/* */
/* X r d S s i F i l e R e q . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2013 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucBuffer.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucERoute.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucErrInfo.hh"
#include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsDio.hh"
#include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsXio.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiAlert.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiFileReq.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiFileResource.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiFileSess.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiRRAgent.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiService.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiSfs.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiStream.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiStats.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiTrace.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiUtils.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh"
/* L o c a l M a c r o s */
#define DEBUGXQ(x) DEBUG(rID<Schedule((XrdJob *)this);
default: break;
// If we get here then we have an invalid state. Report it but otherwise we
// can't really do anything else. This means some memory may be lost.
Log.Emsg(epname, tident, "Invalid req/rsp state; giving up on object!");
/* D i s p o s e */
void XrdSsiFileReq::Dispose()
// Do some debugging
DEBUGXQ("Recycling request...");
// Collect statistics
Stats.Bump(Stats.ReqBound, -1);
// Simply recycle the object
/* D o I t */
void XrdSsiFileReq::DoIt()
bool cancel;
// Processing is determined by the responder's state. Only listed states are
// valid. Others should never occur in this context.
{case isNew: myState = xqReq; urState = isBegun;
DEBUGXQ("Calling service processor");
Service->ProcessRequest((XrdSsiRequest &)*this,
(XrdSsiFileResource &)*fileR);
case isAbort: DEBUGXQ("Skipped calling service processor");
case isDone: cancel = (myState != odRsp);
DEBUGXQ("Calling Finished(" <Post();
if (cancel) Stats.Bump(Stats.ReqCancels);
Finished(cancel); // This object may be deleted!
default: break;
// If we get here then we have an invalid state. Report it but otherwise we
// can't really do anything else. This means some memory may be lost.
Log.Emsg(epname, tident, "Invalid req/rsp state; giving up on object!");
/* D o n e */
// Gets invoked only after query() waitresp signal was sent
void XrdSsiFileReq::Done(int &retc, XrdOucErrInfo *eiP, const char *name)
XrdSsiMutexMon mHelper(frqMutex);
// We may need to delete the errinfo object if this callback was async. Note
// that the following test is valid even if the file object has been deleted.
if (eiP != fileP->errInfo()) delete eiP;
// Check if we should finalize this request. This will be the case if the
// complete response was sent.
if (myState == odRsp)
{DEBUGXQ("resp sent; no additional data remains");
// Do some debugging
DEBUGXQ("wtrsp sent; resp " <<(haveResp ? "here" : "pend"));
// We are invoked when sync() waitresp has been sent, check if a response was
// posted while this was going on. If so, make sure to send a wakeup. Note
// that the respWait flag is at this moment false as this is called in the
// sync response path for fctl() and the response may have been posted.
if (!haveResp) respWait = true;
else WakeUp();
/* Private: E m s g */
int XrdSsiFileReq::Emsg(const char *pfx, // Message prefix value
int ecode, // The error code
const char *op) // Operation being performed
char buffer[2048];
// Count errors
// Get correct error code
if (ecode < 0) ecode = -ecode;
// Format the error message
XrdOucERoute::Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), ecode, op, sessN);
// Put the message in the log
Log.Emsg(pfx, tident, buffer);
// Place the error message in the error object and return
if (cbInfo) cbInfo->setErrInfo(ecode, buffer);
return SFS_ERROR;
int XrdSsiFileReq::Emsg(const char *pfx, // Message prefix value
XrdSsiErrInfo &eObj, // The error description
const char *op) // Operation being performed
const char *eMsg;
char buffer[2048];
int eNum;
// Count errors
// Get correct error code and message
eMsg = eObj.Get(eNum).c_str();
if (eNum <= 0) eNum = EFAULT;
if (!eMsg || !(*eMsg)) eMsg = "reason unknown";
// Format the error message
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Unable to %s %s; %s", op, sessN, eMsg);
// Put the message in the log
Log.Emsg(pfx, tident, buffer);
// Place the error message in the error object and return
if (cbInfo) cbInfo->setErrInfo(eNum, buffer);
return SFS_ERROR;
/* F i n a l i z e */
void XrdSsiFileReq::Finalize()
XrdSsiMutexMon mHelper(frqMutex);
bool cancel = (myState != odRsp);
// Release any unsent alerts (prevent any new alerts from being accepted)
isEnding = true;
if (alrtSent || alrtPend)
{XrdSsiAlert *dP, *aP = alrtSent;
if (aP) aP->next = alrtPend;
else aP = alrtPend;
while((dP = aP)) {aP = aP->next; dP->Recycle();}
// Processing is determined by the responder's state
// Request is being scheduled, so we can simply abort it.
