/* */
/* X r d S u t P F i l e . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2012 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* Produced by Gerri Ganis for CERN */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdSut/XrdSutAux.hh"
#include "XrdSut/XrdSutPFEntry.hh"
#include "XrdSut/XrdSutPFile.hh"
#include "XrdSut/XrdSutTrace.hh"
XrdSutPFEntInd::XrdSutPFEntInd(const char *n, kXR_int32 no,
kXR_int32 eo, kXR_int32 es)
// Constructor
name = 0;
if (n) {
name = new char[strlen(n)+1];
if (name)
nxtofs = no;
entofs = eo;
entsiz = es;
XrdSutPFEntInd::XrdSutPFEntInd(const XrdSutPFEntInd &ei)
//Copy constructor
name = 0;
if (ei.name) {
name = new char[strlen(ei.name)+1];
if (name)
nxtofs = ei.nxtofs;
entofs = ei.entofs;
entsiz = ei.entsiz;
void XrdSutPFEntInd::SetName(const char *n)
// Name setter
if (name) {
delete[] name;
name = 0;
if (n) {
name = new char[strlen(n)+1];
if (name)
XrdSutPFEntInd& XrdSutPFEntInd::operator=(const XrdSutPFEntInd ei)
// Assign index entry ei to local index entry.
name = 0;
if (ei.name) {
name = new char[strlen(ei.name)+1];
if (name)
nxtofs = ei.nxtofs;
entofs = ei.entofs;
entsiz = ei.entsiz;
return *this;
XrdSutPFHeader::XrdSutPFHeader(const char *id, kXR_int32 v, kXR_int32 ct,
kXR_int32 it, kXR_int32 ent, kXR_int32 ofs)
// Constructor
if (id) {
kXR_int32 lid = strlen(id);
if (lid > kFileIDSize)
lid = kFileIDSize;
version = v;
ctime = ct;
itime = it;
entries = ent;
indofs = ofs;
jnksiz = 0; // At start everything is reachable
XrdSutPFHeader::XrdSutPFHeader(const XrdSutPFHeader &fh)
// Copy constructor
version = fh.version;
ctime = fh.ctime;
itime = fh.itime;
entries = fh.entries;
indofs = fh.indofs;
jnksiz = fh.jnksiz;
void XrdSutPFHeader::Print() const
// Header printout
struct tm tst;
// String form for time of last change
char sctime[256] = {0};
time_t ttmp = ctime;
sctime[strlen(sctime)-1] = 0;
// String form for time of last index change
char sitime[256] = {0};
ttmp = itime;
sitime[strlen(sitime)-1] = 0;
"// \n"
"// File Header dump \n"
"// \n"
"// File ID: %s \n"
"// version: %d \n"
"// last changed on: %s (%d sec) \n"
"// index changed on: %s (%d sec) \n"
"// entries: %d \n"
"// unreachable: %d \n"
"// first ofs: %d \n"
"// \n"
XrdSutPFile::XrdSutPFile(const char *n, kXR_int32 openmode,
kXR_int32 createmode, bool hashtab)
// Constructor
name = 0;
if (n) {
name = new char[strlen(n)+1];
if (name)
valid = 0;
fFd = -1;
fHTutime = -1;
fHashTable = 0;
valid = Init(n, openmode, createmode, hashtab);
XrdSutPFile::XrdSutPFile(const XrdSutPFile &f)
// Copy constructor
name = 0;
if (f.name) {
name = new char[strlen(f.name)+1];
if (name)
fFd = f.fFd ;
// Destructor
if (name)
delete[] name;
name = 0;
if (fHashTable)
delete fHashTable;
fHashTable = 0;
bool XrdSutPFile::Init(const char *n, kXR_int32 openmode,
kXR_int32 createmode, bool hashtab)
// (re)initialize PFile
// Make sure it is closed
// Reset members
if (name)
delete[] name;
name = 0;
if (n) {
name = new char[strlen(n)+1];
if (name)
valid = 0;
fFd = -1;
fHTutime = -1;
if (fHashTable)
delete fHashTable;
fHashTable = 0;
// If name is missing nothing can be done
if (!name)
return 0;
// open modes
bool create = (openmode & kPFEcreate);
bool leaveopen = (openmode & kPFEopen);
// If file does not exists, create it with default header
struct stat st;
if (stat(name, &st) == -1) {
if (errno == ENOENT) {
if (create) {
if (Open(1,0,0,createmode) > 0) {
kXR_int32 ct = (kXR_int32)time(0);
XrdSutPFHeader hdr(kDefFileID,kXrdIFVersion,ct,ct,0,0);
valid = 1;
if (!leaveopen)
} else {
} else {
// Fill the the hash table
if (Open(1) > 0) {
if (hashtab)
valid = 1;
if (!leaveopen)
// We are done
return valid;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::Open(kXR_int32 opt, bool *wasopen,
const char *nam, kXR_int32 createmode)
// Open the stream, so defining fFd .
// Valid options:
// 0 read only
// 1 read/write append
// 2 read/write truncate
// For options 1 and 2 the file is created, if not existing,
// and permission set to createmode (default: 0600).
// If the file name ends with 'XXXXXX' and it does not exist,
// it is created as temporary using mkstemp.
// The file is also exclusively locked.
