/******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* X r d O s s U n l i n k . c c */ /* */ /* (c) 2003 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */ /* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */ /* */ /* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */ /* */ /* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */ /* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */ /* License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */ /* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */ /* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */ /* */ /* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */ /* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */ /* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */ /******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "XrdSys/XrdSysHeaders.hh" #include "XrdOss/XrdOssApi.hh" #include "XrdOss/XrdOssCache.hh" #include "XrdOss/XrdOssConfig.hh" #include "XrdOss/XrdOssError.hh" #include "XrdOss/XrdOssOpaque.hh" #include "XrdOss/XrdOssPath.hh" #include "XrdOss/XrdOssTrace.hh" /******************************************************************************/ /* G l o b a l E r r o r R o u t i n g O b j e c t */ /******************************************************************************/ extern XrdSysError OssEroute; extern XrdOucTrace OssTrace; /******************************************************************************/ /* R e m d i r */ /******************************************************************************/ /* Function: Delete a directory from the namespace. Input: path - Is the fully qualified name of the dir to be removed. envP - Environmental information. Output: Returns XrdOssOK upon success and -errno upon failure. */ int XrdOssSys::Remdir(const char *path, int Opts, XrdOucEnv *eP) { unsigned long long opts; int retc; struct stat statbuff; char local_path[MAXPATHLEN+1+8]; // Build the right local and remote paths. // if (Opts & XRDOSS_isPFN) strcpy(local_path, path); else {retc = Check_RO(Unlink, opts, path, "remove"); if ( (retc = GenLocalPath( path, local_path))) return retc; } // Check if this path is really a directory // if (lstat(local_path, &statbuff)) return (errno == ENOENT ? 0 : -errno); if ((statbuff.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) return -ENOTDIR; // Complete by calling Unlink() // return Unlink(path, Opts); } /******************************************************************************/ /* U n l i n k */ /******************************************************************************/ /* Function: Delete a file from the namespace and release it's data storage. Input: path - Is the fully qualified name of the file to be removed. envP - Environmental information. Output: Returns XrdOssOK upon success and -errno upon failure. */ int XrdOssSys::Unlink(const char *path, int Opts, XrdOucEnv *eP) { EPNAME("Unlink") unsigned long long haslf, remotefs; int i, retc2, doAdjust = 0, retc = XrdOssOK; struct stat statbuff; char *fnp; char local_path[MAXPATHLEN+1+8]; char remote_path[MAXPATHLEN+1]; // Build the right local and remote paths. // if (Opts & XRDOSS_isPFN) {strcpy(local_path, path), *remote_path = '\0'; haslf = Opts & XRDOSS_isMIG; remotefs = 0; } else { remotefs = Check_RO(Unlink, haslf, path, "remove"); if ( (retc = GenLocalPath( path, local_path)) || (retc = GenRemotePath(path, remote_path)) ) return retc; haslf &= XRDEXP_MAKELF; } // Check if this path is really a directory of a symbolic link elsewhere // if (lstat(local_path, &statbuff)) retc = (errno == ENOENT ? 0 : -errno); else if ((statbuff.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) retc = BreakLink(local_path, statbuff); else if ((statbuff.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) {i = strlen(local_path); if (local_path[i-1] != '/') strcpy(local_path+i, "/"); if ((retc = rmdir(local_path))) retc = -errno; DEBUG("dir rc=" <" <