/* */
/* X r d S s i S h M a m . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2015 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdSsi/XrdSsiShMam.hh"
using namespace std;
/* Gentoo removed OF from their copy of zconf.h but we need it here.
See https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=383179 for the sad history.
This patch modelled after https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/changeset/24622
#ifndef OF
#define OF(args) args
/* S h a r e d M e m o r y I n f o r m a t i o n S t r u c t u r e */
struct ShmInfo
{int verNum; // Always 1st fout bytes
int index; // Offset of index
int slots; // Number of slots in index
int slotsUsed; // Number of entries in use
int itemCount; // Number of items in this map
int typeSz; // Size of the data payload
int itemSz; // Size of each item
int keyPos; // Position of key in item
int freeItem; // Offset to item on the free list
int freeCount; // Number of items on the free list
int infoSz; // Size of header also original lowFree
int lowFree; // Offset to low memory that is free
int highUse; // Offset to high memory that is used
char reUse; // When non-zero items can be reused (r/o locking)
char multW; // When non-zero multiple writers are allowed
char rsvd1;
char rsvd2;
int maxKeys; // Maximum number of keys
int maxKeySz; // Longest allowed key (not including null byte)
int hashID; // The name of the hash
char typeID[64]; // Name of the type stored here
char myName[64]; // Name of the implementation
#define SHMINFO(x) ((ShmInfo *)shmBase)->x
#define SHMADDR(type, offs) (type *)(shmBase + offs)
#define SHMOFFS(addr) (char *)addr - shmBase
#define ITEM_KEY(x) (char *)x + sizeof(MemItem) + keyPos
#define ITEM_VAL(x) (char *)x + sizeof(MemItem)
#define ITEM_VOF(x) (char *)x + sizeof(MemItem) - shmBase
int PageMask = ~(sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)-1);
int PageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
/* L o c a l C l a s s e s */
class EnumJar
char *buff;
int fd;
int iNum;
EnumJar(int xfd, int bsz)
: buff(new char[bsz]), fd(xfd), iNum(0) {}
~EnumJar() {if (fd >= 0) close(fd);
if (buff) delete [] buff;
class FileHelper
bool autoClose;
FileHelper(XrdSsiShMam *mp) : autoClose(false), shMamP(mp) {}
~FileHelper() {if (autoClose)
{int rc = errno; shMamP->Detach(); errno = rc;}
XrdSsiShMam *shMamP;
class MutexHelper
pthread_rwlock_t *mtxP;
MutexHelper(pthread_rwlock_t *mtx, XrdSsiShMam::LockType isrw)
: mtxP(mtx)
{if (mtx)
{if (isrw) pthread_rwlock_wrlock(mtx);
else pthread_rwlock_rdlock(mtx);
~MutexHelper() {if (mtxP) pthread_rwlock_unlock(mtxP);}
/* F i l e D e s c r i p t o r H a n d l i n g */
#if defined(__linux__) && defined(O_CLOEXEC)
inline int ShMam_Dup(int oldfd)
{return fcntl(oldfd, F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 0);}
inline int ShMam_Open(const char *path, int flags)
{return open(path, flags|O_CLOEXEC);}
inline int ShMam_Open(const char *path, int flags, mode_t mode)
{return open(path, flags|O_CLOEXEC, mode);}
inline int ShMam_Dup(int oldfd)
{int newfd = dup(oldfd);
if (newfd >= 0) fcntl(newfd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
return newfd;
inline int ShMam_Open(const char *path, int flags)
{int newfd = open(path, flags);
if (newfd >= 0) fcntl(newfd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
return newfd;
inline int ShMam_Open(const char *path, int flags, mode_t mode)
{int newfd = open(path, flags, mode);
if (newfd >= 0) fcntl(newfd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
return newfd;
inline bool ShMam_Flush(int fd)
return fdatasync(fd) == 0;
return fsync(fd) == 0;
inline bool ShMam_Flush(void *memP, int sOpt)
if (msync((void *)((uintptr_t)memP & PageMask), PageSize, sOpt))
return true;
cerr <<"ShMam: msync() failed; " < maxKLen) {errno = ENAMETOOLONG; return false;}
// Check if we need to remap this memory (atomic tests is not needed here).