{case isNew: DEBUGXQ("Aborting request processing");
urState = isAbort;
cbInfo = 0;
sessN = "???";
// Request already handed off but not yet bound. Defer until bound.
// We need to wait until this occurs to sequence Unprovision().
case isBegun: urState = isDone;
{XrdSysSemaphore wt4fin(0);
finWait = &wt4fin;
// Request is bound so we can finish right off.
case isBound: urState = isDone;
if (strBuff) {strBuff->Recycle(); strBuff = 0;}
DEBUGXQ("Calling Finished(" <Data();
return sfsBref->Buffer();
/* Private: I n i t */
void XrdSsiFileReq::Init(const char *cID)
tident = (cID ? strdup(cID) : strdup("???"));
finWait = 0;
nextReq = 0;
cbInfo = 0;
respCB = 0;
respCBarg = 0;
alrtSent = 0;
alrtPend = 0;
alrtLast = 0;
sessN = "???";
oucBuff = 0;
sfsBref = 0;
strBuff = 0;
reqSize = 0;
respBuf = 0;
respOff = 0;
fileSz = 0; // Also does respLen = 0;
myState = wtReq;
urState = isNew;
*rID = 0;
schedDone = false;
haveResp = false;
respWait = false;
strmEOF = false;
isEnding = false;
XrdSsiRRAgent::SetMutex(this, &frqMutex);
/* Protected: P r o c e s s R e s p o n s e */
// This is called via the responder with the responder and request locks held.
bool XrdSsiFileReq::ProcessResponse(const XrdSsiErrInfo &eInfo,
const XrdSsiRespInfo &Resp)
// Do some debugging
DEBUGXQ("Response presented wtr=" <rType)
{case XrdSsiRespInfo::isData:
if (respLen <= 0) {done = true; myState = odRsp; return 0;}
if (blen >= respLen)
{memcpy(buff, Resp->buff+respOff, respLen);
blen = respLen; myState = odRsp; done = true;
} else {
memcpy(buff, Resp->buff+respOff, blen);
respLen -= blen; respOff += blen;
return blen;
case XrdSsiRespInfo::isError:
cbInfo->setErrInfo(Resp->eNum, Resp->eMsg);
myState = odRsp; done = true;
return SFS_ERROR;
case XrdSsiRespInfo::isFile:
if (fileSz <= 0) {done = true; myState = odRsp; return 0;}
nbytes = pread(Resp->fdnum, buff, blen, respOff);
if (nbytes <= 0)
{done = true;
if (!nbytes) {myState = odRsp; return 0;}
myState = erRsp;
return Emsg(epname, errno, "read");
respOff += nbytes; fileSz -= nbytes;
return nbytes;
case XrdSsiRespInfo::isStream:
nbytes = (Resp->strmP->Type() == XrdSsiStream::isActive ?
