/* */
/* X r d S e c P M a n a g e r . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2003 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdVersion.hh"
#include "XrdVersionPlugin.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysHeaders.hh"
#include "XrdSec/XrdSecInterface.hh"
#include "XrdSec/XrdSecPManager.hh"
#include "XrdSec/XrdSecProtocolhost.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucEnv.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucErrInfo.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucPinLoader.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucVerName.hh"
#include "XrdNet/XrdNetAddrInfo.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPlatform.hh"
/* M i s c e l l a n e o u s D e f i n e s */
#define DEBUG(x) {if (DebugON) cerr <<"sec_PM: " <protargs;
return plp->protnum;
return 0;
/* G e t */
XrdSecProtocol *XrdSecPManager::Get(const char *hname,
XrdNetAddrInfo &endPoint,
const char *pname,
XrdOucErrInfo *erp)
XrdSecProtList *pl;
const char *msgv[2];
// Find the protocol and get an instance of the protocol object
if ((pl = Lookup(pname)))
{DEBUG("Using " <ep('s', hname, endPoint, 0, erp);
// Protocol is not supported
msgv[0] = pname;
msgv[1] = " security protocol is not supported.";
erp->setErrInfo(EPROTONOSUPPORT, msgv, 2);
return 0;
XrdSecProtocol *XrdSecPManager::Get(const char *hname,
XrdNetAddrInfo &endPoint,
XrdSecParameters &secparm,
XrdOucErrInfo *eri)
char secbuff[4096], *nscan, *pname, *pargs, *bp = secbuff;
char pcomp[XrdSecPROTOIDSIZE+4], *compProt;
XrdSecProtList *pl;
XrdSecProtocol *pp;
XrdOucErrInfo ei;
XrdOucErrInfo *erp;
char *wp;
int i;
// We support passing the list of protocols via Url parameter unless this is
// a proxy server as the url should be merely passed hrough. If the proxy is
// not forwarding creds, then we use our error object to prevent security
// yet from using anything but the proxy's credentials.
// to become more clever
if (isProxy)
{wp = 0;
if (!fwdCreds) eri = 0;
} else {
XrdOucEnv *envP;
if (!eri || (envP = eri->getEnv()) == 0) wp = 0;
else wp = envP->Get("xrd.wantprot");
// Get the appropriate protocol list as well as the right error object
const char *wantProt = wp ? (const char *)wp : getenv("XrdSecPROTOCOL");
erp = (eri) ? eri : &ei;
// We only scan the buffer once
if (secparm.size <= 0) return (XrdSecProtocol *)0;
// Copy out the wanted protocols and frame them for easy comparison
if (wantProt)
{i = strlen(wantProt);
compProt = (char *)malloc(i+3);
*compProt = ',';
strcpy(compProt+1, wantProt);
compProt[i+1] = ','; compProt[i+2] = 0; *pcomp = ',';
} else compProt = 0;
// Copy the string into a local buffer so that we can simplify some comparisons
// and isolate ourselves from server protocol errors.
