/* */
/* X r d S s i F i l e S e s s . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2016 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdNet/XrdNetAddrInfo.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucBuffer.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucEnv.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucERoute.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucPList.hh"
#include "XrdSec/XrdSecEntity.hh"
#include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsAio.hh"
#include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsXio.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiEntity.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiFileSess.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiProvider.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiRRInfo.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiService.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiSfs.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiStats.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiStream.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiTrace.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiUtils.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh"
/* G l o b a l s */
namespace XrdSsi
extern XrdOucBuffPool *BuffPool;
extern XrdSsiProvider *Provider;
extern XrdSsiService *Service;
extern XrdSsiStats Stats;
extern XrdSysError Log;
extern int respWT;
using namespace XrdSsi;
/* L o c a l M a c r o s */
#define DUMPIT(x,y) XrdSsiUtils::b2x(x,y,hexBuff,sizeof(hexBuff),dotBuff)<nextFree;
fsP->Init(einfo, user, true);
} else {
if (freeMax <= freeAbs && freeNew >= freeMax/2)
{freeMax += freeMax/2;
freeNew = 0;
fsP = new XrdSsiFileSess(einfo, user);
// Return the object
return fsP;
/* A t t n I n f o */
bool XrdSsiFileSess::AttnInfo(XrdOucErrInfo &eInfo, const XrdSsiRespInfo *respP,
unsigned int reqID)
// Called with the request mutex locked!
struct AttnResp {struct iovec ioV[4]; XrdSsiRRInfoAttn aHdr;};
AttnResp *attnResp;
char *mBuff;
int n, ioN = 2;
bool doFin;
// If there is no data we can send back to the client in the attn response,
// then simply reply with a short message to make the client come back.
if (!respP->mdlen)
{if (respP->rType != XrdSsiRespInfo::isData
|| respP->blen > XrdSsiResponder::MaxDirectXfr)
{eInfo.setErrInfo(0, "");
return false;
// We will be constructing the response in the message buffer. This is
// gauranteed to be big enough for our purposes so no need to check the size.
mBuff = eInfo.getMsgBuff(n);
// Initialize the response
attnResp = (AttnResp *)mBuff;
memset(attnResp, 0, sizeof(AttnResp));
attnResp->aHdr.pfxLen = htons(sizeof(XrdSsiRRInfoAttn));
// Fill out iovec to point to our header
//?attnResp->ioV[0].iov_len = sizeof(XrdSsiRRInfoAttn) + respP->mdlen;
attnResp->ioV[1].iov_base = mBuff+offsetof(struct AttnResp, aHdr);
attnResp->ioV[1].iov_len = sizeof(XrdSsiRRInfoAttn);
// Fill out the iovec for the metadata if we have some
if (respP->mdlen)
{attnResp->ioV[2].iov_base = (void *)respP->mdata;
attnResp->ioV[2].iov_len = respP->mdlen; ioN = 3;
attnResp->aHdr.mdLen = htonl(respP->mdlen);
Stats.Bump(Stats.RspMDBytes, respP->mdlen);
if (QTRACE(Debug))
{char hexBuff[16],dotBuff[4];
DEBUG(reqID <<':' <mdlen <<" byte metadata (0x"
<mdata,respP->mdlen) <<") sent.");
// Check if we have actual data here as well and can send it along
if (respP->rType == XrdSsiRespInfo::isData
&& respP->blen+respP->mdlen <= XrdSsiResponder::MaxDirectXfr)
{if (respP->blen)
{attnResp->ioV[ioN].iov_base = (void *)respP->buff;
attnResp->ioV[ioN].iov_len = respP->blen; ioN++;
attnResp->aHdr.tag = XrdSsiRRInfoAttn::fullResp; doFin = true;
else {attnResp->aHdr.tag = XrdSsiRRInfoAttn::pendResp; doFin = false;}
// If we sent the full response we must remove the request from the request
// table as it will get finished off when the response is actually sent.
if (doFin) rTab.Del(reqID, false);
// Setup to have metadata actually sent to the requestor
return doFin;
/* c l o s e */
int XrdSsiFileSess::close(bool viaDel)
Function: Close the file object.