// If nam is defined it is used as file name
// If the file is already open and wasopen is allocated, then *wasopen
// is set to true
// The file descriptor of the open file is returned
XrdOucString copt(opt);
// Reset was open flag
if (wasopen) *wasopen = 0;
// File name must be defined
char *fnam = (char *)nam;
if (!fnam)
fnam = name;
if (!fnam)
return Err(kPFErrBadInputs,"Open");
// If already open, do nothing
if (!nam && fFd > -1) {
if (opt > 0) {
// Make sure that the write flag is set
long omode = 0;
if (fcntl(fFd, F_GETFL, &omode) != -1) {
if (!(omode | O_WRONLY))
return Err(kPFErrFileAlreadyOpen,"Open");
if (wasopen) *wasopen = 1;
return fFd;
// Ok, we have a file name ... check if it exists already
bool newfile = 0;
struct stat st;
if (stat(fnam, &st) == -1) {
if (errno != ENOENT) {
return Err(kPFErrNoFile,"Open",fnam);
} else {
if (opt == 0)
return Err(kPFErrStat,"Open",fnam);
newfile = 1;
// Now open it
if (!nam)
fFd = -1;
kXR_int32 fd = -1;
// If we have to create a new file and the file name ends with
// 'XXXXXX', make it temporary with mkstemp
char *pn = strstr(fnam,"XXXXXX");
if (pn && (pn == (fnam + strlen(fnam) - 6))) {
if (opt > 0 && newfile) {
fd = mkstemp(fnam);
if (fd <= -1)
return Err(kPFErrFileOpen,"Open",fnam);
// If normal file act according to requests
if (fd <= -1) {
kXR_int32 mode = 0;
switch (opt) {
case 2:
// Forcing truncation in Read / Write mode
mode |= (O_TRUNC | O_RDWR) ;
if (newfile)
mode |= O_CREAT ;
case 1:
// Read / Write
mode |= O_RDWR ;
if (newfile)
mode |= O_CREAT ;
case 0:
// Read only
mode = O_RDONLY ;
// Unknown option
return Err(kPFErrBadOp,"Open",copt.c_str());
// Open file (createmode is only used if O_CREAT is set)
fd = open(fnam, mode, createmode);
if (fd <= -1)
return Err(kPFErrFileOpen,"Open",fnam);
// Shared or exclusive lock of the whole file
int lockmode = (opt > 0) ? (F_WRLCK | F_RDLCK) : F_RDLCK;
int lck = kMaxLockTries;
int rc = 0;
while (lck && rc == -1) {
struct flock flck;
memset(&flck, 0, sizeof(flck));
flck.l_type = lockmode;
flck.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
if ((rc = fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &flck)) == 0)
struct timespec lftp, rqtp = {1, 0};
while (nanosleep(&rqtp, &lftp) < 0 && errno == EINTR) {
rqtp.tv_sec = lftp.tv_sec;
rqtp.tv_nsec = lftp.tv_nsec;
if (rc == -1) {
if (errno == EACCES || errno == EAGAIN) {
// File locked by other process
int pid = -1;
struct flock flck;
memset(&flck, 0, sizeof(flck));
flck.l_type = lockmode;
flck.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
if (fcntl(fd,F_GETLK,&flck) != -1)
pid = flck.l_pid;
return Err(kPFErrFileLocked,"Open",fnam,(const char *)&pid);
} else {
// Error
return Err(kPFErrLocking,"Open",fnam,(const char *)&fd);
// Ok, we got the file open and locked
if (!nam)
fFd = fd;
return fd;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::Close(kXR_int32 fd)
// Close the open stream or descriptor fd, if > -1 .
// The file is unlocked before.
// If not open, do nothing
if (fd < 0)
fd = fFd;
if (fd < 0)
return 0;
// Unlock the file
struct flock flck;
memset(&flck, 0, sizeof(flck));
flck.l_type = F_UNLCK;
flck.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &flck) == -1) {
return Err(kPFErrUnlocking,"Close",(const char *)&fd);
// Close it
// Reset file descriptor
if (fd == fFd)
fFd = -1;
return 0;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::UpdateHeader(XrdSutPFHeader hd)
// Write/Update header to beginning of file
// Open the file
if (Open(1) < 0)
return -1;
// Write
kXR_int32 nw = WriteHeader(hd);
// Close the file
return nw;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::RetrieveHeader(XrdSutPFHeader &hd)
// Retrieve number of entries in the file
// Open the file
bool wasopen = 0;
if (Open(1, &wasopen) < 0)
return -1;
// Read header
kXR_int32 rc = ReadHeader(hd);
// Close the file
if (!wasopen) Close();
return rc;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::WriteHeader(XrdSutPFHeader hd)
// Write/Update header to beginning of opne stream
// Build output buffer
// Get total lenght needed
kXR_int32 ltot = hd.Length();
// Allocate the buffer
char *bout = new char[ltot];
if (!bout)
return Err(kPFErrOutOfMemory,"WriteHeader");
// Fill the buffer
kXR_int32 lp = 0;
// File ID
lp += kFileIDSize;
// version
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
// change time
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
// index change time
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
// entries
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
// offset of the first index entry
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
// number of unused bytes
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
// Check length
if (lp != ltot) {
if (bout) delete[] bout;
return Err(kPFErrLenMismatch,"WriteHeader",
(const char *)&lp, (const char *)<ot);
// Ready to write: check we got the file
if (fFd < 0)
return Err(kPFErrFileNotOpen,"WriteHeader");
// Set the offset
if (lseek(fFd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"WriteHeader","SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
kXR_int32 nw = 0;
// Now write the buffer to the stream
while ((nw = write(fFd, bout, ltot)) < 0 && errno == EINTR)
errno = 0;
return nw;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::WriteEntry(XrdSutPFEntry ent)
// Write entry to file
// Look first if an entry with the same name exists: in such
// case try to overwrite the allocated file region; if the space
// is not enough, set the existing entry inactive and write
// the new entry at the end of the file, updating all the
// pointers.