readStrmA(Resp->strmP, buff, blen)
: readStrmP(Resp->strmP, buff, blen));
done = strmEOF && strBuff == 0;
return nbytes;
default: break;
// We should never get here
myState = erRsp;
done = true;
return Emsg(epname, EFAULT, "read");
/* Private: r e a d S t r m A */
XrdSfsXferSize XrdSsiFileReq::readStrmA(XrdSsiStream *strmP,
char *buff, XrdSfsXferSize blen)
static const char *epname = "readStrmA";
XrdSsiErrInfo eObj;
XrdSfsXferSize xlen = 0;
// Copy out data from the stream to fill the buffer
do{if (strBuff)
{if (respLen > blen)
{memcpy(buff, strBuff->data+respOff, blen);
respLen -= blen; respOff += blen;
return xlen+blen;
memcpy(buff, strBuff->data+respOff, respLen);
xlen += respLen;
strBuff->Recycle(); strBuff = 0;
blen -= respLen; buff += respLen;
if (!strmEOF && blen)
{respLen = blen; respOff = 0;
strBuff = strmP->GetBuff(eObj, respLen, strmEOF);
} while(strBuff);
// Check if we have data to return
if (strmEOF) {myState = odRsp; return xlen;}
else if (!blen) return xlen;
// Report the error
myState = erRsp; strmEOF = true;
return Emsg(epname, eObj, "read stream");
/* Private: r e a d S t r m P */
XrdSfsXferSize XrdSsiFileReq::readStrmP(XrdSsiStream *strmP,
char *buff, XrdSfsXferSize blen)
static const char *epname = "readStrmP";
XrdSsiErrInfo eObj;
XrdSfsXferSize xlen = 0;
int dlen = 0;
// Copy out data from the stream to fill the buffer
while(!strmEOF && (dlen = strmP->SetBuff(eObj, buff, blen, strmEOF)) > 0)
{xlen += dlen;
if (dlen == blen) return xlen;
if (dlen > blen) {eObj.Set(0,EOVERFLOW); break;}
buff += dlen; blen -= dlen;
// Check if we ended with an zero length read
if (strmEOF || !dlen) {myState = odRsp; strmEOF = true; return xlen;}
// Return an error
myState = erRsp; strmEOF = true;
return Emsg(epname, eObj, "read stream");
/* Private: R e c y c l e */
void XrdSsiFileReq::Recycle()
// If we have an oucbuffer then we need to recycle it, otherwise if we have
// and sfs buffer, put it on the defered release queue.
if (oucBuff) {oucBuff->Recycle(); oucBuff = 0;}
else if (sfsBref) {sfsBref->Recycle(); sfsBref = 0;}
reqSize = 0;
// Add to queue unless we have too many of these. If we add it back to the
// queue; make sure it's a cleaned up object!
if (tident) {free(tident); tident = 0;}
if (freeCnt >= freeMax) {aqMutex.UnLock(); delete this;}
else {XrdSsiRRAgent::CleanUp(*this);
nextReq = freeReq;
freeReq = this;
/* R e l R e q u e s t B u f f e r */
void XrdSsiFileReq::RelRequestBuffer()
XrdSsiMutexMon mHelper(frqMutex);
// Do some debugging
// Release buffers
if (oucBuff) {oucBuff->Recycle(); oucBuff = 0;}
else if (sfsBref) {sfsBref->Recycle(); sfsBref = 0;}
reqSize = 0;
/* S e n d */
int XrdSsiFileReq::Send(XrdSfsDio *sfDio, XrdSfsXferSize blen)
static const char *epname = "send";
XrdSsiRespInfo const *Resp = XrdSsiRRAgent::RespP(this);
XrdOucSFVec sfVec[2];
int rc;
// A send should never be issued unless a response has been set. Return a
// continuation which will cause Read() to be called to return the error.
if (myState != doRsp) return 1;
// Fan out based on the kind of response we have
{case XrdSsiRespInfo::isData:
if (blen > 0)
{sfVec[1].buffer = (char *)Resp->buff+respOff;
sfVec[1].fdnum = -1;
if (blen > respLen)
{blen = respLen; myState = odRsp;
} else {
respLen -= blen; respOff += blen;
} else blen = 0;
case XrdSsiRespInfo::isError:
return 1; // Causes error to be returned via Read()
case XrdSsiRespInfo::isFile:
if (fileSz > 0)
{sfVec[1].offset = respOff; sfVec[1].fdnum = Resp->fdnum;
if (blen > fileSz)
{blen = fileSz; myState = odRsp;}
respOff += blen; fileSz -= blen;
} else blen = 0;
case XrdSsiRespInfo::isStream:
if (Resp->strmP->Type() == XrdSsiStream::isPassive) return 1;