Input: None
Output: Always returns SFS_OK
const char *epname = "close";
// Do some debugging
DEBUG((gigID ? gigID : "???") <<" del=" <Recycle(); oucBuff = 0;}
inProg = false;
// Clean up storage
isOpen = false;
return SFS_OK;
/* f c t l */
int XrdSsiFileSess::fctl(const int cmd,
int alen,
const char *args,
const XrdSecEntity *client)
static const char *epname = "fctl";
XrdSsiRRInfo *rInfo;
XrdSsiFileReq *rqstP;
unsigned int reqID;
// If this isn't the special query, then return an error
if (cmd != SFS_FCTL_SPEC1)
return XrdSsiUtils::Emsg(epname, ENOTSUP, "fctl", gigID, *eInfo);
// Caller wishes to find out if a request is ready and wait if it is not
if (!args || alen < (int)sizeof(XrdSsiRRInfo))
return XrdSsiUtils::Emsg(epname, EINVAL, "fctl", gigID, *eInfo);
// Grab the request identifier
rInfo = (XrdSsiRRInfo *)args;
reqID = rInfo->Id();
// Do some debugging
DEBUG(reqID <<':' <WantResponse(*eInfo))
{DEBUG(reqID <<':' <setErrCB((XrdOucEICB *)rqstP);
eInfo->setErrInfo(respWT, "");
/* Private: I n i t */
void XrdSsiFileSess::Init(XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, const char *user, bool forReuse)
tident = (user ? strdup(user) : strdup(""));
eInfo = &einfo;
gigID = 0;
fsUser = 0;
xioP = 0;
oucBuff = 0;
reqSize = 0;
reqLeft = 0;
isOpen = false;
inProg = false;
if (forReuse)
/* Private: N e w R e q u e s t */
bool XrdSsiFileSess::NewRequest(unsigned int reqid,
XrdOucBuffer *oP,
XrdSfsXioHandle *bR,
int rSz)
XrdSsiFileReq *reqP;
// Allocate a new request object
if (!(reqP=XrdSsiFileReq::Alloc(eInfo,&fileResource,this,gigID,tident,reqid)))
return false;
// Add it to the table
rTab.Add(reqP, reqid);
// Activate the request
inProg = false;
reqP->Activate(oP, bR, rSz);
return true;
/* o p e n */
int XrdSsiFileSess::open(const char *path, // In
XrdOucEnv &theEnv, // In
XrdSfsFileOpenMode open_mode) // In
Function: Open the file `path' in the mode indicated by `open_mode'.
Input: path - The fully qualified name of the resource.
theEnv - Environmental information.
open_mode - It must contain only SFS_O_RDWR.
Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success, otherwise SFS_ERROR is returned.