// We need to do this prior to file locking as the requirements may change.
if (verNum != SHMINFO(verNum)) ReMap(RWLock);
// Lock the file if we have multiple writers or recycling items
if (lockRW && !lockInfo.FLock()) return false;
// First try to find the item
hEnt = Find(theItem, prvItem, key, hash);
// If we found it then see if we can replace it. If so and we can reuse the
// the item, then just update the data portion. Otherwise, we need to get a
// new item and replace the existing item.
if (hEnt)
{if (olddata) memcpy(olddata, ITEM_VAL(theItem), shmTypeSz);
if (!replace) {errno = EEXIST; return false;}
if (reUse)
{memcpy(ITEM_VAL(theItem), newdata, shmTypeSz);
if (syncOn) Updated(ITEM_VOF(theItem), shmTypeSz);
errno = EEXIST;
return true;
retEno = EEXIST;
// Get a new item
if (!(newItem = NewItem())) {errno = ENOSPC; return false;}
// Construct the new item
newItem->hash = hash;
memcpy(ITEM_VAL(newItem), newdata, shmTypeSz);
strcpy(ITEM_KEY(newItem), key);
// If we are replacing an item then We need to bridge over the item we are
// replacing in a way that doesn't make the item disappear for other readers.
// Otherwise, we can patch in the new item either on the last item in the chain
// or directly off the table. Note that releasing the lock creates a memory
// fence. To understand why this this works consider the relationship between:
// hEnt prvItem The state of the table
// 0 0 Not found because index table slot is zero
// 0 !0 Not found in a chain of items, prvItem is the last one
// !0 0 Was found and is the first or only item in the chain
// !0 !0 Was found and is in the middle or end of the chain
if (hEnt) Atomic_SET(newItem->next, theItem->next); // Atomic
else {hEnt = (unsigned int)hash % shmSlots;
if (hEnt == 0) hEnt = 1;
iOff = SHMOFFS(newItem);
if (prvItem) Atomic_SET_STRICT(prvItem->next, iOff); // Atomic
else {SHMINFO(slotsUsed)++;
Atomic_SET_STRICT(shmIndex[hEnt],iOff); // Atomic
if (syncOn) Updated(SHMOFFS(&shmIndex[hEnt]));
// Indicate which things we changed if we have syncing
if (syncOn)
if (prvItem) Updated(SHMOFFS(prvItem));
// All done, return result
errno = retEno;
return true;
/* A t t a c h */
bool XrdSsiShMam::Attach(int tout, bool isrw)
FileHelper fileHelp(this);
XLockHelper lockInfo(this, (isrw ? RWLock : ROLock));
struct stat Stat1, Stat2;
int mMode, oMode;
union {int *intP; Atomic(int) *antP;} xntP;
// Compute open and mmap options
if (isrw)
{oMode = O_RDWR;
isRW = true;
} else {
oMode = O_RDONLY;
mMode = PROT_READ;
isRW = false;
// Attempt to open the file
timeOut = tout;
if (tout < 0) tout = 0x7fffffff;
while((shmFD = ShMam_Open(shmPath, oMode)) < 0 && tout >= 0)
{if (errno != ENOENT) return false;
if (!tout) break;
tout -= 3;
// Test if we timed out
if (tout <= 0) {errno = ETIMEDOUT; return false;}
fileHelp.autoClose = true;
// Lock this file as we don't want it changing on us for now
if (!lockInfo.FLock()) return false;
// Get the stat information for this file
if (fstat(shmFD, &Stat1)) return false;
// The file is open, try to memory map it
shmBase = (char *)mmap(0, Stat1.st_size, mMode, MAP_SHARED, shmFD, 0);
if (shmBase == MAP_FAILED) return false;
shmSize = Stat1.st_size;
// Make sure we have a valid hash name
if (!shmHash) memcpy(&shmHash, "c32 ", sizeof(int));
// Verify tha the objects in this mapping are compatible with this object
if (SHMINFO(typeSz) != shmTypeSz || strcmp(shmType, SHMINFO(typeID))
|| strcmp(shmImpl, SHMINFO(myName)) || shmHash != SHMINFO(hashID))
{errno = EDOM; return false;}
// Copy out the information we can use locally
verNum = SHMINFO(verNum);
keyPos = SHMINFO(keyPos);
maxKLen = SHMINFO(maxKeySz);
xntP.intP = SHMADDR(int, SHMINFO(index)); shmIndex = xntP.antP;
shmSlots = SHMINFO(slots);
shmItemSz = SHMINFO(itemSz);
shmInfoSz = SHMINFO(infoSz);
// Now, there is a loophole here as the file could have been exported while
// we were trying to attach it. If this happened, the inode would change.
