/* xrootdfs.cc FUSE based file system interface to Xrootd Storage Cluster */
/* */
/* (c) 2010 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Author: Wei Yang (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2009) */
/* Contract DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#if defined(__linux__)
/* For pread()/pwrite() */
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
#ifdef HAVE_FUSE
#if !defined(__solaris__)
#include "XrdFfs/XrdFfsPosix.hh"
#include "XrdFfs/XrdFfsMisc.hh"
#include "XrdFfs/XrdFfsWcache.hh"
#include "XrdFfs/XrdFfsQueue.hh"
//#include "XrdFfs/XrdFfsDent.hh"
#include "XrdFfs/XrdFfsFsinfo.hh"
#include "XrdPosix/XrdPosixXrootd.hh"
#define MAXROOTURLLEN 1024 // this is also defined in other files
struct XROOTDFS {
char *rdr;
char *cns;
char *fastls;
char *daemon_user;
char *ssskeytab;
char *urlcachelife;
bool ofsfwd;
int nworkers;
int maxfd;
int cwdfd; // File descript of the initial working dir
struct XROOTDFS xrootdfs;
static struct fuse_opt xrootdfs_opts[14];
static void* xrootdfs_init(struct fuse_conn_info *conn)
struct passwd pw, *pwp;
char *pwbuf;
size_t pwbuflen;
struct rlimit rl;
rl.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY;
rl.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY;
setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rl); // attemp to enable core dump
pwbuflen = sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX);
pwbuf = (char*)malloc(pwbuflen + 1);
if (xrootdfs.daemon_user != NULL)
int i, len;
len = strlen(xrootdfs.daemon_user);
for (i=0; ifdOrigin(), xrootdfs.maxfd);
From FAQ:
Miscellaneous threads should be started from the init() method.
Threads started before fuse_main() will exit when the process goes
into the background.
syslog(LOG_INFO, "INFO: Starting %d workers", XrdFfsQueue_count_workers());
syslog(LOG_INFO, "INFO: Not compiled to use task queue");
if (fchdir(cwdfd)) {};
return NULL;
static int xrootdfs_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *stbuf)
// int res, fd;
int res;
char rootpath[MAXROOTURLLEN];
// uid_t user_uid, uid;
// gid_t user_gid, gid;
// user_uid = fuse_get_context()->uid;
// uid = getuid();
// user_gid = fuse_get_context()->gid;
// gid = getgid();
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_register(fuse_get_context()->uid, fuse_get_context()->gid, 0);
if (xrootdfs.cns != NULL && xrootdfs.fastls != NULL)
// setegid(fuse_get_context()->gid);
// seteuid(fuse_get_context()->uid);
res = XrdFfsPosix_stat(rootpath, stbuf);
if (xrootdfs.cns != NULL && xrootdfs.fastls != NULL)
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.cns, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
res = XrdFfsPosix_stat(rootpath, stbuf);
res = XrdFfsPosix_statall(xrootdfs.rdr, path, stbuf, fuse_get_context()->uid);
// seteuid(getuid());
// setegid(getgid());
// stbuf->st_uid = user_uid;
// stbuf->st_gid = user_gid;
if (res == 0)
if (S_ISREG(stbuf->st_mode))
By adding the following 'if' block, 'xrootdfs.fastls = RDR' will force XrootdFS to check
with redirector for file status info (not directory).
Some applicatios such as SRM may do extensive file or directory existence checking.
These applications can't tolerant slow responding on file or directory info (if
don't exist). They also expect correct file size. For this type of application, we
can set 'xrootdfs.fastls = RDR'.
Allowing multi-thread may solve this problem. However, XrootdFS crashs under some
situation, and we have to add -s (single thread) option when runing XrootdFS.
