kXR_unt16 options) {
// To be really pedantic we must disable the parallel open
bool paropen = !(options & kXR_delete);
if (!cli) return false;
if ( !cli->Open(mode, options, paropen) ) {
if ( (cli->LastServerError()->errnum == kXR_NotFound)
&& (options & kXR_delete) ) {
// We silently try to remove the dest file, ignoring the result
XrdClientAdmin adm(cli->GetCurrentUrl().GetUrl().c_str());
if (adm.Connect()) {
adm.Rm( cli->GetCurrentUrl().File.c_str() );
// And then we try again
if ( !cli->Open(mode, options, paropen) )
return false;
else return false;
return true;
// Check if the opaque data provides the file size information and add it
// if needed
XrdOucString AddSizeHint( const char *dst, off_t size )
// to be removed when we have no more <3.0.4 servers
// needed because of a bug fixed by 787446f38296698d2881ed45d3009336bde0834d
if( !EnvGetLong( NAME_XRDCP_SIZE_HINT ) )
return dst;
XrdOucString dest = dst;
std::stringstream s;
if( dest.find( "?oss.asize=" ) == STR_NPOS &&
dest.find( "&oss.asize=" ) == STR_NPOS )
s << dst;
if( dest.find( "?" ) == STR_NPOS )
s << "?";
s << "&";
s << "oss.asize=" << size;
dest = s.str().c_str();
return dest;
XrdCpWorkLst::XrdCpWorkLst() {
xrda_src = 0;
xrda_dst = 0;
pSourceSize = 0;
srcPathLen = 0;
XrdCpWorkLst::~XrdCpWorkLst() {
// Sets the source path for the file copy
// i.e. expand the given url to the list of the files it involves
int XrdCpWorkLst::SetSrc(XrdClient **srccli, XrdOucString url,
XrdOucString urlopaquedata, bool do_recurse, int newCP) {
XrdOucString fullurl(url);
if (urlopaquedata.length())
fullurl = url + "?" + urlopaquedata;
fSrcIsDir = FALSE;
if (fullurl.beginswith("root://") || fullurl.beginswith("xroot://") ) {
// It's an xrd url
fSrc = url;
// We must see if it's a dir
if (!*srccli)
(*srccli) = new XrdClient(fullurl.c_str());
// We're opening a remote file as a source, let's push it to the
// working list and remember the size so that it could be hinted to
// the destination server later
if ((*srccli)->Open(0, kXR_async) &&
((*srccli)->LastServerResp()->status == kXR_ok)) {
// If the file has been succesfully opened, we use this url
XrdClientStatInfo stat;
pSourceSize = stat.size;
if ( do_recurse &&
((*srccli)->LastServerError()->errnum == kXR_isDirectory) ){
delete (*srccli);
*srccli = 0;
// So, it's a dir for sure
// Let's process it recursively
fSrcIsDir = TRUE;
xrda_src = new XrdClientAdmin(fullurl.c_str());
if (xrda_src->Connect()) {
BuildWorkList_xrd(fSrc, urlopaquedata);
delete xrda_src;
xrda_src = 0;
else {
// It was not opened, nor it was a dir.
if (!newCP) PrintLastServerError(*srccli);
return 1;
else {
// It's a local file or path
fSrc = url;
fSrcIsDir = FALSE;
// We must see if it's a dir
XrdSysDir d(url.c_str());
if (!d.isValid()) {
if (d.lastError() == ENOTDIR)
struct stat statStruct;
if( stat( fSrc.c_str(), &statStruct ) )
return errno;
pSourceSize = statStruct.st_size;
return d.lastError();
} else {
fSrcIsDir = TRUE;
srcPathLen = strlen(url.c_str())+1;
BuildWorkList_loc(&d, url);
fWorkIt = 0;
return 0;
// Sets the destination of the file copy
// i.e. decides if it's a directory or file name
// It will delete and set to 0 xrddest if it's not a file
int XrdCpWorkLst::SetDest(XrdClient **xrddest, const char *url,
const char *urlopaquedata,
kXR_unt16 xrdopenflags, int newCP) {
int retval = 0;
// Special case: if url terminates with "/" then it's a dir
if (url[strlen(url)-1] == '/') {
fDest = url;
fDestIsDir = TRUE;
return 0;
if ( (strstr(url, "root://") == url) ||
(strstr(url, "xroot://") == url) ) {
// It's an xrd url
fDest = url;
if (fSrcIsDir) {
fDestIsDir = TRUE;
// Make sure fDest ends with a '/' to avoid problems in
// path formation later on
if (!fDest.endswith('/'))
fDest += '/';
return 0;
else {
// The source is a single file
fDestIsDir = FALSE;
XrdOucString fullurl(url);
if (urlopaquedata) {
if ((*urlopaquedata) != '?') fullurl += "?";
fullurl += urlopaquedata;
fullurl = AddSizeHint( fullurl.c_str(), pSourceSize );
// let's see if url can be opened as a file (file-to-file copy)
*xrddest = new XrdClient(fullurl.c_str());
if ( PedanticOpen4Write(*xrddest, kXR_ur | kXR_uw | kXR_gw | kXR_gr | kXR_or,
xrdopenflags) &&
((*xrddest)->LastServerResp()->status == kXR_ok) ) {
return 0;
//XrdClientUrlInfo u(url);
// // If a file open succeeded, then it's a file good for writing to!
