/******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* X r d O f s . c c */ /* */ /* (c) 2004 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */ /* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */ /* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Deprtment of Energy */ /* */ /* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */ /* */ /* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */ /* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */ /* License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */ /* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */ /* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */ /* */ /* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */ /* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */ /* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */ /******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "XrdCks/XrdCks.hh" #include "XrdCks/XrdCksConfig.hh" #include "XrdCks/XrdCksData.hh" #include "XrdNet/XrdNetAddr.hh" #include "XrdNet/XrdNetIF.hh" #include "XrdNet/XrdNetUtils.hh" #include "XrdOfs/XrdOfs.hh" #include "XrdOfs/XrdOfsEvs.hh" #include "XrdOfs/XrdOfsHandle.hh" #include "XrdOfs/XrdOfsPoscq.hh" #include "XrdOfs/XrdOfsTrace.hh" #include "XrdOfs/XrdOfsSecurity.hh" #include "XrdOfs/XrdOfsStats.hh" #include "XrdOfs/XrdOfsTPC.hh" #include "XrdCms/XrdCmsClient.hh" #include "XrdOss/XrdOss.hh" #include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh" #include "XrdSys/XrdSysHeaders.hh" #include "XrdSys/XrdSysLogger.hh" #include "XrdSys/XrdSysPlatform.hh" #include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh" #include "XrdOuc/XrdOuca2x.hh" #include "XrdOuc/XrdOucEnv.hh" #include "XrdOuc/XrdOucERoute.hh" #include "XrdOuc/XrdOucLock.hh" #include "XrdOuc/XrdOucMsubs.hh" #include "XrdOuc/XrdOucTList.hh" #include "XrdOuc/XrdOucTPC.hh" #include "XrdOuc/XrdOucTrace.hh" #include "XrdSec/XrdSecEntity.hh" #include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsAio.hh" #include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsFlags.hh" #include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsInterface.hh" #ifdef AIX #include #endif /******************************************************************************/ /* E r r o r R o u t i n g O b j e c t */ /******************************************************************************/ XrdSysError OfsEroute(0); XrdOucTrace OfsTrace(&OfsEroute); /******************************************************************************/ /* S t a t i s t i c a l D a t a O b j e c t */ /******************************************************************************/ XrdOfsStats OfsStats; /******************************************************************************/ /* S t a t i c O b j e c t s */ /******************************************************************************/ XrdOfsHandle *XrdOfs::dummyHandle; int XrdOfs::MaxDelay = 60; int XrdOfs::OSSDelay = 30; /******************************************************************************/ /* F i l e S y s t e m O b j e c t */ /******************************************************************************/ extern XrdOfs* XrdOfsFS; /******************************************************************************/ /* S t o r a g e S y s t e m O b j e c t */ /******************************************************************************/ XrdOss *XrdOfsOss; /******************************************************************************/ /* X r d O f s C o n s t r u c t o r */ /******************************************************************************/ XrdOfs::XrdOfs() { const char *bp; // Establish defaults // ofsConfig = 0; Authorization = 0; Finder = 0; Balancer = 0; evsObject = 0; myRole = strdup("server"); OssIsProxy = 0; ossRW =' '; // Obtain port number we will be using. Note that the constructor must occur // after the port number is known (i.e., this cannot be a global static). // myPort = (bp = getenv("XRDPORT")) ? strtol(bp, (char **)NULL, 10) : 0; // Defaults for POSC // poscQ = 0; poscLog = 0; poscHold= 10*60; poscAuto= 0; // Set the configuration file name and dummy handle // ConfigFN = 0; XrdOfsHandle::Alloc(&dummyHandle); // Set checksum pointers // Cks = 0; CksPfn = true; CksRdr = true; // Set TPC redirect targets // tpcRdrHost= 0; tpcRdrPort= 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /* X r d O f s F i l e C o n s t r u c t o r */ /******************************************************************************/ XrdOfsFile::XrdOfsFile(const char *user, int monid) : XrdSfsFile(user, monid) { oh = XrdOfs::dummyHandle; dorawio = 0; viaDel = 0; myTPC = 0; tident = (user ? user : ""); } /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* D i r e c t o r y O b j e c t I n t e r f a c e s */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /* o p e n */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfsDirectory::open(const char *dir_path, // In const XrdSecEntity *client, // In const char *info) // In /* Function: Open the directory `path' and prepare for reading. Input: path - The fully qualified name of the directory to open. client - Authentication credentials, if any. info - Opaque information to be used as seen fit. Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success, otherwise SFS_ERROR. Notes: 1. The code here assumes that directory file descriptors are never shared. Hence, no locks need to be obtained. It works out that lock overhead is worse than have a duplicate file descriptor for very short durations. */ { EPNAME("opendir"); XrdOucEnv Open_Env(info,0,client); int retc; // Trace entry // XTRACE(opendir, dir_path, ""); // Verify that this object is not already associated with an open directory // if (dp) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, EADDRINUSE, "open directory", dir_path); // Apply security, as needed // AUTHORIZE(client,&Open_Env,AOP_Readdir,"open directory",dir_path,error); // Open the directory and allocate a handle for it // if (!(dp = XrdOfsOss->newDir(tident))) retc = -ENOMEM; else if (!(retc = dp->Opendir(dir_path, Open_Env))) {fname = strdup(dir_path); return SFS_OK; } else {delete dp; dp = 0;} // Encountered an error // return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, retc, "open directory", dir_path); } /******************************************************************************/ /* n e x t E n t r y */ /******************************************************************************/ const char *XrdOfsDirectory::nextEntry() /* Function: Read the next directory entry. Input: n/a Output: Upon success, returns the contents of the next directory entry as a null terminated string. Returns a null pointer upon EOF or an error. To differentiate the two cases, getErrorInfo will return 0 upon EOF and an actual error code (i.e., not 0) on error. Notes: 1. The code here assumes that idle directory file descriptors are *not* closed. This needs to be the case because we need to return non-duplicate directory entries. Anyway, the xrootd readdir protocol is handled internally so directories should never be idle. 2. The code here assumes that directory file descriptors are never shared. Hence, no locks need to be obtained. It works out that lock overhead is worse than have a duplicate file descriptor for very short durations. */ { EPNAME("readdir"); int retc; // Check if this directory is actually open // if (!dp) {XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, EBADF, "read directory"); return 0; } // Check if we are at EOF (once there we stay there) // if (atEOF) return 0; // Read the next directory entry // if ((retc = dp->Readdir(dname, sizeof(dname))) < 0) {XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, retc, "read directory", fname); return 0; } // Check if we have reached end of file // if (!