if (xrootdfs.cns != NULL && xrootdfs.fastls != NULL && strcmp(xrootdfs.fastls,"RDR") == 0)
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.rdr, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
XrdFfsPosix_stat(rootpath, stbuf);
// stbuf->st_uid = user_uid;
// stbuf->st_gid = user_gid;
stbuf->st_mode |= 0666;
stbuf->st_mode &= 0772777; /* remove sticky bit and suid bit */
stbuf->st_blksize = 32768; /* unfortunately, it is ignored, see include/fuse.h */
return 0;
else if (S_ISDIR(stbuf->st_mode))
stbuf->st_mode |= 0777;
stbuf->st_mode &= 0772777; /* remove sticky bit and suid bit */
return 0;
return -EIO;
else if (res == -1 && xrootdfs.cns != NULL && xrootdfs.fastls != NULL)
return -errno;
else if (xrootdfs.cns == NULL)
return -errno;
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.cns, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
res = XrdFfsPosix_stat(rootpath, stbuf);
// stbuf->st_uid = user_uid;
// stbuf->st_gid = user_gid;
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
if (S_ISREG(stbuf->st_mode))
return -ENOENT;
else if (S_ISDIR(stbuf->st_mode))
stbuf->st_mode |= 0777;
stbuf->st_mode &= 0772777;
return 0;
return -EIO;
static int xrootdfs_access(const char *path, int mask)
int res;
res = access(path, mask);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
return 0;
static int xrootdfs_readlink(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size)
int res;
res = readlink(path, buf, size - 1);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
buf[res] = '\0';
return 0;
static int xrootdfs_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler,
off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *de;
(void) offset;
(void) fi;
char rootpath[MAXROOTURLLEN];
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_register(fuse_get_context()->uid, fuse_get_context()->gid, 0);
if CNS server is not defined, there is no way to list files in a directory
because we don't know the data nodes
if (xrootdfs.cns != NULL)
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.cns, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
dp = XrdFfsPosix_opendir(rootpath);
if (dp == NULL)
return -errno;
while ((de = XrdFfsPosix_readdir(dp)) != NULL)
struct stat st;
memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
st.st_ino = de->d_ino;
st.st_mode = de->d_type << 12;
if (filler(buf, de->d_name, NULL, 0))
return 0;
else /* if there is no CNS, try collect dirents from all known data servers. */
int i, n;
char **dnarray = NULL;
n = XrdFfsPosix_readdirall(xrootdfs.rdr, path, &dnarray, fuse_get_context()->uid);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (filler(buf, dnarray[i], NULL, 0)) break;
this loop should not be merged with the above loop because all members of
dnarray[] should be freed, or there will be memory leak.
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
return -errno;
static int xrootdfs_do_create(const char *path, const char *url, int oflags, bool use_link_id, int *fd)
/* Actually implement creating a file as generally as possible.
* path: file path
* url: xrootd root url to use
* oflags: posix oflags
* use_link_id: register multiple secsss user numbers for editurl
* fd: return file descriptor here
* returns: 0 on success, -errno on error.
int res, link_id;
int *p_link_id = NULL;
char rootpath[MAXROOTURLLEN] = "";
if (use_link_id)
p_link_id = &link_id;
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_register(fuse_get_context()->uid, fuse_get_context()->gid, p_link_id);
strncat(rootpath, url, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) - 1);
strncat(rootpath, path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) - 1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, p_link_id);
res = XrdFfsPosix_open(rootpath, oflags, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
if (fd != NULL)
*fd = res;
return 0;
static int xrootdfs_mknod(const char *path, mode_t mode, dev_t rdev)
/* Implement MKNOD for FUSE, which is supposed to be used for special files.
* Can be used when CREATE is not available.
* This implementation only supports normal files.
* Just create the file, then close it. Also create cns file.
* path: file path
* mode: file attribute bitmask
* rdev: device number
* returns: 0 on success, -errno on error.
int res, fd;
if (!S_ISREG(mode))
return -EPERM;
Around May 2008, the O_EXCL was added to the _open(). No reason was given. It is removed again
due to the following reason (the situation that redirector thinks a file exist while it doesn't):
1. FUSE will use _getattr to determine file status. _mknod() will be called only if _getattr()
determined that the file does not exist.
2. In the case that rootd security is enabled, if a user create a file at an unauthorized path
(and fail), redirector thinks the files exist but it actually does't exist (enabling security
on redirector doesn't seems to help. An authorized user won't be able to create the same file
until the redirector forgets about it.
res = XrdFfsPosix_open(rootpath, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH);
res = xrootdfs_do_create(path, xrootdfs.rdr, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, false, &fd);
if (xrootdfs.cns != NULL)
xrootdfs_do_create(path, xrootdfs.cns, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, false, &fd);
return res;
static int xrootdfs_create(const char *path, mode_t mode, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
/* Implement CREATE for FUSE, to create and open a normal file.
* Create a file and return its fd. Also create cns file.
