/* */
/* X r d S y s I O E v e n t s . h h */
/* */
/* (c) 2012 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
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/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
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#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysAtomics.hh"
//! IOEvents
//! The classes here define a simple I/O event polling architecture suitable
//! for use with non-blocking devices. As it implements an event model, it is
//! not considered a high performance interface. For increased performance, you
//! need to use multiple polling event loops which effectively implements a
//! limited thread model for handling events. The implementation here is similar
//! to libEvent with better handling of timeouts and I/O polling resumption.
//! While, channels are multi-thread safe, they cannot interlock with the state
//! of their file descriptor. You must first disable (via SetFD()) or delete
//! the channel before closing its associated file descriptor. This is the
//! only safe way to keep channels and their file descriptors synchronized.
namespace XrdSys
namespace IOEvents
/* C l a s s C a l l B a c k */
//! Interface
//! The object used to effect a callback when an event occurs on a channel.
//! During the callback, all channels associated with the poller object doing
//! the callback are suspended until the callback object returns. All queued
//! callbacks are handled before the poller resumes any channels. This provides
//! simple serialization for all channels associated with a single poller.
//! You may call any channel method from a callback to effect appropriate
//! changes. You may also delete the channel at any time.
class Channel;
class CallBack
//! Events that may cause a callback object to be activated.
enum EventType
ReadyToRead = 0x01, //!< New data has arrived
ReadTimeOut = 0x02, //!< Read timeout
ReadyToWrite = 0x04, //!< Writing won't block
WriteTimeOut = 0x08, //!< Write timeout
ValidEvents = 0x0f //!< Mask to test for valid events
//! Handle event notification. A method must be supplied. The enable/disable
//! status of the channel is not modified. To change the status, use the
//! channel's Enable() and Disable() method prior to returning. After return,
//! the current channel's status is used to determine how it will behave. If
//! the event is a timeout, the timeout becomes infinite for that event unless
//! Enable() is called for the event. This is to prevent timeout loops on
//! channels that remain enabled even after a timeout. Event loop callbacks
//! define a hazardous programming model. If you do not have a well defined
//! threading model, you should restrict yourself to dealing only with the
//! passed channel object in the callback so as to avoid deadlocks.
//! @param chP the associated channel causing the callback.
//! @param cbArg the callback argument specified for the channel.
//! @param evFlags events that caused this callback to be invoked. More than
//! one event may be indicated (see EventType above).
//! @return true Resume handling the channel with current status.
//! false Disable the channel and remove it from associated poller.
virtual bool Event(Channel *chP, void *cbArg, int evFlags) = 0;
//! Handle fatal error notification. This method is called only when error
//! events are specifically enabled (see Enable() for admonitions). It is
//! passed the reason for the error. Upon return, the channel is disabled but
//! stays attached to the poller so that it can be revitalized with SetFD().
//! You should replace this method if you specifically enable error events.
//! @param chP the associated channel causing the callback.
//! @param cbArg the callback argument specified for the channel.
//! @param eNum the errno associated with the error.
//! @param eTxt descriptive name of the operation encountering the error.
virtual void Fatal(Channel *chP, void *cbArg, int eNum, const char *eTxt)
(void)chP; (void)cbArg; (void)eNum; (void)eTxt;
//! Handle poller stop notification. This method is called only when the poller
//! is stopped and the channel enabled the stop event. You should should replace
//! this method if you specifically enable the stop event. You must not invoke
//! channel methods in this callback, otherwise the results are unpredictable.
//! @param chP the associated channel causing the callback.
//! @param cbArg the callback argument specified for the channel.
virtual void Stop(Channel *chP, void *cbArg) { (void)chP; (void)cbArg;}
//! Constructor
CallBack() {}
//! Destructor
virtual ~CallBack() {}
/* C l a s s C h a n n e l */
//! Describe a channel that is capable of fielding events. A valid channel is
//! associated with a Poller object, a CallBack object, and an open file
//! descriptor. These are normally set at construction time.
class ChannelWait;
class Poller;
class Channel
friend class Poller;
//! Delete a channel. You must use this method instead of delete. The Delete()
//! may block if an channel is being deleted outside of the poller thread.