*dname) {atEOF = 1; error.clear(); XTRACE(readdir, fname, ""); return 0; } // Return the actual entry // XTRACE(readdir, fname, dname); return (const char *)(dname); } /******************************************************************************/ /* c l o s e */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfsDirectory::close() /* Function: Close the directory object. Input: n/a Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. Notes: 1. The code here assumes that directory file descriptors are never shared. Hence, no locks need to be obtained. It works out that lock overhead is worse than have a duplicate file descriptor for very short durations. */ { EPNAME("closedir"); int retc; // Check if this directory is actually open // if (!dp) {XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, EBADF, "close directory"); return SFS_ERROR; } XTRACE(closedir, fname, ""); // Close this directory // if ((retc = dp->Close())) retc = XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, retc, "close", fname); else retc = SFS_OK; // All done // delete dp; dp = 0; free(fname); fname = 0; return retc; } /******************************************************************************/ /* a u t o S t a t */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfsDirectory::autoStat(struct stat *buf) /* Function: Set stat buffer to automaticaly return stat information Input: Pointer to stat buffer which will be filled in on each nextEntry() and represent stat information for that entry. Output: Upon success, returns zero. Upon error returns SFS_ERROR and sets the error object to contain the reason. Notes: 1. If autoStat() is not supported he caller will need to follow up with a manual stat() call for the full path, a slow and tedious process. The autoStat function significantly reduces overhead by automatically providing stat information for the entry read. */ { EPNAME("autoStat"); int retc; // Check if this directory is actually open // if (!dp) {XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, EBADF, "autostat directory"); return SFS_ERROR; } // Set the stat buffer in the storage system directory. // if ((retc = dp->StatRet(buf))) retc = XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, retc, "autostat", fname); else retc = SFS_OK; // All done // return retc; } /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* F i l e O b j e c t I n t e r f a c e s */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /* o p e n */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfsFile::open(const char *path, // In XrdSfsFileOpenMode open_mode, // In mode_t Mode, // In const XrdSecEntity *client, // In const char *info) // In /* Function: Open the file `path' in the mode indicated by `open_mode'. Input: path - The fully qualified name of the file to open. open_mode - One of the following flag values: SFS_O_RDONLY - Open file for reading. SFS_O_WRONLY - Open file for writing. SFS_O_RDWR - Open file for update SFS_O_REPLICA- Open file for replication SFS_O_CREAT - Create the file open in RW mode SFS_O_TRUNC - Trunc the file open in RW mode SFS_O_POSC - Presist file on successful close Mode - The Posix access mode bits to be assigned to the file. These bits correspond to the standard Unix permission bits (e.g., 744 == "rwxr--r--"). Additionally, Mode may contain SFS_O_MKPTH to force creation of the full directory path if it does not exist. This parameter is ignored unless open_mode = SFS_O_CREAT. client - Authentication credentials, if any. info - Opaque information to be used as seen fit. Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success, otherwise SFS_ERROR is returned. */ { EPNAME("open"); static const int crMask = (SFS_O_CREAT | SFS_O_TRUNC); static const int opMask = (SFS_O_RDONLY | SFS_O_WRONLY | SFS_O_RDWR); struct OpenHelper {const char *Path; XrdOfsHandle *hP; XrdOssDF *fP; int poscNum; int OK() {hP = 0; fP = 0; poscNum = 0; return SFS_OK;} OpenHelper(const char *path) : Path(path), hP(0), fP(0), poscNum(0) {} ~OpenHelper() {int retc; if (hP) hP->Retire(retc); if (fP) delete fP; if (poscNum > 0) XrdOfsFS->poscQ->Del(Path, poscNum, 1); } } oP(path); mode_t theMode = Mode & S_IAMB; const char *tpcKey; int retc, isPosc = 0, crOpts = 0, isRW = 0, open_flag = 0; int find_flag = open_mode & (SFS_O_NOWAIT | SFS_O_RESET | SFS_O_MULTIW); XrdOucEnv Open_Env(info,0,client); // Trace entry // ZTRACE(open, std::hex <ocMutex.UnLock(); // Handle the open mode options // if (open_mode & crMask) {crOpts = (Mode & SFS_O_MKPTH ? XRDOSS_mkpath : 0); if (XrdOfsFS->poscQ && ((open_mode & SFS_O_POSC) || XrdOfsFS->poscAuto || Open_Env.Get("ofs.posc"))) {isPosc = 1; isRW = XrdOfsHandle::opPC;} else isRW = XrdOfsHandle::opRW; if (open_mode & SFS_O_CREAT) {open_flag = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL; find_flag |= SFS_O_RDWR | SFS_O_CREAT | (open_mode & SFS_O_REPLICA); crOpts |= XRDOSS_new; } else { open_flag |= O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC; find_flag |= SFS_O_RDWR | SFS_O_TRUNC; } } else switch(open_mode & opMask) {case SFS_O_RDONLY: open_flag = O_RDONLY; find_flag |= SFS_O_RDONLY; break; case SFS_O_WRONLY: open_flag = O_WRONLY; find_flag |= SFS_O_WRONLY; isRW = XrdOfsHandle::opRW; if (XrdOfsFS->poscQ && ((open_mode & SFS_O_POSC) || Open_Env.Get("ofs.posc"))) oP.poscNum = -1; break; case SFS_O_RDWR: open_flag = O_RDWR; find_flag |= SFS_O_RDWR; isRW = XrdOfsHandle::opRW; if (XrdOfsFS->poscQ && ((open_mode & SFS_O_POSC) || Open_Env.Get("ofs.posc"))) oP.poscNum = -1; break; default: open_flag = O_RDONLY; find_flag |= SFS_O_RDONLY; break; } // Preset TPC handling // tpcKey = Open_Env.Get(XrdOucTPC::tpcKey); // Check if we will be redirecting the tpc request // if (tpcKey && isRW && XrdOfsFS->tpcRdrHost) {error.setErrInfo(XrdOfsFS->tpcRdrPort, XrdOfsFS->tpcRdrHost); return SFS_REDIRECT; } // If we have a finder object, use it to direct the client. The final // destination will apply the security that is needed // if (XrdOfsFS->Finder && (retc = XrdOfsFS->Finder->Locate(error, path, find_flag, &Open_Env))) return XrdOfsFS->fsError(error, retc); // Create the file if so requested o/w try to attach the file // if (open_flag & O_CREAT) {// Apply security, as needed // AUTHORIZE(client,&Open_Env,AOP_Create,"create",path,error); OOIDENTENV(client, Open_Env); // For ephemeral file, we must enter the file into the queue // if (isPosc && (oP.poscNum = XrdOfsFS->poscQ->Add(tident,path)) < 0) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, oP.poscNum, "pcreate", path); // Create the file. If ENOTSUP is returned, promote the creation to // the subsequent open. This is to accomodate proxy support. // if ((retc = XrdOfsOss->Create(tident, path, theMode, Open_Env, ((open_flag << 8) | crOpts)))) {if (retc > 0) return XrdOfsFS->Stall(error, retc, path); if (retc == -EINPROGRESS) {XrdOfsFS->evrObject.Wait4Event(path,&error); return XrdOfsFS->fsError(error, SFS_STARTED); } if (retc != -ENOTSUP) {if (XrdOfsFS->Balancer) XrdOfsFS->Balancer->Removed(path); return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, retc, "create", path); } } else { if (XrdOfsFS->Balancer) XrdOfsFS->Balancer->Added(path, isPosc); open_flag = O_RDWR|O_TRUNC; if (XrdOfsFS->evsObject && XrdOfsFS->evsObject->Enabled(XrdOfsEvs::Create)) {XrdOfsEvsInfo evInfo(tident,path,info,&Open_Env,Mode); XrdOfsFS->evsObject->Notify(XrdOfsEvs::Create, evInfo); } } } else { // Apply security, as needed // if (tpcKey && !isRW) {XrdOfsTPC::Facts Args(client, &error, &Open_Env, tpcKey, path); if ((retc = XrdOfsTPC::Authorize(&myTPC, Args))) return retc; } else {AUTHORIZE(client, &Open_Env, (isRW?AOP_Update:AOP_Read), "open", path, error); } OOIDENTENV(client, Open_Env); } // Get a handle for this file. // if ((retc = XrdOfsHandle::Alloc(path, isRW, &oP.hP))) {if (retc > 0) return XrdOfsFS->Stall(error, retc, path); return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, retc, "attach", path); } // If this is a third party copy and we are the destination, then validate // specification at this point and setup to transfer. Note that if the // call fails and auto removal is enabled, the file we created will be deleted. // if (tpcKey && isRW) {char pfnbuff[MAXPATHLEN+8]; const char *pfnP; if (!(pfnP = XrdOfsOss->Lfn2Pfn(path, pfnbuff, MAXPATHLEN, retc))) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, retc, "open", path); XrdOfsTPC::Facts Args(client, &error, &Open_Env, tpcKey, path, pfnP); if ((retc = XrdOfsTPC::Validate(&myTPC, Args))) return retc; } // Assign/transfer posc ownership. We may need to delay the client if the // file create ownership does not match and this is not a create request. // if (oP.hP->isRW == XrdOfsHandle::opPC) {if (!isRW) return XrdOfsFS->Stall(error, -1, path); if ((retc = oP.hP->PoscSet(tident, oP.poscNum, theMode))) {if (retc > 0) XrdOfsFS->poscQ->Del(path, retc); else return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, retc, "access", path); } } // If this is a previously existing handle, we are almost done. If this is // the target of a third party copy requesy, fail it now. We don't support // multiple writers in tpc mode (this should really never happen). // if (!