* path: file path
* mode: file attribute bitmask
* fi: file info, return file descriptor in here
* returns: 0 on success, -errno on error.
int res, fd;
if (!S_ISREG(mode))
return -EPERM;
res = xrootdfs_do_create(path, xrootdfs.rdr, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, true, &fd);
fi->fh = fd;
XrdFfsWcache_create(fd); // Unlike mknod and like open, prepare wcache.
if (xrootdfs.cns != NULL)
xrootdfs_do_create(path, xrootdfs.cns, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, false, &fd);
return res;
static int xrootdfs_mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode)
int res;
char rootpath[1024];
Posix Mkdir() fails on the current version of Xrootd, 20071101-0808p1
So we avoid doing that. This is fixed in CVS head version.
if CNS is defined, only mkdir() on CNS. Otherwise, mkdir() on redirector
if (xrootdfs.cns != NULL)
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.cns, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.rdr, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_register(fuse_get_context()->uid, fuse_get_context()->gid, 0);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
res = XrdFfsPosix_mkdir(rootpath, mode);
if (res == 0) return 0;
now we are here either because there is either a race to create the directory, or the redirector
incorrectly cached a non-existing one (see _mknod() for more explaitation)
the following code try to clear the redirector cache. In the case of two racing mkdir(), it doesn't
care which one will success/fail.
res = XrdFfsPosix_mkdir(rootpath, mode);
return ((res == -1)? -errno : 0);
static int xrootdfs_unlink(const char *path)
int res;
char rootpath[MAXROOTURLLEN];
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.rdr, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_register(fuse_get_context()->uid, fuse_get_context()->gid, 0);
if (xrootdfs.ofsfwd == true)
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
res = XrdFfsPosix_unlink(rootpath);
res = XrdFfsPosix_unlinkall(xrootdfs.rdr, path, fuse_get_context()->uid);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
if (xrootdfs.cns != NULL && xrootdfs.ofsfwd == false)
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.cns, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
res = XrdFfsPosix_unlink(rootpath);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
return 0;
static int xrootdfs_rmdir(const char *path)
int res;
// struct stat stbuf;
char rootpath[MAXROOTURLLEN];
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.rdr, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_register(fuse_get_context()->uid, fuse_get_context()->gid, 0);
if (xrootdfs.ofsfwd == true)
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
res = XrdFfsPosix_rmdir(rootpath);
res = XrdFfsPosix_rmdirall(xrootdfs.rdr, path, fuse_get_context()->uid);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
if (xrootdfs.cns != NULL && xrootdfs.ofsfwd == false)
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.cns, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
res = XrdFfsPosix_rmdir(rootpath);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
clear cache in redirector. otherwise, an immediate mkdir(path) will fail
if (xrootdfs.ofsfwd == false)
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid);
XrdFfsPosix_clear_from_xrootdfs.rdr_cache(rootpath); // no needed. _mkdir() is doing this.
return 0;
static int xrootdfs_symlink(const char *from, const char *to)
int res;
res = symlink(from, to);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
return -EIO;
static int xrootdfs_rename(const char *from, const char *to)
int res;
char from_path[MAXROOTURLLEN], to_path[MAXROOTURLLEN];
struct stat stbuf;
strncat(from_path, xrootdfs.rdr, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(from_path) -1);
strncat(from_path, from, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(from_path) -1);
strncat(to_path, xrootdfs.rdr, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(to_path) -1);
strncat(to_path, to, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(to_path) -1);
1. do actual renaming on data servers if if is a file in order to speed up
2. return -EXDEV for renaming of directory so that files in the directory
are renamed individually (in order for the .pfn pointing back correctly).
