#ifndef __OFS_API_H__ #define __OFS_API_H__ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* X r d O f s . h h */ /* */ /* (c) 2004 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */ /* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */ /* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */ /* */ /* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */ /* */ /* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */ /* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */ /* License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */ /* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */ /* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */ /* */ /* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */ /* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */ /* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */ /******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "XrdOfs/XrdOfsEvr.hh" #include "XrdOfs/XrdOfsHandle.hh" #include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh" #include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsInterface.hh" #include "XrdCms/XrdCmsClient.hh" class XrdNetIF; class XrdOfsEvs; class XrdOfsPocq; class XrdOss; class XrdOssDF; class XrdOssDir; class XrdOucEnv; class XrdSysError; class XrdSysLogger; class XrdOucStream; class XrdSfsAio; struct XrdVersionInfo; /******************************************************************************/ /* X r d O f s D i r e c t o r y */ /******************************************************************************/ class XrdOfsDirectory : public XrdSfsDirectory { public: int open(const char *dirName, const XrdSecEntity *client, const char *opaque = 0); const char *nextEntry(); int close(); inline void copyError(XrdOucErrInfo &einfo) {einfo = error;} const char *FName() {return (const char *)fname;} int autoStat(struct stat *buf); XrdOfsDirectory(const char *user, int MonID) : XrdSfsDirectory(user, MonID) {dp = 0; tident = (user ? user : ""); fname=0; atEOF=0; } virtual ~XrdOfsDirectory() {if (dp) close();} protected: const char *tident; char *fname; private: XrdOssDF *dp; int atEOF; char dname[MAXNAMLEN]; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* X r d O f s F i l e */ /******************************************************************************/ class XrdOfsTPC; class XrdOfsFile : public XrdSfsFile { public: int open(const char *fileName, XrdSfsFileOpenMode openMode, mode_t createMode, const XrdSecEntity *client, const char *opaque = 0); int close(); using XrdSfsFile::fctl; int fctl(const int cmd, const char *args, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error); int fctl(const int cmd, int alen, const char *args, const XrdSecEntity *client = 0); const char *FName() {return (oh ? oh->Name() : "?");} int getMmap(void **Addr, off_t &Size); int read(XrdSfsFileOffset fileOffset, // Preread only XrdSfsXferSize amount); XrdSfsXferSize read(XrdSfsFileOffset fileOffset, char *buffer, XrdSfsXferSize buffer_size); XrdSfsXferSize readv(XrdOucIOVec *readV, int readCount); int read(XrdSfsAio *aioparm); XrdSfsXferSize write(XrdSfsFileOffset fileOffset, const char *buffer, XrdSfsXferSize buffer_size); int write(XrdSfsAio *aioparm); int sync(); int sync(XrdSfsAio *aiop); int stat(struct stat *buf); int truncate(XrdSfsFileOffset fileOffset); int getCXinfo(char cxtype[4], int &cxrsz); XrdOfsFile(const char *user, int MonID); ~XrdOfsFile() {viaDel = 1; if (oh) close();} protected: const char *tident; private: void GenFWEvent(); XrdOfsHandle *oh; XrdOfsTPC *myTPC; int dorawio; char viaDel; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* C l a s s X r d O f s */ /******************************************************************************/ class XrdAccAuthorize; class XrdCks; class XrdCmsClient; class XrdOfsConfigPI; class XrdOfsPoscq; class XrdOfs : public XrdSfsFileSystem { friend class XrdOfsDirectory; friend class XrdOfsFile; public: // Object allocation // XrdSfsDirectory *newDir(char *user=0, int MonID=0) {return (XrdSfsDirectory *)new XrdOfsDirectory(user,MonID);} XrdSfsFile *newFile(char *user=0,int MonID=0) {return (XrdSfsFile *)new XrdOfsFile(user, MonID);} // Other functions // int chksum( csFunc Func, const char *csName, const char *Path, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, const XrdSecEntity *client = 0, const char *opaque = 0); int chmod(const char *Name, XrdSfsMode Mode, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, const XrdSecEntity *client, const char *opaque = 0); int exists(const char *fileName, XrdSfsFileExistence &exists_flag, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, const XrdSecEntity *client, const char *opaque = 0); int fsctl(const int cmd, const char *args, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, const XrdSecEntity *client); int getStats(char *buff, int blen); const char *getVersion(); int mkdir(const char *dirName, XrdSfsMode Mode, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, const XrdSecEntity *client, const char *opaque = 0); int prepare( XrdSfsPrep &pargs, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, const XrdSecEntity *client = 0); int rem(const char *path, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, const XrdSecEntity *client, const char *info = 0) {return remove('f', path, out_error, client, info);} int remdir(const char *dirName, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, const XrdSecEntity *client, const char *info = 0) {return remove('d',dirName,out_error,client,info);} int rename(const char *oldFileName, const char *newFileName, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, const XrdSecEntity *client, const