/* */
/* X r d O s s S t a t . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2008 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysHeaders.hh"
#include "XrdOss/XrdOssApi.hh"
#include "XrdOss/XrdOssCache.hh"
#include "XrdOss/XrdOssConfig.hh"
#include "XrdOss/XrdOssOpaque.hh"
#include "XrdOss/XrdOssPath.hh"
#include "XrdOss/XrdOssSpace.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucEnv.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucName2Name.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucPList.hh"
/* s t a t */
Function: Determine if file 'path' actually exists.
Input: path - Is the fully qualified name of the file to be tested.
buff - pointer to a 'stat' structure to hold the attributes
of the file.
opts - Options.
env - Environmental information.
Output: Returns XrdOssOK upon success and -errno upon failure.
int XrdOssSys::Stat(const char *path, struct stat *buff, int opts,
XrdOucEnv *EnvP)
const int ro_Mode = ~(S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH);
char actual_path[MAXPATHLEN+1], *local_path, *remote_path;
unsigned long long popts;
int retc;
// Construct the processing options for this path
popts = PathOpts(path);
// Generate local path
if (lcl_N2N && STT_DoN2N)
if ((retc = lcl_N2N->lfn2pfn(path, actual_path, sizeof(actual_path))))
return retc;
else local_path = actual_path;
else local_path = (char *)path;
// Stat the file in the local filesystem first. If there. make sure the mode
// bits correspond to our reality and update access time if so requested.
if (STT_Func)
{retc = (STT_V2 ? (*STT_Fund)(local_path, buff, opts, EnvP, path)
: (*STT_Func)(local_path, buff, opts, EnvP));
} else retc = stat(local_path, buff);
if (!retc)
{if (popts & XRDEXP_NOTRW) buff->st_mode &= ro_Mode;
if (opts & XRDOSS_updtatm && (buff->st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
{struct utimbuf times;
times.actime = time(0);
times.modtime = buff->st_mtime;
utime(local_path, ×);
return XrdOssOK;
} else if (errno != ENOENT) return (errno ? -errno : -ENOMSG);
// The file may be offline in a mass storage system, check if this is possible
if (!IsRemote(path) || opts & XRDOSS_resonly
|| (EnvP && EnvP->Get("oss.lcl"))) return -errno;
if (!RSSCmd) return (popts & XRDEXP_NOCHECK ? -ENOENT : -ENOMSG);
// Generate remote path
if (rmt_N2N)
if ((retc = rmt_N2N->lfn2rfn(path, actual_path, sizeof(actual_path))))
return retc;
else remote_path = actual_path;
else remote_path = (char *)path;
// Now stat the file in the remote system (it doesn't exist locally)
if ((retc = MSS_Stat(remote_path, buff))) return retc;
if (popts & XRDEXP_NOTRW) buff->st_mode &= ro_Mode;
buff->st_mode |= S_IFBLK;
return XrdOssOK;
/* S t a t F S */
Function: Return free space information based on a path
Input: path - Is the fully qualified name of the file to be tested.
buff - pointer to a buffer to hold the information.
blen - the length of the buffer
envP - Environmental Information.
Output: Returns XrdOssOK upon success and -errno upon failure.
blen is updated with the actual length of the buff data.
int XrdOssSys::StatFS(const char *path, char *buff, int &blen, XrdOucEnv *envP)
int sVal, wVal, Util;
long long fSpace, fSize;
unsigned long long Opt;
// Get the values for this file system
StatFS(path, Opt, fSize, fSpace);
sVal = (Opt & XRDEXP_STAGE ? 1 : 0);
wVal = (Opt & XRDEXP_NOTRW ? 0 : 1);
// Size the value to fit in an int
if (fSpace <= 0) {fSize = fSpace = 0; Util = 0;}
else {Util = (fSize ? (fSize - fSpace)*100LL/fSize : 0);
fSpace = fSpace >> 20LL;
if ((fSpace >> 31LL)) fSpace = 0x7fffffff;
// Return the result
blen = snprintf(buff, blen, "%d %lld %d %d %lld %d",
wVal, (wVal ? fSpace : 0LL), (wVal ? Util : 0),
sVal, (sVal ? fSpace : 0LL), (sVal ? Util : 0));
return XrdOssOK;
Function: Return free space information based on a path
Input: path - Is the fully qualified name of the file to be tested.
opt - Options associated with the path
fSize - total bytes in the filesystem.
fSpace - total free bytes in the filesystem. It is set to
-1 if the path is not convertable.
Output: Returns XrdOssOK upon success and -errno upon failure.
int XrdOssSys::StatFS(const char *path, unsigned long long &Opt,
long long &fSize, long long &fSpace)
// Establish the path options
Opt = PathOpts(path);
// For in-place paths we just get the free space in that partition, otherwise
// get the maximum available in any partition.
if ((Opt & XRDEXP_STAGE) || !(Opt & XRDEXP_NOTRW))
if ((Opt & XRDEXP_INPLACE) || !XrdOssCache_Group::fsgroups)
{char lcl_path[MAXPATHLEN+1];
if (lcl_N2N)
if (lcl_N2N->lfn2pfn(path, lcl_path, sizeof(lcl_path)))
fSpace = -1;
else fSpace = XrdOssCache_FS::freeSpace(fSize, lcl_path);
else fSpace = XrdOssCache_FS::freeSpace(fSize, path);
} else {fSpace = XrdOssCache_FS::freeSpace(fSize);}
else {fSpace = 0; fSize = 0;}
return XrdOssOK;
/* S t a t L S */
Function: Return free space information based on a cahe group name.