// File must be opened in read/write mode (O_RDWR).
// Make sure that the entry is named (otherwise we can't do nothing)
if (!ent.name)
return Err(kPFErrBadInputs,"WriteEntry");
// Ready to write: open the file
bool wasopen = 0;
if (Open(1, &wasopen) < 0)
return -1;
kXR_int32 ofs = 0;
kXR_int32 nw = 0;
kXR_int32 indofs = 0;
// Read the header
XrdSutPFHeader header;
if (ReadHeader(header) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
if ((ofs = lseek(fFd, 0, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"WriteEntry","SEEK_CUR",(const char *)&fFd);
XrdSutPFEntInd ind;
// If first entry, write it, update the info and return
if (header.entries == 0) {
if ((nw = WriteEnt(ofs, ent)) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
ind.nxtofs = 0;
ind.entofs = ofs;
ind.entsiz = nw;
indofs = ofs + nw;
if (WriteInd(indofs, ind) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// Update header
header.entries = 1;
header.indofs = indofs;
header.ctime = time(0);
header.itime = header.ctime;
if (WriteHeader(header) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
if (!wasopen) Close();
return nw;
// First Localize existing entry, if any
kXR_int32 nr = 1;
bool found = 0;
indofs = header.indofs;
kXR_int32 lastindofs = indofs;
while (!found && nr > 0 && indofs > 0) {
nr = ReadInd(indofs, ind);
if (nr) {
if (ind.entofs > 0 && !strcmp(ent.name,ind.name)) {
found = 1;
lastindofs = indofs;
indofs = ind.nxtofs;
// If an entry already exists and there is enough space to
// store the update, write the update at the already allocated
// space; if not, add it at the end.
if (found) {
// Update
kXR_int32 ct = 0;
if (ind.entsiz >= ent.Length()) {
// The offset is set inside ...
if ((nw = WriteEnt(ind.entofs, ent)) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
} else {
// Add it at the end
kXR_int32 entofs = 0;
if ((entofs = lseek(fFd, 0, SEEK_END)) == -1) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"WriteEntry",
"SEEK_END",(const char *)&fFd);
if ((nw = WriteEnt(entofs, ent)) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// Set existing entry inactive
kXR_int32 wrtofs = ind.entofs;
if (lseek(fFd, wrtofs, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"WriteEntry",
"SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
short status = kPFE_inactive;
while (write(fFd, &status, sizeof(short)) < 0 &&
errno == EINTR) errno = 0;
// Reset entry area
if (Reset(wrtofs + sizeof(short), ind.entsiz - sizeof(short)) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// Count as unused bytes
header.jnksiz += ind.entsiz;
if (lseek(fFd, kOfsJnkSiz, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"WriteEntry",
"SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
while (write(fFd, &header.jnksiz, sizeof(kXR_int32)) < 0 &&
errno == EINTR) errno = 0;
// Update the entry index and new size
wrtofs = indofs + 2*sizeof(kXR_int32);
if (lseek(fFd, wrtofs, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"WriteEntry",
"SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
while (write(fFd, &entofs, sizeof(kXR_int32)) < 0 &&
errno == EINTR) errno = 0;
while (write(fFd, &nw, sizeof(kXR_int32)) < 0 &&
errno == EINTR) errno = 0;
// Update time of change of index
ct = (kXR_int32)time(0);
header.itime = ct;
if (lseek(fFd, kOfsItime, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"WriteEntry",
"SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
while (write(fFd, &header.itime, sizeof(kXR_int32)) < 0 &&
errno == EINTR) errno = 0;
// Update time of change in header
header.ctime = (ct > 0) ? ct : time(0);
if (lseek(fFd, kOfsCtime, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"WriteEntry",
"SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
while (write(fFd, &header.ctime, sizeof(kXR_int32)) < 0 &&
errno == EINTR) errno = 0;
if (!wasopen) Close();
return nw;
// If new name, add the entry at the end
if ((ofs = lseek(fFd, 0, SEEK_END)) == -1) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"WriteEntry",
"SEEK_END",(const char *)&fFd);
if ((nw = WriteEnt(ofs, ent)) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// Create new index entry
XrdSutPFEntInd newind(ent.name, 0, ofs, nw);
if (WriteInd(ofs+nw, newind) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// Update previous index entry
ind.nxtofs = ofs + nw;
kXR_int32 wrtofs = lastindofs + sizeof(kXR_int32);
if (lseek(fFd, wrtofs, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"WriteEntry",
"SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
while (write(fFd, &ind.nxtofs, sizeof(kXR_int32)) < 0 &&
errno == EINTR) errno = 0;
// Update header
header.entries += 1;
header.ctime = time(0);
header.itime = header.ctime;
if (WriteHeader(header) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// Close the file
if (!wasopen) Close();
return nw;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::UpdateCount(const char *tag, int *cnt,
int step, bool reset)
// Update counter for entry with 'tag', if any.
