/* */
/* X r d C m s M a n a g e r . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2007 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "Xrd/XrdScheduler.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsConfig.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsManager.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsManTree.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsNode.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsProtocol.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsRouting.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsUtils.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsTrace.hh"
#include "XrdNet/XrdNetAddr.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucTList.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucTokenizer.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysTimer.hh"
/* G l o b a l O b j e c t s */
namespace XrdCms
extern XrdSysError Say;
extern XrdOucTrace Trace;
using namespace XrdCms;
/* S t a t i c M e m b e r s */
XrdSysMutex XrdCmsManager::MTMutex;
XrdCmsNode *XrdCmsManager::MastTab[MTMax] = {0};
char XrdCmsManager::MastSID[MTMax] = {0};
int XrdCmsManager::MTHi = -1;
/* L o c a l C l a s s e s */
class XrdCmsDelNode : XrdJob
void DoIt() {nodeP->Delete(XrdCmsManager::MTMutex);
delete this;
XrdCmsDelNode(XrdCmsNode *nP) : XrdJob("delete node"), nodeP(nP)
{Sched->Schedule((XrdJob *)this);}
~XrdCmsDelNode() {}
XrdCmsNode *nodeP;
/* C o n s t r u c t o r */
XrdCmsManager::XrdCmsManager(XrdOucTList *mlP, int snum)
myMans = 0;
ManTree = 0;
curManCnt = 0;
curManList= mlP;
newManList= 0;
theSite = 0;
theHost = 0;
theSID = 0;
siteID = snum;
wasRedir = false;
/* A d d */
XrdCmsNode *XrdCmsManager::Add(XrdLink *lp, int Lvl, bool &xit)
XrdCmsNode *nP;
int i;
// Check if there is a pending reconfiguration. If so, return no node but
// tell the caller to finish so we can proceed with the reconfiguration
if (newManList) {MTMutex.UnLock(); xit = true; return 0;}
xit = false;
// Find available ID for this node
for (i = 0; i < MTMax; i++) if (!MastTab[i]) break;
// Check if we have too many here
if (i >= MTMax)
Say.Emsg("Manager", "Login to", lp->Name(), "failed; too many managers");
return 0;
// Obtain a new a new node object
if (!(nP = new XrdCmsNode(lp, 0, 0, 0, Lvl, i)))
{Say.Emsg("Manager", "Unable to obtain node object."); return 0;}
// Assign new manager
MastTab[i] = nP;
MastSID[i] = siteID;
if (i > MTHi) MTHi = i;
nP->isOffline = 0;
nP->isNoStage = 0;
nP->isBad = 0;
nP->isBound = 1;
nP->isConn = 1;
nP->isMan = (Config.asManager() ? 1 : 0);
// Document login
DEBUG(nP->Name() <<" to manager config; id=" < 0 || !newManList) {MTMutex.UnLock(); return;}
// Remove all vestigial information
for (int i = 0; i <= MTHi; i++)
{if (MastSID[i] == siteID) {MastTab[i] = 0; MastSID[i] = 0;}}
// Readjust the high water mark
while(MTHi >= 0 && !MastTab[MTHi]) MTHi--;
// Delete the current manager list, it is safe to do so
while((mP = curManList)) {curManList = curManList->next; delete mP;}
curManList = newManList;
newManList = 0;
// Run the new manager setup
Say.Say("Config ","Manager subsystem reconfiguration completed; restarting.");
// All done
/* I n f o r m */
void XrdCmsManager::Inform(const char *What, const char *Data, int Dlen)
XrdCmsNode *nP;
int i;
// Obtain a lock on the table
// Run through the table looking for managers to send messages to
for (i = 0; i <= MTHi; i++)
{if ((nP=MastTab[i]) && !nP->isOffline)
DEBUG(nP->Name() <<" " <Send(Data, Dlen);
void XrdCmsManager::Inform(const char *What, struct iovec *vP, int vN, int vT)
int i;
XrdCmsNode *nP;
// Obtain a lock on the table
// Run through the table looking for managers to send messages to
for (i = 0; i <= MTHi; i++)
{if ((nP=MastTab[i]) && !nP->isOffline)
DEBUG(nP->Name() <<" " <Send(vP, vN, vT);
void XrdCmsManager::Inform(XrdCms::CmsReqCode rCode, int rMod,