(oP.hP->Inactive())) {dorawio = (oh->isCompressed && open_mode & SFS_O_RAWIO ? 1 : 0); if (tpcKey && isRW) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, EALREADY, "tpc", path); XrdOfsFS->ocMutex.Lock(); oh = oP.hP; XrdOfsFS->ocMutex.UnLock(); FTRACE(open, "attach use=" <Usage()); if (oP.poscNum > 0) XrdOfsFS->poscQ->Commit(path, oP.poscNum); oP.hP->UnLock(); OfsStats.sdMutex.Lock(); isRW ? OfsStats.Data.numOpenW++ : OfsStats.Data.numOpenR++; if (oP.poscNum > 0) OfsStats.Data.numOpenP++; OfsStats.sdMutex.UnLock(); return oP.OK(); } // Get a storage system object // if (!(oP.fP = XrdOfsOss->newFile(tident))) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, ENOMEM, "open", path); // We need to make special provisions for proxy servers in the presence of // the TPC option as it's handled differently in this case. // if (myTPC && XrdOfsFS->OssIsProxy) open_flag |= O_NOFOLLOW; // Open the file // if ((retc = oP.fP->Open(path, open_flag, Mode, Open_Env))) {if (retc > 0) return XrdOfsFS->Stall(error, retc, path); if (retc == -EINPROGRESS) {XrdOfsFS->evrObject.Wait4Event(path,&error); return XrdOfsFS->fsError(error, SFS_STARTED); } if (retc == -ETXTBSY) return XrdOfsFS->Stall(error, -1, path); if (XrdOfsFS->Balancer && retc != -ECANCELED) XrdOfsFS->Balancer->Removed(path); return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, retc, "open", path); } // Verify that we can actually use this file // if (oP.poscNum > 0) {if ((retc = oP.fP->Fchmod(static_cast(theMode|XRDSFS_POSCPEND)))) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, retc, "fchmod", path); XrdOfsFS->poscQ->Commit(path, oP.poscNum); } // Set compression values and activate the handle // if (oP.fP->isCompressed() > 0) {oP.hP->isCompressed = 1; dorawio = (open_mode & SFS_O_RAWIO ? 1 : 0); } oP.hP->Activate(oP.fP); oP.hP->UnLock(); // Send an open event if we must // if (XrdOfsFS->evsObject) {XrdOfsEvs::Event theEvent = (isRW ? XrdOfsEvs::Openw : XrdOfsEvs::Openr); if (XrdOfsFS->evsObject->Enabled(theEvent)) {XrdOfsEvsInfo evInfo(tident, path, info, &Open_Env); XrdOfsFS->evsObject->Notify(theEvent, evInfo); } } // Maintain statistics // OfsStats.sdMutex.Lock(); isRW ? OfsStats.Data.numOpenW++ : OfsStats.Data.numOpenR++; if (oP.poscNum > 0) OfsStats.Data.numOpenP++; OfsStats.sdMutex.UnLock(); // All done // XrdOfsFS->ocMutex.Lock(); oh = oP.hP; XrdOfsFS->ocMutex.UnLock(); return oP.OK(); } /******************************************************************************/ /* c l o s e */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfsFile::close() // In /* Function: Close the file object. Input: n/a Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. */ { EPNAME("close"); class CloseFH : public XrdOfsHanCB {public: void Retired(XrdOfsHandle *hP) {XrdOfsFS->Unpersist(hP);}}; static XrdOfsHanCB *hCB = static_cast(new CloseFH); XrdOfsHandle *hP; int poscNum, retc, cRetc = 0; short theMode; // Trace the call // FTRACE(close, "use=" <Usage()); // Unreliable trace, no origin lock // Verify the handle (we briefly maintain a global lock) // XrdOfsFS->ocMutex.Lock(); if (oh == XrdOfs::dummyHandle) {XrdOfsFS->ocMutex.UnLock(); return SFS_OK;} if ((oh->Inactive())) {XrdOfsFS->ocMutex.UnLock(); return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, EBADF, "close file"); } hP = oh; oh = XrdOfs::dummyHandle; XrdOfsFS->ocMutex.UnLock(); hP->Lock(); // Delete the tpc object, if any // if (myTPC) {myTPC->Del(); myTPC = 0;} // Maintain statistics // OfsStats.sdMutex.Lock(); if (!(hP->isRW)) OfsStats.Data.numOpenR--; else {OfsStats.Data.numOpenW--; if (hP->isRW == XrdOfsHandle::opPC) OfsStats.Data.numOpenP--; } OfsStats.sdMutex.UnLock(); // If this file was tagged as a POSC then we need to make sure it will persist // Note that we unpersist the file immediately when it's inactive or if no hold // time is allowed. Also, close events occur only for active handles. If the // entry was via delete then we ignore the close return code as there is no // one to handle it on the other side. // if ((poscNum = hP->PoscGet(theMode, !viaDel))) {if (viaDel) {if (hP->Inactive() || !XrdOfsFS->poscHold) {XrdOfsFS->Unpersist(hP, !hP->Inactive()); hP->Retire(cRetc);} else hP->Retire(hCB, XrdOfsFS->poscHold); return SFS_OK; } if ((retc = hP->Select().Fchmod(theMode))) XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, retc, "fchmod", hP->Name()); else {XrdOfsFS->poscQ->Del(hP->Name(), poscNum); if (XrdOfsFS->Balancer) XrdOfsFS->Balancer->Added(hP->Name()); } } // We need to handle the cunudrum that an event may have to be sent upon // the final close. However, that would cause the path name to be destroyed. // So, we have two modes of logic where we copy out the pathname if a final // close actually occurs. The path is not copied if it's not final and we // don't bother with any of it if we need not generate an event. // if (XrdOfsFS->evsObject && tident && XrdOfsFS->evsObject->Enabled(hP->isRW ? XrdOfsEvs::Closew : XrdOfsEvs::Closer)) {long long FSize, *retsz; char pathbuff[MAXPATHLEN+8]; XrdOfsEvs::Event theEvent; if (hP->isRW) {theEvent = XrdOfsEvs::Closew; retsz = &FSize;} else { theEvent = XrdOfsEvs::Closer; retsz = 0; FSize=0;} if (!(hP->Retire(cRetc, retsz, pathbuff, sizeof(pathbuff)))) {XrdOfsEvsInfo evInfo(tident, pathbuff, "" , 0, 0, FSize); XrdOfsFS->evsObject->Notify(theEvent, evInfo); } } else hP->Retire(cRetc); // All done // return (cRetc ? XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, cRetc, "close file") : SFS_OK); } /******************************************************************************/ /* f c t l */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfsFile::fctl(const int cmd, const char *args, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error) { // See if we can do this // if (cmd == SFS_FCTL_GETFD) {out_error.setErrCode(oh->Select().getFD()); return SFS_OK; } // We don't support this // out_error.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "fctl operation not supported"); return SFS_ERROR; } /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfsFile::fctl(const int cmd, int alen, const char *args, const XrdSecEntity *client) { // 12345678901234 static const char *fctlArg = "ofs.tpc cancel"; static const int fctlAsz = 15; // See if the is a tpc cancellation (the only thing we support here) // if (cmd != SFS_FCTL_SPEC1 || !args || alen < fctlAsz || strcmp(fctlArg,args)) {error.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "fctl operation not supported"); return SFS_ERROR; } // Check if we have a tpc operation in progress // if (!myTPC) {error.setErrInfo(ESRCH, "tpc operation not found"); return SFS_ERROR; } // Cancel the tpc // myTPC->Del(); myTPC = 0; return SFS_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* r e a d */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfsFile::read(XrdSfsFileOffset offset, // In XrdSfsXferSize blen) // In /* Function: Preread `blen' bytes at `offset' Input: offset - The absolute byte offset at which to start the read. blen - The amount to preread. Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR o/w. */ { EPNAME("read"); int retc; // Perform required tracing // FTRACE(read, "preread " < 0x000000007fffffff) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, EFBIG, "read", oh->Name()); #endif // Now preread the actual number of bytes // if ((retc = oh->Select().Read((off_t)offset, (size_t)blen)) < 0) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, (int)retc, "preread", oh->Name()); // Return number of bytes read // return retc; } /******************************************************************************/ /* r e a d */ /******************************************************************************/ XrdSfsXferSize XrdOfsFile::read(XrdSfsFileOffset offset, // In char *buff, // Out XrdSfsXferSize blen) // In /* Function: Read `blen' bytes at `offset' into 'buff' and return the actual number of bytes read. Input: offset - The absolute byte offset at which to start the read. buff - Address of the buffer in which to place the data. blen - The size of the buffer. This is the maximum number of bytes that will be read from 'fd'. Output: Returns the number of bytes read upon success and SFS_ERROR o/w. */ { EPNAME("read"); XrdSfsXferSize nbytes; // Perform required tracing // FTRACE(read, blen <<"@" < 0x000000007fffffff) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, EFBIG, "read", oh->Name()); #endif // Now read the actual number of bytes // nbytes = (dorawio ? (XrdSfsXferSize)(oh->Select().ReadRaw((void *)buff, (off_t)offset, (size_t)blen)) : (XrdSfsXferSize)(oh->Select().Read((void *)buff, (off_t)offset, (size_t)blen))); if (nbytes < 0) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, (int)nbytes, "read", oh->Name()); // Return number of bytes read // return nbytes; } /******************************************************************************/ /* r e a d v */ /******************************************************************************/ XrdSfsXferSize XrdOfsFile::readv(XrdOucIOVec *readV, // In int readCount) // In /* Function: Perform all the reads specified in the readV vector. Input: readV - A description of the reads to perform; includes the absolute offset, the size of the read, and the buffer to place the data into. readCount - The size of the readV vector. Output: Returns the number of bytes read upon success and SFS_ERROR o/w. If the number of bytes read is less than requested, it is considered an error. */ { EPNAME("readv"); XrdSfsXferSize nbytes = oh->Select().ReadV(readV, readCount); if (nbytes < 0) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, (int)nbytes, "readv", oh->Name()); return nbytes; } /******************************************************************************/ /* r e a d A I O */ /******************************************************************************/ /* Function: Read `blen' bytes at `offset' into 'buff' and return the actual number of bytes read using asynchronous I/O, if possible. Output: Returns the 0 if successfullt queued, otherwise returns an error. The underlying implementation will convert the request to synchronous I/O is async mode is not possible. */ int XrdOfsFile::read(XrdSfsAio *aiop) { EPNAME("aioread"); int rc; // Async mode for compressed files is not supported. // if (oh->isCompressed) {aiop->Result = this->read((XrdSfsFileOffset)aiop->sfsAio.aio_offset, (char *)aiop->sfsAio.aio_buf, (XrdSfsXferSize)aiop->sfsAio.aio_nbytes); aiop->doneRead(); return 0; } // Perform required tracing // FTRACE(aio, aiop->sfsAio.aio_nbytes <<"@" <sfsAio.aio_offset); // Make sure the offset is not too large // #if _FILE_OFFSET_BITS!=64 if (aiop->sfsAio.aio_offset > 0x000000007fffffff) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, EFBIG, "read", oh->Name()); #endif // Issue the read. Only true errors are returned here. // if ((rc = oh->Select().Read(aiop)) < 0) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, rc, "read", oh->Name()); // All done // return SFS_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* w r i t e */ /******************************************************************************/ XrdSfsXferSize XrdOfsFile::write(XrdSfsFileOffset offset, // In const char *buff, // Out XrdSfsXferSize blen) // In /* Function: Write `blen' bytes at `offset' from 'buff' and return the actual number of bytes written. Input: offset - The absolute byte offset at which to start the write. buff - Address of the buffer from which to get the data. blen - The size of the buffer. This is the maximum number of bytes that will be written to 'fd'. Output: Returns the number of bytes written upon success and SFS_ERROR o/w. Notes: An error return may be delayed until the next write(), close(), or sync() call. */ { EPNAME("write"); XrdSfsXferSize nbytes; // Perform any required tracing // FTRACE(write, blen <<"@" < 0x000000007fffffff) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, EFBIG, "write", oh); #endif // Silly Castor stuff // if (XrdOfsFS->evsObject && !(oh->isChanged) && XrdOfsFS->evsObject->Enabled(XrdOfsEvs::Fwrite)) GenFWEvent(); // Write the requested bytes // oh->isPending = 1; nbytes = (XrdSfsXferSize)(oh->Select().Write((const void *)buff, (off_t)offset, (size_t)blen)); if (nbytes < 0) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, (int)nbytes, "write", oh); // Return number of bytes written // return nbytes; } /******************************************************************************/ /* w r i t e A I O */ /******************************************************************************/ // For now, this reverts to synchronous I/O // int XrdOfsFile::write(XrdSfsAio *aiop) { EPNAME("aiowrite"); int rc; // Perform any required tracing // FTRACE(aio, aiop->sfsAio.aio_nbytes <<"@" <sfsAio.aio_offset); // If this is a POSC file, we must convert the async call to a sync call as we // must trap any errors that unpersist the file. We can't do that via aio i/f. // if (oh->isRW == XrdOfsHandle::opPC) {aiop->Result = this->write(aiop->sfsAio.aio_offset, (const char *)aiop->sfsAio.aio_buf, aiop->sfsAio.aio_nbytes); aiop->doneWrite(); return 0; } // Make sure the offset is not too large // #if _FILE_OFFSET_BITS!=64 if (aiop->sfsAio.aio_offset > 0x000000007fffffff) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, EFBIG, "write", oh->Name()); #endif // Silly Castor stuff // if (XrdOfsFS->evsObject && !(oh->isChanged) && XrdOfsFS->evsObject->Enabled(XrdOfsEvs::Fwrite)) GenFWEvent(); // Write the requested bytes // oh->isPending = 1; if ((rc = oh->Select().Write(aiop)) < 0) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, rc, "write", oh->Name()); // All done // return SFS_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* g e t M m a p */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfsFile::getMmap(void **Addr, off_t &Size) // Out /* Function: Return memory mapping for file, if any. Output: Addr - Address of memory location Size - Size of the file or zero if not memory mapped. Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. */ { // Perform the function // Size = oh->Select().getMmap(Addr); return SFS_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* s t a t */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfsFile::stat(struct stat *buf) // Out /* Function: Return file status information Input: buf - The stat structiure to hold the results Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. */ { EPNAME("fstat"); int retc; // Perform any required tracing // FTRACE(stat, ""); // Perform the function // if ((retc = oh->Select().Fstat(buf)) < 0) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname,error,retc,"get state for",oh->Name()); return SFS_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* s y n c */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfsFile::sync() // In /* Function: Commit all unwritten bytes to physical media. Input: n/a Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. */ { EPNAME("sync"); int retc; // Perform any required tracing // FTRACE(sync, ""); // If we have a tpc object hanging about, we need to dispatch that first // if (myTPC && (retc = myTPC->Sync(&error))) return retc; // We can test the pendio flag w/o a lock because the person doing this // sync must have done the previous write. Causality is the synchronizer. // if (!(oh->isPending)) return SFS_OK; // We can also skip the sync if the file is closed. However, we need a file // object lock in order to test the flag. We can also reset the PENDIO flag. // oh->Lock(); oh->isPending = 0; oh->UnLock(); // Perform the function // if ((retc = oh->Select().Fsync())) {oh->isPending = 1; return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, retc, "synchronize", oh); } // Indicate all went well // return SFS_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* s y n c A I O */ /******************************************************************************/ // For now, reverts to synchronous case. This must also be the case for POSC! // int XrdOfsFile::sync(XrdSfsAio *aiop) { aiop->Result = this->sync(); aiop->doneWrite(); return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /* t r u n c a t e */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfsFile::truncate(XrdSfsFileOffset flen) // In /* Function: Set the length of the file object to 'flen' bytes. Input: flen - The new size of the file. Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. Notes: If 'flen' is smaller than the current size of the file, the file is made smaller and the data past 'flen' is discarded. If 'flen' is larger than the current size of the file, a hole is created (i.e., the file is logically extended by filling the extra bytes with zeroes). */ { EPNAME("trunc"); int retc; // Lock the file handle and perform any tracing // FTRACE(truncate, "len=" < 0x000000007fffffff) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, EFBIG, "truncate", oh); // Silly Castor stuff // if (XrdOfsFS->evsObject && !(oh->isChanged) && XrdOfsFS->evsObject->Enabled(XrdOfsEvs::Fwrite)) GenFWEvent(); // Perform the function // oh->isPending = 1; if ((retc = oh->Select().Ftruncate(flen))) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, error, retc, "truncate", oh); // Indicate Success // return SFS_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* g e t C X i n f o */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfsFile::getCXinfo(char cxtype[4], int &cxrsz) /* Function: Set the length of the file object to 'flen' bytes. Input: n/a Output: cxtype - Compression algorithm code cxrsz - Compression region size Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. */ { // Copy out the info // cxrsz = oh->Select().isCompressed(cxtype); return SFS_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* P r i v a t e F i l e M e t h o d s */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /* protected G e n F W E v e n t */ /******************************************************************************/ void XrdOfsFile::GenFWEvent() { int first_write; // This silly code is to generate a 1st write event which slows things down // but is needed by the one and only Castor. What a big sigh! // oh->Lock(); if ((first_write = !(oh->isChanged))) oh->isChanged = 1; oh->UnLock(); if (first_write) {XrdOfsEvsInfo evInfo(tident, oh->Name()); XrdOfsFS->evsObject->Notify(XrdOfsEvs::Fwrite, evInfo); } } /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* F i l e S y s t e m O b j e c t I n t e r f a c e s */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /* c h k s u m */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::chksum( csFunc Func, // In const char *csName, // In const char *Path, // In XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out const XrdSecEntity *client, // In const char *opaque) // In /* Function: Compute and return file checksum. Input: Func - Function to be performed: csCalc - Return precomputed or computed checksum. csGet - Return precomputed checksum. csSize - Verify csName and get its size. Path - Pathname of file for csCalc and csSize. einfo - Error information object to hold error details. client - Authentication credentials, if any. opaque - Opaque information to be used as seen fit. Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. */ { EPNAME("chksum"); XrdOucEnv cksEnv(opaque,0,client); XrdCksData cksData; const char *tident = einfo.getErrUser(); char buff[MAXPATHLEN+8]; int rc; // Check if we support checksumming // if (!Cks) {einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "Checksums are not supported."); return SFS_ERROR; } // A csSize request is issued usually once to verify everything is working. We // take this opportunity to also verify the checksum name. // rc = cksData.Set(csName); if (!rc || Func == XrdSfsFileSystem::csSize) {if (rc && (rc = Cks->Size(csName))) {einfo.setErrCode(rc); return SFS_OK;} strcpy(buff, csName); strcat(buff, " checksum not supported."); einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, buff); return SFS_ERROR; } // Everything else requires a path // if (!Path) {strcpy(buff, csName); strcat(buff, " checksum path not specified."); einfo.setErrInfo(EINVAL, buff); return SFS_ERROR; } // Apply security, as needed // XTRACE(stat, Path, csName); AUTHORIZE(client,&cksEnv,AOP_Stat,"checksum",Path,einfo); // If we are a menager then we need to redirect the client to where the file is // if (CksRdr && Finder && Finder->isRemote() && (rc = Finder->Locate(einfo, Path, SFS_O_RDONLY, &cksEnv))) return fsError(einfo, rc); // At this point we need to convert the lfn to a pfn // if (CksPfn && !(Path = XrdOfsOss->Lfn2Pfn(Path, buff, MAXPATHLEN, rc))) return Emsg(epname, einfo, rc, "checksum", Path); // If this is a proxy server then we may need to pass a pointer to the env // if (OssIsProxy) {if (Func == XrdSfsFileSystem::csGet || Func == XrdSfsFileSystem::csCalc) cksData.tident = tident; } // Now determine what to do // if (Func == XrdSfsFileSystem::csCalc) rc = Cks->Calc(Path, cksData); else if (Func == XrdSfsFileSystem::csGet) rc = Cks->Get( Path, cksData); else {einfo.setErrInfo(EINVAL, "Invalid checksum function."); return SFS_ERROR; } // See if all went well // #ifdef ENOATTR if (rc >= 0 || rc == -ENOATTR || rc == -ESTALE || rc == -ESRCH) #else if (rc >= 0 || rc == -ENODATA || rc == -ESTALE || rc == -ESRCH) #endif {if (rc >= 0) {cksData.Get(buff, MAXPATHLEN); rc = 0;} else {*buff = 0; rc = ENOENT;} einfo.setErrInfo(rc, buff); return SFS_OK; } // We failed // return Emsg(epname, einfo, rc, "checksum", Path); } /******************************************************************************/ /* c h m o d */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::chmod(const char *path, // In XrdSfsMode Mode, // In XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out const XrdSecEntity *client, // In const char *info) // In /* Function: Change the mode on a file or directory. Input: path - Is the fully qualified name of the file to be removed. einfo - Error information object to hold error details. client - Authentication credentials, if any. info - Opaque information to be used as seen fit. Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. */ { EPNAME("chmod"); static const int locFlags = SFS_O_RDWR|SFS_O_META; mode_t acc_mode = Mode & S_IAMB; const char *tident = einfo.getErrUser(); XrdOucEnv chmod_Env(info,0,client); int retc; XTRACE(chmod, path, ""); // Apply security, as needed // AUTHORIZE(client,&chmod_Env,AOP_Chmod,"chmod",path,einfo); // Find out where we should chmod this file // if (Finder && Finder->isRemote()) {if (fwdCHMOD.Cmd) {char buff[8]; sprintf(buff, "%o", static_cast(acc_mode)); if (Forward(retc,einfo,fwdCHMOD,path,buff,&chmod_Env)) return retc; } else if ((retc = Finder->Locate(einfo, path, locFlags, &chmod_Env))) return fsError(einfo, retc); } // Check if we should generate an event // if (evsObject && evsObject->Enabled(XrdOfsEvs::Chmod)) {XrdOfsEvsInfo evInfo(tident, path, info, &chmod_Env, acc_mode); evsObject->Notify(XrdOfsEvs::Chmod, evInfo); } // Now try to find the file or directory // if (!(retc = XrdOfsOss->Chmod(path, acc_mode, &chmod_Env))) return SFS_OK; // An error occured, return the error info // return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, einfo, retc, "change", path); } /******************************************************************************/ /* e x i s t s */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::exists(const char *path, // In XrdSfsFileExistence &file_exists, // Out XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out const XrdSecEntity *client, // In const char *info) // In /* Function: Determine if file 'path' actually exists. Input: path - Is the fully qualified name of the file to be tested. file_exists - Is the address of the variable to hold the status of 'path' when success is returned. The values may be: XrdSfsFileExistsIsDirectory - file not found but path is valid. XrdSfsFileExistsIsFile - file found. XrdSfsFileExistsIsNo - neither file nor directory. einfo - Error information object holding the details. client - Authentication credentials, if any. info - Opaque information to be used as seen fit. Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. Notes: When failure occurs, 'file_exists' is not modified. */ { EPNAME("exists"); struct stat fstat; int retc; const char *tident = einfo.getErrUser(); XrdOucEnv stat_Env(info,0,client); XTRACE(exists, path, ""); // Apply security, as needed // AUTHORIZE(client,&stat_Env,AOP_Stat,"locate",path,einfo); // Find out where we should stat this file // if (Finder && Finder->isRemote() && (retc = Finder->Locate(einfo, path, SFS_O_RDONLY, &stat_Env))) return fsError(einfo, retc); // Now try to find the file or directory // retc = XrdOfsOss->Stat(path, &fstat, 0, &stat_Env); if (!retc) { if (S_ISDIR(fstat.st_mode)) file_exists=XrdSfsFileExistIsDirectory; else if (S_ISREG(fstat.st_mode)) file_exists=XrdSfsFileExistIsFile; else file_exists=XrdSfsFileExistNo; return SFS_OK; } if (retc == -ENOENT) {file_exists=XrdSfsFileExistNo; return SFS_OK; } // An error occured, return the error info // return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, einfo, retc, "locate", path); } /******************************************************************************/ /* f s c t l */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::fsctl(const int cmd, const char *args, XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, const XrdSecEntity *client) /* Function: Perform filesystem operations: Input: cmd - Operation command (currently supported): SFS_FSCTL_LOCATE - locate file SFS_FSCTL_STATCC - return cluster config status SFS_FSCTL_STATFS - return file system info (physical) SFS_FSCTL_STATLS - return file system info (logical) SFS_FSCTL_STATXA - return file extended attributes arg - Command dependent argument: - Locate: The path whose location is wanted buf - The stat structure to hold the results einfo - Error/Response information structure. client - Authentication credentials, if any. Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. */ { EPNAME("fsctl"); static int PrivTab[] = {XrdAccPriv_Delete, XrdAccPriv_Insert, XrdAccPriv_Lock, XrdAccPriv_Lookup, XrdAccPriv_Rename, XrdAccPriv_Read, XrdAccPriv_Write}; static char PrivLet[] = {'d', 'i', 'k', 'l', 'n', 'r', 'w'}; static const int PrivNum = sizeof(PrivLet); int retc, i, blen, privs, opcode = cmd & SFS_FSCTL_CMD; const char *tident = einfo.getErrUser(); char *bP, *cP; XTRACE(fsctl, args, ""); // Process the LOCATE request // if (opcode == SFS_FSCTL_LOCATE) {static const int locMask = (SFS_O_FORCE|SFS_O_NOWAIT|SFS_O_RESET| SFS_O_HNAME|SFS_O_RAWIO); struct stat fstat; char pbuff[1024], rType[3]; const char *Resp[2] = {rType, pbuff}; const char *locArg, *opq, *Path = Split(args,&opq,pbuff,sizeof(pbuff)); XrdNetIF::ifType ifType; int Resp1Len; int find_flag = SFS_O_LOCATE | (cmd & locMask); XrdOucEnv loc_Env(opq ? opq+1 : 0,0,client); if (cmd & SFS_O_TRUNC) locArg = (char *)"*"; else { if (*Path == '*') {locArg = Path; Path++;} else locArg = Path; AUTHORIZE(client,0,AOP_Stat,"locate",Path,einfo); } if (Finder && Finder->isRemote() && (retc = Finder->Locate(einfo, locArg, find_flag, &loc_Env))) return fsError(einfo, retc); if (cmd & SFS_O_TRUNC) {rType[0] = 'S'; rType[1] = ossRW;} else {if ((retc = XrdOfsOss->Stat(Path, &fstat, 0, &loc_Env))) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, einfo, retc, "locate", Path); rType[0] = ((fstat.st_mode & S_IFBLK) == S_IFBLK ? 's' : 'S'); rType[1] = (fstat.st_mode & S_IWUSR ? 'w' : 'r'); } rType[2] = '\0'; ifType = XrdNetIF::GetIFType((einfo.getUCap() & XrdOucEI::uIPv4) != 0, (einfo.getUCap() & XrdOucEI::uIPv64) != 0, (einfo.getUCap() & XrdOucEI::uPrip) != 0); bool retHN = (cmd & SFS_O_HNAME) != 0; if ((Resp1Len = myIF->GetDest(pbuff, sizeof(pbuff), ifType, retHN))) {einfo.setErrInfo(Resp1Len+3, (const char **)Resp, 2); return SFS_DATA; } return Emsg(epname, einfo, ENETUNREACH, "locate", Path); } // Process the STATFS request // if (opcode == SFS_FSCTL_STATFS) {char pbuff[1024]; const char *opq, *Path = Split(args, &opq, pbuff, sizeof(pbuff)); XrdOucEnv fs_Env(opq ? opq+1 : 0,0,client); AUTHORIZE(client,0,AOP_Stat,"statfs",Path,einfo); if (Finder && Finder->isRemote() && (retc = Finder->Space(einfo, Path, &fs_Env))) return fsError(einfo, retc); bP = einfo.getMsgBuff(blen); if ((retc = XrdOfsOss->StatFS(Path, bP, blen, &fs_Env))) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, einfo, retc, "statfs", args); einfo.setErrCode(blen+1); return SFS_DATA; } // Process the STATLS request // if (opcode == SFS_FSCTL_STATLS) {char pbuff[1024]; const char *opq, *Path = Split(args, &opq, pbuff, sizeof(pbuff)); XrdOucEnv statls_Env(opq ? opq+1 : 0,0,client); AUTHORIZE(client,0,AOP_Stat,"statfs",Path,einfo); if (Finder && Finder->isRemote()) {statls_Env.Put("cms.qvfs", "1"); if ((retc = Finder->Space(einfo, Path, &statls_Env))) {if (retc == SFS_DATA) retc = Reformat(einfo); return fsError(einfo, retc); } } bP = einfo.getMsgBuff(blen); if ((retc = XrdOfsOss->StatLS(statls_Env, Path, bP, blen))) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, einfo, retc, "statls", Path); einfo.setErrCode(blen+1); return SFS_DATA; } // Process the STATXA request // if (opcode == SFS_FSCTL_STATXA) {char pbuff[1024]; const char *opq, *Path = Split(args, &opq, pbuff, sizeof(pbuff)); XrdOucEnv xa_Env(opq ? opq+1 : 0,0,client); AUTHORIZE(client,0,AOP_Stat,"statxa",Path,einfo); if (Finder && Finder->isRemote() && (retc = Finder->Locate(einfo,Path,SFS_O_RDONLY|SFS_O_STAT,&xa_Env))) return fsError(einfo, retc); bP = einfo.getMsgBuff(blen); if ((retc = XrdOfsOss->StatXA(Path, bP, blen, &xa_Env))) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, einfo, retc, "statxa", Path); if (!client || !XrdOfsFS->Authorization) privs = XrdAccPriv_All; else privs = XrdOfsFS->Authorization->Access(client, Path, AOP_Any); cP = bP + blen; strcpy(cP, "&ofs.ap="); cP += 8; if (privs == XrdAccPriv_All) *cP++ = 'a'; else {for (i = 0; i < PrivNum; i++) if (PrivTab[i] & privs) *cP++ = PrivLet[i]; if (cP == (bP + blen + 1)) *cP++ = '?'; } *cP++ = '\0'; einfo.setErrCode(cP-bP+1); return SFS_DATA; } // Process the STATCC request (this should always succeed) // if (opcode == SFS_FSCTL_STATCC) {static const int lcc_flag = SFS_O_LOCATE | SFS_O_LOCAL; XrdOucEnv lcc_Env(0,0,client); if (Finder) retc = Finder ->Locate(einfo,".",lcc_flag,&lcc_Env); else if (Balancer) retc = Balancer->Locate(einfo,".",lcc_flag,&lcc_Env); else retc = SFS_ERROR; if (retc != SFS_DATA) einfo.setErrInfo(5, "none|"); return fsError(einfo, SFS_DATA); } // Operation is not supported // return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, einfo, ENOTSUP, "fsctl", args); } /******************************************************************************/ /* g e t S t a t s */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::getStats(char *buff, int blen) { int n; // See if the size just wanted // if (!buff) return OfsStats.Report(0,0) + XrdOfsOss->Stats(0,0); // Report ofs info followed by the oss info // n = OfsStats.Report(buff, blen); buff += n; blen -= n; n += XrdOfsOss->Stats(buff, blen); // All done // return n; } /******************************************************************************/ /* m k d i r */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::mkdir(const char *path, // In XrdSfsMode Mode, // In XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out const XrdSecEntity *client, // In const char *info) // In /* Function: Create a directory entry. Input: path - Is the fully qualified name of the file to be removed. Mode - Is the POSIX mode value the directory is to have. Additionally, Mode may contain SFS_O_MKPTH if the full dircectory path should be created. einfo - Error information object to hold error details. client - Authentication credentials, if any. info - Opaque information to be used as seen fit. Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. */ { EPNAME("mkdir"); static const int LocOpts = SFS_O_RDWR | SFS_O_CREAT | SFS_O_META; mode_t acc_mode = Mode & S_IAMB; int retc, mkpath = Mode & SFS_O_MKPTH; const char *tident = einfo.getErrUser(); XrdOucEnv mkdir_Env(info,0,client); XTRACE(mkdir, path, ""); // Apply security, as needed // AUTHORIZE(client,&mkdir_Env,AOP_Mkdir,"mkdir",path,einfo); // Find out where we should remove this file // if (Finder && Finder->isRemote()) {if (fwdMKDIR.Cmd) {char buff[8]; sprintf(buff, "%o", static_cast(acc_mode)); if (Forward(retc, einfo, (mkpath ? fwdMKPATH:fwdMKDIR), path, buff, &mkdir_Env)) return retc; } else if ((retc = Finder->Locate(einfo,path,LocOpts,&mkdir_Env))) return fsError(einfo, retc); } // Perform the actual operation // if ((retc = XrdOfsOss->Mkdir(path, acc_mode, mkpath, &mkdir_Env))) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, einfo, retc, "mkdir", path); // Check if we should generate an event // if (evsObject && evsObject->Enabled(XrdOfsEvs::Mkdir)) {XrdOfsEvsInfo evInfo(tident, path, info, &mkdir_Env, acc_mode); evsObject->Notify(XrdOfsEvs::Mkdir, evInfo); } // If we have a redirector, tell it that we now have this path // if (Balancer) {if (!mkpath) Balancer->Added(path); else {char *slash, *myPath = strdup(path); do {Balancer->Added(myPath); if ((slash = rindex(myPath, '/'))) *slash = 0; } while(slash && slash != myPath); free(myPath); } } return SFS_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* p r e p a r e */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::prepare( XrdSfsPrep &pargs, // In XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, // Out const XrdSecEntity *client) // In { EPNAME("prepare"); XrdOucEnv prep_Env(0,0,client); XrdOucTList *tp = pargs.paths; int retc; // Run through the paths to make sure client can read each one // while(tp) {AUTHORIZE(client,0,AOP_Read,"prepare",tp->text,out_error); tp = tp->next; } // If we have a finder object, use it to prepare the paths. Otherwise, // ignore this prepare request (we may change this in the future). // if (XrdOfsFS->Finder && (retc = XrdOfsFS->Finder->Prepare(out_error, pargs, &prep_Env))) return fsError(out_error, retc); return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /* r e m o v e */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::remove(const char type, // In const char *path, // In XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out const XrdSecEntity *client, // In const char *info) // In /* Function: Delete a file from the namespace and release it's data storage. Input: type - 'f' for file and 'd' for directory. path - Is the fully qualified name of the file to be removed. einfo - Error information object to hold error details. client - Authentication credentials, if any. info - Opaque information to be used as seen fit. Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. */ { EPNAME("remove"); static const int LocOpts = SFS_O_WRONLY|SFS_O_META; int retc, Opt; const char *tident = einfo.getErrUser(); XrdOucEnv rem_Env(info,0,client); XTRACE(remove, path, type); // Apply security, as needed // AUTHORIZE(client,&rem_Env,AOP_Delete,"remove",path,einfo); // Find out where we should remove this file // if (Finder && Finder->isRemote()) {struct fwdOpt *fSpec = (type == 'd' ? &fwdRMDIR : &fwdRM); if (fSpec->Cmd) {if (Forward(retc, einfo, *fSpec, path, 0, &rem_Env)) return retc;} else if ((retc = Finder->Locate(einfo, path, LocOpts, &rem_Env))) return fsError(einfo, retc); } // Check if we should generate an event // if (evsObject) {XrdOfsEvs::Event theEvent=(type == 'd' ? XrdOfsEvs::Rmdir:XrdOfsEvs::Rm); if (evsObject->Enabled(theEvent)) {XrdOfsEvsInfo evInfo(tident, path, info, &rem_Env); evsObject->Notify(theEvent, evInfo); } } // Check if this is an online deletion only // Opt = (rem_Env.Get("ofs.lcl") ? XRDOSS_Online : 0); // Perform the actual deletion // retc = (type=='d' ? XrdOfsOss->Remdir(path, 0, &rem_Env) : XrdOfsOss->Unlink(path, Opt, &rem_Env)); if (retc) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, einfo, retc, "remove", path); if (type == 'f') XrdOfsHandle::Hide(path); if (Balancer) Balancer->Removed(path); return SFS_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* r e n a m e */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::rename(const char *old_name, // In const char *new_name, // In XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, //Out const XrdSecEntity *client, // In const char *infoO, // In const char *infoN) // In /* Function: Renames a file with name 'old_name' to 'new_name'. Input: old_name - Is the fully qualified name of the file to be renamed. new_name - Is the fully qualified name that the file is to have. einfo - Error information structure, if an error occurs. client - Authentication credentials, if any. infoO - old_name opaque information to be used as seen fit. infoN - new_name opaque information to be used as seen fit. Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. */ { EPNAME("rename"); static const int LocOpts = SFS_O_RDWR|SFS_O_META; int retc; const char *tident = einfo.getErrUser(); XrdOucEnv old_Env(infoO,0,client); XrdOucEnv new_Env(infoN,0,client); XTRACE(rename, new_name, "old fn=" <isRemote()) {if (fwdMV.Cmd) {if (Forward(retc,einfo,fwdMV,old_name,new_name,&old_Env,&new_Env)) return retc; } else if ((retc = Finder->Locate(einfo, old_name, LocOpts, &old_Env))) return fsError(einfo, retc); } // Check if we should generate an event // if (evsObject && evsObject->Enabled(XrdOfsEvs::Mv)) {XrdOfsEvsInfo evInfo(tident, old_name, infoO, &old_Env, 0, 0, new_name, infoN, &new_Env); evsObject->Notify(XrdOfsEvs::Mv, evInfo); } // Perform actual rename operation // if ((retc = XrdOfsOss->Rename(old_name, new_name, &old_Env, &new_Env))) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, einfo, retc, "rename", old_name); XrdOfsHandle::Hide(old_name); if (Balancer) {Balancer->Removed(old_name); Balancer->Added(new_name); } return SFS_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* s t a t */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::stat(const char *path, // In struct stat *buf, // Out XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out const XrdSecEntity *client, // In const char *info) // In /* Function: Return file status information Input: path - The path for which status is wanted buf - The stat structure to hold the results einfo - Error information structure, if an error occurs. client - Authentication credentials, if any. info - opaque information to be used as seen fit. Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. */ { EPNAME("stat"); int retc; const char *tident = einfo.getErrUser(); XrdOucEnv stat_Env(info,0,client); XTRACE(stat, path, ""); // Apply security, as needed // AUTHORIZE(client,&stat_Env,AOP_Stat,"locate",path,einfo); // Find out where we should stat this file // if (Finder && Finder->isRemote() && (retc = Finder->Locate(einfo, path, SFS_O_RDONLY|SFS_O_STAT, &stat_Env))) return fsError(einfo, retc); // Now try to find the file or directory // if ((retc = XrdOfsOss->Stat(path, buf, 0, &stat_Env))) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, einfo, retc, "locate", path); return SFS_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::stat(const char *path, // In mode_t &mode, // Out XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out const XrdSecEntity *client, // In const char *info) // In /* Function: Return file status information (resident files only) Input: path - The path for which status is wanted mode - The stat mode entry (faked -- do not trust it) einfo - Error information structure, if an error occurs. client - Authentication credentials, if any. info - opaque information to be used as seen fit. Output: Always returns SFS_ERROR if a delay needs to be imposed. Otherwise, SFS_OK is returned and mode is appropriately, if inaccurately, set. If file residency cannot be determined, mode is set to -1. */ { EPNAME("stat"); struct stat buf; int retc; const char *tident = einfo.getErrUser(); XrdOucEnv stat_Env(info,0,client); XTRACE(stat, path, ""); // Apply security, as needed // AUTHORIZE(client,&stat_Env,AOP_Stat,"locate",path,einfo); mode = (mode_t)-1; // Find out where we should stat this file // if (Finder && Finder->isRemote() && (retc = Finder->Locate(einfo,path,SFS_O_NOWAIT|SFS_O_RDONLY|SFS_O_STAT, &stat_Env))) return fsError(einfo, retc); // Now try to find the file or directory // if (!(retc = XrdOfsOss->Stat(path, &buf, XRDOSS_resonly, &stat_Env))) mode=buf.st_mode; else if ((-ENOMSG) != retc) return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, einfo, retc, "locate", path); return SFS_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* t r u n c a t e */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::truncate(const char *path, // In XrdSfsFileOffset Size, // In XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out const XrdSecEntity *client, // In const char *info) // In /* Function: Change the mode on a file or directory. Input: path - Is the fully qualified name of the file to be removed. Size - the size the file should have. einfo - Error information object to hold error details. client - Authentication credentials, if any. info - Opaque information to be used as seen fit. Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure. */ { EPNAME("truncate"); const char *tident = einfo.getErrUser(); XrdOucEnv trunc_Env(info,0,client); int retc; XTRACE(truncate, path, ""); // Apply security, as needed // AUTHORIZE(client,&trunc_Env,AOP_Update,"truncate",path,einfo); // Find out where we should chmod this file // if (Finder && Finder->isRemote()) {if (fwdTRUNC.Cmd) {char xSz[32]; sprintf(xSz, "%lld", static_cast(Size)); if (Forward(retc,einfo,fwdTRUNC,path,xSz,&trunc_Env)) return retc; } else if ((retc = Finder->Locate(einfo,path,SFS_O_RDWR,&trunc_Env))) return fsError(einfo, retc); } // Check if we should generate an event // if (evsObject && evsObject->Enabled(XrdOfsEvs::Trunc)) {XrdOfsEvsInfo evInfo(tident, path, info, &trunc_Env, 0, Size); evsObject->Notify(XrdOfsEvs::Trunc, evInfo); } // Now try to find the file or directory // if (!