/* */
/* X r d C r y p t o s s l g s i A u x . h h */
/* */
/* (c) 2005, G. Ganis / CERN */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
/* */
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* */
/* GSI utility functions */
/* */
/* ************************************************************************** */
#include "XrdSut/XrdSutRndm.hh"
#include "XrdCrypto/XrdCryptogsiX509Chain.hh"
#include "XrdCrypto/XrdCryptosslAux.hh"
#include "XrdCrypto/XrdCryptosslRSA.hh"
#include "XrdCrypto/XrdCryptosslTrace.hh"
#include "XrdCrypto/XrdCryptosslX509.hh"
#include "XrdCrypto/XrdCryptosslX509Req.hh"
// //
// Extensions OID relevant for proxies //
// //
// X509v3 Key Usage: critical
#define KEY_USAGE_OID ""
// X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: must be absent
#define SUBJ_ALT_NAME_OID ""
// //
// VOMS relevant stuff //
// //
#define BIO_PRINT(b,c) \
BUF_MEM *bptr; \
BIO_get_mem_ptr(b, &bptr); \
if (bptr) { \
char *s = new char[bptr->length+1]; \
memcpy(s, bptr->data, bptr->length); \
s[bptr->length] = '\0'; \
PRINT(c << s); \
delete [] s; \
} else { \
PRINT("ERROR: "<length+1]; \
memcpy(s, bptr->data, bptr->length); \
s[bptr->length] = '\0'; \
str = s; \
delete [] s; \
} else { \
PRINT("ERROR: GET_STRING: BIO internal buffer undefined!"); \
} \
if (b) BIO_free(b);
#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x0090800f
# define XRDGSI_CONST const
static RSA *EVP_PKEY_get0_RSA(EVP_PKEY *pkey)
if (pkey->type != EVP_PKEY_RSA) {
return NULL;
return pkey->pkey.rsa;
int XrdCryptosslX509Asn1PrintInfo(int tag, int xclass, int constructed, int indent);
int XrdCryptosslX509FillUnknownExt(XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char **pp, long length);
int XrdCryptosslX509FillVOMS(XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char **pp,
long length, bool &getvat, XrdOucString &vat);
// //
// Handlers of the ProxyCertInfo extension following RFC3820 //
// //
bool XrdCryptosslProxyCertInfo(const void *extdata, int &pathlen, bool *haspolicy)
// Check presence of a proxyCertInfo and retrieve the path length constraint.
// Written following RFC3820, examples in openssl-/crypto source code.
// in gridsite code and Globus proxycertinfo.h / .c.
// if 'haspolicy' is defined, the existence of a policy field is checked;
// the content ignored for the time being.
// Make sure we got an extension
if (!extdata) {
return 0;
// Structure the buffer
X509_EXTENSION *ext = (X509_EXTENSION *)extdata;
// Check ProxyCertInfo OID
char s[80] = {0};
OBJ_obj2txt(s, sizeof(s), X509_EXTENSION_get_object(ext), 1);
// Now extract the path length constraint, if any
unsigned char *p = X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->data;
if (!strcmp(s, gsiProxyCertInfo_OID))
pci = d2i_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION(0, (XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char **)(&p), X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->length);
else if (!strcmp(s, gsiProxyCertInfo_OLD_OID))
pci = d2i_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION_OLD(0, (XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char **)(&p), X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->length);
if (!pci) {
return 0;
// Default length is -1, i.e. check disabled
pathlen = -1;
if (pci->pcPathLengthConstraint) {
pathlen = ASN1_INTEGER_get(pci->pcPathLengthConstraint);
// If required, check the existence of a policy field
if (haspolicy) {
*haspolicy = (pci->proxyPolicy) ? 1 : 0;
// We are done
return 1;
void XrdCryptosslSetPathLenConstraint(void *extdata, int pathlen)
// Set the patch length constraint valur in proxyCertInfo extension ext
// to 'pathlen'.
