/* */
/* X r d S s i R e q u e s t . h h */
/* */
/* (c) 2013 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiAtomics.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiErrInfo.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiRespInfo.hh"
//! The XrdSsiRequest class describes a client request and is used to effect a
//! response to the request via a companion object described by XrdSsiResponder.
//! Client-Side: Use this object to encapsulate your request and hand it off
//! to XrdSsiService::Execute() either use GetResponseData() or
//! the actual response structure to get the response data once the
//! ProcessResponse() callback is invoked.
//! Server-side: XrdSsiService::ProcessRequest() is called with this object.
//! Use the XrdSsiResponder object to post a response.
//! In either case, the client must invoke XrdSsiRequest::Finished() after the
//! client-server exchange is complete in order to revert ownership of this
//! object to the object's creator to allow it to be deleted or reused.
//! This is an abstract class and several methods need to be implemented:
//! Alert() Optional, allows receiving of server alerts.
//! GetRequest() Mandatory to supply the buffer holding the request
//! along with its length.
//! RelRequestBuffer() Optional, allows memory optimization.
//! ProcessResponse() Initial response: Mandatory
//! ProcessResponseData() Data response: Mandatory only if response data is
//! asynchronously received.
//! All callbacks are invoked with no locks outstanding unless otherwise noted.
class XrdSsiResponder;
class XrdSsiRequest
friend class XrdSsiResponder;
friend class XrdSsiRRAgent;
//! Indicate that request processing has been finished. This method calls
//! XrdSsiResponder::Finished() on the associated responder object.
//! Note: This method locks the object's recursive mutex.
//! @param cancel False -> the request/response sequence completed normally.
//! True -> the request/response sequence aborted because of an
//! error or the client cancelled the request.
//! @return true Finish accepted. Request object may be reclaimed.
//! @return false Finish cannot be accepted because this request object is
//! not bound to a responder. This indicates a logic error.
bool Finished(bool cancel=false);
//! Obtain the detached request time to live value. If the value is non-zero,
//! the request is detached. Otherwise, it is an attached request and requires a
//! live TCP connection during it execution.
//! @return The detached time to live value in seconds.
inline uint32_t GetDetachTTL() {return detTTL;}
//! Obtain the endpoint host name.
//! @return A string containing the endpoint host name. If a null string is
//! returned, the endpoint has not yet been determined. Generally, the
//! endpoint is available on the first callback to this object.
std::string GetEndPoint();
//! Obtain the metadata associated with a response.
//! Note: This method locks the object's recursive mutex.
//! @param dlen holds the length of the metadata after the call.
//! @return =0 No metadata available, dlen has been set to zero.
//! @return !0 Pointer to the buffer holding the metadata, dlen has the length
const char *GetMetadata(int &dlen);
//! Obtain the request data sent by a client.
//! This method is duplicated in XrdSsiResponder to allow calling consistency.
//! @param dlen holds the length of the request after the call.
//! @return =0 No request data available, dlen has been set to zero.
//! @return !0 Pointer to the buffer holding the request, dlen has the length
virtual char *GetRequest(int &dlen) = 0;
//! Get the request ID established at object creation time.
//! @return Pointer to the request ID or nil if there is none.
const char *GetRequestID() {return reqID;}
//! Asynchronously obtain response data. This is a helper method that allows a
//! client to deal with a passive stream response. This method also handles
//! data response, albeit inefficiently by copying the data response. However,
//! this allows for uniform response processing regardless of response type.
//! @param buff pointer to the buffer to receive the data. The buffer must
//! remain valid until ProcessResponseData() is called.
//! @param blen the length of the buffer (i.e. maximum that can be returned).
void GetResponseData(char *buff, int blen);
//! Get timeout for initiating the request.
//! @return The timeout value.
uint16_t GetTimeOut() {return tOut;}
//! Notify request that a response is ready to be processed. This method must
//! be supplied by the request object's implementation.
//! @param eInfo Error information. You can check if an error occurred using
//! eInfo.hasError() or eInfo.isOK().
//! @param rInfo Raw response information.
//! @return true Response processed.
//! @return false Response could not be processed, the request is not active.
virtual bool ProcessResponse(const XrdSsiErrInfo &eInfo,
const XrdSsiRespInfo &rInfo)=0;
//! Handle incoming async stream data or error. This method is called by a
//! stream object after a successful GetResponseData() or an asynchronous
//! stream SetBuff() call.
//! @param eInfo Error information. You can check if an error occurred using
//! eInfo.hasError() or eInfo.isOK().
//! @param buff Pointer to the buffer given to XrdSsiStream::SetBuff().
//! @param blen The number of bytes in buff or an error indication if blen < 0.
//! @param last true This is the last stream segment, no more data remains.
//! @param false More data may remain in the stream.
//! @return One of the enum PRD_Xeq:
//! PRD_Normal - Processing completed normally, continue.
//! PRD_Hold - Processing could not be done now, place request
//! in the global FIFO hold queue and resume when
//! RestartDataResponse() is called.
