#ifndef __CMS_CLUSTER__H
#define __CMS_CLUSTER__H
/* */
/* X r d C m s C l u s t e r . h h */
/* */
/* (c) 2007 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsTypes.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucTList.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucEnum.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh"
class XrdLink;
class XrdCmsDrop;
class XrdCmsNode;
class XrdCmsSelect;
class XrdCmsSelector;
class XrdNetAddr;
namespace XrdCms
struct CmsRRHdr;
/* O p t i o n F l a g s */
namespace XrdCms
// Flags passed to Add()
static const int CMS_noStage = 1;
static const int CMS_Suspend = 2;
static const int CMS_Perm = 4;
static const int CMS_isMan = 8;
static const int CMS_Lost = 16;
static const int CMS_isPeer = 32;
static const int CMS_isProxy = 64;
static const int CMS_noSpace =128;
static const int CMS_isSuper =256;
static const int CMS_isVers3 =0x01000000;
static const int CMS_notServ =CMS_isMan|CMS_isPeer|CMS_isSuper;
static const int CMS_hasAlts =CMS_isMan|CMS_isPeer;
// Class passed to Space()
class SpaceData
long long Total; // Total space
long long TotFr; // Total space free
int wMinF; // Free space minimum to select wFree node
int wFree; // Free space for nodes providing r/w access (largest one)
int wNum; // Number of nodes providing r/w access
int wUtil; // Average utilization (largest one)
int sFree; // Free space for nodes providing staging (largest one)
int sNum; // Number of nodes providing staging
int sUtil; // Average utilization (largest one)
SpaceData() : Total(0), TotFr(0),wMinF(0),
wFree(0), wNum(0), wUtil(0),
sFree(0), sNum(0), sUtil(0) {}
~SpaceData() {}
/* C l a s s X r d C m s C l u s t e r */
// This a single-instance global class
class XrdCmsBaseFR;
class XrdCmsClustID;
class XrdCmsSelected;
class XrdOucTList;
class XrdCmsCluster
friend class XrdCmsDrop;
int NodeCnt; // Number of active nodes
// Called to add a new node to the cluster. Status values are defined above.
XrdCmsNode *Add(XrdLink *lp, int dport, int Status,
int sport, const char *theNID, const char *theIF);
// Put nodes in or remove from a blacklist
virtual void BlackList(XrdOucTList *blP);
// Sends a message to all nodes matching smask (three forms for convenience)
SMask_t Broadcast(SMask_t, const struct iovec *, int, int tot=0);
SMask_t Broadcast(SMask_t smask, XrdCms::CmsRRHdr &Hdr,
char *Data, int Dlen=0);
SMask_t Broadcast(SMask_t smask, XrdCms::CmsRRHdr &Hdr,
void *Data, int Dlen);
// Sends a message to a single node in a round-robbin fashion.
int Broadsend(SMask_t smask, XrdCms::CmsRRHdr &Hdr,
void *Data, int Dlen);
// Returns the node mask matching the given IP address
SMask_t getMask(const XrdNetAddr *addr);
// Returns the node mask matching the given cluster ID
SMask_t getMask(const char *Cid);
// Extracts out node information. Opts are one or more of CmsLSOpts
enum CmsLSOpts {LS_NULL=0, LS_IPO=0x0100, LS_IDNT=0x0200,
LS_ANY =0x0400, LS_IFMASK = 0x0f};
XrdCmsSelected *List(SMask_t mask, CmsLSOpts opts, bool &oksel);
// Returns the location of a file
int Locate(XrdCmsSelect &Sel);
// Always run as a separate thread to monitor subscribed node performance
void *MonPerf();
// Alwats run as a separate thread to maintain the node reference count
void *MonRefs();
// Return total number of redirect references (sloppy as we don't lock it)
long long Refs() {return SelWcnt+SelWtot+SelRcnt+SelRtot;}
// Called to remove a node from the cluster
void Remove(XrdCmsNode *theNode);
void Remove(const char *reason, XrdCmsNode *theNode, int immed=0);
// Called to reset the node reference counts for nodes matching smask
void ResetRef(SMask_t smask);
// Called to select the best possible node to serve a file (two forms)
static const int RetryErr = -3;
int Select(XrdCmsSelect &Sel);
int Select(SMask_t pmask, int &port, char *hbuff, int &hlen,
int isrw, int isMulti, int ifWant);
// Manipulate the global selection lock
void SLock(bool dolock)
{if (dolock) STMutex.Lock();
else STMutex.UnLock();
// Called to get cluster space (for managers and supervisors only)
void Space(XrdCms::SpaceData &sData, SMask_t smask);
// Called to return statistics
int Stats(char *bfr, int bln); // Server
int Statt(char *bfr, int bln); // Manager
virtual ~XrdCmsCluster() {} // This object should never be deleted
XrdCmsNode *AddAlt(XrdCmsClustID *cidP, XrdLink *lp, int port, int Status,
int sport, const char *theNID, const char *theIF);
XrdCmsNode *calcDelay(XrdCmsSelector &selR);
int Drop(int sent, int sinst, XrdCmsDrop *djp=0);
void Record(char *path, const char *reason, bool force=false);
bool maxBits(SMask_t mVec, int mbits);
int Multiple(SMask_t mVec);
enum {eExists, eDups, eROfs, eNoRep, eNoSel, eNoEnt}; // Passed to SelFail
int SelFail(XrdCmsSelect &Sel, int rc);
int SelNode(XrdCmsSelect &Sel, SMask_t pmask, SMask_t amask);
XrdCmsNode *SelbyCost(SMask_t, XrdCmsSelector &selR);
XrdCmsNode *SelbyLoad(SMask_t, XrdCmsSelector &selR);
XrdCmsNode *SelbyRef (SMask_t, XrdCmsSelector &selR);
int SelDFS(XrdCmsSelect &Sel, SMask_t amask,
SMask_t &pmask, SMask_t &smask, int isRW);
void sendAList(XrdLink *lp);
void setAltMan(int snum, XrdLink *lp, int port);
int Unreachable(XrdCmsSelect &Sel, bool none);
int Unuseable(XrdCmsSelect &Sel);
// Number of :Port characters per entry was INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+10
static const int AltSize = 254; // We may revert to IP address
XrdSysMutex XXMutex; // Protects cluster summary state variables
XrdSysMutex STMutex; // Protects all node information variables
XrdCmsNode *NodeTab[STMax]; // Current set of nodes
int STHi; // NodeTab high watermark
int doReset; // Must send reset event to Managers[resetMask]
long long SelWcnt; // Curr number of r/w selections (successful)
long long SelWtot; // Total number of r/w selections (successful)
long long SelRcnt; // Curr number of r/o selections (successful)
long long SelRtot; // Total number of r/o selections (successful)
long long SelTcnt; // Total number of all selections
// The following is a list of IP:Port tokens that identify supervisor nodes.
// The information is sent via the try request to redirect nodes; as needed.
// The list is alays rotated by one entry each time it is sent.
char AltMans[STMax*AltSize]; // |||| = 21
char *AltMend;
int AltMent;
// The foloowing three variables are protected by the STMutex
SMask_t resetMask; // Nodes to receive a reset event
SMask_t peerHost; // Nodes that are acting as peers
SMask_t peerMask; // Always ~peerHost
namespace XrdCms
extern XrdCmsCluster Cluster;