// We test for this now. If it changed, tell the caller to try again.
if (stat(shmPath, &Stat2)
|| Stat1.st_dev != Stat2.st_dev || Stat1.st_ino != Stat2.st_ino)
{errno = EAGAIN; return false;}
accMode = Stat2.st_mode & (S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO);
// Set locking based on how the table was created
fileHelp.autoClose = false;
return true;
/* C r e a t e */
bool XrdSsiShMam::Create(XrdSsiShMat::CRZParms &parms)
static const int minInfoSz = 256;
static const int okMode = S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IROTH;
static const int crMode = S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IROTH;
FileHelper fileHelp(this);
ShmInfo theInfo;
int n, maxEnts, totSz, indexSz;
union {int *intP; Atomic(int) *antP;} xntP;
// Validate parameter list values
if (parms.indexSz <= 0 || parms.maxKeys <= 0 || parms.maxKLen <= 0)
{errno = EINVAL; return false;}
if (parms.mode & ~okMode || ((parms.mode & crMode) != crMode))
{errno = EACCES; return false;}
// We need the reuse and multw options later so calclulate them now
reUse = (parms.reUse <= 0 ? false : true);
multW = (parms.multW <= 0 ? false : true);
// Clear the memory segment information we will be constructing
memset(&theInfo, 0, sizeof(theInfo));
// Calculate the info header size (we round up to 1K)
shmInfoSz = (sizeof(ShmInfo)+minInfoSz-1)/minInfoSz*minInfoSz;
theInfo.lowFree = theInfo.infoSz = shmInfoSz;
// Calculate the size of each item (rounded to a doubleword)
shmItemSz = (shmTypeSz + parms.maxKLen+1 + sizeof(MemItem) + 7)/8*8;
theInfo.itemSz = shmItemSz;
// Calculate total amount we need for the items
maxEnts = parms.maxKeys;
totSz = shmItemSz * maxEnts;
totSz = (totSz+7)/8*8;
// Calculate the amount we need for the index
indexSz = parms.indexSz*sizeof(int);
indexSz = (indexSz+7)/8*8;
// Compute total size and adjust it to be a multiple of the page size
totSz = totSz + indexSz + shmInfoSz;
totSz = (totSz/PageSize+1)*PageSize;
// Generate the hashID if not specified
if (!shmHash) memcpy(&shmHash, "c32 ", sizeof(int));
// Complete the shared memory segment information structure
theInfo.index = totSz-indexSz;
theInfo.slots = parms.indexSz;
theInfo.typeSz = shmTypeSz;
theInfo.highUse = theInfo.index;
theInfo.reUse = reUse;
theInfo.multW = multW;
theInfo.keyPos = keyPos = shmTypeSz + sizeof(MemItem);
theInfo.maxKeys = maxEnts;
theInfo.maxKeySz = maxKLen = parms.maxKLen;
theInfo.hashID = shmHash;
strncpy(theInfo.typeID, shmType, sizeof(theInfo.typeID)-1);
strncpy(theInfo.myName, shmImpl, sizeof(theInfo.myName)-1);
// Create the new filename of the new file we will create
n = strlen(shmPath);
shmTemp = (char *)malloc(n+8);
sprintf(shmTemp, "%s.new", shmPath);
// Open the file creaing as necessary
if ((shmFD = ShMam_Open(shmTemp, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, parms.mode)) < 0)
return false;
accMode = parms.mode;
fileHelp.autoClose = true;
// Verify that no one else is using this file.
