/* */
/* X r d S s i S e r v R e a l . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2013 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiResource.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiRRAgent.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiScale.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiServReal.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiSessReal.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiTrace.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiUtils.hh"
/* S t a t i c s & G l o b a l s */
namespace XrdSsi
XrdSsiScale sidScale;
using namespace XrdSsi;
/* D e s t r u c t o r */
XrdSsiSessReal *sP;
// Free pointer to the manager node
if (manNode) {free(manNode); manNode = 0;}
// Delete all free session objects
while((sP = freeSes))
{freeSes = sP->nextSess;
delete sP;
/* Private: A l l o c */
XrdSsiSessReal *XrdSsiServReal::Alloc(const char *sName, int uent, bool hold)
XrdSsiSessReal *sP;
// Reuse or allocate a new session object and return it
if ((sP = freeSes))
freeSes = sP->nextSess;
sP->InitSession(this, sName, uent, hold);
} else {
if (!(sP = new XrdSsiSessReal(this, sName, uent, hold)))
{myMutex.Lock(); actvSes--; myMutex.UnLock();}
return sP;
/* Private: G e n U R L */
bool XrdSsiServReal::GenURL(XrdSsiResource *rP, char *buff, int blen, int uEnt)
static const char affTab[] = "\0\0n\0w\0s\0S";
const char *xUsr, *xAt, *iSep, *iVal, *tVar, *tVal, *uVar, *uVal;
const char *aVar, *aVal, *qVal = "";
char uBuff[8];
int n;
// Preprocess avoid list, if any
if (rP->hAvoid.length() == 0) tVar = tVal = "";
else {tVar = "&tried=";
tVal = rP->hAvoid.c_str();
qVal = "?";
// Preprocess affinity
if (!(rP->affinity)) aVar = aVal = "";
else {aVar = "&cms.aff=";
aVal = &affTab[rP->affinity*2];
qVal = "?";
// Check if we need to add a user name
if (rP->rUser.length() == 0) uVar = uVal = "";
else {uVar = "&ssi.user=";
uVal = rP->rUser.c_str();
qVal = "?";
// Preprocess the cgi information
if (rP->rInfo.length() == 0) iSep = iVal = "";
else {iVal = rP->rInfo.c_str();
iSep = "&ssi.cgi=";
qVal = "?";
// Check if we need to qualify the host with a user index
if (uEnt == 0) xUsr = xAt = "";
else {snprintf(uBuff, sizeof(uBuff), "%d", uEnt);
xUsr= uBuff;
xAt = "@";
// Generate appropriate url
// ? t a u i
n = snprintf(buff, blen, "xroot://%s%s%s/%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
xUsr, xAt, manNode, rP->rName.c_str(), qVal,
tVar, tVal, aVar, aVal,
uVar, uVal, iSep, iVal);
// Return overflow or not
return n < blen;
/* P r o c e s s R e q u e s t */
void XrdSsiServReal::ProcessRequest(XrdSsiRequest &reqRef,
XrdSsiResource &resRef)
static const uint32_t useCache = XrdSsiResource::Reusable
| XrdSsiResource::Discard;
XrdSysMutexHelper mHelp;
XrdSsiSessReal *sObj;
std::string resKey;
int uEnt;
bool hold = (resRef.rOpts & XrdSsiResource::Reusable) != 0;
char epURL[4096];
// Validate the resource name
if (resRef.rName.length() == 0)
{XrdSsiUtils::RetErr(reqRef, "Resource name missing.", EINVAL);
// Check if this is a reusable resource. Reusable resources are a bit more
// complicated to pull off. In any case, we need to hold the cache lock.
if (resRef.rOpts & useCache)
if (ResReuse(reqRef, resRef, resKey)) return;
// Get a sid entry number
if ((uEnt = sidScale.getEnt()) < 0)
{XrdSsiUtils::RetErr(reqRef, "Out of stream resources.", ENOSR);
// Construct url
if (!GenURL(&resRef, epURL, sizeof(epURL), uEnt))
{XrdSsiUtils::RetErr(reqRef, "Resource url is too long.", ENAMETOOLONG);
// Obtain a new session object
if (!(sObj = Alloc(resRef.rName.c_str(), uEnt, hold)))
{XrdSsiUtils::RetErr(reqRef, "Insufficient memory.", ENOMEM);
// Tag the session object with the resource key if it is being held. We need
// to do this before doing provision as that may fail at any point.
if (hold) sObj->SetKey(resKey.c_str());
// Now just provision this resource which will execute the request should it
// be successful. If Provision() fails, we need to delete the session object
// because its file object now is in an usable state (funky client interface).
if (!(sObj->Provision(&reqRef, epURL))) Recycle(sObj, false);
// If this was started with a reusable resource, put the session in the cache.
// The resource key was constructed by the call to ResReuse() and the cache
// mutex is still held at this point (will be released upon return).
if (hold) resCache[resKey] = sObj;
/* R e c y c l e */
void XrdSsiServReal::Recycle(XrdSsiSessReal *sObj, bool reuse)
static const char *tident = "ServRecycle";
const char *resKey;
// Clear all pending events (likely not needed)
// Remove entry from the reusable cache if present
if ((resKey = sObj->GetKey())) StopReuse(resKey);
// Add to queue unless we have too many of these or caller wants a deletion.
DEBUG("reuse=" <second;
if (resRef.rOpts & XrdSsiResource::Discard || !sesP->Run(&reqRef))
return false;
// All done, the request should have been sent off via Reusable() call.
return true;
/* S t o p */
bool XrdSsiServReal::Stop()
// Make sure we are clean
if (actvSes) {myMutex.UnLock(); return false;}
delete this;
return true;
/* S t o p R e u s e */
void XrdSsiServReal::StopReuse(const char *resKey)
static const char *tident = "ServReuse";
std::map::iterator it;
// Remove this entry from the reuse cache
it = resCache.find(resKey);
if (it != resCache.end())
DEBUG("resCache " <