static const char *epname = "open";
XrdSsiErrInfo errInfo;
const char *eText;
int eNum;
// Verify that this object is not already associated with an open file
if (isOpen)
return XrdSsiUtils::Emsg(epname, EADDRINUSE, "open session", path, *eInfo);
// Make sure the open flag is correct (we now open this R/O so don't check)
// if (open_mode != SFS_O_RDWR)
// return XrdSsiUtils::Emsg(epname, EPROTOTYPE, "open session", path, *eInfo);
// Setup the file resource object
fileResource.Init(path, theEnv, authDNS);
// Notify the provider that we will be executing a request
if (Service->Prepare(errInfo, fileResource))
{const char *usr = fileResource.rUser.c_str();
if (!(*usr)) gigID = strdup(path);
else {char gBuff[2048];
snprintf(gBuff, sizeof(gBuff), "%s:%s", usr, path);
gigID = strdup(gBuff);
DEBUG(gigID <<" prepared.");
isOpen = true;
return SFS_OK;
// Get error information
eText = errInfo.Get(eNum).c_str();
if (!eNum)
{eNum = ENOMSG; eText = "Provider returned invalid prepare response.";}
// Decode the error
{case EAGAIN:
if (!eText || !(*eText)) break;
eNum = errInfo.GetArg();
DEBUG(path <<" --> " <setErrInfo(eNum, eText);
case EBUSY:
eNum = errInfo.GetArg();
if (!eText || !(*eText)) eText = "Provider is busy.";
DEBUG(path <<" dly " <setErrInfo(eNum, eText);
return eNum;
if (!eText || !(*eText)) eText = strerror(eNum);
DEBUG(path <<" err " <setErrInfo(eNum, eText);
return SFS_ERROR;
// Something is quite wrong here
Log.Emsg(epname, "Provider redirect returned no target host name!");
eInfo->setErrInfo(ENOMSG, "Server logic error");
return SFS_ERROR;
/* r e a d */
XrdSfsXferSize XrdSsiFileSess::read(XrdSfsFileOffset offset, // In
char *buff, // Out
XrdSfsXferSize blen) // In
Function: Read `blen' bytes at `offset' into 'buff' and return the actual
number of bytes read.
Input: offset - Contains request information.
buff - Address of the buffer in which to place the data.
blen - The size of the buffer. This is the maximum number
of bytes that will be returned.
Output: Returns the number of bytes read upon success and SFS_ERROR o/w.
static const char *epname = "read";
XrdSsiRRInfo rInfo(offset);
XrdSsiFileReq *rqstP;
XrdSfsXferSize retval;
unsigned int reqID = rInfo.Id();
bool noMore = false;
// Find the request object. If not there we may have encountered an eof
if (!(rqstP = rTab.LookUp(reqID)))
{if (eofVec.IsSet(reqID))
return 0;
return XrdSsiUtils::Emsg(epname, ESRCH, "read", gigID, *eInfo);
// Simply effect the read via the request object
retval = rqstP->Read(noMore, buff, blen);
// See if we just completed this request
if (noMore)
// All done
return retval;
/* R e c y c l e */
void XrdSsiFileSess::Recycle()
// Do an immediate reset on ourselves to avoid getting too many locks
// Get a lock
// Check if we should place this on the free list or simply delete it
if (freeNum < freeMax)
{nextFree = freeList;
freeList = this;
} else {
delete this;
/* Private: R e s e t */
void XrdSsiFileSess::Reset()
// Close this session
if (isOpen) close(true);
// Release other buffers
if (tident) free(tident);
if (fsUser) free(fsUser);
if (gigID) free(gigID);
/* S e n d D a t a */
int XrdSsiFileSess::SendData(XrdSfsDio *sfDio,
XrdSfsFileOffset offset,
XrdSfsXferSize size)
static const char *epname = "SendData";
XrdSsiRRInfo rInfo(offset);
XrdSsiFileReq *rqstP;
unsigned int reqID = rInfo.Id();
int rc;
// Find the request object
if (!(rqstP = rTab.LookUp(reqID)))
return XrdSsiUtils::Emsg(epname, ESRCH, "send", gigID, *eInfo);
// Simply effect the send via the request object
rc = rqstP->Send(sfDio, size);
// Determine how this ended
if (rc > 0) rc = SFS_OK;
else {rqstP->Finalize();
return rc;
/* t r u n c a t e */
int XrdSsiFileSess::truncate(XrdSfsFileOffset flen) // In
Function: Set the length of the file object to 'flen' bytes.
Input: flen - The new size of the file.
