/* */
/* X r d D i g F S . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2013 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Deprtment of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdVersion.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucStream.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysHeaders.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysLogger.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh"
#include "XrdSec/XrdSecInterface.hh"
#include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsAio.hh"
#include "XrdDig/XrdDigConfig.hh"
#include "XrdDig/XrdDigFS.hh"
#ifdef AIX
/* L o c a l D e f i n e s */
#ifdef __linux__
#define IS_PROC(x) !strncmp(x+SFS_LCLPLEN, "proc", 4) \
&& (*(x+SFS_LCLPLEN+4) == '\0'||*(x+SFS_LCLPLEN+4) == '/')
/* G l o b a l O b j e c t s */
namespace XrdDig
XrdSysError *eDest;
extern XrdDigConfig Config;
using namespace XrdDig;
/* U n i x F i l e S y s t e m I n t e r f a c e */
class XrdDigUFS
static int Close(int fd) {return close(fd);}
static int Open(const char *path, int oflag) {return open(path, oflag);}
static int Statfd(int fd, struct stat *buf) {return fstat(fd, buf);}
static int Statfn(const char *fn, struct stat *buf) {return stat(fn, buf);}
static int Statlk(const char *fn, struct stat *buf) {return lstat(fn, buf);}
/* X r d D i g G e t F S */
XrdSfsFileSystem *XrdDigGetFS(XrdSfsFileSystem *native_fs,
XrdSysLogger *lp,
const char *cFN,
const char *parms)
static XrdSysError Eroute(lp, "XrdDig");
static XrdDigFS myFS;
bool isOK;
Eroute.Say("Copr. 2013 Stanford University/SLAC dig file system");
eDest = &Eroute;
// Configure
eDest->Say("++++++ DigFS initialization started.");
isOK = Config.Configure(cFN, parms);
eDest->Say("------ DigFS initialization ",(isOK ? "completed." : "failed."));
// All done
return (isOK ? &myFS : 0);
/* D i r e c t o r y O b j e c t I n t e r f a c e s */
/* o p e n */
int XrdDigDirectory::open(const char *dir_path, // In
const XrdSecClientName *client, // In
const char *info) // In
Function: Open the directory `path' and prepare for reading.
Input: path - The fully qualified name of the directory to open.
cred - Authentication credentials, if any.
info - Opaque information, if any.
Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success, otherwise SFS_ERROR.
static const char *epname = "opendir";
int retc;
// Verify that this object is not already associated with an open directory
if (dh || isBase) return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname, error, EADDRINUSE,
"open directory", dir_path);
// Check if we are trying to open the root to list it
if (!strcmp(dir_path, SFS_LCLPRFX) || !strcmp(dir_path, SFS_LCLPRFY))
{isBase = true;
if ((dirFD = Config.GenAccess(client, dirent_full.aEnt, aESZ)) < 0)
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname,error,EACCES,"open directory",dir_path);
ateof = dirFD == 0;
return SFS_OK;
// Authorize this open and get actual file name to open
if ( (retc = XrdDigFS::Validate(dir_path))
|| !(fname = Config.GenPath(retc, client, "opendir",
dir_path+SFS_LCLPLEN, XrdDigConfig::isDir)))
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname,error,retc,"open directory",dir_path);
// Set up values for this directory object
ateof = false;
// Open the directory and get it's id
if (!(dh = opendir(fname)))
{if (fname) {free(fname); fname = 0;}
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname,error,errno,"open directory",dir_path);
// Check if this is a reference to /proc (Linux only)
#ifdef __linux__
if (IS_PROC(dir_path))
{noTag = *(dir_path+SFS_LCLPLEN+4) == 0
|| !strcmp(dir_path+SFS_LCLPLEN+4, "/");
isProc = true;
dirFD = dirfd(dh);
// All done
return SFS_OK;
/* n e x t E n t r y */
const char *XrdDigDirectory::nextEntry()
Function: Read the next directory entry.
Input: None.