(retc = XrdOfsOss->Truncate(path, Size, &trunc_Env))) return SFS_OK; // An error occured, return the error info // return XrdOfsFS->Emsg(epname, einfo, retc, "trunc", path); } /******************************************************************************/ /* E m s g */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::Emsg(const char *pfx, // Message prefix value XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Place to put text & error code int ecode, // The error code const char *op, // Operation being performed XrdOfsHandle *hP) // The target handle { int rc; // First issue the error message so if we have to unpersist it makes sense // if ((rc = Emsg(pfx, einfo, ecode, op, hP->Name())) != SFS_ERROR) return rc; // If this is a POSC file then we need to unpersist it. Note that we are always // called with the handle **unlocked** // if (hP->isRW == XrdOfsHandle::opPC) {hP->Lock(); XrdOfsFS->Unpersist(hP); hP->UnLock(); } // Now return the error // return SFS_ERROR; } /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::Emsg(const char *pfx, // Message prefix value XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Place to put text & error code int ecode, // The error code const char *op, // Operation being performed const char *target) // The target (e.g., fname) { char buffer[MAXPATHLEN+80]; // If the error is EBUSY then we just need to stall the client. This is // a hack in order to provide for proxy support // if (ecode < 0) ecode = -ecode; if (ecode == EBUSY) return 5; // A hack for proxy support // Check for timeout conditions that require a client delay // if (ecode == ETIMEDOUT) return OSSDelay; // Format the error message // XrdOucERoute::Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), ecode, op, target); // Print it out if debugging is enabled // #ifndef NODEBUG OfsEroute.Emsg(pfx, einfo.getErrUser(), buffer); #endif // Place the error message in the error object and return // einfo.setErrInfo(ecode, buffer); return SFS_ERROR; } /******************************************************************************/ /* P R I V A T E S E C T I O N */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /* F n a m e */ /******************************************************************************/ const char *XrdOfs::Fname(const char *path) { int i = strlen(path)-1; while(i) if (path[i] == '/') return &path[i+1]; else i--; return path; } /******************************************************************************/ /* F o r w a r d */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::Forward(int &Result, XrdOucErrInfo &Resp, struct fwdOpt &Fwd, const char *arg1, const char *arg2, XrdOucEnv *Env1, XrdOucEnv *Env2) { int retc; if ((retc = Finder->Forward(Resp, Fwd.Cmd, arg1, arg2, Env1, Env2))) {Result = fsError(Resp, retc); return 1; } if (Fwd.Port <= 0) {Result = SFS_OK; return (Fwd.Port ? 0 : 1); } Resp.setErrInfo(Fwd.Port, Fwd.Host); Result = SFS_REDIRECT; OfsStats.Data.numRedirect++; return 1; } /******************************************************************************/ /* f s E r r o r */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::fsError(XrdOucErrInfo &myError, int rc) { // Screen the error code (update statistics w/o a lock for speed!) // if (rc == SFS_REDIRECT) {OfsStats.Data.numRedirect++; return SFS_REDIRECT;} if (rc == SFS_STARTED) {OfsStats.Data.numStarted++; return SFS_STARTED; } if (rc > 0) {OfsStats.Data.numDelays++; return rc; } if (rc == SFS_DATA) {OfsStats.Data.numReplies++; return SFS_DATA; } {OfsStats.Data.numErrors++; return SFS_ERROR; } } /******************************************************************************/ /* R e f o r m a t */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::Reformat(XrdOucErrInfo &myError) { static const char *fmt = "oss.cgroup=all&oss.space=%llu&oss.free=%llu" "&oss.maxf=%llu&oss.used=%llu&oss.quota=-1"; char qsFmt, *bP; unsigned long long totSpace, totFree, maxFree; int n, blen; // Get the buffer // bP = myError.getMsgBuff(blen); // Scan out the values // n = sscanf(bP, "%c %llu %llu %llu", &qsFmt, &totSpace, &totFree, &maxFree); // Validate the response. The response will be invalid for older cmsd's // if (n != 4 || qsFmt != 'A') {myError.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP,"space fctl operation not supported by cmsd"); return SFS_ERROR; } // Change megabyte values to actual bytes // totSpace = totSpace << 20LL; totFree = totFree << 20LL; maxFree = maxFree << 20LL; // Reformat the result // blen = snprintf(bP,blen,fmt,totSpace,totFree,maxFree,(totSpace-totFree)); myError.setErrCode(blen); return SFS_DATA; } /******************************************************************************/ /* S p l i t */ /******************************************************************************/ const char * XrdOfs::Split(const char *Args, const char **Opq, char *Path, int Plen) { int xlen; *Opq = index(Args, '?'); if (!(*Opq)) return Args; xlen = (*Opq)-Args; if (xlen >= Plen) xlen = Plen-1; strncpy(Path, Args, xlen); return Path; } /******************************************************************************/ /* S t a l l */ /******************************************************************************/ int XrdOfs::Stall(XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Error text & code int stime, // Seconds to stall const char *path) // The path to stall on { const char *msgfmt = "File %s is being %s; " "estimated time to completion %s"; EPNAME("Stall") #ifndef NODEBUG const char *tident = ""; #endif char Mbuff[2048], Tbuff[32]; const char *What = "staged"; // Check why the stall is occurring // if (stime < 0) {stime = 60; What = "created";} // Format the stall message // snprintf(Mbuff, sizeof(Mbuff)-1, msgfmt, Fname(path), What, WaitTime(stime, Tbuff, sizeof(Tbuff))); ZTRACE(delay, "Stall " < MaxDelay ? MaxDelay : stime); } /******************************************************************************/ /* U n p e r s i s t */ /******************************************************************************/ void XrdOfs::Unpersist(XrdOfsHandle *oh, int xcev) { EPNAME("Unpersist"); const char *tident = oh->PoscUsr(); int poscNum, retc; short theMode; // Trace the call // FTRACE(close, "use=0"); // Generate a proper close event as one has not yet been generated // if (xcev && XrdOfsFS->evsObject && *tident != '?' && XrdOfsFS->evsObject->Enabled(XrdOfsEvs::Closew)) {XrdOfsEvsInfo evInfo(tident, oh->Name()); XrdOfsFS->evsObject->Notify(XrdOfsEvs::Closew, evInfo); } // Now generate a removal event // if (XrdOfsFS->Balancer) XrdOfsFS->Balancer->Removed(oh->Name()); if (XrdOfsFS->evsObject && XrdOfsFS->evsObject->Enabled(XrdOfsEvs::Rm)) {XrdOfsEvsInfo evInfo(tident, oh->Name()); XrdOfsFS->evsObject->Notify(XrdOfsEvs::Rm, evInfo); } // Count this // OfsStats.Add(OfsStats.Data.numUnpsist); // Now unpersist the file // OfsEroute.Emsg(epname, "Unpersisting", tident, oh->Name()); if ((poscNum = oh->PoscGet(theMode))) poscQ->Del(oh->Name(), poscNum, 1); else if ((retc = XrdOfsOss->Unlink(oh->Name()))) OfsEroute.Emsg(epname, retc, "unpersist", oh->Name()); } /******************************************************************************/ /* W a i t T i m e */ /******************************************************************************/ char *XrdOfs::WaitTime(int stime, char *buff, int blen) { int hr, min, sec; // Compute hours, minutes, and seconds // min = stime / 60; sec = stime % 60; hr = min / 60; min = min % 60; // Now format the message based on time duration // if (!hr && !min) snprintf(buff,blen,"%d second%s",sec,(sec > 1 ? "s" : "")); else if (!hr) {if (sec > 10) min++; snprintf(buff,blen,"%d minute%s",min,(min > 1 ? "s" : "")); } else {if (hr == 1) if (min <= 30) snprintf(buff,blen,"%d minutes",min+60); else snprintf(buff,blen,"%d hour and %d minutes",hr,min); else {if (min > 30) hr++; snprintf(buff,blen,"%d hours",hr); } } // Complete the message // buff[blen-1] = '\0'; return buff; }