const char *Arg, int Alen)
CmsRRHdr Hdr = {0, (kXR_char)rCode, (kXR_char)rMod,
struct iovec ioV[2] = {{(char *)&Hdr, sizeof(Hdr)},
{(char *)Arg, (size_t)Alen}};
Inform(Router.getName((int)rCode), ioV, (Arg ? 2 : 1), Alen+sizeof(Hdr));
void XrdCmsManager::Inform(CmsRRHdr &Hdr, const char *Arg, int Alen)
struct iovec ioV[2] = {{(char *)&Hdr, sizeof(Hdr)},
{(char *)Arg, (size_t)Alen}};
Hdr.datalen = htons(static_cast(Alen));
Inform(Router.getName(Hdr.rrCode), ioV, (Arg ? 2 : 1), Alen+sizeof(Hdr));
/* R e m o v e */
void XrdCmsManager::Remove(XrdCmsNode *nP, const char *reason)
int sinst, sent = nP->ID(sinst);
// Obtain a lock on the servtab
// Make sure this node is the right one
if (!(nP == MastTab[sent]))
DEBUG("manager " <isOffline = 1;
DEBUG("completed " <Name() <<" manager " <= 0 && !MastTab[MTHi]) MTHi--;
// Document removal
// .
if (reason) Say.Emsg("Manager", nP->Ident, "removed;", reason);
/* R e r u n */
void XrdCmsManager::Rerun(char *newMans)
static CmsDiscRequest discRequest = {{0, kYR_disc, 0, 0}};
XrdOucTList *tP;
const char *eText;
char *hP;
int newManCnt = 0;
// Lock ourselves
wasRedir = true;
// If we already have a pending new sequence, then just return
if (newManList) {MTMutex.UnLock(); return;}
// Indicate that we will be re-initialzing
Say.Say("Config ", "Manager subsystem reconfiguring using ", newMans);
// Process the new man list
XrdNetAddr manAddr;
XrdOucTokenizer mList((char *)newMans);
hP = mList.GetLine();
// Add each manager in the list. These have already been expanded and are
// gaurenteed to contain a port number as the list is provided by the cmsd.
// However, we will check for duplicates and ignore any overage.
while((hP = mList.GetToken()))
{if ((eText = manAddr.Set(hP)))
{Say.Emsg("Config","Ignoring manager", hP, eText); continue;}
tP = newManList;
while(tP && strcmp(hP, tP->text)) tP = tP->next;
if (tP) {Say.Emsg("Config","Ignoring duplicate manager", hP);
if (newManCnt >=MTMax)
{Say.Emsg("Config","Ignoring manager", hP,
"and remaining entries; limit exceeded!");
newManList = new XrdOucTList(manAddr.Name(),manAddr.Port(),newManList);
// If we have managers then tell the cluster builder to abort as we will
// be restarting this whole process (we don't want any hung nodes here).
if (newManCnt) ManTree->Abort();
// Now run through the node table and doom all current site connections as we
// need to reinitialize the whole manager subsystem. Note that none of these
// objects can escape without us removing them from the table.
if (newManCnt)
{for (int i = 0; i <= MTHi; i++)
if (MastTab[i] && (MastSID[i] == siteID))
{MastTab[i]->isBad |= XrdCmsNode::isBlisted|XrdCmsNode::isDoomed;
MastTab[i]->Send((char *)&discRequest, sizeof(discRequest));
// We are done
/* R e s e t */
void XrdCmsManager::Reset()
static CmsStatusRequest myState = {{0, kYR_status,
CmsStatusRequest::kYR_Reset, 0}};
static const int szReqst = sizeof(CmsStatusRequest);
XrdCmsNode *nP;
int i;
// Obtain a lock on the table
// Run through the table looking for managers to send a reset request
for (i = 0; i <= MTHi; i++)
{if ((nP=MastTab[i]) && !nP->isOffline && nP->isKnown)
nP->isKnown = 0;
DEBUG("sent to " <Name());
nP->Send((char *)&myState, szReqst);
/* Private: R u n */
int XrdCmsManager::Run(XrdOucTList *manL)
XrdOucTList *tP = manL;
XrdJob *jP, *jFirst = 0, *jLast = 0;
// This method is either called during initial start-up or if we were wholly
// redirected elsewhere due to a blacklist. In the latter case, the caller
// must have obtained all the required locks
curManCnt = 0;
if (!manL) return 0;
// Prime the manager subsystem. We check here to make sure we will not be
// tying to connect to ourselves. This is possible if the manager and meta-
// manager were defined to be the same and we are a manager. We would have
// liked to screen this out earlier but port discovery prevents it.