if (!Lock(true, true)) {errno = EADDRINUSE; return false;}
// Make the file as large as need be
if (ftruncate(shmFD, 0) || ftruncate(shmFD, totSz)) return false;
// Map the file as a writable shared segment
shmBase = (char *)mmap(0, totSz, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, shmFD, 0);
if (shmBase == MAP_FAILED) return false;
shmSize = totSz;
isRW = true;
// Copy the segment information into the segment
memcpy(shmBase, &theInfo, sizeof(theInfo));
xntP.intP = SHMADDR(int, SHMINFO(index)); shmIndex = xntP.antP;
shmSlots = parms.indexSz;
// A created table has, by definition, a single writer until it is exported.
// So, we simply keep the r/w lock on the file until we export the file. Other
// threads won't change that and other process will not be able to use the file.
lockRO = lockRW = false;
fileHelp.autoClose = false;
return true;
/* D e l I t e m */
bool XrdSsiShMam::DelItem(void *data, const char *key, int hash)
XLockHelper lockInfo(this, RWLock);
MemItem *theItem, *prvItem;
int hEnt, iOff;
// Make sure we can delete an item
if (!shmSize) {errno = ENOTCONN; return false;}
if (!isRW) {errno = EROFS; return false;}
// Check if we need to remap this memory (atomic tests is not needed here)
if (verNum != SHMINFO(verNum)) ReMap(RWLock);
// Lock the file if we have multiple writers or recycling items
// We need to do this prior to file locking as the requirements may change.
if (lockRW && !lockInfo.FLock()) return false;
// First try to find the item
if (!(hEnt = Find(theItem, prvItem, key, hash)))
{if (data) {errno = ENOENT; return false;}
return true;
// Return the contents of the item if the caller wishes that
if (data) memcpy(data, ITEM_VAL(theItem), shmTypeSz);
// Delete the item from the index. The update of the count need not be atomic.
// Also fetching of the next offset need not be atomic as we are the only one.
iOff = theItem->next;
if (prvItem) Atomic_SET_STRICT(prvItem->next, iOff); // Atomic
else {if (!iOff) SHMINFO(slotsUsed)--;
Atomic_SET_STRICT(shmIndex[hEnt],iOff); // Atomic
// Indicate the things we updated if need be
if (syncOn)
if (prvItem) Updated(SHMOFFS(prvItem));
else Updated(SHMOFFS(&shmIndex[hEnt]));
// All done
return true;
/* D e t a c h */
void XrdSsiShMam::Detach()
// Clean up
if (shmFD >= 0) {close(shmFD); shmFD = -1;}
if (shmSize) {munmap(shmBase, shmSize); shmSize = 0;}
if (shmTemp) {free(shmTemp); shmTemp = 0;}
shmIndex = 0;
/* E n u m e r a t e */
bool XrdSsiShMam::Enumerate(void *&jar)
EnumJar *theJar = (EnumJar *)jar;
// Close off the enumeration
if (theJar) {delete theJar; jar = 0;}
return true;
bool XrdSsiShMam::Enumerate(void *&jar, char *&key, void *&val)
XLockHelper lockInfo(this, ROLock);
EnumJar *theJar = (EnumJar *)jar;
MemItem *theItem;
long long iTest;
int rc, newFD, fence, iOff, hash = 0;
// Make sure we can get an item
if (!shmSize) {errno = ENOTCONN; return false;}
// If this is the first call, initialize the jar. First check if we need to
// remap the segment. We need to do this prior to file locking as the
// requirements may change. Then create a jar and a shadow copy of the segment.
if (!jar)
{if (verNum != SHMINFO(verNum)) ReMap(ROLock);
if ((newFD = ShMam_Dup(shmFD)) < 0) return false;
theJar = new EnumJar(newFD, shmItemSz);
jar = theJar;
} else if (theJar->iNum < 0)
errno = ENOENT;
return false;
// Lock the file if we have multiple writers or recycling items
if (lockRO && !lockInfo.FLock())
{rc = errno; Enumerate(jar); errno = rc; return false;}
// Compute the next key we should start the search at but make sure it will not
// generate an overflow. In the process we fetch the stopping point only once.