// Make sure we got an extension
if (!extdata)
// Structure the buffer
X509_EXTENSION *ext = (X509_EXTENSION *)extdata;
// Check ProxyCertInfo OID
char s[80] = {0};
OBJ_obj2txt(s, sizeof(s), X509_EXTENSION_get_object(ext), 1);
// Now extract the path length constraint, if any
unsigned char *p = X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->data;
if (!strcmp(s, gsiProxyCertInfo_OID))
pci = d2i_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION(0, (XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char **)(&p), X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->length);
else if (!strcmp(s, gsiProxyCertInfo_OLD_OID))
pci = d2i_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION_OLD(0, (XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char **)(&p), X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->length);
if (!pci)
// Set the new length
if (pci->pcPathLengthConstraint) {
ASN1_INTEGER_set(pci->pcPathLengthConstraint, pathlen);
// We are done
int XrdCryptosslX509CreateProxy(const char *fnc, const char *fnk,
XrdProxyOpt_t *pxopt,
XrdCryptogsiX509Chain *xp, XrdCryptoRSA **kp,
const char *fnp)
// Create a proxy certificate following the GSI specification (RFC 3820)
// for the EEC certificate in file 'fnc', private key in 'fnk'.
// A chain containing the proxy certificate and the EEC is returned in 'xp'
// and its full RSA key in 'kp'.
// The structure pxopt can be used to change the default options about
// number of bits for the key, duration validity and max path signature depth.
// If 'fpn' is defined, a PEM file is created with, in order, the proxy
// certificate, the related private key and the EEC certificate (standard
// GSI format).
// Policy fields in the CertProxyExtension not yet included.
// Return 0 in case of success, < 0 otherwise
// Make sure the files are specified
if (!fnc || !fnk || !xp || !kp) {
PRINT("invalid inputs ");
return -1;
// Init OpenSSL
// Use default options, if not specified
int bits = (pxopt && pxopt->bits >= 512) ? pxopt->bits : 512;
int valid = (pxopt) ? pxopt->valid : 43200; // 12 hours
int depthlen = (pxopt) ? pxopt->depthlen : -1; // unlimited
// Get EEC certificate from fnc
X509 *xEEC = 0;
FILE *fc = fopen(fnc, "r");
if (fc) {
// Read out the certificate
if (PEM_read_X509(fc, &xEEC, 0, 0)) {
DEBUG("EEC certificate loaded from file: "< XrdCryptosslASN1toUTC(X509_get_notAfter(xEEC))) {
PRINT("EEC certificate has expired");
return -kErrPX_ExpiredEEC;
// Get EEC private key from fnk
EVP_PKEY *ekEEC = 0;
FILE *fk = fopen(fnk, "r");
if (fk) {
// Read out the private key
XrdOucString sbj;
XrdCryptosslNameOneLine(X509_get_subject_name(xEEC), sbj);
PRINT("Your identity: "<
// with is a random unsigned int used also as serial
// number.
// Duplicate user subject name
X509_NAME *psubj = X509_NAME_dup(X509_get_subject_name(xEEC));
// Create an entry with the common name
unsigned char sn[20] = {0};
sprintf((char *)sn, "%d", serial);
if (!X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(psubj, (char *)"CN", MBSTRING_ASC,
sn, -1, -1, 0)) {
PRINT("could not add CN - (serial: "<proxyPolicy->policyLanguage = OBJ_txt2obj("", 1);
// Set the new length
if (depthlen > -1) {
if ((pci->pcPathLengthConstraint = ASN1_INTEGER_new())) {
ASN1_INTEGER_set(pci->pcPathLengthConstraint, depthlen);
} else {
PRINT("could not set the path length contrain");
return -kErrPX_SetPathDepth;
// create extension
X509_EXTENSION *ext = X509_EXTENSION_new();
if (!ext) {
PRINT("could not create extension object");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
// Set extension name.