// If reset is true, counter is firts reset.
// The counter is updated by 'step'.
// Default: no reset, increase by 1.
// If cnt is defined, fill it with the updated counter.
// Returns 0 or -1 in case of error
// Make sure that we got a tag (otherwise we can't do nothing)
if (!tag)
return Err(kPFErrBadInputs,"UpdateCount");
// Make sure we got an open stream
if (Open(1) < 0)
return -1;
// Read the header
XrdSutPFHeader header;
if (ReadHeader(header) < 0) {
return -1;
// Check if the HashTable needs to be updated
if (fHashTable && header.itime > fHTutime) {
// Update the table
if (UpdateHashTable() < 0) {
return -1;
// Get index entry associated with tag, if any
XrdSutPFEntInd ind;
bool found = 0;
if (fHashTable) {
kXR_int32 *refofs = fHashTable->Find(tag);
if (*refofs > 0) {
// Read it out
if (ReadInd(*refofs, ind) < 0) {
return -1;
found = 1;
} else {
// Get offset of the first index entry
kXR_int32 indofs = header.indofs;
while (indofs > 0) {
// Read it out
if (ReadInd(indofs, ind) < 0) {
return -1;
// Check compatibility
if (strlen(ind.name) == strlen(tag)) {
if (!strncmp(ind.name,tag,strlen(tag))) {
found = 1;
// Next index entry
indofs = ind.nxtofs;
// Read the entry, if found
XrdSutPFEntry ent;
bool changed = 0;
if (found) {
// Read entry if active
if (ind.entofs) {
if (ReadEnt(ind.entofs, ent) < 0) {
return -1;
// Reset counter if required
if (reset && ent.cnt != 0) {
changed = 1;
ent.cnt = 0;
// Update counter
if (step != 0) {
changed = 1;
ent.cnt += step;
// Update entry in file, if anything changed
if (changed) {
ent.mtime = (kXR_int32)time(0);
if (WriteEnt(ind.entofs, ent) < 0) {
return -1;
// Fill output
if (cnt)
*cnt = ent.cnt;
// Close the file
return 0;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::ReadEntry(const char *tag,
XrdSutPFEntry &ent, int opt)
// Read entry with tag from file
// If it does not exist, if opt == 1 search also for wild-card
// matching entries; if more than 1 return the one that matches
// the best, base on the number of characters matching.
// If more wild-card entries have the same level of matching,
// the first found is returned.
// Make sure that we got a tag (otherwise we can't do nothing)
if (!tag)
return Err(kPFErrBadInputs,"ReadEntry");
// Make sure we got an open stream
bool wasopen = 0;
if (Open(1 &wasopen) < 0)
return -1;
// Read the header
XrdSutPFHeader header;
if (ReadHeader(header) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// Check if the HashTable needs to be updated
if (fHashTable && header.itime > fHTutime) {
// Update the table
if (UpdateHashTable() < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// Get index entry associated with tag, if any
XrdSutPFEntInd ind;
bool found = 0;
if (fHashTable) {
kXR_int32 *reftmp = fHashTable->Find(tag);
kXR_int32 refofs = reftmp ? *reftmp : -1;
if (refofs > 0) {
// Read it out
if (ReadInd(refofs, ind) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
found = 1;
} else {
// Get offset of the first index entry
kXR_int32 indofs = header.indofs;
while (indofs > 0) {
// Read it out
if (ReadInd(indofs, ind) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// Check compatibility
if (strlen(ind.name) == strlen(tag)) {
if (!strncmp(ind.name,tag,strlen(tag))) {
found = 1;
// Next index entry
indofs = ind.nxtofs;
// If not found and requested, try also wild-cards
if (!found && opt == 1) {
// If > 1 we will keep the best matching, i.e. the one
// matching most of the chars in tag
kXR_int32 refofs = -1;
kXR_int32 nmmax = 0;
kXR_int32 iofs = header.indofs;
XrdOucString stag(tag);
while (iofs) {
// Read it out
if (ReadInd(iofs, ind) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// Check compatibility, if active
if (ind.entofs > 0) {
int match = stag.matches(ind.name);
if (match > nmmax && ind.entofs > 0) {
nmmax = match;
refofs = iofs;
// Next index entry
iofs = ind.nxtofs;
// Read it out
if (refofs > 0) {
if (ReadInd(refofs, ind) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
found = 1;
// Read the entry, if found
kXR_int32 nr = 0;
if (found) {
// Read entry if active
if (ind.entofs) {
if ((nr = ReadEnt(ind.entofs, ent)) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// Fill the name
// Close the file
if (!wasopen) Close();
return nr;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::ReadEntry(kXR_int32 ofs, XrdSutPFEntry &ent)
// Read entry at ofs from file
// Make sure that ofs makes sense
if (ofs <= 0)
return Err(kPFErrBadInputs,"ReadEntry");
// Make sure we got an open stream
bool wasopen = 0;
if (Open(1, &wasopen) < 0)
return -1;
kXR_int32 nr = 0;
// Read index entry out
XrdSutPFEntInd ind;
if (ReadInd(ofs, ind) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// Read entry
if ((nr = ReadEnt(ind.entofs, ent)) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// Fill the name
// Close the file
if (!wasopen) Close();
return nr;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::RemoveEntry(const char *tag)
// Remove entry with tag from file
// The entry is set inactive, so that it is hidden and it will
// be physically removed at next Trim
// Make sure that we got a tag (otherwise we can't do nothing)
if (!tag || !strlen(tag))
return Err(kPFErrBadInputs,"RemoveEntry");
// Make sure we got an open stream
if (Open(1) < 0)
return -1;
// Read the header
XrdSutPFHeader header;
if (ReadHeader(header) < 0) {
return -1;
// Check if the HashTable needs to be updated
if (fHashTable && header.itime > fHTutime) {
// Update the table
if (UpdateHashTable() < 0) {
return -1;
// Get offset of the index entry associated with tag, if any
XrdSutPFEntInd ind;
bool found = 0;
kXR_int32 indofs = -1;
if (fHashTable) {
kXR_int32 *indtmp = fHashTable->Find(tag);
indofs = indtmp ? *indtmp : indofs;
if (indofs > 0) {
// Read it out
if (ReadInd(indofs, ind) < 0) {
return -1;
found = 1;
} else {
// Get offset of the first index entry
indofs = header.indofs;
while (indofs > 0) {
// Read it out