iTest = (static_cast(theJar->iNum) * shmItemSz) + shmInfoSz;
fence = SHMINFO(lowFree); // Atomic??
if (iTest < fence) iOff = static_cast(iTest);
else iOff = fence;
// Now start the search. Note that pread() must do a memory fence.
theItem = (MemItem *)(theJar->buff);
while(iOff < fence)
{rc = pread(theJar->fd, theJar->buff, shmItemSz, iOff);
if (rc < 0) return false;
if (rc != shmItemSz) break;
if ((hash = theItem->hash)) break; // Atomic
iOff += shmItemSz;
// Check if we found a key
if (!hash) {Enumerate(jar); errno = ENOENT; return false;}
// Return the key and and the associated value
key = ITEM_KEY(theItem);
val = ITEM_VAL(theItem);
// Compute the contents of the new jar
theJar->iNum = (iOff - shmInfoSz)/shmItemSz + 1;
return true;
/* E x p o r t */
bool XrdSsiShMam::Export()
MutexHelper mtHelp(&myMutex, RWLock);
// Make sure we are attached and in R/W mode and exportable
if (!shmSize) {errno = ENOTCONN; return false;}
if (!shmTemp) {errno = ENOPROTOOPT; return false;}
if (!isRW) {errno = EROFS; return false;}
// All that is left is to export the file using the internal interface. Tell
// the exporter that we don't have the original file locked.
return ExportIt(false);
/* Private: E x p o r t I t */
bool XrdSsiShMam::ExportIt(bool fLocked)
int rc, oldFD;
// If data synchronization was wanted, then flush the modified pages to
// disk before we make this file visible.
if (syncOn) Flush();
// Open the original file. If it exists then lock it. We will need to do this
// locally as the the Lock/Unlock() functions are cognizant of threads and that
// is not the case here. We are a singleton.
if ((oldFD = ShMam_Open(shmPath, O_RDWR)) < 0)
{if (errno != ENOENT) return false;}
else if (!fLocked)
{do {rc = flock(oldFD, LOCK_EX);} while(rc < 0 && errno == EINTR);
if (rc) return false;
// Rename the new file on top of the old one (the fd's remain in tact)
if (rename(shmTemp, shmPath)) {if (oldFD) close(oldFD); return false;}
free(shmTemp); shmTemp = 0;
// If there was an original file then we must indicate that a new vesion has
// been exported so current users switch to the new version. This is a lazy
// version update because we just need readers to eventually realize this.
if (oldFD >= 0)
{int vnum; bool noGo = false;
if (pread(oldFD, &vnum, sizeof(vnum), 0) == (ssize_t)sizeof(vnum))
if (pwrite(oldFD, &vnum, sizeof(vnum), 0) != (ssize_t)sizeof(vnum))
noGo = true;
} else noGo = true;
if (noGo) cerr <<"SsiShMam: Unable to update version for " <hash && !strcmp(key, ITEM_KEY(theItem)))
return hEnt;
prvItem = theItem;
iOff = Atomic_GET_STRICT(theItem->next); // Atomic?
// We did not find the item
return 0;
/* Private: F l u s h */
bool XrdSsiShMam::Flush()
int rc;
// Do appropriate sync
rc = fdatasync(shmFD) == 0;
rc = fsync(shmFD) == 0;
// If we failed, issue message
if (rc)
{rc = errno;
cerr <<"ShMam: msync() failed; " <(crc);
return (hval ? hval : 1);
/* Private: L o c k */
// The caller must have obtained a mutex consistent with the argument passed.
bool XrdSsiShMam::Lock(bool xrw, bool nowait)
int rc, act = (xrw ? LOCK_EX : LOCK_SH);
// Make sure we have a file descriptor to lock and is not already locked
if (shmFD < 0) {errno = EBADF; return false;}
// We must keep track of r/o locks as there may be many requests but we can
// only lock the file once for all of them. R/W locks are easier to handle as
// only one thread can ever have such a lock request. Atomics do not help
// for R/O locks because they suffer from an unlock control race and also
// all R/O requestors must wait if the file is locked by another process.
