/* */
/* X r d P o s i x . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2005 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysHeaders.hh"
#include "XrdPosix/XrdPosixLinkage.hh"
#include "XrdPosix/XrdPosixXrootd.hh"
#include "XrdPosix/XrdPosixXrootdPath.hh"
/* G l o b a l O b j e c t s */
XrdPosixXrootd Xroot;
XrdPosixXrootPath XrootPath;
extern XrdPosixLinkage Xunix;
/* X r d P o s i x _ A c c e s s */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Access(const char *path, int amode)
char *myPath, buff[2048];
// Make sure a path was passed
if (!path) {errno = EFAULT; return -1;}
// Return the results of a mkdir of a Unix file system
if (!(myPath = XrootPath.URL(path, buff, sizeof(buff))))
return Xunix.Access( path, amode);
// Return the results of our version of access()
return Xroot.Access(myPath, amode);
/* X r d P o s i x _ A c l */
// This is a required addition for Solaris 10+ systems
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Acl(const char *path, int cmd, int nentries, void *aclbufp)
return (XrootPath.URL(path, 0, 0)
? Xunix.Acl("/tmp", cmd,nentries,aclbufp)
: Xunix.Acl(path, cmd,nentries,aclbufp));
/* X r d P o s i x _ C h d i r */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Chdir(const char *path)
int rc;
// Set the working directory if the actual chdir succeeded
if (!(rc = Xunix.Chdir(path))) XrootPath.CWD(path);
return rc;
/* X r d P o s i x _ C l o s e */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Close(int fildes)
// Return result of the close
return (Xroot.myFD(fildes) ? Xroot.Close(fildes) : Xunix.Close(fildes));
/* X r d P o s i x _ C l o s e d i r */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Closedir(DIR *dirp)
return (Xroot.isXrootdDir(dirp) ? Xroot.Closedir(dirp)
: Xunix.Closedir(dirp));
/* X r d P o s i x _ C r e a t */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Creat(const char *path, mode_t mode)
extern int XrdPosix_Open(const char *path, int oflag, ...);
return XrdPosix_Open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, mode);
/* X r d P o s i x _ F c l o s e */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Fclose(FILE *stream)
int nullfd = fileno(stream);
// Close the associated file
if (Xroot.myFD(nullfd)) Xroot.Close(nullfd);
// Now close the stream
return Xunix.Fclose(stream);
/* X r d P o s i x _ F c n t l */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Fcntl(int fd, int cmd, ...)
va_list ap;
void *theArg;
if (Xroot.myFD(fd)) return 0;
va_start(ap, cmd);
theArg = va_arg(ap, void *);
return Xunix.Fcntl64(fd, cmd, theArg);
/* X r d P o s i x _ F d a t a s y n c */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Fdatasync(int fildes)
// Return the result of the sync
return (Xroot.myFD(fildes) ? Xroot.Fsync(fildes)
: Xunix.Fsync(fildes));
/* X r d P o s i x _ F g e t x a t t r */
#ifdef __linux__
extern "C"
long long XrdPosix_Fgetxattr (int fd, const char *name, void *value,
unsigned long long size)
if (Xroot.myFD(fd)) {errno = ENOTSUP; return -1;}
return Xunix.Fgetxattr(fd, name, value, size);
/* X r d P o s i x _ F f l u s h */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Fflush(FILE *stream)
// Return the result of the fseek
if (!stream || !Xroot.myFD(fileno(stream)))
