/* */
/* X r d S s i S f s C o n f i g . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2013 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Deprtment of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdCms/XrdCmsRole.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOuca2x.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucBuffer.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucStream.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucUtils.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiSfs.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiFileReq.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiFileSess.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiLogger.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiProvider.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiSfsConfig.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiTrace.hh"
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiCms.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysHeaders.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysLogger.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPlatform.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPlugin.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucEnv.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucERoute.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucPList.hh"
#include "XrdNet/XrdNetIF.hh"
#include "XrdVersion.hh"
#ifdef AIX
/* E x t e r n s */
class XrdScheduler;
namespace XrdSsi
XrdSsiCms *SsiCms = 0;
XrdScheduler *Sched = 0;
XrdOucBuffPool *BuffPool = 0;
XrdOucPListAnchor FSPath;
XrdNetIF *myIF = 0;
extern XrdSsiProvider *Provider;
XrdSsiService *Service = 0;
XrdSsiLogger SsiLogger;
int respWT = 0x7fffffff;
bool fsChk = false;
bool detReqOK = false;
extern XrdSfsFileSystem *theFS;
extern XrdSysError Log;
using namespace XrdSsi;
/* C o n s t r u c t o r */
XrdSsiSfsConfig::XrdSsiSfsConfig(bool iscms)
char *bp;
// Establish defaults
ConfigFN = 0;
CmsLib = 0;
CmsParms = 0;
SsiCms = 0;
SvcLib = 0;
SvcParms = 0;
myRole = 0;
maxRSZ = 2097152;
respWT = 0x7fffffff;
isServer = true;
isCms = iscms;
myHost = getenv("XRDHOST");
myProg = getenv("XRDPROG");
myInsName = XrdOucUtils::InstName(1);
myVersion = &myVer;
myPort = (bp = getenv("XRDPORT")) ? strtol(bp, (char **)NULL, 10) : 0;
/* D e s t r u c t o r */
if (ConfigFN) free(ConfigFN);
if (CmsLib) free(CmsLib);
if (CmsParms) free(CmsParms);
if (SvcLib) free(SvcLib);
if (SvcParms) free(SvcParms);
/* C o n f i g u r e */
bool XrdSsiSfsConfig::Configure(const char *cFN)
char *var;
const char *tmp;
int cfgFD, retc, NoGo = 0;
XrdOucEnv myEnv;
XrdOucStream cStrm(&Log, getenv("XRDINSTANCE"), &myEnv, "=====> ");
// Print warm-up message
Log.Say("++++++ ssi phase 1 initialization started.");
// Preset all variables with common defaults
if (getenv("XRDDEBUG")) Trace.What = TRACESSI_ALL | TRACESSI_Debug;
// If there is no config file, return with an error.
if( !cFN || !*cFN)
{Log.Emsg("Config", "Configuration file not specified.");
return false;
// Try to open the configuration file.
ConfigFN = strdup(cFN);
if ( (cfgFD = open(cFN, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0)
{Log.Emsg("Config", errno, "open config file", cFN);
return false;
// Now start reading records until eof.
cFile = &cStrm;
while((var = cFile->GetMyFirstWord()))
{if (!strncmp(var, "ssi.", 4)
|| !strcmp(var, "all.role"))
{if (ConfigXeq(var+4)) {cFile->Echo(); NoGo=1;}}
// Now check if any errors occured during file i/o
if ((retc = cStrm.LastError()))
NoGo = Log.Emsg("Config", -retc, "read config file", cFN);
// Make sure we are configured as a server
if (!isServer)
{Log.Emsg("Config", "ssi only supports server roles but role is not "
"defined as 'server'.");
return false;
// Configure filesystem callout as needed