Output: Upon success, returns the contents of the next directory entry as
a null terminated string. Returns a null pointer upon EOF or an
error. To differentiate the two cases, getErrorInfo will return
0 upon EOF and an actual error code (i.e., not 0) on error.
static const char *epname = "nextEntry";
static const int wMask = ~(S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH);
struct dirent *rp;
int retc;
// Check for base listing
if (isBase)
{if (dirFD > 0) return dirent_full.aEnt[--dirFD];
ateof = true;
return (const char *)0;
// Lock the direcrtory and do any required tracing
if (!dh)
{XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname,error,EBADF,"read directory",fname);
return (const char *)0;
// Check if we are at EOF (once there we stay there)
if (ateof) return (const char *)0;
// Read the next directory entry
#ifdef __linux__
do{errno = 0;
rp = readdir(dh);
if (!rp)
{if (!(retc = errno)) {ateof = 1; error.clear();}
else XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname,error,retc,"read directory",fname);
d_pnt->d_name[0] = '\0';
return (const char *)0;
do{if ((retc = readdir_r(dh, d_pnt, &rp)))
{XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname,error,retc,"read directory",fname);
d_pnt->d_name[0] = '\0';
return (const char *)0;
// Check if we have reached end of file
if (!rp || !d_pnt->d_name[0])
{ateof = true;
return (const char *)0;
// If autostat wanted, do so here
if (sBuff)
int sFlags = (isProc ? AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW : 0);
if (fstatat(dirFD, rp->d_name, sBuff, sFlags)) continue;
sBuff->st_mode = (sBuff->st_mode & wMask) | S_IRUSR;
char dPath[2048];
snprintf(dPath, sizeof(dPath), "%s%s", fname, rp->d_name);
if (stat(dPath, sBuff)) continue;
sBuff->st_mode = (sBuff->st_mode & wMask) | S_IRUSR;
// We want to extend the directory entry information with symlink information
// if this is a symlink. This is only done for /proc (Linux only)
#ifdef __linux__
if (isProc)
{struct stat Stat, *sP = (sBuff ? sBuff : &Stat);
char *dP;
int n, rc;
rc = (sBuff ? 0:fstatat(dirFD,rp->d_name,&Stat,AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW));
if (!rc && !noTag && S_ISLNK(sP->st_mode))
{n = strlen(rp->d_name);
dP = rp->d_name + n + 4;
n = sizeof(dirent_full.nbf) - (n + 8);
if ((n = readlinkat(dirFD,rp->d_name,dP,n)) < 0) strcpy(dP,"?");
else *(dP+n) = 0;
memcpy(dP-4, " -> ", 4);
// Return the actual entry
return (const char *)(rp->d_name);
} while(1);
return 0; // Keep compiler happy
/* c l o s e */
int XrdDigDirectory::close()
Function: Close the directory object.
Input: cred - Authentication credentials, if any.
Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure.
static const char *epname = "closedir";
// Release the handle
sBuff = 0;
if (dh && closedir(dh))
{XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname, error, errno, "close directory", fname);
return SFS_ERROR;
// Do some clean-up
if (fname) {free(fname); fname = 0;}
dh = (DIR *)0;
isProc = isBase = false;
return SFS_OK;
/* F i l e O b j e c t I n t e r f a c e s */
/* o p e n */
int XrdDigFile::open(const char *path, // In
XrdSfsFileOpenMode open_mode, // In
mode_t Mode, // In
const XrdSecClientName *client, // In
const char *info) // In
Function: Open the file `path' in the mode indicated by `open_mode'.
Input: path - The fully qualified name of the file to open.
open_mode - One of the following flag values:
SFS_O_RDONLY - Open file for reading (only allowed)
Mode - Ignored.
client - Authentication credentials, if any.
info - Opaque information to be used as seen fit.
Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success, otherwise SFS_ERROR is returned.
static const char *epname = "open";
int retc;
struct stat buf;
// Verify that this object is not already associated with an open file
if (oh >= 0)
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname,error,EADDRINUSE,"open file",path);
// Allow only opens in readonly mode
if (open_mode && open_mode != SFS_O_RDONLY)
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname,error,EROFS,"open file",path);
// Authorize this open and get actual file name to open
if ( (retc = XrdDigFS::Validate(path))
|| !(fname = Config.GenPath(retc, client, "open",
path+SFS_LCLPLEN, XrdDigConfig::isFile)))
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname,error,retc,"open file",path);
// Prohibit opening of a symlink in /proc (linux only) and memory
#ifdef __linux__
if (IS_PROC(path))
{struct stat Stat;
if (XrdDigUFS::Statlk(fname, &Stat)) retc = errno;
else if (!S_ISREG(Stat.st_mode)) retc = EPERM;
else retc = 0;
if (!retc && strstr(fname, "/mem")) retc = EACCES;
if (retc)
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname, error, retc, "open proc file", path);
isProc = true;
// Open the file and make sure it is a file
if ((oh = XrdDigUFS::Open(fname, O_RDONLY)) >= 0)
{do {retc = XrdDigUFS::Statfd(oh, &buf);} while(retc && errno == EINTR);
if (!retc && !(buf.st_mode & S_IFREG))
oh = (buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR ? -EISDIR : -ENOTBLK);
} else oh = -errno;
// All done.
if (oh >= 0) return SFS_OK;
if (fname) {free(fname); fname = 0;}
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname,error,oh,"open file",path);
/* c l o s e */
int XrdDigFile::close()
Function: Close the file object.