ASN1_OBJECT *obj = OBJ_txt2obj(gsiProxyCertInfo_OID, 1);
if (!obj || X509_EXTENSION_set_object(ext, obj) != 1) {
PRINT("could not set extension name");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// flag as critical
if (X509_EXTENSION_set_critical(ext, 1) != 1) {
PRINT("could not set extension critical flag");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// Extract data in format for extension
X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->length = i2d_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION(pci, 0);
if (!(X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->data = (unsigned char *)malloc(X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->length+1))) {
PRINT("could not allocate data field for extension");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
unsigned char *pp = X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->data;
if ((i2d_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION(pci, &pp)) <= 0) {
PRINT("problem converting data for extension");
return -kErrPX_Error;
// Create a stack
STACK_OF(X509_EXTENSION) *esk = sk_X509_EXTENSION_new_null();
if (!esk) {
PRINT("could not create stack for extensions");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
// Now we add the new extension
if (sk_X509_EXTENSION_push(esk, ext) == 0) {
PRINT("could not push the extension in the stack");
return -kErrPX_Error;
// Add extension
if (!(X509_REQ_add_extensions(preq, esk))) {
PRINT("problem adding extension");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// Sign the request
if (!(X509_REQ_sign(preq, ekPX, EVP_sha1()))) {
PRINT("problems signing the request");
return -kErrPX_Signing;
// Create new proxy cert
X509 *xPX = X509_new();
if (!xPX) {
PRINT("could not create certificate object for proxies");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
// Set version number
if (X509_set_version(xPX, 2L) != 1) {
PRINT("could not set version");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// Set serial number
if (ASN1_INTEGER_set(X509_get_serialNumber(xPX), serial) != 1) {
PRINT("could not set serial number");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// Set subject name
if (X509_set_subject_name(xPX, psubj) != 1) {
PRINT("could not set subject name");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// Set issuer name
if (X509_set_issuer_name(xPX, X509_get_subject_name(xEEC)) != 1) {
PRINT("could not set issuer name");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// Set public key
if (X509_set_pubkey(xPX, ekPX) != 1) {
PRINT("could not set issuer name");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// Set proxy validity: notBefore now
if (!X509_gmtime_adj(X509_get_notBefore(xPX), 0)) {
PRINT("could not set notBefore");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// Set proxy validity: notAfter expire_secs from now
if (!X509_gmtime_adj(X509_get_notAfter(xPX), valid)) {
PRINT("could not set notAfter");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// First duplicate the extensions of the EE certificate
X509_EXTENSION *xEECext = 0;
int nEECext = X509_get_ext_count(xEEC);
DEBUG("number of extensions found in the original certificate: "<< nEECext);
int i = 0;
bool haskeyusage = 0;
for (i = 0; i< nEECext; i++) {
xEECext = X509_get_ext(xEEC, i);
char s[256];
OBJ_obj2txt(s, sizeof(s), X509_EXTENSION_get_object(xEECext), 1);
// Flag key usage extension
if (!haskeyusage && !strcmp(s, KEY_USAGE_OID)) haskeyusage = 1;
// Skip subject alternative name extension
if (!strcmp(s, SUBJ_ALT_NAME_OID)) continue;
// Duplicate and add to the stack
X509_EXTENSION *xEECextdup = X509_EXTENSION_dup(xEECext);
if (X509_add_ext(xPX, xEECextdup, -1) == 0) {
PRINT("could not push the extension '"<>> WARNING: critical extension 'Key Usage' not found in original certificate! ");
PRINT(">>> WARNING: this proxy may not be accepted by some parsers. ");
// Add the extension
if (X509_add_ext(xPX, ext, -1) != 1) {
PRINT("could not add extension");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// Sign the certificate
if (!(X509_sign(xPX, ekEEC, EVP_sha1()))) {
PRINT("problems signing the certificate");
return -kErrPX_Signing;
// Fill outputs
XrdCryptoX509 *xcPX = new XrdCryptosslX509(xPX);
if (!xcPX) {
PRINT("could not create container for proxy certificate");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
// We need the full key
((XrdCryptosslX509 *)xcPX)->SetPKI((XrdCryptoX509data)ekPX);
XrdCryptoX509 *xcEEC = new XrdCryptosslX509(xEEC);
if (!xcEEC) {
PRINT("could not create container for EEC certificate");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
*kp = new XrdCryptosslRSA(ekPX);
if (!(*kp)) {
PRINT("could not creatr out PKI");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
// Write to a file if requested
int rc = 0;
if (fnp) {
// Open the file in write mode
FILE *fp = fopen(fnp,"w");
int ifp = -1;
if (!fp) {
PRINT("cannot open file to save the proxy certificate (file: "<= 0x10000000L
#else /* OPENSSL */
#endif /* OPENSSL */
// We are done
return rc;
int XrdCryptosslX509CreateProxyReq(XrdCryptoX509 *xcpi,
XrdCryptoX509Req **xcro, XrdCryptoRSA **kcro)
// Create a proxy certificate request following the GSI specification
// (RFC 3820) for the proxy certificate 'xpi'.
// The proxy certificate is returned in 'xpo' and its full RSA key in 'kpo'.