if (ReadInd(indofs, ind) < 0) {
return -1;
// Check compatibility
if (strlen(ind.name) == strlen(tag)) {
if (!strncmp(ind.name,tag,strlen(tag))) {
found = 1;
// Next index entry
indofs = ind.nxtofs;
// Get entry now, if index found
if (found) {
// Reset entry area
short status = kPFE_inactive;
if (lseek(fFd, ind.entofs, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"RemoveEntry",
"SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
while (write(fFd, &status, sizeof(short)) < 0 &&
errno == EINTR) errno = 0;
// Reset entry area
if (Reset(ind.entofs + sizeof(short), ind.entsiz - sizeof(short)) < 0) {
return -1;
// Set entofs to null
ind.entofs = 0;
if (WriteInd(indofs, ind) < 0) {
return -1;
// Count as unused bytes
header.jnksiz += ind.entsiz;
// Decrease number of entries
// Update times
header.ctime = (kXR_int32)time(0);
header.itime = header.ctime;
// Update header
if (WriteHeader(header) < 0) {
return -1;
// Ok: close the file and return
return 0;
// Close the file
// entry non-existing
return -1;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::RemoveEntry(kXR_int32 ofs)
// Remove entry at entry index offset ofs from file
// The entry is set inactive, so that it is hidden and it will
// be physically removed at next Trim
// Make sure that we got a tag (otherwise we can't do nothing)
if (ofs <= 0)
return Err(kPFErrBadInputs,"RemoveEntry");
// Make sure we got an open stream
if (Open(1) < 0)
return -1;
// Read the header
XrdSutPFHeader header;
if (ReadHeader(header) < 0) {
return -1;
// Check if the HashTable needs to be updated
if (header.itime > fHTutime) {
// Update the table
if (UpdateHashTable() < 0) {
return -1;
// Read it out
XrdSutPFEntInd ind;
if (ReadInd(ofs, ind) < 0) {
return -1;
// Reset entry area
short status = kPFE_inactive;
if (lseek(fFd, ind.entofs, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"RemoveEntry",
"SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
while (write(fFd, &status, sizeof(short)) < 0 &&
errno == EINTR) errno = 0;
// Reset entry area
if (Reset(ind.entofs + sizeof(short), ind.entsiz - sizeof(short)) < 0) {
return -1;
// Set entofs to null
ind.entofs = 0;
if (WriteInd(ofs, ind) < 0) {
return -1;
// Count as unused bytes
header.jnksiz += ind.entsiz;
// Decrease number of entries
// Update times
header.ctime = (kXR_int32)time(0);
header.itime = header.ctime;
// Update header
if (WriteHeader(header) < 0) {
return -1;
// Ok: close the file and return
return 0;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::Reset(kXR_int32 ofs, kXR_int32 siz)
// Reset size bytes starting at ofs in the open stream
// Set the offset
if (lseek(fFd, ofs, SEEK_SET) == -1)
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"Reset",
"SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
kXR_int32 nrs = 0;
// Now write the buffer to the stream
while (nrs < siz) {
char c = 0;
while (write(fFd, &c, 1) < 0 && errno == EINTR)
errno = 0;
return nrs;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::WriteInd(kXR_int32 ofs, XrdSutPFEntInd ind)
// Write entry index to open stream fFd
// Make sure we got an open stream
if (fFd < 0)
return Err(kPFErrFileNotOpen,"WriteInd");
// Set the offset
if (lseek(fFd, ofs, SEEK_SET) == -1)
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"WriteInd",
"SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
// Build output buffer
// Get total lenght needed
kXR_int32 ltot = ind.Length();
// Allocate the buffer
char *bout = new char[ltot];
if (!bout)
return Err(kPFErrOutOfMemory,"WriteInd");
// Fill the buffer
kXR_int32 lp = 0;
// Name length
kXR_int32 lnam = strlen(ind.name);
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
// Offset of next index entry
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
// Offset of entry
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
// Size allocated for entry
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
// name
lp += lnam;
// Check length
if (lp != ltot) {
if (bout) delete[] bout;
return Err(kPFErrLenMismatch,"WriteInd",
(const char *)&lp, (const char *)<ot);
kXR_int32 nw = 0;
// Now write the buffer to the stream
while ((nw = write(fFd, bout, ltot)) < 0 && errno == EINTR)
errno = 0;
return nw;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::WriteEnt(kXR_int32 ofs, XrdSutPFEntry ent)
// Write ent to stream out
// Make sure we got an open stream
if (fFd < 0)
return Err(kPFErrFileNotOpen,"WriteEnt");
// Set the offset
if (lseek(fFd, ofs, SEEK_SET) == -1)
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"WriteEnt",
"SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
// Build output buffer
// Get total lenght needed
kXR_int32 ltot = ent.Length();
// Allocate the buffer
char *bout = new char[ltot];
if (!bout)
return Err(kPFErrOutOfMemory,"WriteEnt");
// Fill the buffer
kXR_int32 lp = 0;
// status
lp += sizeof(short);
// count
lp += sizeof(short);
// time of modification / creation
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
// length of first buffer
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
// length of second buffer
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
// length of third buffer
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
// length of fourth buffer
lp += sizeof(kXR_int32);
if (ent.buf1.len > 0) {
// first buffer
lp += ent.buf1.len;
if (ent.buf2.len > 0) {
// second buffer
lp += ent.buf2.len;
if (ent.buf3.len > 0) {
// third buffer
lp += ent.buf3.len;
if (ent.buf4.len > 0) {
// third buffer
lp += ent.buf4.len;
// Check length
if (lp != ltot) {
if (bout) delete[] bout;
return Err(kPFErrLenMismatch,"WriteEnt",
(const char *)&lp, (const char *)<ot);
kXR_int32 nw = 0;
// Now write the buffer to the stream
while ((nw = write(fFd, bout, ltot)) < 0 && errno == EINTR)
errno = 0;
return nw;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::ReadHeader(XrdSutPFHeader &hd)
// Read header from beginning of stream
// Make sure that we got an open file description