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_register(fuse_get_context()->uid, fuse_get_context()->gid, 0);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(from_path, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
XrdFfsPosix_stat(from_path, &stbuf);
if (S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode)) /* && xrootdfs.cns == NULL && xrootdfs.ofsfwd == false) */
return -EXDEV;
if (xrootdfs.ofsfwd == true)
res = XrdFfsPosix_rename(from_path, to_path);
res = XrdFfsPosix_renameall(xrootdfs.rdr, from, to, fuse_get_context()->uid);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
/* data servers may not notify redirector about the renaming. So we notify redirector */
if (xrootdfs.cns != NULL && xrootdfs.ofsfwd == false)
strncat(from_path, xrootdfs.cns, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(from_path) -1);
strncat(from_path, from, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(from_path) -1);
strncat(to_path, xrootdfs.cns, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(to_path) -1);
strncat(to_path, to, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(to_path) -1);
res = XrdFfsPosix_rename(from_path, to_path);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
return 0;
/* return -EXDEV */
static int xrootdfs_link(const char *from, const char *to)
int res;
res = link(from, to);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
return -EMLINK;
static int xrootdfs_chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode)
int res;
res = chmod(path, mode);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
return 0;
static int xrootdfs_chown(const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
int res;
res = lchown(path, uid, gid);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
return 0;
/* _ftruncate() will only work with kernel >= 2.6.15. See FUSE ChangeLog */
static int xrootdfs_ftruncate(const char *path, off_t size,
struct fuse_file_info *fi)
int fd, res;
// char rootpath[1024];
fd = (int) fi->fh;
res = XrdFfsPosix_ftruncate(fd, size);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
There is no need to update the size of the CNS shadow file now. That
should be updated when the file is closed
if (xrootdfs.cns != NULL)
res = XrdFfsPosix_truncate(rootpath, size);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
return 0;
static int xrootdfs_truncate(const char *path, off_t size)
int res;
char rootpath[MAXROOTURLLEN];
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.rdr, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_register(fuse_get_context()->uid, fuse_get_context()->gid, 0);
if (xrootdfs.ofsfwd == true)
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
res = XrdFfsPosix_truncate(rootpath, size);
res = XrdFfsPosix_truncateall(xrootdfs.rdr, path, size, fuse_get_context()->uid);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
if (xrootdfs.cns != NULL && xrootdfs.ofsfwd == false)
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.cns, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
res = XrdFfsPosix_truncate(rootpath, size);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
return 0;
static int xrootdfs_utimens(const char *path, const struct timespec ts[2])
int res;
struct timeval tv[2];
tv[0].tv_sec = ts[0].tv_sec;
tv[0].tv_usec = ts[0].tv_nsec / 1000;
tv[1].tv_sec = ts[1].tv_sec;
tv[1].tv_usec = ts[1].tv_nsec / 1000;
res = utimes(path, tv);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
return 0;
static int xrootdfs_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
* path: path to file
* fi: file info, return file descriptor in fi->fh
* returns 0 on success and -errno on error
int fd, lid = 1;
char rootpath[MAXROOTURLLEN]="";
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.rdr, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_register(fuse_get_context()->uid, fuse_get_context()->gid, &lid);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, &lid);
fd = XrdFfsPosix_open(rootpath, fi->flags, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH);
if (fd == -1)
return -errno;
fi->fh = fd;
// be careful, 0 means error for this function
if (XrdFfsWcache_create(fi->fh))
return 0;
return -errno;
static int xrootdfs_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset,
struct fuse_file_info *fi)
int fd;
int res;
fd = (int) fi->fh;
XrdFfsWcache_flush(fd); /* in case is the file is reading/writing */
res = XrdFfsPosix_pread(fd, buf, size, offset);
if (res == -1)
res = -errno;
return res;
static int xrootdfs_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size,
off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
int fd;
int res;
File already existed. FUSE uses xrootdfs_open() and xrootdfs_truncate() to open and
truncate a file before calling xrootdfs_write()
fd = (int) fi->fh;
// res = XrdFfsPosix_pwrite(fd, buf, size, offset);
res = XrdFfsWcache_pwrite(fd, (char *)buf, size, offset);
if (res == -1)
res = -errno;
return res;
static int xrootdfs_statfs(const char *path, struct statvfs *stbuf)
int res;
// char rootpath[1024], xattr[256];
// char *token, *key, *value;
// char *lasts_xattr[256], *lasts_tokens[128];
// long long size;
// XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_register(fuse_get_context()->uid, fuse_get_context()->gid);
#ifndef __APPLE__
stbuf->f_bsize = 1024;
stbuf->f_bsize = 1024 * 128; // work around 32 bit fsblkcnt_t in struct statvfs on Mac OSX
stbuf->f_frsize = stbuf->f_bsize; // seems there are other limitations, 1024*128 is a max we set
// res = XrdFfsPosix_statvfsall(xrootdfs.rdr, path, stbuf, fuse_get_context()->uid);
res = XrdFfsFsinfo_cache_search(&XrdFfsPosix_statvfsall, xrootdfs.rdr, path, stbuf, fuse_get_context()->uid);
stbuf->f_blocks /= stbuf->f_bsize;
stbuf->f_bavail /= stbuf->f_bsize;
stbuf->f_bfree /= stbuf->f_bsize;
return res;
stbuf->f_bsize = 16384;
stbuf->f_blocks = 1048576;
stbuf->f_bfree = stbuf->f_blocks;
stbuf->f_bavail = stbuf->f_blocks;
if (xrootdfs.cns == NULL) return 0;
res = XrdFfsPosix_getxattr(rootpath, "xroot.space", xattr, 256);
if (res == -1)
return 0;
token = strtok_r(xattr, "&", lasts_xattr);
while (token != NULL)
token = strtok_r(NULL, "&", lasts_xattr);
if (token == NULL) break;
key = strtok_r(token, "=", lasts_tokens);
value = strtok_r(NULL, "=", lasts_tokens);
if (!strcmp(key,"oss.used"))
sscanf((const char*)value, "%lld", &size);
stbuf->f_bavail = size / stbuf->f_bsize;
else if (!strcmp(key,"oss.quota"))
sscanf((const char*)value, "%lld", &size);
stbuf->f_blocks = size / stbuf->f_bsize;
stbuf->f_bavail = stbuf->f_blocks - stbuf->f_bavail;
stbuf->f_bfree = stbuf->f_bavail;
return 0;
static int xrootdfs_release(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
/* Just a stub. This method is optional and can safely be left
unimplemented */
int fd, oflag;
struct stat xrdfile, cnsfile;
char rootpath[MAXROOTURLLEN];
fd = (int) fi->fh;
fi->fh = 0;
Return at here because the current version of Cluster Name Space daemon
doesn't implement the 'truncate' functon we originally planned.
