/* */
/* X r d C m s C a c h e . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2007 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsCache.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsRRQ.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsTrace.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysTimer.hh"
#include "Xrd/XrdJob.hh"
#include "Xrd/XrdScheduler.hh"
namespace XrdCms
extern XrdScheduler *Sched;
using namespace XrdCms;
/* G l o b a l s */
XrdCmsCache XrdCms::Cache;
/* L o c a l C l a s s e s */
class XrdCmsCacheJob : XrdJob
void DoIt() {Cache.Recycle(myList); delete this;}
XrdCmsCacheJob(XrdCmsKeyItem *List)
: XrdJob("cache scrubber"), myList(List) {}
~XrdCmsCacheJob() {}
XrdCmsKeyItem *myList;
/* E x t e r n a l T h r e a d I n t e r f a c e s */
void *XrdCmsStartTickTock(void *carg)
{XrdCmsCache *myCache = (XrdCmsCache *)carg;
return myCache->TickTock();
/* P u b l i c C a c h e M a n i p u l a t i o n M e t h o d s */
/* Public A d d F i l e */
// This method insert or updates information about a path in the cache.
// Key was found: Location information is updated depending on mask
// mask == 0 Indicates that the information is being refreshed.
// Location information is nullified. The update deadline is set
// QDelay seconds in the future. The entry window is set to the
// current window to be held for a full fxhold period.
// mask != 0 Indicates that some location information is now known.
// Location information is updated according to the mask.
// For a r/w location, the deadline is satisfied and all
// callbacks are dispatched. For an r/o location the deadline
// is satisfied if no r/w callback is pending. Any r/o
// callback is dispatched. The Info object is ignored.
// Key not found: A selective addition occurs, depending on Sel.Opts
// Opts !Advisory: The entry is added to the cache with location information
// set as passed (usually 0). The update deadline is us set to
// DLTtime seconds in the future. The entry window is set
// to the current window.
// Opts Advisory: The call is ignored since we do not keep information about
// paths that were never asked for.
// Returns True If this is the first time location information was added
// to the entry.
// Returns False Otherwise.
int XrdCmsCache::AddFile(XrdCmsSelect &Sel, SMask_t mask)
XrdCmsKeyItem *iP;
SMask_t xmask;
int isrw = (Sel.Opts & XrdCmsSelect::Write), isnew = 0;
// Serialize processing
// Check for fast path processing
if ( !(iP = Sel.Path.TODRef) || !(iP->Key.Equiv(Sel.Path)))
if ((iP = Sel.Path.TODRef = CTable.Find(Sel.Path)))
Sel.Path.Ref = iP->Key.Ref;
// Add/Modify the entry
if (iP)
{if (!mask)
{iP->Loc.deadline = QDelay + time(0);
iP->Loc.lifeline = nilTMO + iP->Loc.deadline;
iP->Loc.hfvec = 0; iP->Loc.pfvec = 0; iP->Loc.qfvec = 0;
iP->Loc.TOD_B = BClock;
iP->Key.TOD = Tock;
} else {
xmask = iP->Loc.pfvec;
if (Sel.Opts & XrdCmsSelect::Pending) iP->Loc.pfvec |= mask;
else iP->Loc.pfvec &= ~mask;
isnew = (iP->Loc.hfvec == 0) || (iP->Loc.pfvec != xmask);
iP->Loc.hfvec |= mask;
iP->Loc.qfvec &= ~mask;
if (isrw) {iP->Loc.deadline = 0;
if (iP->Loc.roPend || iP->Loc.rwPend)
Dispatch(Sel, iP, iP->Loc.roPend, iP->Loc.rwPend);
else {if (!iP->Loc.rwPend) iP->Loc.deadline = 0;
if (iP->Loc.roPend) Dispatch(Sel, iP, iP->Loc.roPend, 0);
} else if (!(Sel.Opts & XrdCmsSelect::Advisory))
{Sel.Path.TOD = Tock;
if ((iP = CTable.Add(Sel.Path)))
{iP->Loc.pfvec = (Sel.Opts&XrdCmsSelect::Pending?mask:0);
iP->Loc.hfvec = mask;
iP->Loc.TOD_B = BClock;
iP->Loc.qfvec = 0;
iP->Loc.deadline = QDelay + time(0);
iP->Loc.lifeline = nilTMO + iP->Loc.deadline;
Sel.Path.Ref = iP->Key.Ref;
Sel.Path.TODRef = iP; isnew = 1;
// All done
return isnew;
/* Public D e l F i l e */
// This method removes location information from existing valid entries. If an
// existing valid entry is found, based on Sel.Opts the following occurs:
// Opts Advisory only locate information is removed.