Input: None
Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure.
static const char *epname = "close";
// Release the handle and return
if (oh >= 0 && XrdDigUFS::Close(oh))
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname, error, errno, "close", fname);
oh = -1;
if (fname) {free(fname); fname = 0;}
return SFS_OK;
/* f c t l */
int XrdDigFile::fctl(const int cmd,
const char *args,
XrdOucErrInfo &out_error)
// See if we can do this
if (cmd == SFS_FCTL_GETFD)
{out_error.setErrCode(isProc ? -1 : oh);
return SFS_OK;
// We don't support this
out_error.setErrInfo(EEXIST, "fctl operation not supported");
return SFS_ERROR;
/* r e a d */
XrdSfsXferSize XrdDigFile::read(XrdSfsFileOffset offset, // In
char *buff, // Out
XrdSfsXferSize blen) // In
Function: Read `blen' bytes at `offset' into 'buff' and return the actual
number of bytes read.
Input: offset - The absolute byte offset at which to start the read.
buff - Address of the buffer in which to place the data.
blen - The size of the buffer. This is the maximum number
of bytes that will be read from 'fd'.
Output: Returns the number of bytes read upon success and SFS_ERROR o/w.
static const char *epname = "read";
XrdSfsXferSize nbytes;
// Make sure the offset is not too large
if (offset > 0x000000007fffffff)
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname, error, EFBIG, "read", fname);
// Read the actual number of bytes
do { nbytes = pread(oh, (void *)buff, (size_t)blen, (off_t)offset); }
while(nbytes < 0 && errno == EINTR);
if (nbytes < 0)
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname, error, errno, "read", fname);
// Return number of bytes read
return nbytes;
/* r e a d v */
XrdSfsXferSize XrdDigFile::readv(XrdOucIOVec *readV, // In
int readCount) // In
Function: Perform all the reads specified in the readV vector.
Input: readV - A description of the reads to perform; includes the
absolute offset, the size of the read, and the buffer
to place the data into.
readCount - The size of the readV vector.
Output: Returns the number of bytes read upon success and SFS_ERROR o/w.
If the number of bytes read is less than requested, it is considered
an error.
static const char *epname = "readv";
XrdSfsXferSize nbytes = 0;
ssize_t curCount;
int i;
for (i=0; i 0) errno = ESPIPE;
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname, error, errno, "readv", fname);
nbytes += curCount;
return nbytes;
/* r e a d A I O */
int XrdDigFile::read(XrdSfsAio *aiop)
// Execute this request in a synchronous fashion
aiop->Result = this->read((XrdSfsFileOffset)aiop->sfsAio.aio_offset,
(char *)aiop->sfsAio.aio_buf,
return 0;
/* s t a t */
int XrdDigFile::stat(struct stat *buf) // Out
Function: Return file status information
Input: buf - The stat structiure to hold the results
Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure.
static const char *epname = "stat";
static const int wMask = ~(S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH);
// Execute the function
if (XrdDigUFS::Statfd(oh, buf))
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname, error, errno, "stat", fname);
// Fixup size when stat is issued into /proc (linux only would set isProc)
if (isProc && !buf->st_size && S_ISREG(buf->st_mode)) buf->st_size = 1048576;
// Turn off write bits in the mode
buf->st_mode &= wMask;
// All went well
return SFS_OK;
/* F i l e S y s t e m O b j e c t I n t e r f a c e s */
/* E m s g */
int XrdDigFS::Emsg(const char *pfx, // Message prefix value
XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Place to put text & error code
int ecode, // The error code
const char *op, // Operation being performed
const char *target) // The target (e.g., fname)
char *etext, buffer[MAXPATHLEN+80], unkbuff[64];
// Get the reason for the error
if (ecode < 0) ecode = -ecode;
if (!(etext = strerror(ecode)))
{sprintf(unkbuff, "reason unknown (%d)", ecode); etext = unkbuff;}
// Format the error message
snprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer),"Unable to %s %s; %s", op, target, etext);
// Print it out if debugging is enabled
#ifndef NODEBUG
eDest->Emsg(pfx, buffer);
// Place the error message in the error object and return
einfo.setErrInfo(ecode, buffer);
return SFS_ERROR;
/* e x i s t s */
int XrdDigFS::exists(const char *path, // In
XrdSfsFileExistence &file_exists, // Out
XrdOucErrInfo &error, // Out
const XrdSecClientName *client, // In
const char *info) // In
Function: Determine if file 'path' actually exists.