return 0;
if (xrootdfs.cns == NULL || (fi->flags & 0100001) == (0100000 | O_RDONLY))
return 0;
int res;
char xattr[256], xrdtoken[256];
char *token, *key, *value;
char *lasts_xattr[256], *lasts_tokens[128];
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.rdr, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
* Get xrootd token info from data nodes. And set the token info on CNS
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_register(fuse_get_context()->uid, fuse_get_context()->gid, 0);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
res = XrdFfsPosix_getxattr(rootpath, "xroot.xattr", xattr, 256);
if (res != -1)
token = strtok_r(xattr, "&", lasts_xattr);
while (token != NULL)
key = strtok_r(token, "=", lasts_tokens);
value = strtok_r(NULL, "=", lasts_tokens);
if (!strcmp(key,"oss.cgroup"))
strcpy(xrdtoken, value);
if (!strcmp(key,"oss.used"))
{long long llVal;
sscanf((const char*)value, "%lld", &llVal);
xrdfile.st_size = llVal;
token = strtok_r(NULL, "&", lasts_xattr);
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.cns, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
if (xrdtoken[0] != '\0' && strstr(path,"?oss.cgroup=") == NULL)
strncat(rootpath,"?oss.cgroup=", MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,xrdtoken, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
if (XrdFfsPosix_stat(rootpath,&cnsfile) == -1)
This creates a file on CNS with the right size. But it is actually an empty file.
It doesn't use disk space, only inodes.
if (cnsfile.st_size != xrdfile.st_size)
fd = XrdFfsPosix_open(rootpath,oflag,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH);
if (fd >= 0)
return 0;
static int xrootdfs_fsync(const char *path, int isdatasync,
struct fuse_file_info *fi)
int fd;
fd = (int) fi->fh;
return 0;
/* xattr operations are optional and can safely be left unimplemented */
static int xrootdfs_setxattr(const char *path, const char *name, const char *value,
size_t size, int flags)
if (fuse_get_context()->uid != 0 && fuse_get_context()->uid != getuid())
return -EPERM;
if (!strcmp(name,"xrootdfs.fs.dataserverlist"))
else if (!strcmp(name,"xrootdfs.fs.nworkers"))
int i, j;
char *tmp_value;
if (size > 0) tmp_value[size] = '\0';
i = XrdFfsQueue_count_workers();
j = atoi(tmp_value);
if (j > i)
XrdFfsQueue_create_workers( j-i );
if (j < i)
XrdFfsQueue_remove_workers( i-j ); // XrdFfsQueue_remove_workers() will wait until workers are removed.