fsChk = FSPath.NotEmpty();
if (isServer && !theFS) fsChk = false;
// All done
tmp = (NoGo ? " failed." : " completed.");
Log.Say("------ ssi phase 1 initialization", tmp);
return !NoGo;
bool XrdSsiSfsConfig::Configure(XrdOucEnv *envP)
static char theSSI[] = {'s', 's', 'i', 0};
static char **myArgv = 0, *dfltArgv[] = {0, 0};
XrdOucEnv *xrdEnvP;
const char *tmp;
int myArgc = 0, NoGo;
// Print warm-up message
Log.Say("++++++ ssi phase 2 initialization started.");
// Now find the scheduler
if (envP && !(Sched = (XrdScheduler *)envP->GetPtr("XrdScheduler*")))
{Log.Emsg("Config", "Scheduler pointer is undefined!");
NoGo = 1;
} else NoGo = 0;
// Find our arguments, if any
if ((xrdEnvP = (XrdOucEnv *)envP->GetPtr("xrdEnv*"))
&& (myArgv = (char **)xrdEnvP->GetPtr("xrdssi.argv**")))
myArgc = xrdEnvP->GetInt("xrdssi.argc");
// Verify that we have some and substitute if not
if (!myArgv || myArgc < 1)
{if (!(dfltArgv[0] = (char *)xrdEnvP->GetPtr("argv[0]")))
dfltArgv[0] = theSSI;
myArgv = dfltArgv;
myArgc = 1;
// Establish the network interface that the caller must provide
if (!isCms && (!envP || !(myIF = (XrdNetIF *)envP->GetPtr("XrdNetIF*"))))
{Log.Emsg("Finder", "Network i/f undefined; unable to self-locate.");
NoGo = 1;
// Now configure management functions and the cms if we are not the cms
if (!NoGo && !isCms && envP)
{if (ConfigObj() || ConfigCms(envP)) NoGo = 1;}
// Now configure the server
if (!NoGo && ConfigSvc(myArgv, myArgc)) NoGo = 1;
// All done
tmp = (NoGo ? " failed." : " completed.");
Log.Say("------ ssi phase 2 initialization", tmp);
return !NoGo;
/* C o n f i g C m s */
class XrdOss;
int XrdSsiSfsConfig::ConfigCms(XrdOucEnv *envP)
static const int cmsOpt = XrdCms::IsTarget;
XrdCmsClient *cmsP, *(*CmsGC)(XrdSysLogger *, int, int, XrdOss *);
XrdSysLogger *myLogger = Log.logger();
// Check if we are configuring a simple standalone server
if (!myRole)
{myRole = strdup("standalone");
Log.Say("Config Configuring standalone server.");
SsiCms = new XrdSsiCms;
return 0;
// If a cmslib was specified then create a plugin object and get the client.
// Otherwise, simply get the default client.
if (CmsLib)
{XrdSysPlugin myLib(&Log, CmsLib, "cmslib", myVersion);
CmsGC = (XrdCmsClient *(*)(XrdSysLogger *, int, int, XrdOss *))
if (!CmsGC) return 1;
cmsP = CmsGC(myLogger, cmsOpt, myPort, 0);
else cmsP = XrdCms::GetDefaultClient(myLogger, cmsOpt, myPort);
// If we have a client object onfigure it
if (!cmsP || !cmsP->Configure(ConfigFN, CmsParms, envP))
{delete cmsP;
Log.Emsg("Config", "Unable to create cluster object.");
return 1;
// Create the cluster onject and return
SsiCms = new XrdSsiCms(cmsP);
return 0;
/* C o n f i g O b j */
int XrdSsiSfsConfig::ConfigObj()
static const int minRSZ = 8192;
// Allocate a buffer pool
if (maxRSZ < minRSZ) maxRSZ = minRSZ;
BuffPool = new XrdOucBuffPool(minRSZ, maxRSZ);
return 0;
/* C o n f i g S v c */
int XrdSsiSfsConfig::ConfigSvc(char **myArgv, int myArgc)
XrdSsiErrInfo eInfo;
XrdSysPlugin *myLib;
XrdSsiProvider **theProvider;
const char *pName = (isCms ? "XrdSsiProviderLookup"
: "XrdSsiProviderServer");
// Make sure a library was specified
if (!SvcLib)
{Log.Emsg("Config", "svclib not specified; provider cannot be loaded.");
return 1;
// Create a plugin object
if (!(myLib = new XrdSysPlugin(&Log, SvcLib, "svclib", myVersion)))
return 1;
// Now get the entry point of the object creator
theProvider = (XrdSsiProvider **)(myLib->getPlugin(pName));
if (!theProvider) return 1;
Provider = *theProvider;
// Persist the library
myLib->Persist(); delete myLib;
// Initialize the provider
if (!(Provider->Init(&SsiLogger, (XrdSsiCluster *)SsiCms,
std::string(SvcParms ? SvcParms : ""),
myArgc, myArgv)))
{Log.Emsg("Config", "Provider initialization failed.");
return 1;
// If we are the cms then we are done.