if (fFd < 0)
return Err(kPFErrFileNotOpen,"ReadHeader");
// Set the offset
if (lseek(fFd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1)
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"ReadHeader",
"SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
kXR_int32 nr = 0, nrdt = 0;
// Now read the information step by step:
// the file ID ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,hd.fileID,kFileIDSize)) != kFileIDSize)
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadHeader",(const char *)&fFd);
hd.fileID[kFileIDSize-1] = 0;
nrdt += nr;
// the version ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&hd.version,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadHeader",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the time of last change ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&hd.ctime,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadHeader",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the time of last index change ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&hd.itime,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadHeader",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the number of entries ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&hd.entries,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadHeader",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the offset of first index entry ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&hd.indofs,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadHeader",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the number of unused bytes ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&hd.jnksiz,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadHeader",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
return nrdt;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::ReadInd(kXR_int32 ofs, XrdSutPFEntInd &ind)
// Read entry index from offset ofs of open stream fFd
// Make sure that we got an open file description
if (fFd < 0)
return Err(kPFErrFileNotOpen,"ReadInd");
// Set the offset
if (lseek(fFd, ofs, SEEK_SET) == -1)
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"ReadInd",
"SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
kXR_int32 nr = 0, nrdt = 0;
// Now read the information step by step:
// the length of the name ...
kXR_int32 lnam = 0;
if ((nr = read(fFd,&lnam,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadInd",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the offset of next entry index ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&ind.nxtofs,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadInd",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the offset of the entry ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&ind.entofs,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadInd",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the size allocated for the entry ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&ind.entsiz,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadInd",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the name ... cleanup first
if (ind.name) {
delete[] ind.name;
ind.name = 0;
if (lnam) {
ind.name = new char[lnam+1];
if (ind.name) {
if ((nr = read(fFd,ind.name,lnam)) != lnam)
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadInd",(const char *)&fFd);
ind.name[lnam] = 0; // null-terminated
nrdt += nr;
} else
return Err(kPFErrOutOfMemory,"ReadInd");
return nrdt;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::ReadEnt(kXR_int32 ofs, XrdSutPFEntry &ent)
// Read ent from current position at stream
// Make sure that we got an open file description
if (fFd < 0)
return Err(kPFErrFileNotOpen,"ReadEnt");
// Set the offset
if (lseek(fFd, ofs, SEEK_SET) == -1)
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"ReadEnt",
"SEEK_SET",(const char *)&fFd);
kXR_int32 nr = 0, nrdt = 0;
// Now read the information step by step:
// the status ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&ent.status,sizeof(short))) != sizeof(short))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadEnt",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the count var ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&ent.cnt,sizeof(short))) != sizeof(short))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadEnt",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the the time of modification / creation ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&ent.mtime,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadEnt",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the length of the first buffer ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&ent.buf1.len,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadEnt",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the length of the second buffer ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&ent.buf2.len,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadEnt",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the length of the third buffer ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&ent.buf3.len,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadEnt",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// the length of the fourth buffer ...
if ((nr = read(fFd,&ent.buf4.len,sizeof(kXR_int32))) != sizeof(kXR_int32))
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadEnt",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// Allocate space for the first buffer and read it (if any) ...
if (ent.buf1.len) {
ent.buf1.buf = new char[ent.buf1.len];
if (!ent.buf1.buf)
return Err(kPFErrOutOfMemory,"ReadEnt");
if ((nr = read(fFd,ent.buf1.buf,ent.buf1.len)) != ent.buf1.len)
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadEnt",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// Allocate space for the second buffer and read it (if any) ...