j = XrdFfsQueue_count_workers();
syslog(LOG_INFO, "INFO: Adjust the number of workers from %d to %d", i, j);
return 0;
static int xrootdfs_getxattr(const char *path, const char *name, char *value,
size_t size)
int xattrlen;
char rootpath[MAXROOTURLLEN]="";
char rooturl[MAXROOTURLLEN]="";
if (!strcmp(name,"xroot.url"))
errno = 0;
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.rdr, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
// XrdFfsMisc_get_current_url(rootpath, rooturl);
strcpy(rooturl, rootpath);
if (size == 0)
return strlen(rooturl);
else if (size > strlen(rooturl)) // check the size to make sure strcat(value, rooturl) is safe
size = strlen(rooturl);
if (size != 0)
value[0] = '\0';
strcat(value, rooturl);
return size;
errno = ERANGE;
return -1;
else if (!strcmp(name, "xrootdfs.fs.dataserverlist"))
char *hostlist;
hostlist = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * XrdFfs_MAX_NUM_NODES * 256);
if (size == 0)
xattrlen = strlen(hostlist);
return xattrlen;
else if (size > strlen(hostlist))
size = strlen(hostlist);
if (size != 0)
value[0] = '\0';
strcat(value, hostlist);
return size;
errno = ERANGE;
return -1;
else if (!strcmp(name, "xrootdfs.fs.nworkers"))
char nworkers[7];
int n;
n = XrdFfsQueue_count_workers();
sprintf(nworkers, "%d", n);
if (size == 0)
return strlen(nworkers);
else if (size > strlen(nworkers))
size = strlen(nworkers);
if (size != 0)
value[0] = '\0';
strcat(value, nworkers);
return size;
errno = ERANGE;
return -1;
else if (!strcmp(name, "xrootdfs.file.permission"))
char xattr[256]="";
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.rdr, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_register(fuse_get_context()->uid, fuse_get_context()->gid, 0);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
xattrlen = XrdFfsPosix_getxattr(rootpath, "xroot.xattr.ofs.ap", xattr, 255);
if (size == 0)
return xattrlen;
else if (size > (size_t)xattrlen)
strncpy(value, xattr, size);
size = xattrlen;
value[size] = '\0';
return size;
errno = ERANGE;
return -1;
if (xrootdfs.cns != NULL)
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.cns, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,xrootdfs.rdr, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
strncat(rootpath,path, MAXROOTURLLEN - strlen(rootpath) -1);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_register(fuse_get_context()->uid, fuse_get_context()->gid, 0);
XrdFfsMisc_xrd_secsss_editurl(rootpath, fuse_get_context()->uid, 0);
xattrlen = XrdFfsPosix_getxattr(rootpath, name, value, size);
if (xattrlen == -1)
return -errno;
return xattrlen;
static int xrootdfs_listxattr(const char *path, char *list, size_t size)
int res = llistxattr(path, list, size);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
return res;
return 0;
static int xrootdfs_removexattr(const char *path, const char *name)
int res = lremovexattr(path, name);
if (res == -1)
return -errno;
return 0;
* We need this as casting function pointer to a function pointer
* of a diffrent type and then calling it results in undefined
* behavior (Annex J.2).
* GCC 8 available on Fedora 28 is very picky about those things.
* On the other hand unfortunatelly we cannot use a lambda expression
* as it is not supported on GCC 4.4 which is shipped by default on
* EPEL 6.
void* XrdFfsMisc_logging_url_cache_pthread_create_cast( void *arg )
XrdFfsMisc_logging_url_cache( reinterpret_cast( arg ) );
return 0;
void xrootdfs_sigusr1_handler(int sig)
/* Do this in a new thread because XrdFfsMisc_refresh_url_cache() contents mutex. */
pthread_t *thread;
pthread_attr_t attr;
size_t stacksize = 2*1024*1024;
pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, stacksize);
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
thread = (pthread_t*) malloc(sizeof(pthread_t));