if (isCms) return 0;
// Otherwise we need to get the service object (we get only one)
if (!(Service = Provider->GetService(eInfo, "")))
{const char *eText = eInfo.Get().c_str();
Log.Emsg("Config", "Unable to obtain server-side service object;",
(eText ? eText : "reason unknown."));
return Service == 0;
/* C o n f i g X e q */
int XrdSsiSfsConfig::ConfigXeq(char *var)
// Now assign the appropriate global variable
if (!strcmp("cmslib", var)) return Xlib("cmslib", &CmsLib, &CmsParms);
if (!strcmp("svclib", var)) return Xlib("svclib", &SvcLib, &SvcParms);
if (!strcmp("fspath", var)) return Xfsp();
if (!strcmp("loglib", var)){char *theLib=0, *theParms=0;
int rc=Xlib("loglib", &theLib, &theParms);
if (theLib) free(theLib);
if (theParms) free(theParms);
return rc;
if (!strcmp("opts", var)) return Xopts();
if (!strcmp("role", var)) return Xrole();
if (!strcmp("trace", var)) return Xtrace();
// No match found, complain.
Log.Say("Config warning: ignoring unknown directive '",var,"'.");
return 0;
/* x L i b */
/* Function: Xlib
Purpose: To parse the directive: xxxlib []
the path of the library to be used.
optional parms to be passed
Output: 0 upon success or !0 upon failure.
int XrdSsiSfsConfig::Xlib(const char *lName, char **lPath, char **lParm)
char *val, parms[2048];
// Get the path and parms
if (!(val = cFile->GetWord()) || !val[0])
{Log.Emsg("Config", lName, "not specified"); return 1;}
// Set the CmsLib pointer
if (*lPath) free(*lPath);
*lPath = strdup(val);
// Combine the path and parameters
*parms = 0;
if (!cFile->GetRest(parms, sizeof(parms)))
{Log.Emsg("Config", lName, "parameters too long"); return 1;}
// Record the parameters, if any
if (*lParm) free(*lParm);
*lParm = (*parms ? strdup(parms) : 0);
return 0;
/* x f s p */
/* Function: xfsp
Purpose: To parse the directive: fspath
the path that is a file system path.
Output: 0 upon success or !0 upon failure.
int XrdSsiSfsConfig::Xfsp()
XrdOucPList *plp;
char *val, pbuff[1024];
// Get the path
val = cFile->GetWord();
if (!val || !val[0])
{Log.Emsg("Config", "fspath path not specified"); return 1;}
strlcpy(pbuff, val, sizeof(pbuff));
// Add path to configuration
if (!(plp = FSPath.Match(pbuff)))
{plp = new XrdOucPList(pbuff,1);
return 0;
/* X o p t s */
/* Function: Xopts
Purpose: To parse directive: opts [files ] [requests ] [respwt ]
[maxrsz ] [authdns] [detreqok]
authdns always supply client's resolved host name.
detreqok allow detached requests.
files the maximum number of file objects to hold in reserve.
maxrsz the maximum size of a request.
requests the maximum number of requests objects to hold in reserve.
respwait the number of seconds to place client in response wait.
Output: 0 upon success or 1 upon failure.
int XrdSsiSfsConfig::Xopts()
static const int noArg = 1;
static const int isNum = 2;
static const int isSz = 3;
static const int isTM = 4;
char *val, oBuff[256];
long long ppp, rMax = -1, rObj = -1, fAut = -1, fDet = -1, fRwt = -1;
int i, xtm;
struct optsopts {const char *opname; long long *oploc; int maxv; int aOpt;}
opopts[] =
{"authinfo", &fAut, 2, noArg},
{"detreqok", &fDet, 2, noArg},
{"maxrsz", &rMax, 16*1024*1024, isSz},
{"requests", &rObj, 64*1024, isNum},
{"respwt", &fRwt, 0x7fffffffLL, isTM}
int numopts = sizeof(opopts)/sizeof(struct optsopts);
if (!(val = cFile->GetWord()))
{Log.Emsg("Config", "opts option not specified"); return 1;}
while (val)
{for (i = 0; i < numopts; i++)
if (!strcmp(val, opopts[i].opname))
{if (opopts[i].aOpt == noArg)
{*opopts[i].oploc = 1;
if (!(val = cFile->GetWord()))
{Log.Emsg("Config", "opts ", opopts[i].opname,
"argument not specified.");
return 1;
snprintf(oBuff,sizeof(oBuff),"%s opts value",opopts[i].opname);
if (opopts[i].aOpt == isSz)
{if (XrdOuca2x::a2sz(Log, oBuff, val, &ppp,
0, opopts[i].maxv)) return 1;
else if (opopts[i].aOpt == isTM)
{if (XrdOuca2x::a2tm(Log, oBuff, val, &xtm,
0, opopts[i].maxv)) return 1;
ppp = xtm;
else if (XrdOuca2x::a2ll(Log, oBuff, val, &ppp,
0, opopts[i].maxv)) return 1;
*opopts[i].oploc = ppp;
if (i >= numopts)
Log.Say("Config warning: ignoring invalid opts option '",val,"'.");
val = cFile->GetWord();
// Set the values that were specified
if (fAut >= 0) XrdSsiFileSess::SetAuthDNS();
if (fAut >= 0) detReqOK = true;
if (rMax >= 0) maxRSZ = static_cast(rMax);
if (rObj >= 0) XrdSsiFileReq::SetMax(static_cast(rObj));
if (fRwt >= 0) respWT = fRwt;
return 0;
/* x r o l e */
/* Function: Xrole
Purpose: Parse: role { {[meta] | [proxy]} manager
| proxy | [proxy] server
| [proxy] supervisor
} [if ...]