if (ent.buf2.len) {
ent.buf2.buf = new char[ent.buf2.len];
if (!ent.buf2.buf)
return Err(kPFErrOutOfMemory,"ReadEnt");
if ((nr = read(fFd,ent.buf2.buf,ent.buf2.len)) != ent.buf2.len)
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadEnt",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// Allocate space for the third buffer and read it (if any) ...
if (ent.buf3.len) {
ent.buf3.buf = new char[ent.buf3.len];
if (!ent.buf3.buf)
return Err(kPFErrOutOfMemory,"ReadEnt");
if ((nr = read(fFd,ent.buf3.buf,ent.buf3.len)) != ent.buf3.len)
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadEnt",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
// Allocate space for the fourth buffer and read it (if any) ...
if (ent.buf4.len) {
ent.buf4.buf = new char[ent.buf4.len];
if (!ent.buf4.buf)
return Err(kPFErrOutOfMemory,"ReadEnt");
if ((nr = read(fFd,ent.buf4.buf,ent.buf4.len)) != ent.buf4.len)
return Err(kPFErrRead,"ReadEnt",(const char *)&fFd);
nrdt += nr;
return nrdt;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::Browse(void *oout)
// Display the content of the file
// Make sure we got an open stream
if (Open(1) < 0)
return -1;
// Read header
XrdSutPFHeader hdr;
if (ReadHeader(hdr) < 0) {
return -1;
// Time strings
struct tm tst;
char sctime[256] = {0};
time_t ttmp = hdr.ctime;
sctime[strlen(sctime)-1] = 0;
char sitime[256] = {0};
ttmp = hdr.itime;
sitime[strlen(sitime)-1] = 0;
// Default is stdout
FILE *out = oout ? (FILE *)oout : stdout;
fprintf(out,"// File: %s\n",name);
fprintf(out,"// ID: %s\n",hdr.fileID);
fprintf(out,"// Version: %d\n",hdr.version);
fprintf(out,"// Last change : %s (%d sec)\n",sctime,hdr.ctime);
fprintf(out,"// Index change: %s (%d sec)\n",sitime,hdr.itime);
fprintf(out,"// Number of Entries: %d\n",hdr.entries);
fprintf(out,"// Bytes unreachable: %d\n",hdr.jnksiz);
if (hdr.entries > 0) {
// Special entries first, if any
kXR_int32 ns = SearchSpecialEntries();
if (ns > 0) {
// Allocate space for offsets
kXR_int32 *sofs = new kXR_int32[ns];
if (sofs) {
// Get offsets
ns = SearchSpecialEntries(sofs,ns);
fprintf(out,"// Special entries (%d):\n",ns);
int i = 0;
for (; i ns)
fprintf(out,"// Normal entries (%d):\n",hdr.entries-ns);
kXR_int32 nn = 0;
kXR_int32 nxtofs = hdr.indofs;
while (nxtofs) {
// Read entry index at ofs
XrdSutPFEntInd ind;
if (ReadInd(nxtofs, ind) < 0) {
return -3;
if (ind.entofs) {
// Read entry
XrdSutPFEntry ent;
if (ReadEnt(ind.entofs, ent) < 0) {
return -4;
if (ent.status != kPFE_special) {
char smt[20] = {0};
"// #:%d st:%d cn:%d buf:%d,%d,%d,%d mod:%s name:%s\n",
// Read next
nxtofs = ind.nxtofs;
// Close the file
return 0;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::Trim(const char *fbak)
// Trim away unreachable entries from the file
// Previous content is save in a file name fbak, the default
// being 'name'.bak
// Retrieve header, first, to check if there is anything to trim
XrdSutPFHeader header;
if (RetrieveHeader(header) < 0)
return -1;
if (header.jnksiz <= 0) {
DEBUG("nothing to trim - return ");
return -1;
// Get name of backup file
char *nbak = (char *)fbak;
if (!nbak) {
// Use default
nbak = new char[strlen(name)+5];
if (!nbak)
return Err(kPFErrOutOfMemory,"Trim");
DEBUG("backup file: "< 0) {
fFd = fdbck;
if (ReadEnt(ind.entofs,ent) < 0) {
Close(fdnew); Close(fdbck);
return -1;
// Update index entry
ind.entofs = wrofs;
// Write active entry
fFd = fdnew;
if (WriteEnt(wrofs,ent) < 0) {
Close(fdnew); Close(fdbck);
return -1;
// Update write offset
if ((wrofs = lseek(fdnew, 0, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) {
Close(fdnew); Close(fdbck);
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"Trim",
"SEEK_CUR",(const char *)&fdnew);
if (firstind) {
// Update header
header.indofs = wrofs;
firstind = 0;
} else {
// Update previous index entry
indlast.nxtofs = wrofs;
fFd = fdnew;
if (WriteInd(lastofs,indlast) < 0) {
Close(fdnew); Close(fdbck);
return -1;
// Save this index for later updates
indlast = ind;
lastofs = wrofs;
// Last index entry, for now
ind.nxtofs = 0;
// Write active index entry
fFd = fdnew;
if (WriteInd(wrofs,ind) < 0) {
Close(fdnew); Close(fdbck);
return -1;
// Update write offset
if ((wrofs = lseek(fdnew, 0, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) {
Close(fdnew); Close(fdbck);
return Err(kPFErrSeek,"Trim",
"SEEK_CUR",(const char *)&fdnew);
// Close backup file
fFd = fdnew;
// Update header
header.ctime = (kXR_int32)time(0);
header.itime = header.ctime;
header.jnksiz = 0;
// Copy it to new file
if (WriteHeader(header) < 0) {
return -1;
// Close the file
return 0;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::UpdateHashTable(bool force)
// Update hash table reflecting the index of the file
// If force is .true. the table is recreated even if no recent
// change in the index has occured.