pthread_create(thread, &attr, XrdFfsMisc_logging_url_cache_pthread_create_cast,
static struct fuse_operations xrootdfs_oper;
static void xrootdfs_usage(const char *progname)
"usage: %s mountpoint options\n"
"XrootdFS options:\n"
" -h -help --help print help\n"
"Default options:\n"
" fsname=xrootdfs,allow_other,max_write=131072,attr_timeout=10,entry_timeout=10,negative_timeout=5\n"
" -o rdr=redirector_url root URL of the Xrootd redirector\n"
" -o cns=cns_server_url root URL of the CNS server\n"
" -o uid=username cause XrootdFS to switch effective uid to that of username if possible\n"
" -o sss[=keytab] use Xrootd seciruty module \"sss\", specifying a keytab file is optional\n"
" -o refreshdslist=NNNs/m/h/d refresh internal list of data servers in NNN sec/min/hour/day, default unit is second\n"
" Absents of this option will disable automatically refreshing\n"
" -o maxfd=N number of virtual file descriptors for posix requests, default 8192 (min 2048)\n"
" -o nworkers=N number of workers to handle parallel requests to data servers, default 4\n"
" -o fastls=RDR set to RDR when CNS is presented will cause stat() to go to redirector\n"
"\n", progname);
static int xrootdfs_opt_proc(void* data, const char* arg, int key, struct fuse_args* outargs)
(void) data;
(void) outargs;
// printf("hellow key %d arg %s\n", key, arg);
switch (key) {
return 1;
return 1;
setenv("XROOTDFS_SECMOD", "sss", 1);
return 0;
fuse_opt_add_arg(outargs, "-ho");
fuse_main(outargs->argc, outargs->argv, &xrootdfs_oper, NULL);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
xrootdfs_oper.init = xrootdfs_init;
xrootdfs_oper.getattr = xrootdfs_getattr;
xrootdfs_oper.access = xrootdfs_access;
xrootdfs_oper.readlink = xrootdfs_readlink;
xrootdfs_oper.readdir = xrootdfs_readdir;
xrootdfs_oper.mknod = xrootdfs_mknod;
xrootdfs_oper.mkdir = xrootdfs_mkdir;
xrootdfs_oper.create = xrootdfs_create;
xrootdfs_oper.symlink = xrootdfs_symlink;
xrootdfs_oper.unlink = xrootdfs_unlink;
xrootdfs_oper.rmdir = xrootdfs_rmdir;
xrootdfs_oper.rename = xrootdfs_rename;
xrootdfs_oper.link = xrootdfs_link;
xrootdfs_oper.chmod = xrootdfs_chmod;
xrootdfs_oper.chown = xrootdfs_chown;
xrootdfs_oper.ftruncate = xrootdfs_ftruncate;
xrootdfs_oper.truncate = xrootdfs_truncate;
xrootdfs_oper.utimens = xrootdfs_utimens;
xrootdfs_oper.open = xrootdfs_open;
xrootdfs_oper.read = xrootdfs_read;
xrootdfs_oper.write = xrootdfs_write;
xrootdfs_oper.statfs = xrootdfs_statfs;
xrootdfs_oper.release = xrootdfs_release;
xrootdfs_oper.fsync = xrootdfs_fsync;
xrootdfs_oper.setxattr = xrootdfs_setxattr;
xrootdfs_oper.getxattr = xrootdfs_getxattr;
xrootdfs_oper.listxattr = xrootdfs_listxattr;
xrootdfs_oper.removexattr = xrootdfs_removexattr;
/* Define XrootdFS options */
char **cmdline_opts;
cmdline_opts = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char*) * (argc -1 + 3));
cmdline_opts[0] = argv[0];
cmdline_opts[1] = strdup("-o");
if (getenv("XROOTDFS_NO_ALLOW_OTHER") != NULL && ! strcmp(getenv("XROOTDFS_NO_ALLOW_OTHER"),"1") )
cmdline_opts[2] = strdup("fsname=xrootdfs,max_write=131072,attr_timeout=10,entry_timeout=10,negative_timeout=5");
cmdline_opts[2] = strdup("fsname=xrootdfs,allow_other,max_write=131072,attr_timeout=10,entry_timeout=10,negative_timeout=5");
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
cmdline_opts[i+2] = argv[i];
struct fuse_args args = FUSE_ARGS_INIT(argc -1 + 3, cmdline_opts);
xrootdfs_opts[0].templ = "-h";
xrootdfs_opts[0].offset = -1U;
xrootdfs_opts[0].value = OPT_KEY_HELP;
xrootdfs_opts[1].templ = "-help";
xrootdfs_opts[1].offset = -1U;
xrootdfs_opts[1].value = OPT_KEY_HELP;
xrootdfs_opts[2].templ = "--help";
xrootdfs_opts[2].offset = -1U;
xrootdfs_opts[2].value = OPT_KEY_HELP;
xrootdfs_opts[3].templ = "rdr=%s";
xrootdfs_opts[3].offset = offsetof(struct XROOTDFS, rdr);
xrootdfs_opts[3].value = 0;