if (xrw) lkCount = 1;
else {pthread_mutex_lock(&lkMutex);
if (lkCount++) {pthread_mutex_unlock(&lkMutex); return true;}
// Check if we should not wait for the lock
if (nowait) act |= LOCK_NB;
// Now obtain the lock
do {rc = flock(shmFD, act);} while(rc < 0 && errno == EINTR);
// Decrement lock count if we failed (we were optimistic). Note that we still
// have the mutex locked if this was a T/O request.
if (rc) {if (xrw) lkCount = 0;
else lkCount--;
// Unlock the mutex if we still have it locked and return result
if (!xrw) pthread_mutex_unlock(&lkMutex);
return rc == 0;
/* I n f o */
int XrdSsiShMam::Info(const char *vname, char *buff, int blen)
MutexHelper mtHelp(&myMutex, ROLock);
// Make sure we can delete an item
if (!shmSize) {errno = ENOTCONN; return 0;}
if (!strcmp(vname, "atomics"))
{int n = strlen(Atomic_IMP);
strcpy(buff, Atomic_IMP);
return n;
if (!strcmp(vname, "hash"))
{if (!buff || blen < (int)(sizeof(int)+1)) {errno = EMSGSIZE; return -1;}
memcpy(buff, &SHMINFO(hashID), sizeof(int)); buff[sizeof(int)] = 0;
return strlen(buff);
if (!strcmp(vname, "impl"))
{int n = strlen(SHMINFO(myName));
if (!buff || blen < n) {errno = EMSGSIZE; return -1;}
strcpy(buff, SHMINFO(myName));
return n;
if (!strcmp(vname, "flockro")) return lockRO;
if (!strcmp(vname, "flockrw")) return lockRW;
if (!strcmp(vname, "indexsz")) return shmSlots;
if (!strcmp(vname, "indexused")) return SHMINFO(slotsUsed);
if (!strcmp(vname, "keys")) return SHMINFO(itemCount); // Atomic
if (!strcmp(vname, "keysfree"))
return (SHMINFO(highUse) - SHMINFO(lowFree))/shmItemSz
+ SHMINFO(freeCount);
if (!strcmp(vname, "maxkeylen")) return SHMINFO(maxKeySz);
if (!strcmp(vname, "multw")) return multW;
if (!strcmp(vname, "reuse")) return reUse;
if (!strcmp(vname, "type"))
{int n = strlen(SHMINFO(typeID));
if (!buff || blen < n) {errno = EMSGSIZE; return -1;}
strcpy(buff, SHMINFO(typeID));
return n;
if (!strcmp(vname, "typesz")) return SHMINFO(typeSz);
// Return variable not supported
errno = ENOSYS;
return -1;
/* Private: N e w I t e m */
XrdSsiShMam::MemItem *XrdSsiShMam::NewItem()
MemItem *itemP;
int iOff;
// First see if we can get this from the free chain
if (reUse && SHMINFO(freeItem))
{iOff = SHMINFO(freeItem);
itemP = SHMADDR(MemItem, iOff);
SHMINFO(freeItem) = itemP->next;
SHMINFO(freeCount)--; // Atomic?
} else {
int newFree = SHMINFO(lowFree) + shmItemSz;
if (newFree > SHMINFO(highUse)) itemP = 0;
else {iOff = SHMINFO(lowFree);
itemP = SHMADDR(MemItem, iOff);
SHMINFO(lowFree) = newFree;
// Return result
return itemP;
/* Private: R e M a p */
bool XrdSsiShMam::ReMap(LockType iHave)
XrdSsiShMat::NewParms parms;
// If the caller has a read mutex then we must change it to a r/w mutex as we
// may be changing all sorts of variables. It will continue holding this mutex.