Input: Env - Is the environment for cgi info.
path - Is the path name.
buff - pointer to a buffer to hold the information.
blen - the length of the buffer
Output: Returns XrdOssOK upon success and -errno upon failure.
int XrdOssSys::StatLS(XrdOucEnv &env, const char *path, char *buff, int &blen)
static const char *Resp="oss.cgroup=%s&oss.space=%lld&oss.free=%lld"
struct stat sbuff;
XrdOssCache_Space CSpace;
char *cgrp, cgbuff[XrdOssSpace::minSNbsz];
int retc;
// We provide psuedo support whould be not have a cache
if (!XrdOssCache_Group::fsgroups)
{unsigned long long Opt;
long long fSpace, fSize;
StatFS(path, Opt, fSize, fSpace);
if (fSpace < 0) fSpace = 0;
blen = snprintf(buff, blen, Resp, "public", fSize, fSpace, fSpace,
fSize-fSpace, XrdOssCache_Group::PubQuota);
return XrdOssOK;
// Find the cache group. We provide psuedo support should we not have a cache
if (!(cgrp = env.Get(OSS_CGROUP)))
{if ((retc = getCname(path, &sbuff, cgbuff))) return retc;
else cgrp = cgbuff;
// Accumulate the stats and format the result
blen = (XrdOssCache_FS::getSpace(CSpace, cgrp)
? snprintf(buff,blen,Resp,cgrp,CSpace.Total,CSpace.Free,CSpace.Maxfree,
: snprintf(buff, blen, Resp, cgrp, 0LL, 0LL, 0LL, 0LL, -1LL));
return XrdOssOK;
/* S t a t P F */
Function: Determine if physical file 'path' actually exists online.
Input: path - Is the fully qualified name of the file to be tested.
buff - pointer to a 'stat' structure to hold the attributes
of the file.
Output: Returns XrdOssOK upon success and -errno upon failure.
int XrdOssSys::StatPF(const char *path, struct stat *buff)
int retc;
// Stat the file in the local filesystem. Return result.
retc = (STT_Func ? (*STT_Func)(path, buff, XRDOSS_resonly, 0) :
stat (path, buff));
return (retc ? (errno ? -errno : -ENOMSG) : XrdOssOK);
/* S t a t V S */
Function: Return space information for space name "sname".
Input: sname - The name of the same, null if all space wanted.
sP - pointer to XrdOssVSInfo to hold information.
Output: Returns XrdOssOK upon success and -errno upon failure.
Note that quota is zero when sname is null.
int XrdOssSys::StatVS(XrdOssVSInfo *sP, const char *sname, int updt)
XrdOssCache_Space CSpace;
// Check if we should update the statistics
if (updt) XrdOssCache::Scan(0);
// If no space name present or no spaces defined and the space is public then
// return information on all spaces.
if (!sname || (!XrdOssCache_Group::fsgroups && !strcmp("public", sname)))
sP->Total = XrdOssCache::fsTotal;
sP->Free = XrdOssCache::fsTotFr;
sP->LFree = XrdOssCache::fsFree;
sP->Large = XrdOssCache::fsLarge;
sP->Extents= XrdOssCache::fsCount;
return XrdOssOK;
// Get the space stats
if (!(sP->Extents=XrdOssCache_FS::getSpace(CSpace,sname))) return -ENOENT;
// Return the result
sP->Total = CSpace.Total;
sP->Free = CSpace.Free;
sP->LFree = CSpace.Maxfree;
sP->Large = CSpace.Largest;
sP->Usage = CSpace.Usage;
sP->Quota = CSpace.Quota;
return XrdOssOK;
/* S t a t X A */
Function: Return extended attributes for "path".
Input: path - Is the fully qualified name of the target file.
buff - pointer to a buffer to hold the information.
blen - the length of the buffer
envP - Environmental Information.
Output: Returns XrdOssOK upon success and -errno upon failure.
blen is updated with the actual length of the buff data.
int XrdOssSys::StatXA(const char *path, char *buff, int &blen, XrdOucEnv *envP)
struct stat sbuff;
char cgbuff[XrdOssSpace::minSNbsz], fType;
long long Size, Mtime, Ctime, Atime;
int retc;
// Get the cache group and stat info for the file
if ((retc = getCname(path, &sbuff, cgbuff))) return retc;
if (S_ISREG(sbuff.st_mode)) fType = 'f';
else if (S_ISDIR(sbuff.st_mode)) fType = 'd';
else fType = 'o';
// Format the result
Size = sbuff.st_size;
Mtime = sbuff.st_mtime; Ctime = sbuff.st_ctime; Atime = sbuff.st_atime;
blen = snprintf(buff, blen,
cgbuff, fType, Size, Mtime, Ctime, Atime,
(sbuff.st_mode & S_IWUSR ? 'w':'r'));
return XrdOssOK;
/* S t a t X P */
Function: Return export attributes for a path.