//! When this object is deleted, all events are disabled, pending callbacks
//! are either completed or canceled, and the channel is removed from the
//! assigned poller. Only then is the storage freed.
void Delete();
//! Event bits used to feed Enable() and Disable(); can be or'd.
enum EventCode {readEvents = 0x01, //!< Read and Read Timeouts
writeEvents = 0x04, //!< Write and Write Timeouts
rwEvents = 0x05, //!< Both of the above
errorEvents = 0x10, //!< Error event non-r/w specific
stopEvent = 0x20, //!< Poller stop event
allEvents = 0x35 //!< All of the above
//! Disable one or more events. Ignored for already disabled events.
//! @param events one or more events or'd together (see EventCode above).
//! @param eText optional pointer to where an operation description is to be
//! placed when an error occurs (i.e. returns false).
//! @return true Events successfully disabled.
//! false Events not disabled; errno holds the error number and if
//! eText is supplied, points to the operation desscription.
bool Disable(int events, const char **eText=0);
//! Enable one or more events. Events that are already enabled remain enabled
//! but may have their timeout value change.
//! Enable can fail for many reasons. Most importantly, if the channel was
//! disabled for all events when a fatal error occurred; enabling it immediately
//! returns the fatal error without invoking the callback. This happens on
//! platforms that disallow physically masking out error events.
//! Additionally, when an error occurs and the channel is not enabled for error
//! events but is enabled for read or write, the callback is called indicating
//! ReadyToRead or ReadyToWrite. A subsequent write will then end with an error
//! (typically, EPIPE) and a subsequent read will end with an erorr or indicate
//! zero bytes read; either of which should be treated as an error (typically,
//! POLLHUP). Generally, you should always allow separable error events.
//! @param events one or more events or'd together (see EventCode above).
//! @param timeout >0 maximum seconds that may elapsed before a timeout event
//! corresponding to the specified event(s) occurs.
//! =0 Keep whatever timeout is currently in effect from the
//! previous Enable() invocation for the event(s).
//! <0 No timeout applies.
//! There can be separate timeouts for read and write if
//! Enable() is separately called for each event code.
//! Otherwise, the timeout applies to all specified events.
//! The timeout is ignored for error events.
//! @param eText optional pointer to where an operation description is to be
//! placed when an error occurs (i.e. returns false).
//! @return true Events successfully enabled.
//! false Events not enabled; errno holds the error number and if
//! eText is supplied, points to the operation desscription.
bool Enable(int events, int timeout=0, const char **eText=0);
//! Get the callback object and argument associated with this channel.
//! @param cbP Place where the pointer is to be returned.
//! @param cbArg Place where the callback argument is to be returned.
void GetCallBack(CallBack **cbP, void **cbArg);
//! Get the events that are currently enabled for this channel.
//! @return >0 Event bits that are enabled (see EventCode above).
//! =0 No events are enabled.
//! <0 Channel not assigned to a Poller object.
inline int GetEvents() {return (chPoller ? static_cast(chEvents) : -1);}
//! Get the file descriptor number associated with this channel.
//! @return >=0 The file descriptor number.
//! < 0 No file desciptor associated with the channel.
inline int GetFD() {return chFD;}
//! Set the callback object and argument associated with this channel.
//! @param cbP Pointer to the callback object (see above). The callback
//! object must not be deleted while associated to a channel. A
//! null callback object pointer effectively disables the channel.
//! @param cbArg The argument to be passed to the callback object.
void SetCallBack(CallBack *cbP, void *cbArg=0);
//! Set a new file descriptor to be associated with this channel. The channel
//! is removed from polling consideration but remains attached to the poller.
//! The new file descriptor is recorded but the channel remains disabled. You
//! must use Enable() to add the file descriptor back to the polling set. This
//! allows you to retract a file descriptor about to be closed without having a
//! new file descriptor handy (e.g., use -1). This facilitates channel re-use.