// fDestIsDir = FALSE;
// // In any case we might have been assigned a destination data server
// // Better to take this into account instead of the former one
// if ((*xrddest)->GetCurrentUrl().IsValid()) {
// XrdClientUrlInfo uu;
// uu = (*xrddest)->GetCurrentUrl();
// u.Host = uu.Host;
// u.Port = uu.Port;
// fDest = u.GetUrl();
// }
} else {
// The file open was not successful. Let's see why.
if ((*xrddest)->LastServerError()->errnum == kXR_isDirectory) {
// It may be only a dir
fDestIsDir = TRUE;
// Make sure fDest ends with a '/' to avoid problems in
// path formation later on
if (!fDest.endswith('/'))
fDest += '/';
// Anyway, it's ok
retval = 0;
else {
if (!newCP) PrintLastServerError(*xrddest);
retval = 1;
// If the file has not been opened for writing,
// there is no need to keep this instance alive.
if (!newCP) {delete *xrddest; *xrddest = 0;}
return retval;
else {
// It's a local file or path
if (strcmp(url, "-")) {
fDestIsDir = TRUE;
// We must see if it's a dir
struct stat st;
if (lstat(url, &st) == 0) {
if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
fDestIsDir = FALSE;
} else {
if (errno == ENOENT)
fDestIsDir = FALSE;
return errno;
fDest = url;
// Make sure fDest ends with a '/' to avoid problems in
// path formation later on
if (fDestIsDir && !fDest.endswith('/'))
fDest += '/';
return 0;
else {
// dest is stdout
fDest = url;
fDestIsDir = FALSE;
fWorkIt = 0;
return 0;
// Actually builds the worklist expanding the source of the files
int XrdCpWorkLst::BuildWorkList_xrd(XrdOucString url, XrdOucString opaquedata) {
vecString entries;
int it;
long id, flags, modtime;
long long size;
XrdOucString fullpath;
XrdClientUrlInfo u(url);
// Invoke the DirList cmd to get the content of the dir
if (!xrda_src->DirList(u.File.c_str(), entries)) return -1;
// Cycle on the content and spot all the files
for (it = 0; it < entries.GetSize(); it++) {
fullpath = url + "/" + entries[it];
XrdClientUrlInfo u(fullpath);
// We must see if it's a dir
// If a dir is found, do it recursively
if ( xrda_src->Stat((char *)u.File.c_str(), id, size, flags, modtime) &&
(flags & kXR_isDir) ) {
BuildWorkList_xrd(fullpath, opaquedata);
return 0;
int XrdCpWorkLst::BuildWorkList_loc(XrdSysDir *dir, XrdOucString path)
char *ent = 0;
XrdOucString fullpath;
// Here we already have an usable dir handle
// Cycle on the content and spot all the files
while (dir && (ent = dir->nextEntry())) {
if (!strcmp(ent, ".") || !strcmp(ent, ".."))
// Assemble full path name.
fullpath = path + "/" + ent;
// Get info for the entry
struct stat ftype;
if ( lstat(fullpath.c_str(), &ftype) < 0 )
// If it's a dir, then proceed recursively
if (S_ISDIR(ftype.st_mode)) {
XrdSysDir d(fullpath.c_str());
if (d.isValid())
BuildWorkList_loc(&d, fullpath);
} else
// If it's a file, then add it to the worklist
if (S_ISREG(ftype.st_mode))
return 0;
// Get the next cp job to do
bool XrdCpWorkLst::GetCpJob(XrdOucString &src, XrdOucString &dest) {
if (fWorkIt >= fWorkList.GetSize()) return FALSE;
src = fWorkList[fWorkIt];
dest = fDest;
if (fDestIsDir) {
// If the dest is a directory name, we must concatenate
// the actual filename, i.e. the token in src following the last /
// when the source is not local recursive. Otherwise, we need to
// concatenate the relative path after the specified path.
int slpos = (srcPathLen ? srcPathLen : src.rfind('/'));
if (slpos != STR_NPOS)
dest += XrdOucString(src, slpos);
return TRUE;