return Xunix.Fflush(stream);
return Xroot.Fsync(fileno(stream));
/* X r d P o s i x _ F o p e n */
#define ISMODE(x) !strcmp(mode, x)
extern "C"
FILE *XrdPosix_Fopen(const char *path, const char *mode)
char *myPath, buff[2048];
int erc, fd, omode;
FILE *stream;
// Transfer to unix if this is not our path
if (!(myPath = XrootPath.URL(path, buff, sizeof(buff))))
return Xunix.Fopen64(path, mode);
// Translate the mode flags
if (ISMODE("r") || ISMODE("rb")) omode = O_RDONLY;
else if (ISMODE("w") || ISMODE("wb")) omode = O_WRONLY
else if (ISMODE("a") || ISMODE("ab")) omode = O_APPEND;
else if (ISMODE("r+") || ISMODE("rb+") || ISMODE("r+b")) omode = O_RDWR;
else if (ISMODE("w+") || ISMODE("wb+") || ISMODE("w+b")) omode = O_RDWR
else if (ISMODE("a+") || ISMODE("ab+") || ISMODE("a+b")) omode = O_APPEND;
else {errno = EINVAL; return 0;}
// Now open the file
if ((fd = Xroot.Open(myPath, omode | XrdPosixXrootd::isStream , 0)) < 0)
return 0;
// First obtain a free stream
if (!(stream = fdopen(fd, mode)))
{erc = errno; Xroot.Close(fd); errno = erc;}
// All done
return stream;
/* X r d P o s i x _ F r e a d */
extern "C"
size_t XrdPosix_Fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, FILE *stream)
ssize_t bytes;
size_t rc = 0;
int fd = fileno(stream);
if (!Xroot.myFD(fd)) return Xunix.Fread(ptr, size, nitems, stream);
bytes = Xroot.Read(fd, ptr, size*nitems);
// Get the right return code. Note that we cannot emulate the flags in sunx86
if (bytes > 0 && size) rc = bytes/size;
#ifndef SUNX86
#if defined(__linux__)
else if (bytes < 0) stream->_flags |= _IO_ERR_SEEN;
else stream->_flags |= _IO_EOF_SEEN;
#elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
else if (bytes < 0) stream->_flags |= __SEOF;
else stream->_flags |= __SERR;
else if (bytes < 0) stream->_flag |= _IOERR;
else stream->_flag |= _IOEOF;
return rc;
/* X r d P o s i x _ F s e e k */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int whence)
// Return the result of the fseek
if (!Xroot.myFD(fileno(stream)))
return Xunix.Fseek( stream, offset, whence);
return (Xroot.Lseek(fileno(stream), offset, whence) < 0 ? -1 : 0);
/* X r d P o s i x _ F s e e k o */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Fseeko(FILE *stream, long long offset, int whence)
// Return the result of the fseek
if (!Xroot.myFD(fileno(stream)))
return Xunix.Fseeko64(stream, offset, whence);
return (Xroot.Lseek(fileno(stream), offset, whence) < 0 ? -1 : 0);
/* X r d P o s i x _ F s t a t */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Fstat(int fildes, struct stat *buf)
// Return result of the close
return (Xroot.myFD(fildes)
? Xroot.Fstat(fildes, buf)
#ifdef __linux__
: Xunix.Fstat64(_STAT_VER, fildes, (struct stat64 *)buf));
: Xunix.Fstat64( fildes, (struct stat64 *)buf));
#ifdef __linux__
int XrdPosix_FstatV(int ver, int fildes, struct stat *buf)
return (Xroot.myFD(fildes)
? Xroot.Fstat(fildes, buf)
: Xunix.Fstat64(ver, fildes, (struct stat64 *)buf));
/* X r d P o s i x _ F s y n c */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Fsync(int fildes)
// Return the result of the sync
return (Xroot.myFD(fildes) ? Xroot.Fsync(fildes)
: Xunix.Fsync(fildes));
/* X r d P o s i x _ F t e l l */
extern "C"