char *infoO = 0, const char *infoN = 0); int stat(const char *Name, struct stat *buf, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, const XrdSecEntity *client, const char *opaque = 0); int stat(const char *Name, mode_t &mode, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, const XrdSecEntity *client, const char *opaque = 0); int truncate(const char *Name, XrdSfsFileOffset fileOffset, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, const XrdSecEntity *client = 0, const char *opaque = 0); // Management functions // virtual int Configure(XrdSysError &); // Backward Compatability virtual int Configure(XrdSysError &, XrdOucEnv *); void Config_Cluster(XrdOss *); void Config_Display(XrdSysError &); XrdOfs(); virtual ~XrdOfs() {} // Too complicate to delete :-) /******************************************************************************/ /* C o n f i g u r a t i o n V a l u e s */ /******************************************************************************/ // Configuration values for this filesystem // enum {Authorize = 0x0001, // Authorization wanted XAttrPlug = 0x0002, // Extended Attribute Plugin isPeer = 0x0050, // Role peer isProxy = 0x0020, // Role proxy isManager = 0x0040, // Role manager isServer = 0x0080, // Role server isSuper = 0x00C0, // Role supervisor isMeta = 0x0100, // Role meta + above haveRole = 0x01F0, // A role is present Forwarding= 0x1000, // Fowarding wanted ThirdPC = 0x2000, // This party copy wanted SubCluster= 0x4000 // all.subcluster directive encountered }; // These are set in Options below int Options; // Various options int myPort; // Port number being used // TPC related things // char *tpcRdrHost; // TPC redirect target or null if none int tpcRdrPort; // TPC redirect target port number // Networking // XrdNetIF *myIF; // Forward options // struct fwdOpt {const char *Cmd; char *Host; int Port; void Reset() {Cmd = 0; Port = 0; if (Host) {free(Host); Host = 0;} } fwdOpt() : Cmd(0), Host(0), Port(0) {} ~fwdOpt() {} }; struct fwdOpt fwdCHMOD; struct fwdOpt fwdMKDIR; struct fwdOpt fwdMKPATH; struct fwdOpt fwdMV; struct fwdOpt fwdRM; struct fwdOpt fwdRMDIR; struct fwdOpt fwdTRUNC; static int MaxDelay; // Max delay imposed during staging static int OSSDelay; // Delay to impose when oss interface times out char *ConfigFN; // ->Configuration filename /******************************************************************************/ /* P r o t e c t e d I t e m s */ /******************************************************************************/ protected: XrdOfsEvr evrObject; // Event receiver XrdCmsClient *Finder; // ->Cluster Management Service virtual int ConfigXeq(char *var, XrdOucStream &, XrdSysError &); static int Emsg(const char *, XrdOucErrInfo &, int, const char *x, XrdOfsHandle *hP); static int Emsg(const char *, XrdOucErrInfo &, int, const char *x, const char *y=""); static int fsError(XrdOucErrInfo &myError, int rc); const char *Split(const char *Args, const char **Opq, char *Path, int Plen); int Stall(XrdOucErrInfo &, int, const char *); void Unpersist(XrdOfsHandle *hP, int xcev=1); char *WaitTime(int, char *, int); /******************************************************************************/ /* P r i v a t e C o n f i g u r a t i o n */ /******************************************************************************/ private: char *myRole; XrdAccAuthorize *Authorization; // ->Authorization Service XrdCmsClient *Balancer; // ->Cluster Local Interface XrdOfsEvs *evsObject; // ->Event Notifier XrdOfsPoscq *poscQ; // -> poscQ if persist on close enabled char *poscLog; // -> Directory for posc recovery log int poscHold; // Seconds to hold a forced close short poscAuto; // 1 -> Automatic persist on close char poscRsvd; char ossRW; // The oss r/w capability XrdOfsConfigPI *ofsConfig; // Plugin configurator XrdCks *Cks; // Checksum manager bool CksPfn; // Checksum needs a pfn bool CksRdr; // Checksum may be redirected (i.e. not local) char Reserved; // Reserved for future checksum stuff char OssIsProxy; // !0 if we detect the oss plugin is a proxy char myRType[4]; // Role type for consistency with the cms XrdVersionInfo *myVersion; // Version number compiled against static XrdOfsHandle *dummyHandle; XrdSysMutex ocMutex; // Global mutex for open/close /******************************************************************************/ /* O t h e r D a t a */ /******************************************************************************/ // Common functions // int remove(const char type, const char *path, XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, const XrdSecEntity *client, const char *opaque); // Function used during Configuration // int ConfigDispFwd(char *buff, struct fwdOpt &Fwd); int ConfigPosc(XrdSysError &Eroute); int ConfigRedir(XrdSysError &Eroute, XrdOucEnv *EnvInfo); int ConfigTPC(XrdSysError &Eroute); char *ConfigTPCDir(XrdSysError &Eroute, const char *xPath); const char *Fname(const char *); int Forward(int &Result, XrdOucErrInfo &Resp, struct fwdOpt &Fwd, const char *arg1=0, const char *arg2=0, XrdOucEnv *Env1=0, XrdOucEnv *Env2=0); int Reformat(XrdOucErrInfo &); const char *theRole(int opts); int xcrds(XrdOucStream &, XrdSysError &); int xexp(XrdOucStream &, XrdSysError &, bool); int xforward(XrdOucStream &, XrdSysError &); int xmaxd(XrdOucStream &, XrdSysError &); int xnmsg(XrdOucStream &, XrdSysError &); int xnot(XrdOucStream &, XrdSysError &); int xpers(XrdOucStream &, XrdSysError &); int xrole(XrdOucStream &, XrdSysError &); int xtpc(XrdOucStream &, XrdSysError &); int xtpcal(XrdOucStream &, XrdSysError &); int xtpcr(XrdOucStream &, XrdSysError &); int xtrace(XrdOucStream &, XrdSysError &); }; #endif