/* */
/* X r d A d m i n Q u e r y . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2009 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdFrc/XrdFrcProxy.hh"
#include "XrdFrc/XrdFrcRequest.hh"
#include "XrdFrc/XrdFrcTrace.hh"
#include "XrdFrc/XrdFrcUtils.hh"
#include "XrdFrm/XrdFrmAdmin.hh"
#include "XrdFrm/XrdFrmConfig.hh"
#include "XrdFrm/XrdFrmFiles.hh"
#include "XrdOss/XrdOssPath.hh"
#include "XrdOss/XrdOssSpace.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucArgs.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucNSWalk.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucTList.hh"
using namespace XrdFrc;
using namespace XrdFrm;
/* Q u e r y P f n */
int XrdFrmAdmin::QueryPfn(XrdOucArgs &Spec)
char *lfn, pfn[MAXPATHLEN];
// Get the first lfn
if (!(lfn = Spec.getarg())) {Emsg("lfn not specified."); return 1;}
// Process all of the files
do {if (Config.LocalPath(lfn, pfn, sizeof(pfn))) Msg(pfn);
else finalRC = 4;
} while((lfn = Spec.getarg()));
return 0;
/* Q u e r y R f n */
int XrdFrmAdmin::QueryRfn(XrdOucArgs &Spec)
char *lfn, rfn[MAXPATHLEN];
// Get the first lfn
if (!(lfn = Spec.getarg())) {Emsg("lfn not specified."); return 1;}
// Process all of the files
do {if (Config.RemotePath(lfn, rfn, sizeof(rfn))) Msg(rfn);
else finalRC = 4;
} while((lfn = Spec.getarg()));
return 0;
/* Q u e r y S p a c e */
int XrdFrmAdmin::QuerySpace(XrdOucArgs &Spec)
XrdFrmConfig::VPInfo *vP = Config.VPList;
XrdFrmFileset *sP;
XrdFrmFiles *fP;
XrdOucTList *tP;
struct stat Stat;
char buff[2048], pfn[MAXPATHLEN], *lfn;
int opts = 0, ec = 0;
// If no cache configured say so
if (!vP) {Emsg("No outplace space has been configured."); return 0;}
// Get the first lfn (optional)
lfn = Spec.getarg();
// List the cache we have if no lfn exists
if (!lfn)
{tP = vP->Dir;
{sprintf(buff, "%s %s", vP->Name, tP->text);
Msg(buff, (tP->val ? " xa" : 0));
tP = tP->next;
vP = vP->Next;
return 0;
// Check if this is '-recursive'
if (!strncmp(lfn, "-recursive", strlen(lfn)))
{opts = XrdFrmFiles::Recursive;
if (!(lfn = Spec.getarg()))
{Emsg("lfn not specified."); return 0;}
// Here we display thespace name of each lfn
do {Opt.All = VerifyAll(lfn);
if (!Config.LocalPath(lfn, pfn, sizeof(pfn))) finalRC = 4;
else if (stat(pfn, &Stat)) Emsg(errno, "query ", pfn);
else if ((Stat.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR)
{if (Opt.All) Emsg(ENOTDIR, "query ", lfn);
else QuerySpace(pfn);
else{fP = new XrdFrmFiles(pfn, opts | XrdFrmFiles::NoAutoDel);
while((sP = fP->Get(ec,1)))
{if (sP->baseFile())
delete sP;
if (ec) finalRC = 4;
delete fP;
} while((lfn = Spec.getarg()));
// All done
return 0;
int XrdFrmAdmin::QuerySpace(const char *Pfn, char *Lnk, int Lsz)
char SName[XrdOssSpace::minSNbsz];
// Get the space name
XrdOssPath::getCname(Pfn, SName, Lnk, Lsz);
Msg(SName, " ", Pfn);
return 0;
/* Q u e r y U s a g e */
int XrdFrmAdmin::QueryUsage(XrdOucArgs &Spec)
XrdOssSpace::uEnt myUsage;
XrdFrmConfig::VPInfo myVP((char *)""), *vP = Config.VPList;
long long Actual;
char buff[4096];
// Check if usage has been configured
if (!(XrdOssSpace::Init() & XrdOssSpace::haveUsage))
{Emsg("Usage is not being tracked."); return 0;}
// Get the optional space name
if ((myVP.Name = Spec.getarg())) {myVP.Next = 0; vP = &myVP;}
else if (!vP) {Emsg("No outplace space has been configured."); return 0;}
// Process all of the files
do {if (XrdOssSpace::Usage(vP->Name, myUsage, 1) < 0)
Emsg("Space ", vP->Name, " not found.");
{Actual = myUsage.Bytes[XrdOssSpace::Serv]
+ myUsage.Bytes[XrdOssSpace::Pstg]
- myUsage.Bytes[XrdOssSpace::Purg]
+ myUsage.Bytes[XrdOssSpace::Admin];
sprintf(buff,"Space %s\n%20lld Used\n%20lld Staged\n"
"%20lld Purged\n%20lld Adjust\n%20lld Effective",
vP->Name, myUsage.Bytes[XrdOssSpace::Serv],
myUsage.Bytes[XrdOssSpace::Admin], Actual);
} while((vP = vP->Next));
return 0;
/* Q u e r y X f r Q */
int XrdFrmAdmin::QueryXfrQ(XrdOucArgs &Spec)
static struct {const char *qName; char qType;} qN2T[] =
{{"all", XrdFrcProxy::opAll},
{"get", XrdFrcProxy::opGet},
{"migr", XrdFrcProxy::opMig},
{"put", XrdFrcProxy::opPut},
{"stage", XrdFrcProxy::opStg},
{0, 0}};
XrdFrcRequest::Item Items[XrdFrcRequest::getLast];
XrdFrcProxy::Queues xfrQ(0);
char *qName;
int i, qPrty, QList = 0;
// Check for proxy initialization
if (!frmProxy && !frmProxz) ConfigProxy();
// Get the first q-type
while((qName = Spec.getarg()))
{i = 0;
while(qN2T[i].qName && strcmp(qN2T[i].qName, qName)) i++;
if (qN2T[i].qName) QList |= qN2T[i].qType;
else break;
// Set queue if none specified
if (!QList) QList = XrdFrcProxy::opAll;
// Check if priority
if (qName && strlen(qName) == 1 && *qName >= '0' && *qName <= '9')
{qPrty = *qName - '0';
if (qPrty > XrdFrcRequest::maxPrty)
{Emsg("Invalid xfrq priority - ", qName); return 1;}
qName = Spec.getarg();
} else qPrty = -1;
// Process variable is we have an unmatched name
i = 0;
if (qName)
{do {if (XrdFrcUtils::MapV2I(qName, Items[i])) i++;
else {Emsg("Invalid xfrq variable - ", qName); return 1;}
} while((qName = Spec.getarg()) && i < XrdFrcRequest::getLast);
if (qName) {Emsg("Too many xfrq variables starting at ",qName);return 1;}
} else Items[i++] = XrdFrcRequest::getLFN;
// Produce the listing
if (!frmProxy) {Emsg("Unable to list the xfrq."); return 1;}
if (!frmProxy->List(QList, qPrty, Items, i)) Msg("No entries found.");
return 0;