// Policy fields in the CertProxyExtension not yet included.
// Return 0 in case of success, < 0 otherwise
// Make sure we got an proxy certificate as input
if (!xcpi || !(xcpi->Opaque())) {
PRINT("input proxy certificate not specified");
return -1;
// Point to the cerificate
X509 *xpi = (X509 *)(xcpi->Opaque());
// Make sure the certificate is not expired
if (!(xcpi->IsValid())) {
PRINT("EEC certificate has expired");
return -kErrPX_ExpiredEEC;
// Create a new request
X509_REQ *xro = X509_REQ_new();
if (!xro) {
PRINT("cannot to create cert request");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
// Use same num of bits as the signing certificate, but
// less than 512
int bits = EVP_PKEY_bits(X509_get_pubkey(xpi));
bits = (bits < 512) ? 512 : bits;
// Create the new PKI for the proxy (exponent 65537)
RSA *kro = RSA_new();
if (!kro) {
PRINT("proxy key could not be generated - return");
return -kErrPX_GenerateKey;
BIGNUM *e = BN_new();
if (!e) {
PRINT("proxy key could not be generated - return");
return -kErrPX_GenerateKey;
BN_set_word(e, 0x10001);
if (RSA_generate_key_ex(kro, bits, e, NULL) != 1) {
PRINT("proxy key could not be generated - return");
return -kErrPX_GenerateKey;
// Set the key into the request
EVP_PKEY *ekro = EVP_PKEY_new();
if (!ekro) {
PRINT("could not create a EVP_PKEY * instance - return");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(ekro, kro);
X509_REQ_set_pubkey(xro, ekro);
// Generate a serial number. Specification says that this *should*
// unique, so we just draw an unsigned random integer
unsigned int serial = XrdSutRndm::GetUInt();
// The subject name is the certificate subject + /CN=
// with is a random unsigned int used also as serial
// number.
// Duplicate user subject name
X509_NAME *psubj = X509_NAME_dup(X509_get_subject_name(xpi));
if (xcro && *xcro && *((int *)(*xcro)) <= 10100) {
// Delete existing proxy CN addition; for backward compatibility
int ne = X509_NAME_entry_count(psubj);
#else /* OPENSSL */
int ne = psubj->entries->num;
#endif /* OPENSSL */
if (ne >= 0) {
X509_NAME_ENTRY *cne = X509_NAME_delete_entry(psubj, ne-1);
if (cne) {
} else {
DEBUG("problems modifying subject name");
*xcro = 0;
// Create an entry with the common name
unsigned char sn[20] = {0};
sprintf((char *)sn, "%d", serial);
if (!X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(psubj, (char *)"CN", MBSTRING_ASC,
sn, -1, -1, 0)) {
PRINT("could not add CN - (serial: "<proxyPolicy->policyLanguage = OBJ_txt2obj("", 1);
// Create a stack
STACK_OF(X509_EXTENSION) *esk = sk_X509_EXTENSION_new_null();
if (!esk) {
PRINT("could not create stack for extensions");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
// Get signature path depth from present proxy
X509_EXTENSION *xpiext = 0;
int npiext = X509_get_ext_count(xpi);
int i = 0;
bool haskeyusage = 0;
int indepthlen = -1;
for (i = 0; i< npiext; i++) {
xpiext = X509_get_ext(xpi, i);
char s[256];
OBJ_obj2txt(s, sizeof(s), X509_EXTENSION_get_object(xpiext), 1);
// Flag key usage extension
if (!haskeyusage && !strcmp(s, KEY_USAGE_OID)) haskeyusage = 1;
// Skip subject alternative name extension
if (!strcmp(s, SUBJ_ALT_NAME_OID)) continue;
// Get signature path depth from present proxy
if (!strcmp(s, gsiProxyCertInfo_OID) ||
!strcmp(s, gsiProxyCertInfo_OLD_OID)) {
unsigned char *p = X509_EXTENSION_get_data(xpiext)->data;
if (!strcmp(s, gsiProxyCertInfo_OID))
inpci = d2i_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION(0, (XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char **)(&p), X509_EXTENSION_get_data(xpiext)->length);
inpci = d2i_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION_OLD(0, (XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char **)(&p), X509_EXTENSION_get_data(xpiext)->length);
if (inpci &&
indepthlen = ASN1_INTEGER_get(inpci->pcPathLengthConstraint);
DEBUG("IN depth length: "<>> WARNING: critical extension 'Key Usage' not found in original certificate! ");
PRINT(">>> WARNING: this proxy may not be accepted by some parsers. ");
// Set the new length
if (indepthlen > -1) {
if ((pci->pcPathLengthConstraint = ASN1_INTEGER_new())) {
int depthlen = (indepthlen > 0) ? (indepthlen-1) : 0;
ASN1_INTEGER_set(pci->pcPathLengthConstraint, depthlen);
} else {
PRINT("could not set the path length contrain");
return -kErrPX_SetPathDepth;
// create extension
X509_EXTENSION *ext = X509_EXTENSION_new();
if (!ext) {
PRINT("could not create extension object");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
// Extract data in format for extension
X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->length = i2d_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION(pci, 0);
if (!(X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->data = (unsigned char *)malloc(X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->length+1))) {
PRINT("could not allocate data field for extension");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
unsigned char *pp = X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->data;
if ((i2d_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION(pci, &pp)) <= 0) {
PRINT("problem converting data for extension");
return -kErrPX_Error;
// Set extension name.