// Fortunately, remappings do not occur very often in practice.
if (iHave == ROLock)
// Check if the version number no longer differs, then just return. This may
// happen because a previous thread forced the remapping and everyone was
// waiting for that to happen as we hold the r/w mutex.
if (verNum == SHMINFO(verNum)) return false;
// Setup parms
parms.impl = shmImpl;
parms.path = shmPath;
parms.typeID = shmType;
parms.typeSz = shmTypeSz;
parms.hashID = shmHash;
// Attach the new segment. If we fail, then just continue
XrdSsiShMam newMap(parms);
if (!newMap.Attach(timeOut, isRW)) return false;
// Swap the new map with our map
return true;
/* R e s i z e */
bool XrdSsiShMam::Resize(XrdSsiShMat::CRZParms &parms)
XLockHelper lockInfo(this, RWLock);
XrdSsiShMat::NewParms newParms;
MemItem *theItem;
void *val;
char *key;
int fence, iOff, hash;
// Make sure we can delete an item
if (!shmSize) {errno = ENOTCONN; return false;}
if (!isRW) {errno = EROFS; return false;}
// Validate parameter list values
if (parms.indexSz < 0 || parms.maxKeys < 0 || parms.maxKLen < 0)
{errno = EINVAL; return false;}
// A resize is not permitted on an un-exported segment
if (shmTemp) {errno = EPERM; return false;}
// Check if we need to remap this memory (atomic tests is not needed here)
if (verNum != SHMINFO(verNum)) ReMap(RWLock);
// Lock the source file
if (!lockInfo.FLock()) return false;
// Setup parms for the segment object
newParms.impl = shmImpl;
newParms.path = shmPath;
newParms.typeID = shmType;
newParms.typeSz = shmTypeSz;
newParms.hashID = shmHash;
// Create a new segment object (this cannot fail).
XrdSsiShMam newMap(newParms);
// Set the values in the parameter list for those wanting the current setting.
if (!parms.indexSz) parms.indexSz = shmSlots;
if (!parms.maxKeys) parms.maxKeys = SHMINFO(maxKeys);
if (!parms.maxKLen) parms.maxKLen = maxKLen;
if (parms.reUse < 0) parms.reUse = reUse;
if (parms.multW < 0) parms.multW = multW;
// Create the new target file
parms.mode = accMode;
if (!newMap.Create(parms)) return false;
// Compute the offset of the first item and get the offset of teh last item.
fence = SHMINFO(lowFree); // Atomic??
iOff = shmInfoSz;
// For each item found in the current map add it to the new map
while(iOff < fence)
{theItem = SHMADDR(MemItem, iOff);
if ((hash = theItem->hash))
{key = ITEM_KEY(theItem);
val = ITEM_VAL(theItem);
if (!newMap.AddItem(val, 0, key, hash, true)) return false;
iOff += shmItemSz;
// We need to drop the lock on the file otherwise the export will hang
// All went well, so export this the new map using the internal interface as
// we already have the source file locked and export normally tries to lock it.
if (!newMap.ExportIt(true)) return false;
// All that we need to do is to swap the map with our map and we are done.
return true;
/* Private: R e t I t e m */
void XrdSsiShMam::RetItem(MemItem *iP)
// Zorch the hash so this item cannot be found. This is problematic for
// enumerations. They may or may not include this key, but at least it will
// consistent at the time the enumeration happens.
iP->hash = 0; // Atomic?
// If reuse is allowed, place the item on the free list
if (reUse)
{iP->next = SHMINFO(freeItem);
SHMINFO(freeItem) = SHMOFFS(iP);
SHMINFO(freeCount)++; //Atomic??
