/* */
/* X r d S s i S f s . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2013 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Deprtment of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdNet/XrdNetAddr.hh"
#include "XrdNet/XrdNetIF.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiDir.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiFile.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiProvider.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiSfs.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiSfsConfig.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiStats.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiTrace.hh"
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsClient.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysHeaders.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysLogger.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPlatform.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysTrace.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucEnv.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucERoute.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucLock.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucPList.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucTList.hh"
#include "XrdSec/XrdSecEntity.hh"
#include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsAio.hh"
#include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsInterface.hh"
#include "XrdVersion.hh"
#ifdef AIX
/* V e r s i o n I d e n t i f i c a t i o n */
/* G l o b a l O b j e c t s */
XrdSsiSfsConfig *Config;
namespace XrdSsi
extern XrdSsiProvider *Provider;
extern XrdNetIF *myIF;
XrdSfsFileSystem *theFS = 0;
extern XrdOucPListAnchor FSPath;
extern bool fsChk;
extern XrdSysError Log;
extern XrdSysLogger *Logger;
extern XrdSysTrace Trace;
extern XrdSsiStats Stats;
using namespace XrdSsi;
/* S t a t i c O b j e c t s */
int XrdSsiSfs::freeMax = 256;
/* X r d S f s G e t F i l e S y s t e m */
extern "C"
XrdSfsFileSystem *XrdSfsGetFileSystem(XrdSfsFileSystem *nativeFS,
XrdSysLogger *logger,
const char *configFn)
static XrdSsiSfs mySfs;
static XrdSsiSfsConfig myConfig;
// Set pointer to the config and file system
Config = &myConfig;
theFS = nativeFS;
// No need to herald this as it's now the default filesystem
Logger = logger;
// Initialize the subsystems
if (!myConfig.Configure(configFn)) return 0;
// All done, we can return the callout vector to these routines.
return &mySfs;
/* c h k s u m */
int XrdSsiSfs::chksum( csFunc Func, // In
const char *csName, // In
const char *Path, // In
XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out
const XrdSecEntity *client, // In
const char *opaque) // In
// Reroute this request if we can
if (fsChk) return theFS->chksum(Func, csName, Path, einfo, client, opaque);
einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "Checksums are not supported.");
return SFS_ERROR;
/* c h m o d */
int XrdSsiSfs::chmod(const char *path, // In
XrdSfsMode Mode, // In
XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out
const XrdSecEntity *client, // In
const char *info) // In
// Reroute this request if we can
if (fsChk)
{if (FSPath.Find(path))
return theFS->chmod(path, Mode, einfo, client, info);
einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "chmod is not supported for given path.");
} else einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "chmod is not supported.");
return SFS_ERROR;
/* Private: E m s g */
int XrdSsiSfs::Emsg(const char *pfx, // Message prefix value
XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Place to put text & error code
int ecode, // The error code
const char *op, // Operation being performed
const char *target) // The target (e.g., fname)
char buffer[MAXPATHLEN+80];
// Format the error message
XrdOucERoute::Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), ecode, op, target);
// Print it out if debugging is enabled
#ifndef NODEBUG
Log.Emsg(pfx, einfo.getErrUser(), buffer);
// Place the error message in the error object and return
einfo.setErrInfo(ecode, buffer);
return SFS_ERROR;
/* E n v I n f o */
void XrdSsiSfs::EnvInfo(XrdOucEnv *envP)
if (!envP) Log.Emsg("EnvInfo", "No environmental information passed!");
if (!envP || !Config->Configure(envP)) abort();
/* e x i s t s */
int XrdSsiSfs::exists(const char *path, // In
XrdSfsFileExistence &file_exists, // Out
XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out
const XrdSecEntity *client, // In
const char *info) // In
// Reroute this request if we can
if (fsChk)
{if (FSPath.Find(path))
return theFS->exists(path, file_exists, einfo, client, info);
einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "exists is not supported for given path.");
} else einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "exists is not supported.");
return SFS_ERROR;
/* f s c t l */
int XrdSsiSfs::fsctl(const int cmd,
const char *args,
XrdOucErrInfo &einfo,
const XrdSecEntity *client)
Function: Perform filesystem operations:
Input: cmd - Operation command (currently supported):
SFS_FSCTL_LOCATE - locate resource
args - Command dependent argument:
- Locate: The path whose location is wanted
einfo - Error/Response information structure.
client - Authentication credentials, if any.
Output: Returns SFS_OK upon success and SFS_ERROR upon failure.
const char *tident = einfo.getErrUser();
char pbuff[1024], rType[3] = {'S', 'w', 0};
const char *Resp[2] = {rType, pbuff};
const char *opq, *Path = Split(args,&opq,pbuff,sizeof(pbuff));
XrdNetIF::ifType ifType;
int Resp1Len;
// Do some debugging
// We only process the locate request here. Reroute it if we can otherwise.