ASN1_OBJECT *obj = OBJ_txt2obj(gsiProxyCertInfo_OID, 1);
if (!obj || X509_EXTENSION_set_object(ext, obj) != 1) {
PRINT("could not set extension name");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// flag as critical
if (X509_EXTENSION_set_critical(ext, 1) != 1) {
PRINT("could not set extension critical flag");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
if (sk_X509_EXTENSION_push(esk, ext) == 0) {
PRINT("could not push the extension in the stack");
return -kErrPX_Error;
// Add extensions
if (!(X509_REQ_add_extensions(xro, esk))) {
PRINT("problem adding extension");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// Sign the request
if (!(X509_REQ_sign(xro, ekro, EVP_sha1()))) {
PRINT("problems signing the request");
return -kErrPX_Signing;
// Prepare output
*xcro = new XrdCryptosslX509Req(xro);
*kcro = new XrdCryptosslRSA(ekro);
// Cleanup
sk_X509_EXTENSION_pop_free(esk, X509_EXTENSION_free);
#else /* OPENSSL */
#endif /* OPENSSL */
// We are done
return 0;
int XrdCryptosslX509SignProxyReq(XrdCryptoX509 *xcpi, XrdCryptoRSA *kcpi,
XrdCryptoX509Req *xcri, XrdCryptoX509 **xcpo)
// Sign a proxy certificate request.
// Return 0 in case of success, < 0 otherwise
// Make sure we got the right inputs
if (!xcpi || !kcpi || !xcri || !xcpo) {
PRINT("invalid inputs");
return -1;
// Make sure the certificate is not expired
int timeleft = xcpi->NotAfter() - (int)time(0) + XrdCryptoTZCorr();
if (timeleft < 0) {
PRINT("EEC certificate has expired");
return -kErrPX_ExpiredEEC;
// Point to the cerificate
X509 *xpi = (X509 *)(xcpi->Opaque());
// Check key consistency
if (kcpi->status != XrdCryptoRSA::kComplete) {
PRINT("inconsistent key loaded");
return -kErrPX_BadEECkey;
// Point to the cerificate
RSA *kpi = EVP_PKEY_get0_RSA((EVP_PKEY *)(kcpi->Opaque()));
// Set the key into the request
EVP_PKEY *ekpi = EVP_PKEY_new();
if (!ekpi) {
PRINT("could not create a EVP_PKEY * instance - return");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(ekpi, kpi);
// Get request in raw form
X509_REQ *xri = (X509_REQ *)(xcri->Opaque());
// Extract subject names
XrdOucString psbj, rsbj;
XrdCryptosslNameOneLine(X509_get_subject_name(xpi), psbj);
XrdCryptosslNameOneLine(X509_REQ_get_subject_name(xri), rsbj);
if (psbj.length() <= 0 || rsbj.length() <= 0) {
PRINT("names undefined");
return -kErrPX_BadNames;
// Check the subject name: the new proxy one must be in the form
// ' + /CN='
XrdOucString neecp(psbj);
XrdOucString neecr(rsbj,0,rsbj.rfind("/CN=")-1);
if (neecr.length() <= 0 || neecr.length() <= 0 || neecp != neecr) {
if (xcri->Version() <= 10100) {
// Support previous format
if (neecr.length() <= 0 || neecr.length() <= 0 || neecp != neecr) {
PRINT("Request subject not in the form ' + /CN='");
PRINT(" Versn: "<Version());
PRINT(" Proxy: "< + /CN='");
PRINT(" Versn: "<Version());
PRINT(" Proxy: "<data;
if (!strcmp(s, gsiProxyCertInfo_OID))
inpci = d2i_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION(0, (XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char **)(&p), X509_EXTENSION_get_data(xpiext)->length);
inpci = d2i_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION_OLD(0, (XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char **)(&p), X509_EXTENSION_get_data(xpiext)->length);
if (inpci &&
indepthlen = ASN1_INTEGER_get(inpci->pcPathLengthConstraint);
DEBUG("IN depth length: "<= 0x10000000L
int nriext = sk_X509_EXTENSION_num(xrisk);
#else /* OPENSSL */