long XrdPosix_Ftell(FILE *stream)
// Return the result of the tell
if (!Xroot.myFD(fileno(stream))) return Xunix.Ftell(stream);
return static_cast(Xroot.Lseek(fileno(stream), 0, SEEK_CUR));
/* X r d P o s i x _ F t e l l o */
extern "C"
long long XrdPosix_Ftello(FILE *stream)
// Return the result of the tell
if (!Xroot.myFD(fileno(stream))) return Xunix.Ftello64(stream);
return Xroot.Lseek(fileno(stream), 0, SEEK_CUR);
/* X r d P o s i x _ F t r u n c a t e */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Ftruncate(int fildes, long long offset)
// Return the result of the ftruncate
return (Xroot.myFD(fildes) ? Xroot.Ftruncate (fildes, offset)
: Xunix.Ftruncate64(fildes, offset));
/* X r d P o s i x _ F w r i t e */
extern "C"
size_t XrdPosix_Fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, FILE *stream)
size_t bytes, rc = 0;
int fd = fileno(stream);
if (!Xroot.myFD(fd)) return Xunix.Fwrite(ptr, size, nitems, stream);
bytes = Xroot.Write(fd, ptr, size*nitems);
// Get the right return code. Note that we cannot emulate the flags in sunx86
if (bytes > 0 && size) rc = bytes/size;
#ifndef SUNX86
#if defined(__linux__)
else stream->_flags |= _IO_ERR_SEEN;
#elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
else stream->_flags |= __SERR;
else stream->_flag |= _IOERR;
return rc;
/* X r d P o s i x _ G e t x a t t r */
#ifdef __linux__
extern "C"
long long XrdPosix_Getxattr (const char *path, const char *name, void *value,
unsigned long long size)
char *myPath, buff[2048];
if (!(myPath = XrootPath.URL(path, buff, sizeof(buff))))
return Xunix.Getxattr(path, name, value, size);
return Xroot.Getxattr(myPath, name, value, size);
/* X r d P o s i x _ L g e t x a t t r */
#ifdef __linux__
extern "C"
long long XrdPosix_Lgetxattr (const char *path, const char *name, void *value,
unsigned long long size)
if (XrootPath.URL(path, 0, 0)) {errno = ENOTSUP; return -1;}
return Xunix.Lgetxattr(path, name, value, size);
/* X r d P o s i x _ L s e e k */
extern "C"
long long XrdPosix_Lseek(int fildes, long long offset, int whence)
// Return the operation of the seek
return (Xroot.myFD(fildes) ? Xroot.Lseek (fildes, offset, whence)
: Xunix.Lseek64(fildes, offset, whence));
/* X r d P o s i x _ L s t a t */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Lstat(const char *path, struct stat *buf)
char *myPath, buff[2048];
// Make sure a path was passed
if (!path) {errno = EFAULT; return -1;}
// Return the results of an open of a Unix file
return (!(myPath = XrootPath.URL(path, buff, sizeof(buff)))
#ifdef __linux__
? Xunix.Lstat64(_STAT_VER, path, (struct stat64 *)buf)
? Xunix.Lstat64( path, (struct stat64 *)buf)
: Xroot.Stat(myPath, buf));
/* X r d P o s i x _ M k d i r */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode)
char *myPath, buff[2048];
// Make sure a path was passed
if (!path) {errno = EFAULT; return -1;}
// Return the results of a mkdir of a Unix file system
if (!(myPath = XrootPath.URL(path, buff, sizeof(buff))))
return Xunix.Mkdir(path, mode);
// Return the results of an mkdir of an xrootd file system
return Xroot.Mkdir(myPath, mode);
/* X r d P o s i x _ O p e n */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Open(const char *path, int oflag, ...)