//! @param fd The associated file descriptor number.
void SetFD(int fd);
//! Constructor.
//! @param pollP Pointer to the poller object to which this channel will be
//! assigned. Events are initially disabled after assignment and no
//! timeout applies. Poller object assignment is permanent for the
//! life of the channel object.
//! @param fd The associated file descriptor number. It should not be
//! assigned to any other channel and must be valid when the
//! channel is enabled. Use SetFD() to set a new value.
//! @param cbP Pointer to the callback object (see above). The callback
//! object must not be deleted while associated to a channel.
//! A callback object must exist in order for the channel to be
//! enabled. Use SetCallBack() if you defered setting it here.
//! @param cbArg The argument to be passed to the callback object.
Channel(Poller *pollP, int fd, CallBack *cbP=0, void *cbArg=0);
//! Destuctor is private, use Delete() to delete this object.
~Channel() {}
struct dlQ {Channel *next; Channel *prev;};
XrdSysRecMutex chMutex;
dlQ attList; // List of attached channels
dlQ tmoList; // List of channels in the timeout queue
Poller *chPoller; // The effective poller
Poller *chPollXQ; // The real poller
CallBack *chCB; // CallBack function
void *chCBA; // CallBack argument
int chFD; // Associated file descriptor
int pollEnt; // Used only for poll() type pollers
int chRTO; // Read timeout value (0 means none)
int chWTO; // Write timeout value (0 means none)
time_t rdDL; // Read deadline
time_t wrDL; // Write deadline
time_t deadLine; // The deadline in effect (read or write)
char dlType; // The deadline type in deadLine as CallBack type
char chEvents; // Enabled events as Channel type
char chStat; // Channel status below (!0 -> in callback mode)
enum Status {isClear = 0, isCBMode, isDead};
char inTOQ; // True if the channel is in the timeout queue
char inPSet; // FD is in the actual poll set
char reMod; // Modify issued while defered, re-issue needed
short chFault; // Defered error, 0 if all is well
void Reset(Poller *thePoller, int fd, int eNum=0);
/* C l a s s P o l l e r */
//! Define a poller object interface. A poller fields and dispatches event
//! callbacks. An actual instance of a poller object is obtained by using the
//! Create() method. You cannot simply create an instance of this object using
//! new or in-place declaration since it is abstract. Any number of these
//! objects may created. Each creation spawns a polling thread.
class Poller
friend class BootStrap;
friend class Channel;
//! Create a specialized instance of a poller object, initialize it, and start
//! the polling process. You must call Create() to obtain a specialized poller.
//! @param eNum Place where errno is placed upon failure.
//! @param eTxt Place where a pointer to the description of the failing
//! operation is to be set. If null, no description is returned.
//! @param crOpts Poller options (see static const optxxx):
//! optTOM - Timeout resumption after a timeout event must be
//! manually reenabled. By default, event timeouts are
//! automatically renabled after successful callbacks.
//! @return !0 Poller successfully created and started.
//! eNum contains zero.
//! eTxt if not null contains a null string.
//! The returned value is a pointer to the Poller object.
//! 0 Poller could not be created.
//! eNum contains the associated errno value.
//! eTxt if not null contains the failing operation.
enum CreateOpts {optTOM};
static Poller *Create(int &eNum, const char **eTxt=0, int crOpts=0);
//! Stop a poller object. Active callbacks are completed. Pending callbacks are
//! discarded. After which the poller event thread exits. Subsequently, each
//! associated channel is disabled and removed from the poller object. If the
//! channel is enabled for a StopEvent, the stop callback is invoked. However,
//! any attempt to use the channel methods that require an active poller will
//! return an error.
//! Since a stopped poller cannot be restarted; the only thing left is to delete
//! it. This also applies to all the associated channels since they no longer
//! have an active poller.
void Stop();
//! Constructor
//! @param cFD The file descriptor to send commands to the poll thread.
//! @param rFD The file descriptor to recv commands in the poll thread.