{if (fsChk) return theFS->fsctl(cmd, args, einfo, client);
einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "Requested fsctl operation not supported.");
return SFS_ERROR;
// Preprocess the argument
if (*Path == '*') Path++;
else if (cmd & SFS_O_TRUNC) Path = 0;
// Check if we should reoute this request
if (fsChk && Path && FSPath.Find(Path))
return theFS->fsctl(cmd, args, einfo, client);
// If we have a path then see if we really have it
if (Path)
{if (!Provider) return Emsg(epname, einfo, EHOSTUNREACH, "locate", Path);
else {XrdSsiProvider::rStat rStat = Provider->QueryResource(Path);
if (rStat == XrdSsiProvider::isPresent) rType[0] = 'S';
else if (rStat == XrdSsiProvider::isPending) rType[0] = 's';
else return Emsg(epname, einfo, ENOENT, "locate", Path);
// Compute interface return options
ifType = XrdNetIF::GetIFType((einfo.getUCap() & XrdOucEI::uIPv4) != 0,
(einfo.getUCap() & XrdOucEI::uIPv64) != 0,
(einfo.getUCap() & XrdOucEI::uPrip) != 0);
bool retHN = (cmd & SFS_O_HNAME) != 0;
// Get our destination
if ((Resp1Len = myIF->GetDest(pbuff, sizeof(pbuff), ifType, retHN)))
{einfo.setErrInfo(Resp1Len+3, (const char **)Resp, 2);
return SFS_DATA;
// We failed for some unknown reason
return Emsg(epname, einfo, ENETUNREACH, "locate", Path);
/* g e t S t a t s */
int XrdSsiSfs::getStats(char *buff, int blen)
// Return statustics
return Stats.Stats(buff, blen);
/* g e t V e r s i o n */
const char *XrdSsiSfs::getVersion() {return XrdVERSION;}
/* m k d i r */
int XrdSsiSfs::mkdir(const char *path, // In
XrdSfsMode Mode, // In
XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out
const XrdSecEntity *client, // In
const char *info) // In
// Reroute this request if we can
if (fsChk)
{if (FSPath.Find(path))
return theFS->mkdir(path, Mode, einfo, client, info);
einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "mkdir is not supported for given path.");
} else einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "mkdir is not supported.");
return SFS_ERROR;
/* p r e p a r e */
int XrdSsiSfs::prepare( XrdSfsPrep &pargs, // In
XrdOucErrInfo &out_error, // Out
const XrdSecEntity *client) // In
// Reroute this if we can
if (theFS) return theFS->prepare(pargs, out_error, client);
return SFS_OK;
/* r e m */
int XrdSsiSfs::rem(const char *path, // In
XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out
const XrdSecEntity *client, // In
const char *info) // In
// Reroute this request if we can
if (fsChk)
{if (FSPath.Find(path))
return theFS->rem(path, einfo, client, info);
einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "rem is not supported for given path.");
} else einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "rem is not supported.");
return SFS_ERROR;
/* r e m d i r */
int XrdSsiSfs::remdir(const char *path, // In
XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out
const XrdSecEntity *client, // In
const char *info) // In
// Reroute this request if we can
if (fsChk)
{if (FSPath.Find(path))
return theFS->rem(path, einfo, client, info);
einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "remdir is not supported for given path.");
} else einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "remdir is not supported.");
return SFS_ERROR;
/* r e n a m e */
int XrdSsiSfs::rename(const char *old_name, // In
const char *new_name, // In
XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, //Out
const XrdSecEntity *client, // In
const char *infoO, // In
const char *infoN) // In
// Reroute this request if we can
if (fsChk)
{if (FSPath.Find(old_name))
return theFS->rename(old_name,new_name,einfo,client,infoO,infoN);
einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "rename is not supported for given path.");
} else einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "rename is not supported.");
return SFS_ERROR;
/* Private: S p l i t */
const char * XrdSsiSfs::Split(const char *Args, const char **Opq,
char *Path, int Plen)
int xlen;
*Opq = index(Args, '?');
if (!(*Opq)) return Args;
xlen = (*Opq)-Args;
if (xlen >= Plen) xlen = Plen-1;
strncpy(Path, Args, xlen);
return Path;
/* s t a t */
int XrdSsiSfs::stat(const char *path, // In
struct stat *buf, // Out
XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out
const XrdSecEntity *client, // In
const char *info) // In
// Reroute this request if we can
if (fsChk)
{if (FSPath.Find(path))
return theFS->stat(path, buf, einfo, client, info);
einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "stat is not supported for given path.");
} else einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "stat is not supported.");
return SFS_ERROR;
int XrdSsiSfs::stat(const char *path, // In
mode_t &mode, // Out
XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out
const XrdSecEntity *client, // In
const char *info) // In
// Reroute this request if we can
if (fsChk)
{if (FSPath.Find(path))
return theFS->stat(path, mode, einfo, client, info);
einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "stat is not supported for given path.");
} else einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "stat is not supported.");
return SFS_ERROR;
/* t r u n c a t e */
int XrdSsiSfs::truncate(const char *path, // In
XrdSfsFileOffset Size, // In
XrdOucErrInfo &einfo, // Out
const XrdSecEntity *client, // In
const char *info) // In
// Reroute this request if we can
if (fsChk)
{if (FSPath.Find(path))
return theFS->truncate(path, Size, einfo, client, info);
einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "truncate is not supported for given path.");
} else einfo.setErrInfo(ENOTSUP, "truncate is not supported.");
return SFS_ERROR;