// Returns the number of entries in the table.
// The file must be open
if (fFd < 0)
return Err(kPFErrFileNotOpen,"UpdateHashTable");
// Read the header
XrdSutPFHeader header;
if (ReadHeader(header) < 0)
return -1;
// If no recent changes and no force option, return
if (!force && header.itime < fHTutime)
return 0;
// Clean up the table or create it
if (fHashTable)
fHashTable = new XrdOucHash;
// Make sure we have it
if (!fHashTable)
return Err(kPFErrOutOfMemory,"UpdateHashTable");
// Read entries
kXR_int32 ne = 0;
if (header.entries > 0) {
XrdSutPFEntInd ind;
kXR_int32 nxtofs = header.indofs;
while (nxtofs > 0) {
if (ReadInd(nxtofs, ind) < 0)
return -1;
// Fill the table
kXR_int32 *key = new kXR_int32(nxtofs);
// Go to next
nxtofs = ind.nxtofs;
// Update the time stamp
fHTutime = (kXR_int32)time(0);
return ne;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::RemoveEntries(const char *tag, char opt)
// Remove entries whose tag is compatible with 'tag', according
// to compatibility option 'opt'.
// For opt = 0 tags starting with 'tag'
// for opt = 1 tags containing the wild card '*' are matched.
// Return number of entries removed
// Get number of entries related
int nm = SearchEntries(tag,opt);
if (nm) {
DEBUG("found "< 0 && ind.entofs > 0) {
if (ofs) {
ofs[no-1] = indofs;
if (no == nofs) {
// We are done
// Next index entry
indofs = ind.nxtofs;
// Close the file
if (!wasopen) Close();
return no;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::SearchSpecialEntries(kXR_int32 *ofs,
kXR_int32 nofs)
// Get offsets of the first nofs entries with status
// kPFE_special.
// The caller is responsible for memory pointed by 'ofs'.
// Return number of entries found (<= nofs).
// If ofs = 0, return total number of special entries.
// Make sure we got an open stream
bool wasopen = 0;
if (Open(1,&wasopen) < 0)
return -1;
// Read the header
XrdSutPFHeader header;
if (ReadHeader(header) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// Get offset of the first index entry
kXR_int32 indofs = header.indofs;
// Scan entries
kXR_int32 no = 0;
while (indofs) {
// Read index
XrdSutPFEntInd ind;
if (ReadInd(indofs, ind) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// If active ...
if (ind.entofs > 0) {
// Read entry out
XrdSutPFEntry ent;
if (ReadEnt(ind.entofs, ent) < 0) {
if (!wasopen) Close();
return -1;
// If special ...
if (ent.status == kPFE_special) {
// Record the offset ...
if (ofs) {
ofs[no-1] = indofs;
if (no == nofs) {
// We are done
// Next index entry
indofs = ind.nxtofs;
// Close the file
if (!wasopen) Close();
return no;
kXR_int32 XrdSutPFile::Err(kXR_int32 code, const char *loc,
const char *em1, const char *em2)
// Save code and, if requested, format and print an error
// message
char buf[XrdSutMAXBUF];
int fd = 0, lp = 0, lt = 0;
// Save code for later use
fError = code;
// Build string following the error code
char *errbuf = strerror(errno);
switch (code) {
case kPFErrBadInputs:
"XrdSutPFile::%s: bad input arguments",loc);
case kPFErrFileAlreadyOpen:
"XrdSutPFile::%s: file already open"
" in incompatible mode",loc);
case kPFErrNoFile:
"XrdSutPFile::%s: file %s does not exists",
case kPFErrFileRename:
"XrdSutPFile::%s: error renaming file %s to %s"
" (%s)",loc,em1,em2,errbuf);
case kPFErrStat:
"XrdSutPFile::%s: cannot file %s (%s)",
case kPFErrFileOpen:
"XrdSutPFile::%s: cannot open file %s (%s)",
case kPFErrFileNotOpen:
"XrdSutPFile::%s: file is not open", loc);
case kPFErrLocking:
fd = *((int *)em1);
"XrdSutPFile::%s: cannot lock file descriptor %d (%s)",
case kPFErrUnlocking:
fd = *((int *)em1);
"XrdSutPFile::%s: cannot unlock file descriptor %d (%s)",
case kPFErrFileLocked:
fd = *((int *)em2);
"XrdSutPFile::%s: file %s is locked by process %d",
case kPFErrSeek:
fd = *((int *)em2);
"XrdSutPFile::%s: lseek %s error on descriptor %d (%s)",
case kPFErrRead:
fd = *((int *)em1);
"XrdSutPFile::%s: read error on descriptor %d (%s)",
case kPFErrOutOfMemory:
"XrdSutPFile::%s: out of memory (%s)",
case kPFErrLenMismatch:
lp = *((int *)em1);
lt = *((int *)em2);
"XrdSutPFile::%s: length mismatch: %d (expected: %d)",
case kPFErrBadOp:
"XrdSutPFile::%s: bad option: %s", loc,em1);
DEBUG("unknown error code: "<