xrootdfs_opts[4].templ = "cns=%s";
xrootdfs_opts[4].offset = offsetof(struct XROOTDFS, cns);
xrootdfs_opts[4].value = 0;
xrootdfs_opts[5].templ = "fastls=%s";
xrootdfs_opts[5].offset = offsetof(struct XROOTDFS, fastls);
xrootdfs_opts[5].value = 0;
xrootdfs_opts[6].templ = "uid=%s";
xrootdfs_opts[6].offset = offsetof(struct XROOTDFS, daemon_user);
xrootdfs_opts[6].value = 0;
xrootdfs_opts[7].templ = "ofsfwd=%s";
xrootdfs_opts[7].offset = offsetof(struct XROOTDFS, ofsfwd);
xrootdfs_opts[7].value = 0;
/* using "sss" security module. the actually location of the key is determined
by shell enviornment variable XrdSecsssKT (or default locations). */
/* The location of the key is not specified in command line. */
xrootdfs_opts[8].templ = "sss";
xrootdfs_opts[8].offset = -1U;
xrootdfs_opts[8].value = OPT_KEY_SECSSS;
/* The location of the key is specified in command line. */
xrootdfs_opts[9].templ = "sss=%s";
xrootdfs_opts[9].offset = offsetof(struct XROOTDFS, ssskeytab);
xrootdfs_opts[9].value = 0;
/* life time of the data server list */
xrootdfs_opts[10].templ = "refreshdslist=%s";
xrootdfs_opts[10].offset = offsetof(struct XROOTDFS, urlcachelife);
xrootdfs_opts[10].value = 0;
/* number of workers to handle parallel requests to data servers */
xrootdfs_opts[11].templ = "nworkers=%d";
xrootdfs_opts[11].offset = offsetof(struct XROOTDFS, nworkers);
xrootdfs_opts[11].value = 0;
/* number of virtual file descriptors */
xrootdfs_opts[12].templ = "maxfd=%d";
xrootdfs_opts[12].offset = offsetof(struct XROOTDFS, maxfd);
xrootdfs_opts[12].value = 0;
xrootdfs_opts[13].templ = NULL;
/* initialize struct xrootdfs */
// memset(&xrootdfs, 0, sizeof(xrootdfs));
xrootdfs.rdr = NULL;
xrootdfs.cns = NULL;
xrootdfs.fastls = NULL;
xrootdfs.daemon_user = NULL;
xrootdfs.ofsfwd = false;
xrootdfs.ssskeytab = NULL;
xrootdfs.urlcachelife = strdup("3650d"); /* 10 years */
xrootdfs.nworkers = 4;
xrootdfs.maxfd = 8192;
/* Get options from environment variables first */
xrootdfs.rdr = getenv("XROOTDFS_RDRURL");
xrootdfs.cns = getenv("XROOTDFS_CNSURL");
xrootdfs.fastls = getenv("XROOTDFS_FASTLS");
// If this is defined, XrootdFS will setuid/setgid to this user at xrootdfs_init().
xrootdfs.daemon_user = getenv("XROOTDFS_USER");
if (getenv("XROOTDFS_OFSFWD") != NULL && ! strcmp(getenv("XROOTDFS_OFSFWD"),"1")) xrootdfs.ofsfwd = true;
if (getenv("XROOTDFS_NWORKERS") != NULL) sscanf(getenv("XROOTDFS_NWORKERS"), "%d", &xrootdfs.nworkers);
if (getenv("XROOTDFS_MAXFD") != NULL) sscanf(getenv("XROOTDFS_MAXFD"), "%d", &xrootdfs.maxfd);
/* Parse XrootdFS options, will overwrite those defined in environment variables */
fuse_opt_parse(&args, &xrootdfs, xrootdfs_opts, xrootdfs_opt_proc);
/* make sure xrootdfs.rdr is specified */
if (xrootdfs.rdr == NULL)
argc = 2;
argv[1] = strdup("-h");
struct fuse_args xargs = FUSE_ARGS_INIT(argc, argv);
fuse_opt_parse(&xargs, &xrootdfs, xrootdfs_opts, xrootdfs_opt_proc);
/* convert xroot://... to root://... */
if (xrootdfs.rdr != NULL && xrootdfs.rdr[0] == 'x') xrootdfs.rdr += 1;
if (xrootdfs.cns != NULL && xrootdfs.cns[0] == 'x') xrootdfs.cns += 1;
XROOTDFS_OFSFWD (ofs.fwd (and ofs.fwd 3way) on rm, rmdir, mv, truncate.
if this is not defined, XrootdFS will go to CNS and each data server
and do the work.
If CNS is not defined, we have to set ofsfwd to false, or we will not be able to
get a return status of rm, rmdir, mv and truncate.
if (xrootdfs.cns == NULL) xrootdfs.ofsfwd = false;
if (xrootdfs.ssskeytab != NULL)
setenv("XROOTDFS_SECMOD", "sss", 1);
setenv("XrdSecsssKT", xrootdfs.ssskeytab, 1);
if (xrootdfs.maxfd < 2048) xrootdfs.maxfd = 2048;
cwdfd = open(".",O_RDONLY);
return fuse_main(args.argc, args.argv, &xrootdfs_oper, NULL);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("This platform does not have FUSE; xrootdfs cannot be started!");