return sendStrmA(Resp->strmP, sfDio, blen);
default: myState = erRsp;
return Emsg(epname, EFAULT, "send");
// Send off the data
if (!blen) {sfVec[1].buffer = rID; myState = odRsp;}
sfVec[1].sendsz = blen;
rc = sfDio->SendFile(sfVec, 2);
// If send succeeded, indicate the action to be taken
if (!rc) return myState != odRsp;
// The send failed, diagnose the problem
rc = (rc < 0 ? EIO : EFAULT);
myState = erRsp;
return Emsg(epname, rc, "send");
/* Private: s e n d S t r m A */
int XrdSsiFileReq::sendStrmA(XrdSsiStream *strmP,
XrdSfsDio *sfDio, XrdSfsXferSize blen)
static const char *epname = "sendStrmA";
XrdSsiErrInfo eObj;
XrdOucSFVec sfVec[2];
int rc;
// Check if we need a buffer
if (!strBuff)
{respLen = blen;
if (strmEOF || !(strBuff = strmP->GetBuff(eObj, respLen, strmEOF)))
{myState = odRsp; strmEOF = true;
if (!strmEOF) Emsg(epname, eObj, "read stream");
return 1;
respOff = 0;
// Complete the sendfile vector
sfVec[1].buffer = strBuff->data+respOff;
sfVec[1].fdnum = -1;
if (respLen > blen)
{sfVec[1].sendsz = blen;
respLen -= blen; respOff += blen;
} else {
sfVec[1].sendsz = respLen;
respLen = 0;
// Send off the data
rc = sfDio->SendFile(sfVec, 2);
// Release any completed buffer
if (strBuff && !respLen) {strBuff->Recycle(); strBuff = 0;}
// If send succeeded, indicate the action to be taken
if (!rc) return myState != odRsp;
// The send failed, diagnose the problem
rc = (rc < 0 ? EIO : EFAULT);
myState = erRsp; strmEOF = true;
return Emsg(epname, rc, "send");
/* W a n t R e s p o n s e */
bool XrdSsiFileReq::WantResponse(XrdOucErrInfo &eInfo)
XrdSsiMutexMon frqMon;
const XrdSsiRespInfo *rspP;
// Check if we have a previos alert that was sent (we need to recycle it). We
// don't need a lock for this as it's fully serialized via serial fsctl calls.
if (alrtSent) {alrtSent->Recycle(); alrtSent = 0;}
// Serialize the remainder of this code
rspP = XrdSsiRRAgent::RespP(this);
// If we have a pending alert then we need to send it now. Suppress the callback
// as we will recycle the alert on the next call (there should be one).
if (alrtPend)
{char hexBuff[16], binBuff[8], dotBuff[4];
alrtSent = alrtPend;
if (!(alrtPend = alrtPend->next)) alrtLast = 0;
int n = alrtSent->SetInfo(eInfo, binBuff, sizeof(binBuff));
eInfo.setErrCB((XrdOucEICB *)0);
DEBUGXQ(n <<" byte alert (0x" <rType)
if (haveResp)
{respCBarg = 0;
if (fileP->AttnInfo(eInfo, rspP, reqID))
{ eInfo.setErrCB((XrdOucEICB *)this); myState = odRsp;}
else eInfo.setErrCB((XrdOucEICB *)0);
return true;
// Defer this and record the callback arguments. We defer setting respWait
// to true until we know the deferal request has been sent (i.e. when Done()
// is called). This forces ProcessResponse() to not prematurely wakeup the
// client. This is necessitated by the fact that we must release the request
// lock upon return; allowing a response to come in while the deferal request
// is still in transit.
respCB = eInfo.getErrCB(respCBarg);
respWait = false;
return false;
/* Private: W a k e U p */
void XrdSsiFileReq::WakeUp(XrdSsiAlert *aP) // Called with frqMutex locked!
XrdOucErrInfo *wuInfo =
new XrdOucErrInfo(tident,(XrdOucEICB *)0,respCBarg);
const XrdSsiRespInfo *rspP = XrdSsiRRAgent::RespP(this);
int respCode = SFS_DATAVEC;
// Do some debugging
DEBUGXQ("respCBarg=" <SetInfo(*wuInfo, binBuff, sizeof(binBuff));
wuInfo->setErrCB((XrdOucEICB *)aP, respCBarg);
DEBUGXQ(n <<" byte alert (0x" <AttnInfo(*wuInfo, rspP, reqID))
{wuInfo->setErrCB((XrdOucEICB *)this, respCBarg); myState = odRsp;}
// Tell the client to issue a read now or handle the alert or full response.
respWait = false;
respCB->Done(respCode, wuInfo, sessN);