//! PRD_HoldLcl - Processing could not be done now, place request
//! in the request ID FIFO local queue and resume
//! when RestartDataResponse() is called with the ID
//! that was passed to the this request object
//! constructor.
enum PRD_Xeq {PRD_Normal = 0, PRD_Hold = 1, PRD_HoldLcl = 2};
virtual PRD_Xeq ProcessResponseData(const XrdSsiErrInfo &eInfo, char *buff,
int blen, bool last) {return PRD_Normal;}
//! Release the request buffer of the request bound to this object. This method
//! duplicates the protected method RelRequestBuffer() and exists here for
//! calling safety and consistency relative to the responder.
void ReleaseRequestBuffer();
//! Restart a ProcessResponseData() call for a request that was previously held
//! (see return enums on ProcessResponseData method). This is a client-side
//! only call and is ignored server-side. When a data response is restarted,
//! ProcessResponseData() is called again when the same parameters as existed
//! when the call resulted in a hold action.
//! @param rhow An enum (see below) that specifies the action to be taken.
//! RDR_All - runs all queued responses and then deletes the
//! queue identified by reqid, unless it is nil.
//! RDR_Hold - sets the allowed restart count to zero and does
//! not restart any queued responses.
//! RDR_Immed - restarts one response if it is queued. The allowed
//! count is left unchanged.
//! RDR_Query - returns information about the queue but otherwise
//! does not restart any queued responses.
//! RDR_One - Sets the allowed restart count to one. If a
//! response is queued, it is restarted and the count
//! is set to zero.
//! RDR_Post - Adds one to the allowed restart count. If a
//! response is queued, it is restarted and one is
//! subtracted from the allowed restart count.
//! @param reqid Points to the requestID associated with a hold queue. When not
//! specified, then the global queue is used to restart responses.
//! Note that the memory associated with the named queue may be
//! lost if the queue is left with an allowed value > 0.To avoid
//! this issue the call with RDR_All to clean it up when it is no
//! longer needed (this will avoid having hung responses).
//! @return Information about the queue (see struct RDR_Info).
enum RDR_How {RDR_All=0, RDR_Hold, RDR_Immed, RDR_Query, RDR_One, RDR_Post};
struct RDR_Info{int rCount; //!< Number restarted
int qCount; //!< Number of queued request remaining
int iAllow; //!< Initial value of the allowed restart count
int fAllow; //!< Final value of the allowed restart count
RDR_Info() : rCount(0), qCount(0), iAllow(0), fAllow(0) {}
static RDR_Info RestartDataResponse(RDR_How rhow, const char *reqid=0);
//! Constructor
//! @param reqid Pointer to a request ID that can be used to group requests.
//! See ProcessResponseData() and RestartDataReponse(). If reqid
//! is nil then held responses are placed in the global queue.
//! The pointer must be valid for the life of this object.
//! @param tmo The request initiation timeout value 0 equals default).
XrdSsiRequest(const char *reqid=0, uint16_t tmo=0);
//! @brief Send or receive a server generated alert.
//! The Alert() method is used server-side to send one or more alerts before a
//! response is posted (alerts afterwards are ignored). To avoid race conditions,
//! server-side alerts should be sent via the Responder's Alert() method.
//! Clients must implement this method in order to receive alerts.
//! @param aMsg Reference to the message object containing the alert message.
//! Non-positive alert lengths cause the alert call to be
//! ignored. You should call the message RecycleMsg() method
//! once you have consumed the message to release its resources.
virtual void Alert(XrdSsiRespInfoMsg &aMsg) {aMsg.RecycleMsg(false);}
//! Release the request buffer. Use this method to optimize storage use; this
//! is especially relevant for long-running requests. If the request buffer
//! has been consumed and is no longer needed, early return of the buffer will
//! minimize memory usage. This method is also invoked via XrdSsiResponder.
//! Note: This method is called with the object's recursive mutex locked when
//! it is invoked via XrdSsiResponder's ReleaseRequestBuffer().
virtual void RelRequestBuffer() {}
//! @brief Set the detached request time to live value.
//! By default, requests are executed in the foreground (i.e. during its
//! execution, if the TCP connection drops, the request is automatically
//! cancelled. When a non-zero time to live is set, the request is executed in
//! the background (i.e. detached) and no persistent TCP connection is required.
//! You must use the XrdSsiService::Attach() method to foreground such a
//! request within the number of seconds specified for dttl or the request is
//! automatically cancelled. The value must be set before passing the request
//! to XrdSsiService::ProcessRequest(). Once the request is started, a request
//! handle is returned which can be passed to XrdSsiService::Attach().
//! @param detttl The detach time to live value.
inline void SetDetachTTL(uint32_t dttl) {detTTL = dttl;}
//! Set timeout for initiating the request. If a non-default value is desired,
//! it must be set prior to calling XrdSsiService::ProcessRequest().
//! @param tmo The timeout value.
void SetTimeOut(uint16_t tmo) {tOut = tmo;}
//! Destructor. This object can only be deleted by the object creator. Once the
//! object is passed to XrdSsiService::ProcessRequest() it may only be deleted
//! after Finished() is called to allow the service to reclaim any resources
//! allocated for the request object.
virtual ~XrdSsiRequest() {}
virtual void BindDone() {}
void CleanUp();
bool CopyData(char *buff, int blen);
virtual void Dispose() {}
const char *reqID;
XrdSsiMutex *rrMutex;
XrdSsiResponder *theRespond; // Set via XrdSsiResponder::BindRequest()
XrdSsiRespInfo Resp; // Set via XrdSsiResponder::SetResponse()
XrdSsiErrInfo errInfo;
long long rsvd1;
const char *epNode;
uint32_t detTTL;
uint16_t tOut;
bool onClient;
char rsvd2;