Input: path - Is the path whose export attributes are wanted.
attr - reference to the are to receive the export attributes
envP - Environmental Information.
Output: Returns XrdOssOK upon success and -errno upon failure.
int XrdOssSys::StatXP(const char *path, unsigned long long &attr,
XrdOucEnv *envP)
// Construct the processing options for this path
attr = PathOpts(path);
return XrdOssOK;
/* g e t C n a m e */
int XrdOssSys::getCname(const char *path, struct stat *sbuff, char *cgbuff)
const char *thePath;
char actual_path[MAXPATHLEN+1];
int retc;
// Get the pfn for this path
if (lcl_N2N)
if ((retc = lcl_N2N->lfn2pfn(path, actual_path, sizeof(actual_path))))
return retc;
else thePath = actual_path;
else thePath = path;
// Get regular stat informtion for this file
if ((retc = stat(thePath, sbuff))) return retc;
// Now determine if we should get the cache group name. There is none
// for offline files and it's always public for directories.
if (S_ISDIR(sbuff->st_mode)) strcpy(cgbuff, "public");
else if (sbuff->st_mode & S_IFBLK) strcpy(cgbuff, "*");
else XrdOssPath::getCname(thePath, cgbuff);
// All done
return 0;
/* g e t S t a t s */
int XrdOssSys::getStats(char *buff, int blen)
static const char ptag1[] = "%d";
static const char ptag2[] = "\"%s\""
static const char ptag3[] = "";
static const int ptag1sz = sizeof(ptag1);
static const int ptag2sz = sizeof(ptag2) + (16*4);
static const int ptag3sz = sizeof(ptag3);
static const char stag1[] = "%d";
static const char stag2[] = "%s"
static const char stagq[] = "%lld";
static const char stags[] = "";
static const char stag3[] = "";
static const int stag1sz = sizeof(stag1);
static const int stag2sz = sizeof(stag2) + XrdOssSpace::maxSNlen + (16*5);
static const int stagqsz = sizeof(stagq) + 16;
static const int stagssz = sizeof(stags);
static const int stag3sz = sizeof(stag3);
static const int stagsz = ptag1sz + ptag2sz + ptag3sz + 1024 +
+ stag1sz + stag2sz + stag3sz
+ stagqsz + stagssz;
XrdOssCache_Group *fsg = XrdOssCache_Group::fsgroups;
XrdOssCache_Space CSpace;
OssDPath *dpP = DPList;
char *bp = buff;
int dpNum = 0, spNum = 0, n, flen;
// If no buffer spupplied, return how much data we will generate. We also
// do one-time initialization here.
if (!buff) return ptag1sz + (ptag2sz * numDP) + stag3sz + lenDP
+ stag1sz + (stag2sz * numCG) + stag3sz
+ stagqsz + stagssz;
// Make sure we have enough space for one entry
if (blen <= stagsz) return 0;
// Output first header (we know we have one path, at least)
flen = sprintf(bp, ptag1, numDP); bp += flen; blen -= flen;
// Output individual entries
while(dpP && blen > 0)
{XrdOssCache_FS::freeSpace(CSpace, dpP->Path2);
flen = snprintf(bp, blen, ptag2, dpNum, dpP->Path1, dpP->Path2,
CSpace.Total>>10, CSpace.Free>>10,
CSpace.Inodes, CSpace.Inleft);
dpP = dpP->Next; bp += flen; blen -= flen; dpNum++;
// Output closing tag
if (blen <= ptag3sz) return 0;
strcpy(bp, ptag3); bp += (ptag3sz-1); blen -= (ptag3sz-1);
dpNum = bp - buff;
// Output header
if (blen <= stag1sz) return (blen < 0 ? 0 : dpNum);
flen = snprintf(bp, blen, stag1, numCG); bp += flen; blen -= flen;
if (blen <= stag1sz) return dpNum;
// Generate info for each path
while(fsg && blen > 0)
{n = XrdOssCache_FS::getSpace(CSpace, fsg);
flen = snprintf(bp, blen, stag2, spNum, fsg->group, CSpace.Total>>10,
CSpace.Free>>10, CSpace.Maxfree>>10, n, CSpace.Usage>>10);
bp += flen; blen -= flen; spNum++;
if (CSpace.Quota >= 0 && blen > stagqsz)
{flen = sprintf(bp, stagq, CSpace.Quota); bp += flen; blen -= flen;}
if (blen < stagssz) return dpNum;
strcpy(bp, stags); bp += (stagssz-1); blen -= (stagssz-1);
fsg = fsg->next;
// Insert trailer
if (blen >= stag3sz) {strcpy(bp, stag3); bp += (stag3sz-1);}
else return dpNum;
// All done
return bp - buff;