Poller(int cFD, int rFD);
//! Destructor. Stop() is effecively called when this object is deleted.
virtual ~Poller() {}
struct PipeData;
void CbkTMO();
bool CbkXeq(Channel *cP, int events, int eNum, const char *eTxt);
inline int GetFault(Channel *cP) {return cP->chFault;}
inline int GetPollEnt(Channel *cP) {return cP->pollEnt;}
int GetRequest();
bool Init(Channel *cP, int &eNum, const char **eTxt, bool &isLockd);
inline void LockChannel(Channel *cP) {cP->chMutex.Lock();}
int Poll2Enum(short events);
int SendCmd(PipeData &cmd);
void SetPollEnt(Channel *cP, int ptEnt);
bool TmoAdd(Channel *cP, int tmoSet);
void TmoDel(Channel *cP);
int TmoGet();
inline void UnLockChannel(Channel *cP) {cP->chMutex.UnLock();}
//! Start the polling event loop. An implementation must be supplied. Begin()
//! is called via the internal BootStrap class from a new thread.
virtual void Begin(XrdSysSemaphore *syncp, int &rc, const char **eTxt) = 0;
//! Remove a channel to the poll set. An implementation must be supplied.
//! The channel is locked when this method is called but must be unlocked by the
//! method if a command is sent to the poller thread and isLocked set to false.
virtual void Exclude(Channel *cP, bool &isLocked, bool dover=1) = 0;
//! Add a channel to the poll set. An implementation must be supplied.
//! The channel is locked when this method is called but must be unlocked by the
//! method if a command is sent to the poller thread and isLocked set to false.
virtual bool Include(Channel *cP,
int &eNum,
const char **eTxt,
bool &isLocked) = 0;
//! Modify the event status of a channel. An implementation must be supplied.
//! The channel is locked when this method is called but must be unlocked by the
//! method if a command is sent to the poller thread and isLocked set to false.
virtual bool Modify (Channel *cP,
int &eNum,
const char **eTxt,
bool &isLocked) = 0;
//! Shutdown the poller. An implementation must be supplied. The shutdown method
//! must release any allocated storage and close private file descriptors. The
//! polling thread will have already been terminated and x-thread pipe closed.
//! Warning: the derived destructor *must* call Stop() and do nothing else!
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
// The following is common to all implementations
Channel *attBase; // -> First channel in attach queue or 0
Channel *tmoBase; // -> First channel in timeout queue or 0
pthread_t pollTid; // Poller's thread ID
struct pollfd pipePoll; // Stucture to wait for pipe events
int cmdFD; // FD to send PipeData commands
int reqFD; // FD to recv PipeData requests
struct PipeData {char req; char evt; short ent; int fd;
XrdSysSemaphore *theSem;
enum cmd {NoOp = 0, MdFD = 1, Post = 2,
MiFD = 3, RmFD = 4, Stop = 5};
PipeData(char reQ=0, char evT=0, short enT=0,
int fD =0, XrdSysSemaphore *sP=0)
: req(reQ), evt(evT), ent(enT), fd(fD),
theSem(sP) {}
~PipeData() {}
PipeData reqBuff; // Buffer used by poller thread to recv data
char *pipeBuff; // Read resumption point in buffer
int pipeBlen; // Number of outstanding bytes
unsigned char tmoMask; // Timeout mask
CPP_ATOMIC_TYPE(bool) wakePend; // Wakeup is effectively pending (don't send)
bool chDead; // True if channel deleted by callback
static time_t maxTime; // Maximum time allowed
void Attach(Channel *cP);
void Detach(Channel *cP, bool &isLocked, bool keep=true);
void WakeUp();
// newPoller() called to get a specialized new poll object at in response to
// Create(). A specialized implementation must be supplied.
static Poller *newPoller(int pFD[2], int &eNum, const char **eTxt);
XrdSysMutex adMutex; // Mutex for adding & detaching channels
XrdSysMutex toMutex; // Mutex for handling the timeout list