if (secparm.size < (int)sizeof(secbuff)) i = secparm.size;
else i = sizeof(secbuff)-1;
strncpy(secbuff, secparm.buffer, i);
secbuff[i] = '\0';
// Find a protocol marker in the info block and check if acceptable
{if (*bp != '&') {bp++; continue;}
else if (!*(++bp) || *bp != 'P' || !*(++bp) || *bp != '=') continue;
bp++; pname = bp; pargs = 0;
while(*bp && *bp != ',' && *bp != '&') bp++;
if (!*bp) nscan = 0;
else {if (*bp == '&') {*bp = '\0'; pargs = 0; nscan = bp;}
else {*bp = '\0'; pargs = ++bp;
while (*bp && *bp != '&') bp++;
if (*bp) {*bp ='\0'; nscan = bp;}
else nscan = 0;
if (wantProt)
{strncpy(pcomp+1, pname, XrdSecPROTOIDSIZE);
pcomp[XrdSecPROTOIDSIZE+1] = 0;
strcat(pcomp, ",");
if (!wantProt || strstr(compProt, pcomp))
{XrdSysMutexHelper pmHelper(pmMutex);
if ((pl = Lookup(pname)) || (pl = ldPO(erp, 'c', pname)))
{DEBUG("Using " <ep('c', hname, endPoint, pargs, erp)))
{if (nscan) {i = nscan - secbuff;
secparm.buffer += i; secparm.size -= i;
} else secparm.size = -1;
if (compProt) free(compProt);
return pp;
if (erp->getErrInfo() != ENOENT) cerr <getErrText() <setErrInfo(-1, "XrdSec: Too many protocols defined.");
return 0;
// Add this protocol to our protocol stack
plp = new XrdSecProtList((char *)pid, parg);
plp->ep = ep;
if (Last) {Last->Next = plp; Last = plp;}
else First = Last = plp;
plp->protnum = protnum;
if (protnum & 0x40000000) protnum = 0;
else protnum = protnum<<1;
// All went well
return plp;
/* l d P O */
#define INITPARMS const char, const char *, XrdOucErrInfo *
XrdSecProtList *XrdSecPManager::ldPO(XrdOucErrInfo *eMsg, // In
const char pmode, // In 'c' | 's'
const char *pid, // In
const char *parg, // In
const char *spath) // In
extern XrdSecProtocol *XrdSecProtocolhostObject(PROTPARMS);
XrdVersionInfo *myVer = (pmode == 'c' ? &clVer : &srVer);
XrdOucPinLoader *secLib;
XrdSecProtocol *(*ep)(PROTPARMS);
char *(*ip)(INITPARMS);
const char *sep, *libloc;
char poname[80], libpath[2048], *newargs, *bP;
int i;
// Set plugin debugging if needed (this only applies to client calls)
if (DebugON && pmode == 'c' && !DebugON) XrdOucEnv::Export("XRDPIHUSH", "1");
// The "host" protocol is builtin.
if (!strcmp(pid, "host")) return Add(eMsg,pid,XrdSecProtocolhostObject,0);
// Form library name (versioned) and object creator name and bundle id
snprintf(poname, sizeof(poname), "libXrdSec%s.so", pid);
i = (spath ? strlen(spath) : 0);
if (!i) {spath = ""; sep = "";}
else sep = (spath[i-1] == '/' ? "" : "/");
snprintf(libpath, sizeof(libpath), "%s%s%s", spath, sep, poname);
libloc = libpath;
// Get the plugin loader.
if (errP) secLib = new XrdOucPinLoader(errP, myVer, "sec.protocol", libloc);
else {bP = eMsg->getMsgBuff(i);
secLib = new XrdOucPinLoader(bP,i,myVer, "sec.protocol", libloc);
// Get the protocol object creator.
if (eMsg) eMsg->setErrInfo(0, "");
snprintf(poname, sizeof(poname), "XrdSecProtocol%sObject", pid);
if (!(ep = (XrdSecProtocol *(*)(PROTPARMS))secLib->Resolve(poname)))
{secLib->Unload(true); return 0;}
// Get the protocol initializer
sprintf(poname, "XrdSecProtocol%sInit", pid);
if (!(ip = (char *(*)(INITPARMS))secLib->Resolve(poname)))
{secLib->Unload(true); return 0;}
// Get the true path and do some debugging
libloc = secLib->Path();
DEBUG("Loaded " <getErrText()))
{const char *eTxt[] = {"XrdSec: ", pid,
" initialization failed in sec.protocol ", libloc};
eMsg->setErrInfo(-1, eTxt, sizeof(eTxt));
return 0;
// Add this protocol to our protocol stack
delete secLib;
return Add(eMsg, pid, ep, newargs);
/* L o o k u p */
XrdSecProtList *XrdSecPManager::Lookup(const char *pid) // In
XrdSecProtList *plp;
// Since we only add protocols and never remove them, we need only to lock
// the protocol list to get the first item.
plp = First;
// Now we can go and find a matching protocol
while(plp && strcmp(plp->protid, pid)) plp = plp->Next;
return plp;