int nriext = sk_num(xrisk);
#endif /* OPENSSL */
if (nriext == 0 || !haskeyusage) {
PRINT("wrong extensions in request: "<< nriext<<", "<data;
d2i_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION(0, (XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char **)(&p), X509_EXTENSION_get_data(xriext)->length);
if (reqpci &&
reqdepthlen = ASN1_INTEGER_get(reqpci->pcPathLengthConstraint);
DEBUG("REQ depth length: "<proxyPolicy->policyLanguage = OBJ_txt2obj("", 1);
// Set the new length
if (outdepthlen > -1) {
if ((pci->pcPathLengthConstraint = ASN1_INTEGER_new())) {
int depthlen = (outdepthlen > 0) ? (outdepthlen-1) : 0;
ASN1_INTEGER_set(pci->pcPathLengthConstraint, depthlen);
} else {
PRINT("could not set the path length contrain");
return -kErrPX_SetPathDepth;
// create extension
X509_EXTENSION *ext = X509_EXTENSION_new();
if (!ext) {
PRINT("could not create extension object");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
// Extract data in format for extension
X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->length = i2d_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION(pci, 0);
if (!(X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->data = (unsigned char *)malloc(X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->length+1))) {
PRINT("could not allocate data field for extension");
return -kErrPX_NoResources;
unsigned char *pp = X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->data;
if ((i2d_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION(pci, &pp)) <= 0) {
PRINT("problem converting data for extension");
return -kErrPX_Error;
// Set extension name.
ASN1_OBJECT *obj = OBJ_txt2obj(gsiProxyCertInfo_OID, 1);
if (!obj || X509_EXTENSION_set_object(ext, obj) != 1) {
PRINT("could not set extension name");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
ASN1_OBJECT_free( obj );
// flag as critical
if (X509_EXTENSION_set_critical(ext, 1) != 1) {
PRINT("could not set extension critical flag");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// Add the extension
if (X509_add_ext(xpo, ext, -1) == 0) {
PRINT("could not add extension");
return -kErrPX_SetAttribute;
// Sign the certificate
if (!(X509_sign(xpo, ekpi, EVP_sha1()))) {
PRINT("problems signing the certificate");
return -kErrPX_Signing;
EVP_PKEY_free( ekpi ); // decrement reference counter
X509_EXTENSION_free( ext );
// Prepare outputs
*xcpo = new XrdCryptosslX509(xpo);
// Cleanup
#else /* OPENSSL */
#endif /* OPENSSL */
// We are done
return 0;
int XrdCryptosslX509GetVOMSAttr(XrdCryptoX509 *xcpi, XrdOucString &vat)
// Get VOMS attributes from the certificate, if present
// Return 0 in case of success, 1 if VOMS info is not available, < 0 if any
// error occured
int rc = -1;
// Make sure we got the right inputs
if (!xcpi) {
PRINT("invalid inputs");
return rc;
// Point to the cerificate
X509 *xpi = (X509 *)(xcpi->Opaque());
rc = 1;
bool getvat = 0;
// Go through the extensions
X509_EXTENSION *xpiext = 0;
int npiext = X509_get_ext_count(xpi);
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i< npiext; i++) {
xpiext = X509_get_ext(xpi, i);
char s[256];
OBJ_obj2txt(s, sizeof(s), X509_EXTENSION_get_object(xpiext), 1);
// Notify what we found
DEBUG("found extension '"<data;
long length = X509_EXTENSION_get_data(xpiext)->length;
int ret = XrdCryptosslX509FillVOMS(&pp, length, getvat, vat);
DEBUG("ret: " << ret << " - vat: " << vat);
// Done
return rc;