char *myPath, buff[2048];
va_list ap;
int mode;
// Make sure a path was passed
if (!path) {errno = EFAULT; return -1;}
// Return the results of an open of a Unix file
if (!(myPath = XrootPath.URL(path, buff, sizeof(buff))))
{if (!(oflag & O_CREAT)) return Xunix.Open64(path, oflag);
va_start(ap, oflag);
mode = va_arg(ap, int);
return Xunix.Open64(path, oflag, (mode_t)mode);
// Return the results of an open of an xrootd file
if (!(oflag & O_CREAT)) return Xroot.Open(myPath, oflag);
va_start(ap, oflag);
mode = va_arg(ap, int);
return Xroot.Open(myPath, oflag, (mode_t)mode);
/* X r d P o s i x _ O p e n d i r */
extern "C"
DIR* XrdPosix_Opendir(const char *path)
char *myPath, buff[2048];
// Make sure a path was passed
if (!path) {errno = EFAULT; return 0;}
// Unix opendir
if (!(myPath = XrootPath.URL(path, buff, sizeof(buff))))
return Xunix.Opendir(path);
// Xrootd opendir
return Xroot.Opendir(myPath);
/* X r d P o s i x _ P a t h c o n f */
// This is a required addition for Solaris 10+ systems
extern "C"
long XrdPosix_Pathconf(const char *path, int name)
return (XrootPath.URL(path, 0, 0) ? Xunix.Pathconf("/tmp", name)
: Xunix.Pathconf(path, name));
/* X r d P o s i x _ P r e a d */
extern "C"
long long XrdPosix_Pread(int fildes, void *buf, unsigned long long nbyte,
long long offset)
// Return the results of the read
return (Xroot.myFD(fildes) ? Xroot.Pread (fildes, buf, nbyte, offset)
: Xunix.Pread64(fildes, buf, nbyte, offset));
/* X r d P o s i x _ P w r i t e */
extern "C"
long long XrdPosix_Pwrite(int fildes, const void *buf, unsigned long long nbyte,
long long offset)
// Return the results of the write
return (Xroot.myFD(fildes) ? Xroot.Pwrite (fildes, buf, nbyte, offset)
: Xunix.Pwrite64(fildes, buf, nbyte, offset));
/* X r d P o s i x _ R e a d */
extern "C"
long long XrdPosix_Read(int fildes, void *buf, unsigned long long nbyte)
// Return the results of the read
return (Xroot.myFD(fildes) ? Xroot.Read(fildes, buf, nbyte)
: Xunix.Read(fildes, buf, nbyte));
/* X r d P o s i x _ R e a d v */
extern "C"
long long XrdPosix_Readv(int fildes, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt)
// Return results of the readv
return (Xroot.myFD(fildes) ? Xroot.Readv(fildes, iov, iovcnt)
: Xunix.Readv(fildes, iov, iovcnt));
/* X r d P o s i x _ R e a d d i r */
extern "C"
// On some platforms both 32- and 64-bit versions are callable. so do the same
struct dirent * XrdPosix_Readdir (DIR *dirp)
// Return result of readdir
return (Xroot.isXrootdDir(dirp) ? Xroot.Readdir(dirp)
: Xunix.Readdir(dirp));
struct dirent64 * XrdPosix_Readdir64(DIR *dirp)
// Return result of readdir
return (Xroot.isXrootdDir(dirp) ? Xroot.Readdir64(dirp)
: Xunix.Readdir64(dirp));
/* X r d P o s i x _ R e a d d i r _ r */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Readdir_r(DIR *dirp, struct dirent *entry, struct dirent **result)
// Return result of readdir
return (Xroot.isXrootdDir(dirp) ? Xroot.Readdir_r(dirp,entry,result)
: Xunix.Readdir_r(dirp,entry,result));
int XrdPosix_Readdir64_r(DIR *dirp, struct dirent64 *entry, struct dirent64 **result)
// Return result of readdir
return (Xroot.isXrootdDir(dirp) ? Xroot.Readdir64_r(dirp,entry,result)
: Xunix.Readdir64_r(dirp,entry,result));
/* X r d P o s i x _ R e n a m e */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Rename(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath)
char *oldPath, buffold[2048], *newPath, buffnew[2048];
// Make sure a path was passed
if (!oldpath || !newpath) {errno = EFAULT; return -1;}
// Return the results of a mkdir of a Unix file system
if (!(oldPath = XrootPath.URL(oldpath, buffold, sizeof(buffold)))
|| !(newPath = XrootPath.URL(newpath, buffnew, sizeof(buffnew))))
return Xunix.Rename(oldpath, newpath);
// Return the results of an mkdir of an xrootd file system
return Xroot.Rename(oldPath, newPath);
/* X r d P o s i x _ R e w i n d d i r */
extern "C"