manager xrootd: act as a manager (redirecting server). Prefixes:
meta - connect only to manager meta's
proxy - ignored
cmsd: accept server subscribes and redirectors. Prefix
modifiers do the following:
meta - No other managers apply
proxy - manage a cluster of proxy servers
proxy xrootd: act as a server but supply data from another
server. No local cmsd is present or required.
cmsd: Generates an error as this makes no sense.
server xrootd: act as a server (supply local data). Prefix
modifications do the following:
proxy - server is part of a cluster. A local
cmsd is required.
cmsd: subscribe to a manager, possibly as a proxy.
supervisor xrootd: equivalent to manager.
cmsd: equivalent to manager but also subscribe to a
manager. When proxy is specified, subscribe as
a proxy and only accept proxy servers.
if Apply the manager directive if "if" is true. See
XrdOucUtils:doIf() for "if" syntax.
Output: 0 upon success or !0 upon failure.
int XrdSsiSfsConfig::Xrole()
XrdCmsRole::RoleID roleID;
char *val, *Tok1, *Tok2;
int rc;
// Get the first token
if (!(val = cFile->GetWord()) || !strcmp(val, "if"))
{Log.Emsg("Config", "role not specified"); return 1;}
Tok1 = strdup(val);
// Get second token which might be an "if"
if ((val = cFile->GetWord()) && strcmp(val, "if"))
{Tok2 = strdup(val);
val = cFile->GetWord();
} else Tok2 = 0;
// Process the if at this point
if (val && !strcmp("if", val))
if ((rc = XrdOucUtils::doIf(&Log,*cFile,"role directive",
myHost,myInsName,myProg)) <= 0)
{free(Tok1); if (Tok2) free(Tok2);
if (!rc) cFile->noEcho();
return (rc < 0);
// Convert the role names to a role ID, if possible
roleID = XrdCmsRole::Convert(Tok1, Tok2);
// Validate the role
rc = 0;
if (roleID == XrdCmsRole::noRole)
{Log.Emsg("Config", "invalid role -", Tok1, Tok2); rc = 1;}
// Release storage and return if an error occured
if (Tok2) free(Tok2);
if (rc) return rc;
// Fill out information
if (myRole) free(myRole);
myRole = strdup(XrdCmsRole::Name(roleID));
isServer = (roleID == XrdCmsRole::Server);
return 0;
/* x t r a c e */
/* Function: Xtrace
Purpose: To parse the directive: trace
the blank separated list of events to trace. Trace
directives are cummalative.
Output: 0 upon success or !0 upon failure.
int XrdSsiSfsConfig::Xtrace()
static struct traceopts {const char *opname; int opval;} tropts[] =
{"all", TRACESSI_ALL},
{"debug", TRACESSI_Debug}
int i, neg, trval = 0, numopts = sizeof(tropts)/sizeof(struct traceopts);
char *val;
if (!(val = cFile->GetWord()))
{Log.Emsg("Config", "trace option not specified"); return 1;}
while (val)
{if (!strcmp(val, "off")) trval = 0;
else {if ((neg = (val[0] == '-' && val[1]))) val++;
for (i = 0; i < numopts; i++)
{if (!strcmp(val, tropts[i].opname))
{if (neg) trval &= ~tropts[i].opval;
else trval |= tropts[i].opval;
if (i >= numopts)
Log.Say("Config warning: ignoring invalid trace option '",val,"'.");
val = cFile->GetWord();
Trace.What = trval;
// All done
return 0;