/* */
/* X r d C m s S e c u r i t y . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2007 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdVersion.hh"
#include "XProtocol/YProtocol.hh"
#include "Xrd/XrdLink.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsSecurity.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsTalk.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsTrace.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsVnId.hh"
#include "XrdNet/XrdNetAddrInfo.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucEnv.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucErrInfo.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucPinLoader.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucTList.hh"
#include "XrdSec/XrdSecLoadSecurity.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysFD.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh"
using namespace XrdCms;
/* S t a t i c S y m b o l s */
static XrdSecGetProt_t getProtocol = 0;
static const int nidMax = 64;
XrdSecService *XrdCmsSecurity::DHS = 0;
/* A u t h e n t i c a t e */
int XrdCmsSecurity::Authenticate(XrdLink *Link, const char *Token, int Toksz)
CmsRRHdr myHdr = {0, kYR_xauth, 0, 0};
XrdSecCredentials cred;
XrdSecProtocol *AuthProt = 0;
XrdSecParameters *parm = 0;
XrdOucErrInfo eMsg;
const char *eText = 0;
char *authName, authBuff[4096];
int rc, myDlen, abLen = sizeof(authBuff);
// Send a request for authentication
if ((eText = XrdCmsTalk::Request(Link, myHdr, (char *)Token, Toksz+1)))
{Say.Emsg("Auth",Link->Host(),"authentication failed;",eText);
return 0;
// Perform standard authentication
do {
// Get the response header and verify the request code
if ((eText = XrdCmsTalk::Attend(Link,myHdr,authBuff,abLen,myDlen))) break;
if (myHdr.rrCode != kYR_xauth) {eText = "invalid auth response"; break;}
cred.size = myDlen; cred.buffer = authBuff;
// If we do not yet have a protocol, get one
if (!AuthProt)
{if (!DHS || !(AuthProt=DHS->getProtocol(Link->Host(),
{eText = eMsg.getErrText(rc); break;}
// Perform the authentication
AuthProt->Entity.addrInfo = Link->AddrInfo();
if (!(rc = AuthProt->Authenticate(&cred, &parm, &eMsg))) break;
if (rc < 0) {eText = eMsg.getErrText(rc); break;}
if (parm)
{eText = XrdCmsTalk::Request(Link, myHdr, parm->buffer, parm->size);
delete parm;
if (eText) break;
} else {eText = "auth interface violation"; break;}
} while(1);
// Check if we succeeded
if (!eText)
{if (!(authName = AuthProt->Entity.name)) eText = "entity name missing";
else {Link->setID(authName,0);
Say.Emsg("Auth",Link->Host(),"authenticated as", authName);
// Check if we failed
if (eText) Say.Emsg("Auth",Link->Host(),"authentication failed;",eText);
// Perform final steps here
if (AuthProt) AuthProt->Delete();
return (eText == 0);
/* c h k V n I d */
char *XrdCmsSecurity::chkVnId(XrdSysError &eDest, const char *vnid,
const char *what)
int n = strlen(vnid);
// Check if it is too long
if (n > nidMax)
{eDest.Emsg("Config", what, "a too long vnid -", vnid);
return 0;
// Check for a null vnid
if (!n || !(*vnid))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", what, "a null vnid.");
return 0;
// Make sure the vnid does not contain invalid characters
const char *cP = vnid;
while(*cP && (isalnum(*cP) || ispunct(*cP)) && *cP != '&' && *cP != ' ') cP++;
if (*cP)
{eDest.Emsg("Config", what, "an invalid vnid -", vnid);
return 0;
// All is well
return strdup(vnid);
/* C o n f i g u r e */
int XrdCmsSecurity::Configure(const char *Lib, const char *Cfn)
static XrdSysMutex myMutex;
XrdSysMutexHelper hlpMtx(&myMutex);
// If we aleady have a security interface, return (may happen in client)
if (!Cfn && getProtocol) return 1;
// Get the server object and protocol creator
if (!(DHS = XrdSecLoadSecService(&Say, Cfn, (strcmp(Lib,"default") ? Lib:0),
{Say.Emsg("Config","Unable to create security service object via",Lib);
return 0;
// All done
return 1;
/* g e t V n I d */
char *XrdCmsSecurity::getVnId(XrdSysError &eDest, const char *cfgFN,
const char *nidarg, const char *nidparm,
char nidType)
std::string (*ep)(XrdCmsgetVnIdArgs);
std::string nidName;
// Read the vnid from a file is so directed
if (*nidarg == '<')
{char buff[nidMax+8];
int nfd = XrdSysFD_Open(nidarg+1, O_RDONLY);
if (nfd < 0)
{eDest.Emsg("Config", errno, "open vnid file", nidarg+1);
return 0;
int n = read(nfd, buff, sizeof(buff)-1);
if (n < 0)
{eDest.Emsg("Config", errno, "read vnid file", nidarg+1);
return 0;
while(n && buff[n-1] == '\n') n--;
buff[n] = 0;