void XrdPosix_Rewinddir(DIR *dirp)
// Return result of rewind
return (Xroot.isXrootdDir(dirp) ? Xroot.Rewinddir(dirp)
: Xunix.Rewinddir(dirp));
/* X r d P o s i x _ R m d i r */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Rmdir(const char *path)
char *myPath, buff[2048];
// Make sure a path was passed
if (!path) {errno = EFAULT; return -1;}
// Return the results of a mkdir of a Unix file system
if (!(myPath = XrootPath.URL(path, buff, sizeof(buff))))
return Xunix.Rmdir(path);
// Return the results of an mkdir of an xrootd file system
return Xroot.Rmdir(myPath);
/* X r d P o s i x _ S e e k d i r */
extern "C"
void XrdPosix_Seekdir(DIR *dirp, long loc)
// Call seekdir
(Xroot.isXrootdDir(dirp) ? Xroot.Seekdir(dirp, loc)
: Xunix.Seekdir(dirp, loc));
/* X r d P o s i x _ S t a t */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Stat(const char *path, struct stat *buf)
char *myPath, buff[2048];
// Make sure a path was passed
if (!path) {errno = EFAULT; return -1;}
// Return the results of an open of a Unix file
return (!(myPath = XrootPath.URL(path, buff, sizeof(buff)))
#ifdef __linux__
? Xunix.Stat64(_STAT_VER, path, (struct stat64 *)buf)
? Xunix.Stat64( path, (struct stat64 *)buf)
: Xroot.Stat(myPath, buf));
/* X r d P o s i x _ S t a t f s */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Statfs(const char *path, struct statfs *buf)
char *myPath, buff[2048];
// Make sure a path was passed
if (!path) {errno = EFAULT; return -1;}
// Return the results of an open of a Unix file
return ((myPath = XrootPath.URL(path, buff, sizeof(buff)))
? Xroot.Statfs(myPath, buf)
: Xunix.Statfs64(path, (struct statfs64 *)buf));
/* X r d P o s i x _ S t a t v f s */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Statvfs(const char *path, struct statvfs *buf)
char *myPath, buff[2048];
// Make sure a path was passed
if (!path) {errno = EFAULT; return -1;}
// Return the results of an open of a Unix file
return ((myPath = XrootPath.URL(path, buff, sizeof(buff)))
? Xroot.Statvfs(myPath, buf)
: Xunix.Statvfs64(path, (struct statvfs64 *)buf));
/* X r d P o s i x _ T e l l d i r */
extern "C"
long XrdPosix_Telldir(DIR *dirp)
// Return result of telldir
return (Xroot.isXrootdDir(dirp) ? Xroot.Telldir(dirp)
: Xunix.Telldir(dirp));
/* X r d P o s i x _ T r u n c a t e */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Truncate(const char *path, long long offset)
char *myPath, buff[2048];
// Make sure a path was passed
if (!path) {errno = EFAULT; return -1;}
// Return the results of a truncate of a Unix file system
if (!(myPath = XrootPath.URL(path, buff, sizeof(buff))))
return Xunix.Truncate64(path, offset);
// Return the results of an truncate of an xrootd file system
return Xroot.Truncate(myPath, offset);
/* X r d P o s i x _ U n l i n k */
extern "C"
int XrdPosix_Unlink(const char *path)
char *myPath, buff[2048];
// Make sure a path was passed
if (!path) {errno = EFAULT; return -1;}
// Return the result of a unlink of a Unix file
if (!(myPath = XrootPath.URL(path, buff, sizeof(buff))))
return Xunix.Unlink(path);
// Return the results of an unlink of an xrootd file
return Xroot.Unlink(myPath);
/* X r d P o s i x _ W r i t e */
extern "C"
long long XrdPosix_Write(int fildes, const void *buf, unsigned long long nbyte)
// Return the results of the write
return (Xroot.myFD(fildes) ? Xroot.Write(fildes, buf, nbyte)
: Xunix.Write(fildes, buf, nbyte));
/* X r d P o s i x _ W r i t e v */
extern "C"
long long XrdPosix_Writev(int fildes, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt)
// Return results of the writev
return (Xroot.myFD(fildes) ? Xroot.Writev(fildes, iov, iovcnt)
: Xunix.Writev(fildes, iov, iovcnt));
/* X r d P o s i x _ i s M y P a t h */
int XrdPosix_isMyPath(const char *path)
return (0 != XrootPath.URL(path, 0, 0));
/* X r d P o s i x _ U R L */
char *XrdPosix_URL(const char *path, char *buff, int blen)
return XrootPath.URL(path, buff, blen);