int XrdCryptosslX509FillVOMS(XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char **pp,
long length, bool &getvat, XrdOucString &vat)
// Look recursively for the VOMS attributes
// Return 2 if found, 1 if to continue searching, 0 to stop
XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char *p,*ep,*tot,*op,*opp;
long len;
int tag, xclass, ret = 0;
int /*nl,*/ hl,j,r;
ASN1_OBJECT *o = 0;
bool gotvat = 0;
p = *pp;
tot = p + length;
op = p - 1;
while ((p < tot) && (op < p)) {
op = p;
j = ASN1_get_object(&p, &len, &tag, &xclass, length);
#ifdef LINT
j = j;
if (j & 0x80) {
PRINT("ERROR: error in encoding");
ret = 0;
goto end;
hl = (p-op);
length -= hl;
/* if j == 0x21 it is a constructed indefinite length object */
ep = p + len;
if (len > length) {
PRINT("ERROR:CONST: length is greater than " <= tot))
} else {
while (p < ep) {
r = XrdCryptosslX509FillVOMS(&p, (long)len, getvat, vat);
if (r == 0) {
ret = 0;
goto end;
} else {
// nl = 0;
if (tag == V_ASN1_OBJECT) {
opp = op;
if (d2i_ASN1_OBJECT(&o, &opp, len+hl)) {
BIO *mem = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
i2a_ASN1_OBJECT(mem, o);
XrdOucString objstr;
BIO_GET_STRING(mem, objstr);
// Looking for the right extension ...
if (objstr == XRDGSI_VOMS_ATCAP_OID || objstr == "idatcap") getvat = 1;
DEBUG("AOBJ:"<length > 0) {
opp = os->data;
// Testing whether the octet string is printable
for (i=0; ilength; i++) {
if (( (opp[i] < ' ') && (opp[i] != '\n') &&
(opp[i] != '\r') && (opp[i] != '\t')) || (opp[i] > '~')) {
printable = 0;
if (printable) {
// Printable string: it may be what we need
if (getvat) {
if (vat.length() > 0) vat += ",";
vat += (const char *)opp;
gotvat = 1;
DEBUG("OBJS:" << (const char *)opp << " (len: "<length<<")");
if (os) {
os = 0;
p += len;
if ((tag == V_ASN1_EOC) && (xclass == 0)) {
ret = 2; /* End of sequence */
goto end;
length -= len;
ret = 1;
if (gotvat) {
getvat = 0;
ret = 2;
if (o) ASN1_OBJECT_free(o);
if (os) ASN1_OCTET_STRING_free(os);
*pp = p;
DEBUG("ret: "<Opaque());
// Are there any extension?
int numext = X509_get_ext_count(cert);
if (numext <= 0) {
emsg = "certificate has got no extensions";
return -1;
TRACE(ALL,"certificate has "<data;
pci = d2i_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION(0, (XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char **)(&p), X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->length);
} else {
PRINT("WARNING: multiple proxyCertInfo extensions found: taking the first");
} else if (!strncmp(s, gsiProxyCertInfo_OLD_OID, sizeof(gsiProxyCertInfo_OLD_OID))) {
if (ext == 0) {
ext = xext;
// Now get the extension
unsigned char *p = X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->data;
pci = d2i_PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION_OLD(0, (XRDGSI_CONST unsigned char **)(&p), X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)->length);
} else {
PRINT("WARNING: multiple proxyCertInfo extensions found: taking the first");
// If the extension was not found it is probably a legacy (v2) proxy: signal it
if (!ext) {
emsg = "proxyCertInfo extension not found";
return -2;
if (!pci) {
emsg = "proxyCertInfo extension could not be deserialized";
return -1;
// Check if there is a policy
if ((pci->proxyPolicy) == 0) {
emsg = "could not access policy from proxyCertInfo extension";
return -1;
if ((pci->proxyPolicy->policyLanguage) == 0) {
emsg = "could not access policy language from proxyCertInfo extension";
return -1;
// Done
return 0;