Output: Returns SFS_ERROR a this function is not supported.
static const char *epname = "trunc";
XrdSsiFileReq *rqstP;
XrdSsiRRInfo rInfo(flen);
XrdSsiRRInfo::Opc reqXQ = rInfo.Cmd();
unsigned int reqID = rInfo.Id();
// Find the request object. If not there we may have encountered an eof
if (!(rqstP = rTab.LookUp(reqID)))
{if (eofVec.IsSet(reqID))
return 0;
return XrdSsiUtils::Emsg(epname, ESRCH, "cancel", gigID, *eInfo);
// Process request (this can only be a cancel request)
if (reqXQ != XrdSsiRRInfo::Can)
return XrdSsiUtils::Emsg(epname, ENOSYS, "trunc", gigID, *eInfo);
// Perform the cancellation
DEBUG(reqID <<':' <Finalize();
return SFS_OK;
/* w r i t e */
XrdSfsXferSize XrdSsiFileSess::write(XrdSfsFileOffset offset, // In
const char *buff, // In
XrdSfsXferSize blen) // In
Function: Write `blen' bytes at `offset' from 'buff' and return the actual
number of bytes written.
Input: offset - The absolute byte offset at which to start the write.
buff - Address of the buffer from which to get the data.
blen - The size of the buffer. This is the maximum number
of bytes that will be written to 'fd'.
Output: Returns the number of bytes written upon success and SFS_ERROR o/w.
Notes: An error return may be delayed until the next write(), close(), or
sync() call.
static const char *epname = "write";
XrdSsiRRInfo rInfo(offset);
unsigned int reqID = rInfo.Id();
int reqPass;
// Check if we are reading a request segment and handle that. This assumes that
// writes to different requests cannot be interleaved (which they can't be).
if (inProg) return writeAdd(buff, blen, reqID);
// Make sure this request does not refer to an active request
if (rTab.LookUp(reqID))
return XrdSsiUtils::Emsg(epname, EADDRINUSE, "write", gigID, *eInfo);
// The offset contains the actual size of the request, make sure it's OK. Note
// that it can be zero and by convention the blen must be one if so.
reqPass = reqSize = rInfo.Size();
if (reqSize < blen)
{if (reqSize || blen != 1)
return XrdSsiUtils::Emsg(epname, EPROTO, "write", gigID, *eInfo);
reqSize = 1;
} else if (reqSize < 0 || reqSize > maxRSZ)
return XrdSsiUtils::Emsg(epname, EFBIG, "write", gigID, *eInfo);
// Indicate we are in the progress of collecting the request arguments
inProg = true;
// Do some debugging
DEBUG(reqID <<':' <Alloc(reqSize)))
return XrdSsiUtils::Emsg(epname, ENOMEM, "write", gigID, *eInfo);
// Setup to buffer this
reqLeft = reqSize - blen;
memcpy(oucBuff->Data(), buff, blen);
if (!reqLeft)
if (!NewRequest(reqID, oucBuff, 0, reqPass))
return XrdSsiUtils::Emsg(epname, ENOMEM, "write", gigID, *eInfo);
oucBuff = 0;
} else oucBuff->SetLen(blen, blen);
return blen;
/* Private: w r i t e A d d */
XrdSfsXferSize XrdSsiFileSess::writeAdd(const char *buff, // In
XrdSfsXferSize blen, // In
unsigned int rid)
Function: Add `blen' bytes from 'buff' to request and return the actual
number of bytes added.
Input: buff - Address of the buffer from which to get the data.
blen - The size of the buffer. This is the maximum number
of bytes that will be added.
Output: Returns the number of bytes added upon success and SFS_ERROR o/w.
Notes: An error return may be delayed until the next write(), close(), or
sync() call.
static const char *epname = "writeAdd";
int dlen;
// Make sure the caller is not exceeding the size stated on the first write
if (blen > reqLeft)
return XrdSsiUtils::Emsg(epname, EFBIG, "writeAdd", gigID, *eInfo);
// Append the bytes
memcpy(oucBuff->Data(dlen), buff, blen);
// Adjust how much we have left
reqLeft -= blen;
DEBUG(rid <<':' <SetLen(dlen, dlen);
return blen;