return chkVnId(eDest, buff, "vnid file contains");
// Check if the actual vnid is being specified
if (*nidarg == '=') return chkVnId(eDest, nidarg+1, "vnid value is");
// Make sure a plugin is being passed
if (*nidarg != '@')
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "vnid specification is invalid -", nidarg);
return 0;
// Get the entry point of the node ID creator
XrdOucPinLoader nidLib(&eDest, &myVer, "vnid", nidarg+1);
ep = (std::string (*)(XrdCmsgetVnIdArgs))(nidLib.Resolve("XrdCmsgetVnId"));
if (!ep) return 0;
// Get the node ID
nidName = ep(eDest, std::string(cfgFN), std::string(nidparm ? nidparm : ""),
nidType, nidMax);
// Unload the plugin (we don't need it anymore)
// Verify that the node ID meets specs
return chkVnId(eDest, nidName.c_str(), "vnid plugin returned");
/* g e t T o k e n */
const char *XrdCmsSecurity::getToken(int &size, XrdNetAddrInfo *endPoint)
// If not configured, return a null to indicate no authentication required
if (!DHS) {size = 0; return 0;}
// Return actual token
return DHS->getParms(size, endPoint);
/* I d e n t i f y */
int XrdCmsSecurity::Identify(XrdLink *Link, XrdCms::CmsRRHdr &inHdr,
char *authBuff, int abLen)
CmsRRHdr outHdr = {0, kYR_xauth, 0, 0};
const char *hName = Link->Host();
XrdSecCredentials *cred;
XrdSecProtocol *AuthProt = 0;
XrdSecParameters AuthParm, *AuthP = 0;
XrdOucErrInfo eMsg;
const char *eText = 0;
int rc, myDlen;
// Verify that we are configured
if (!getProtocol && !Configure("libXrdSec.so"))
{Say.Emsg("Auth", hName ,"authentication configuration failed.");
return 0;
// Obtain the protocol
AuthParm.buffer = (char *)authBuff; AuthParm.size = strlen(authBuff);
if (!(AuthProt = getProtocol(hName,*(Link->AddrInfo()),AuthParm,&eMsg)))
{Say.Emsg("Auth", hName, "getProtocol() failed;", eMsg.getErrText(rc));
return 0;
// Perform standard authentication
do {
// Get credentials
if (!(cred = AuthProt->getCredentials(AuthP, &eMsg)))
{eText = eMsg.getErrText(rc); break;}
// Send credentials to the server
eText = XrdCmsTalk::Request(Link, outHdr, cred->buffer, cred->size);
delete cred;
if (eText) break;
// Get the response header and prepare for next iteration if need be
if ((eText = XrdCmsTalk::Attend(Link,inHdr,authBuff,abLen,myDlen))) break;
AuthParm.size = myDlen; AuthParm.buffer = authBuff; AuthP = &AuthParm;
} while(inHdr.rrCode == kYR_xauth);
// Check if we failed
if (eText) Say.Emsg("Auth", hName, "authentication failed;", eText);
// Perform final steps here
if (AuthProt) AuthProt->Delete();
return (eText == 0);
/* s e t S e c F u n c */
void XrdCmsSecurity::setSecFunc(void *secfP)
{getProtocol = (XrdSecGetProt_t)secfP;}
/* s e t S y s t e m I D */
char *XrdCmsSecurity::setSystemID(XrdOucTList *tp, const char *iVNID,
const char *iTag, char iType)
XrdOucTList *tpF;
char sidbuff[8192], *sidend = sidbuff+sizeof(sidbuff)-32;
char *cP, *sp = sidbuff;
char *fMan, *fp, *xp;
int n;
// Extract out the instance name (we must have one)
const char *instP = getenv("XRDINSTANCE");
if (instP) instP = index(instP, ' ');
if (!instP) return (char *)"!envar XRDINSTANCE undefined.";
while(*instP && *instP == ' ') instP++;
if (!(*instP)) return (char *)"!envar XRDINSTANCE invalid.";
// The system ID starts with the semi-unique name of this node unless it's
// a vnetid, in which case it's unique withn this cluster. Note that vnetid's
// always start with an asterisk. It does not otherwise.
if (iVNID)
{*sp++ = '*'; *sp++ = iType; *sp++ = '-';
strcpy(sp, iVNID);
sp += strlen(iVNID);
} else {
*sp++ = iType; *sp++ = '-';
strcpy(sp, instP);
sp += strlen(instP);
// Export the vnid
*sp = 0;
XrdOucEnv::Export("XRDCMSVNID", sidbuff);
*sp++ = ' '; cP = sp;
// Insert tag if we have one
if (iTag) sp += sprintf(sp, "%s.", iTag);
// Develop a unique cluster name for this cluster
if (!tp) sp += sprintf(sp, "%s", instP);
else {tpF = tp;
fMan = tp->text + strlen(tp->text) - 1;
while((tp = tp->next))
{fp = fMan; xp = tp->text + strlen(tp->text) - 1;
do {if (*fp != *xp) break;
} while(fp-- != tpF->text);
if ((n = xp - tp->text + 1) > 0)
{sp += sprintf(sp, "%d", tp->val);
if (sp+n >= sidend) return (char *)0;
strncpy(sp, tp->text, n); sp += n;
sp += sprintf(sp, "%d", tpF->val);
n = strlen(tpF->text);
if (sp+n >= sidend) return (char *)0;
strcpy(sp, tpF->text); sp += n;
// Set envar to hold the cluster name
*sp = '\0';
XrdOucEnv::Export("XRDCMSCLUSTERID", cP);
// Export the full virtual network ID
XrdOucEnv::Export("XRDCMSSYSID", sidbuff);
// Return the system ID
return strdup(sidbuff);