/* Private: S e t L o c k i n g */
void XrdSsiShMam::SetLocking(bool isrw)
// If we do not have atomics then file locking is mandatory
lockRO = lockRW = true;
// A reader must lock the file R/O if objects are being reused
lockRO = reUse = SHMINFO(reUse);
// A writer must lock the file R/W if objects are being reused or the file may
// have multiple writers
multW = SHMINFO(multW);
lockRW = reUse || multW;
/* S n o o z e */
void XrdSsiShMam::Snooze(int sec)
struct timespec naptime, waketime;
// Calculate nano sleep time
naptime.tv_sec = sec;
naptime.tv_nsec = 0;
// Wait for a number of seconds
while(nanosleep(&naptime, &waketime) && EINTR == errno)
{naptime.tv_sec = waketime.tv_sec;
naptime.tv_nsec = waketime.tv_nsec;
/* Private: S w a p M a p */
void XrdSsiShMam::SwapMap(XrdSsiShMam &newMap)
// Detach the old map
// Swap the maps
shmFD = newMap.shmFD;
newMap.shmFD = -1;
shmSize = newMap.shmSize;
newMap.shmSize = 0;
shmBase = newMap.shmBase;
newMap.shmBase = 0;
shmIndex = newMap.shmIndex;
newMap.shmIndex = 0;
lockRO = newMap.lockRO;
lockRW = newMap.lockRW;
reUse = newMap.reUse;
multW = newMap.multW;
verNum = newMap.verNum;
/* S y n c */
bool XrdSsiShMam::Sync()
MutexHelper mtHelp(&myMutex, RWLock);
// Make sure we are attached and in R/W mode
if (!shmSize) {errno = ENOTCONN; return false;}
if (!isRW) {errno = EROFS; return false;}
// For now do a flush as this works in Linux. We may need to generalize this
// for all platforms using msync, sigh.
if (!Flush()) return false;
// Reset counters
syncBase = false;
syncLast = 0;
syncQWR = 0;
return true;
bool XrdSsiShMam::Sync(int syncqsz)
MutexHelper mtHelp(&myMutex, RWLock);
// Make sure we are attached and in R/W mode
if (!shmSize) {errno = ENOTCONN; return false;}
if (!isRW) {errno = EROFS; return false;}
if (syncqsz < 0) {errno = EINVAL; return false;}
// Flush out pages if sync it turned on
if (syncOn && !Flush()) return false;
// Set new queue size
syncQSZ = syncqsz;
return true;
bool XrdSsiShMam::Sync(bool dosync, bool syncdo)
MutexHelper mtHelp(&myMutex, RWLock);
// Make sure we are attached and in R/W mode
if (!shmSize) {errno = ENOTCONN; return false;}
if (!isRW) {errno = EROFS; return false;}
// Flush out pages if sync it turned on
if (syncOn && !Flush()) return false;
// Set new options
syncOn = dosync;
syncOpt = (syncdo ? MS_SYNC : MS_ASYNC);
return true;
/* Private: U n L o c k */
// The caller must have obtained a mutex consistent with the argument passed.
void XrdSsiShMam::UnLock(bool isrw)
int rc;
// Make sure we have a file descriptor to unlock
if (shmFD < 0) return;
// If this is a R/W type of lock then we can immediate release it as there
// could have been only one writer. Otherwise, we will need to keep track
// of the number of R/O locks has dropped to zero before unlocking the file.
// Atomics do not help here because of possible thread inversion.
if (isrw) lkCount = 0;
else {pthread_mutex_lock(&lkMutex);
if (lkCount) {pthread_mutex_unlock(&lkMutex); return;}
// Now release the lock
do {rc = flock(shmFD, LOCK_UN);} while(rc < 0 && errno == EINTR);
// If this was a r/o unlock then we have kept the mutex and must unlock it
// We kept the mutex to prevent a control race condition.
if (!isrw) pthread_mutex_unlock(&lkMutex);
/* Private: U p d a t e d */
void XrdSsiShMam::Updated(int mOff)
// Check if this refers to the info struct
if (!mOff)
{if (!syncBase) {syncBase = true; syncQWR++;}
} else {
if (syncLast != (mOff & PageMask))
{syncLast = (mOff & PageMask); syncQWR++;}
// Check if we need to flush now
if (syncQWR >= syncQSZ) {ShMam_Flush(shmFD); syncQWR = 0;}
void XrdSsiShMam::Updated(int mOff, int mLen)
int memB = mOff & PageMask;
int memE = mOff + mLen;
// This is a range update. This is not very precise if update the same page
// and the we cross the page boundary. But it should be good enough.
if (memB != syncLast)
if (memB != (memE & PageMask)) syncQWR++;
syncLast = memB;
// Check if we need to flush now
if (syncQWR >= syncQSZ) {ShMam_Flush(shmFD); syncQWR = 0;}