// Opts !Advisory if the entry has no location information it is removed from
// the cache, if possible.
// TRUE is returned if the entry was valid but location information was cleared.
// Otherwise, FALSE is returned.
int XrdCmsCache::DelFile(XrdCmsSelect &Sel, SMask_t mask)
XrdCmsKeyItem *iP;
int gone4good;
// Lock the hash table
// Look up the entry and remove server
if ((iP = CTable.Find(Sel.Path)))
{iP->Loc.hfvec &= ~mask;
iP->Loc.pfvec &= ~mask;
if ((gone4good = (iP->Loc.hfvec == 0)))
{if (nilTMO) iP->Loc.lifeline = nilTMO + time(0);
if (!(Sel.Opts & XrdCmsSelect::Advisory)
&& XrdCmsKeyItem::Unload(iP) && !CTable.Recycle(iP))
Say.Emsg("DelFile", "Delete failed for", iP->Key.Val);
} else gone4good = 0;
// All done
return gone4good;
/* Public G e t F i l e */
// This method looks up entries in the cache. An "entry not found" condition
// holds is the entry was found but is marked as deleted.
// Entry was found: Location information is passed bask. If the update deadline
// has passed, it is nullified and 1 is returned. Otherwise,
// -1 is returned indicating a query is in progress.
// Entry not found: FALSE is returned.
int XrdCmsCache::GetFile(XrdCmsSelect &Sel, SMask_t mask)
XrdCmsKeyItem *iP;
SMask_t bVec;
int retc;
// Lock the hash table
// Look up the entry and return location information
if ((iP = CTable.Find(Sel.Path)))
{if ((bVec = (iP->Loc.TOD_B < BClock
? getBVec(iP->Key.TOD, iP->Loc.TOD_B) & mask : 0)))
{iP->Loc.hfvec &= ~bVec;
iP->Loc.pfvec &= ~bVec;
iP->Loc.qfvec &= ~mask;
iP->Loc.deadline = QDelay + time(0);
iP->Loc.lifeline = nilTMO + iP->Loc.deadline;
retc = -1;
} else if (iP->Loc.deadline)
if (iP->Loc.deadline > time(0)) retc = -1;
else {iP->Loc.deadline = 0; retc = 1;}
else retc = 1;
if (nilTMO && retc == 1 && iP->Loc.hfvec == 0
&& iP->Loc.lifeline <= time(0)) retc = 0;
Sel.Vec.hf = okVec & iP->Loc.hfvec;
Sel.Vec.pf = okVec & iP->Loc.pfvec;
Sel.Vec.bf = okVec & (bVec | iP->Loc.qfvec); iP->Loc.qfvec = 0;
Sel.Path.Ref = iP->Key.Ref;
} else retc = 0;
// All done
Sel.Path.TODRef = iP;
return retc;
/* Public U n k F i l e */
int XrdCmsCache::UnkFile(XrdCmsSelect &Sel, SMask_t mask)
XrdCmsKeyItem *iP;
// Make sure we have the proper information. If so, lock the hash table
// Look up the entry and if valid update the unqueried vector. Note that
// this method may only be called after GetFile() or AddFile() for a new entry
if ((iP = Sel.Path.TODRef))
{if (iP->Key.Equiv(Sel.Path)) iP->Loc.qfvec = mask;
else iP = 0;
// Return result
DEBUG("rc=" <<(iP ? 1 : 0) <<" path=" <Key.Equiv(Sel.Path))) retc = DLTime;
else if (iP->Loc.hfvec != mask) retc = 1;