Input: path - Is the fully qualified name of the file to be tested.
file_exists - Is the address of the variable to hold the status of
'path' when success is returned. The values may be:
XrdSfsFileExistsIsDirectory - file not found but path is valid.
XrdSfsFileExistsIsFile - file found.
XrdSfsFileExistsIsNo - neither file nor directory.
einfo - Error information object holding the details.
client - Authentication credentials, if any.
info - Opaque information, if any.
Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure.
Notes: When failure occurs, 'file_exists' is not modified.
static const char *epname = "exists";
struct stat fstat;
// Now try to find the file or directory
if (!XrdDigUFS::Statfn(path, &fstat))
{ if (S_ISDIR(fstat.st_mode)) file_exists=XrdSfsFileExistIsDirectory;
else if (S_ISREG(fstat.st_mode)) file_exists=XrdSfsFileExistIsFile;
else file_exists=XrdSfsFileExistNo;
return SFS_OK;
if (errno == ENOENT)
return SFS_OK;
// An error occured, return the error info
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname, error, errno, "locate", path);
/* f s c t l */
int XrdDigFS::fsctl(const int cmd,
const char *args,
XrdOucErrInfo &eInfo,
const XrdSecClientName *client)
Function: Perform filesystem operations:
Input: cmd - Operation command (currently supported):
SFS_FSCTL_LOCATE - locate file (always local)
arg - Command dependent argument:
- Locate: The path whose location is wanted
eInfo - Error/Response information structure.
client - Authentication credentials, if any.
Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure.
// Process the LOCATE request. We only support "*/path" type of requests and
// if valid, we return ourselves as the location. Security is not applied here.
{if ((*args == '*' && !(SFS_LCLROOT(args+1)))
|| (*args == '/' && !(SFS_LCLROOT(args ))))
{eInfo.setErrInfo(EINVAL, "Invalid locate path");
return SFS_ERROR;
Config.GetLocResp(eInfo, (cmd & SFS_O_HNAME));
return SFS_DATA;
// We don't support anything else
eInfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "Operation not supported.");
return SFS_ERROR;
/* g e t V e r s i o n */
const char *XrdDigFS::getVersion() {return XrdVERSION;}
/* Private: R e j e c t */
int XrdDigFS::Reject(const char *op, const char *trg, XrdOucErrInfo &eInfo)
return XrdDigFS::Emsg("Inspect", eInfo, EROFS, op, trg);
/* s t a t */
int XrdDigFS::stat(const char *path, // In
struct stat *buf, // Out
XrdOucErrInfo &error, // Out
const XrdSecClientName *client, // In
const char *info) // In
Function: Get info on 'path'.
Input: path - Is the fully qualified name of the file to be tested.
buf - The stat structiure to hold the results
error - Error information object holding the details.
client - Authentication credentials, if any.
info - Opaque information, if any.
Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure.
static const char *epname = "stat";
static const int wMask = ~(S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH);
char *fname;
int retc;
// Check if we are trying to stat the root
if (!strcmp(path, SFS_LCLPRFX) || !strcmp(path, SFS_LCLPRFY))
{const char *auth;
if (Config.GenAccess(client, &auth, 1) < 0)
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname,error,EACCES,"stat directory",path);
return SFS_OK;
// Authorize and get the correct fname to stat
if ((retc = Validate(path))
|| !(fname = Config.GenPath(retc, client, "stat", path+SFS_LCLPLEN)))
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname,error,retc,"stat",path);
// Fixup filename when stat is issued into /proc (linux only)
#ifdef __linux__
char *myLink;
if ((myLink = strstr(fname, " -> "))) *myLink = 0;
// Execute the function
if (XrdDigUFS::Statfn(fname, buf))
{retc = errno;
return XrdDigFS::Emsg(epname, error, retc, "stat", path);
// Turn off write bits in the mode
buf->st_mode &= wMask;
// All went well
return SFS_OK;
/* V a l i d a t e */
int XrdDigFS::Validate(const char *path)
// Make sure this is our path and is legal
return (SFS_LCLPATH(path) && *(path+SFS_LCLPLEN) ? 0 : EPERM);