{if (strcmp(tP->text, Config.myName) || tP->val != Config.PortTCP)
{jP = (XrdJob *)XrdCmsProtocol::Alloc(Config.myRole, this,
tP->text, tP->val);
if (!jFirst) jFirst = jLast = jP;
else {jLast->NextJob = jP; jLast = jP;}
} else {
char buff[512];
sprintf(buff, "%s:%d", tP->text, tP->val);
Say.Emsg("Config", "Circular connection to", buff, "ignored.");
tP = tP->next;
// Make sure we have something to start up
if (!curManCnt)
{Say.Emsg("Config","No managers can be started; we are now unreachable!");
return 0;
// We now know there is no pandering going on, so we need to initialize the
// the tree management subsystem to get it into a fresh state.
if (myMans) delete myMans;
myMans = new XrdCmsManList;
if (ManTree) delete ManTree;
ManTree = new XrdCmsManTree(curManCnt);
if (theSID) {free(theSID); theSID = 0;}
if (theSite) {free(theSite); theSite = 0;}
// Now start up all of the threads
if (jFirst == jLast) Sched->Schedule(jFirst);
else Sched->Schedule(curManCnt, jFirst, jLast);
// All done
return curManCnt;
/* S t a r t */
bool XrdCmsManager::Start(const XrdOucTList *mL)
XrdOucTList *manVec[MTMax] = {0};
XrdCmsManager *manP;
char buff[1024];
int n, sid, snum = 0, mtot = 0, mnum = 0, xnum = 0;
// If there is no manager list then we must not be connecting to anyone
if (!mL) return true;
// Segregate the manager list by site and run them that way. Unfortunately,
// that means we have to copy the TList. This ok as this happens once.
{sid = mL->ival[1]; mtot++;
if (sid >= MTMax)
{sprintf(buff, "%d", sid);
Say.Say("Config ", "Invalid site ID ", buff, " for ", mL->text);
} else {
manVec[sid] = new XrdOucTList(mL->text, mL->val, manVec[sid]);
mL = mL->next;
// Count how many sites we have
for (n = 0; n < MTMax; n++) if (manVec[n]) snum++;
// Indicate what we are about to do
snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff),"%d manager%s and %d site%s.", mnum,
(mnum != 1 ? "s":""), snum, (snum != 1 ? "s":""));
Say.Say("Config Connecting to ", buff);
// Now run each one
for (n = 0; n < MTMax; n++)
{if (manVec[n])
{manP = new XrdCmsManager(manVec[n], n);
xnum += manP->Run(manVec[n]);
// Check if we should issue a warning
if (xnum < mtot)
{snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d of %d", xnum, mtot);
Say.Say("Config Warning! Only ", buff, " manager(s) will be contacted!");
// All done
return xnum == mtot;
/* V e r i f y */
bool XrdCmsManager::Verify(XrdLink *lP, const char *sid, const char *sname)
XrdSysMutexHelper hMutex(MTMutex);
const char *sidP;
// Trim off the type of service in the sid
if ((sidP = index(sid, ' '))) sidP++;
else sidP = sid;
// If we have no sid, just record it
if (!theSID)
{theSID = strdup(sidP);
if (theSite) free(theSite);
theHost = strdup(lP->Host());
theSite = (sname ? strdup(sname) : strdup("anonymous"));
return true;
// Make sure we are connecting to the same cluster as before
if (!strcmp(theSID, sidP)) return true;
// Compute the offending site configuration
char mBuff[1024];
snprintf(mBuff,sizeof(mBuff),"%s for site %s; "
"making file location unpredictable!", theHost,
(wasRedir ? theSite : XrdCmsUtils::SiteName(siteID)));
// There seems to be a configuration error here
Say.Emsg("Manager", lP->Host(), "manager configuration differs from", mBuff);
return false;