else {Now = time(0); retc = 0;
if (iP->Loc.deadline && iP->Loc.deadline <= Now)
iP->Loc.deadline = DLTime + Now;
Add2Q(Sel.InfoP, iP, Sel.Opts);
// Return result
DEBUG("rc=" <Recycle();
// All done
return 1;
/* public T i c k T o c k */
void *XrdCmsCache::TickTock()
XrdCmsKeyItem *iP;
// Simply adjust the clock and trim old entries
do {XrdSysTimer::Snooze(Tick);
Tock = (Tock+1) & XrdCmsKeyItem::TickMask;
Bhistory[Tock].Start = Bhistory[Tock].End = 0;
iP = XrdCmsKeyItem::Unload(Tock);
if (iP) Sched->Schedule((XrdJob *)new XrdCmsCacheJob(iP));
} while(1);
// Keep compiler happy
return (void *)0;
/* P r i v a t e M e t h o d s */
/* A d d 2 Q */
void XrdCmsCache::Add2Q(XrdCmsRRQInfo *Info, XrdCmsKeyItem *iP, int selOpts)
bool isrw = (selOpts & XrdCmsSelect::Write) != 0;
short Slot = (isrw ? iP->Loc.rwPend : iP->Loc.roPend);
// Add the request to the appropriate pending queue
Info->Key = iP;
Info->isRW= isrw;
Info->ifOP= (selOpts & XrdCmsSelect::ifWant);
if (!(Slot = RRQ.Add(Slot, Info))) Info->Key = 0;
else if (isrw) iP->Loc.rwPend = Slot;
else iP->Loc.roPend = Slot;
/* D i s p a t c h */
void XrdCmsCache::Dispatch(XrdCmsSelect &Sel, XrdCmsKeyItem *iP,
short roQ, short rwQ)
// Dispatching shared-everything nodes is very different from shared-nothing
// since one ready node means all are ready and we can use any one of them.
// The current list of nodes must is provided by the caller adding the entry.
// Note that the minimum number of nodes will always be set to 0 via config.
if (isDFS)
{if (roQ && RRQ.Ready(roQ, iP, Sel.Vec.hf, Sel.Vec.pf & Sel.Vec.hf))
iP->Loc.roPend = 0;
if((rwQ && Sel.Vec.wf)
&& RRQ.Ready(rwQ, iP, Sel.Vec.wf, Sel.Vec.pf & Sel.Vec.wf))
iP->Loc.rwPend = 0;
// Disptaching shared-nothing nodes is a one-shot affair. Only one node becomes
// ready at a time and we can immediately disptach that node unless we need to
// wait for more nodes to respond.
if (roQ && RRQ.Ready(roQ, iP, iP->Loc.hfvec, iP->Loc.pfvec))
iP->Loc.roPend = 0;
if (rwQ && RRQ.Ready(rwQ, iP, iP->Loc.hfvec, iP->Loc.pfvec))
iP->Loc.rwPend = 0;
/* g e t B V e c */
SMask_t XrdCmsCache::getBVec(unsigned int TODa, unsigned int &TODb)
SMask_t BVec(0);
long long i;
// See if we can use a previously calculated bVec
if (Bhistory[TODa].End == BClock && Bhistory[TODa].Start <= TODb)
{Bhits++; TODb = BClock; return Bhistory[TODa].Vec;}
// Calculate the new vector
for (i = 0; i <= vecHi; i++)
if (TODb < Bounced[i]) BVec |= 1ULL << i;
Bhistory[TODa].Vec = BVec;
Bhistory[TODa].Start = TODb;
Bhistory[TODa].End = BClock;
TODb = BClock;
if (!(Bmiss & 0xff)) DEBUG("hits=" <