/* */
/* X r d X r o o t d A i o . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2004 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "Xrd/XrdBuffer.hh"
#include "Xrd/XrdLink.hh"
#include "XProtocol/XProtocol.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh"
#include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsInterface.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdAio.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdFile.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdProtocol.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdStats.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdTrace.hh"
/* S t a t i c O b j e c t s */
XrdBuffManager *XrdXrootdAio::BPool;
XrdScheduler *XrdXrootdAio::Sched;
XrdXrootdStats *XrdXrootdAio::SI;
XrdSysMutex XrdXrootdAio::fqMutex;
XrdXrootdAio *XrdXrootdAio::fqFirst = 0;
const char *XrdXrootdAio::TraceID = "Aio";
int XrdXrootdAio::maxAio;
XrdSysError *XrdXrootdAioReq::eDest;
XrdSysMutex XrdXrootdAioReq::rqMutex;
XrdXrootdAioReq *XrdXrootdAioReq::rqFirst = 0;
const char *XrdXrootdAioReq::TraceID = "AioReq";
int XrdXrootdAioReq::QuantumMin;
int XrdXrootdAioReq::Quantum;
int XrdXrootdAioReq::QuantumMax;
int XrdXrootdAioReq::maxAioPR = 8;
int XrdXrootdAioReq::maxAioPR2 =16;
extern XrdOucTrace *XrdXrootdTrace;
/* X r d X r o o t d A i o : : A l l o c */
XrdXrootdAio *XrdXrootdAio::Alloc(XrdXrootdAioReq *arp, int bsize)
XrdXrootdAio *aiop;
// Obtain an aio object
if ((aiop = fqFirst)) fqFirst = aiop->Next;
else if (maxAio) aiop = addBlock();
if (aiop && (++(SI->AsyncNow) > SI->AsyncMax)) SI->AsyncMax = SI->AsyncNow;
// Allocate a buffer for this object
if (aiop)
{if (bsize && (aiop->buffp = BPool->Obtain(bsize)))
{aiop->sfsAio.aio_buf = (void *)(aiop->buffp->buff);
aiop->aioReq = arp;
aiop->TIdent = arp->Link->ID;
else {aiop->Recycle(); aiop = 0;}
// Return what we have
return aiop;
/* X r d X r o o t d A i o : : d o n e R e a d */
// Aio read requests are double buffered. So, there is only one aiocb active
// at a time. This is done for two reasons:
// 1) Provide a serial stream to the client, and
// 2) avoid swamping the network adapter.
// Additionally, double buffering requires minimal locking and simplifies the
// redrive logic. While this knowledge violates OO design, it substantially
// speeds up async I/O handling. This method is called out of the async event
// handler so it does very little work.
void XrdXrootdAio::doneRead()
// Plase this aio request on the completed queue
aioReq->aioDone = this;
// Extract out any error conditions (keep only the first one)
if (Result >= 0) aioReq->aioTotal += Result;
else if (!aioReq->aioError) aioReq->aioError = Result;
// Schedule the associated arp to redrive the I/O
Sched->Schedule((XrdJob *)aioReq);
/* X r d X r o o t d A i o : : d o n e W r i t e */
// Writes are more complicated because there may be several in transit. This
// is done to keep the client from swamping the network adapter. We try
// to optimize the handling of the aio object for the common cases. This method
// is called out of the async event handler so it does very little work.
void XrdXrootdAio::doneWrite()
char recycle = 0;
// Lock the aioreq object against competition
// Extract out any error conditions (keep only the first one).
if (Result >= 0) {aioReq->myIOLen -= Result;
aioReq->aioTotal += Result;
else if (!aioReq->aioError) aioReq->aioError = Result;
// Redrive the protocol if so requested. It is impossible to have a proocol
// redrive and completed all of the I/O at the same time.
if (aioReq->reDrive)
{Sched->Schedule((XrdJob *)aioReq->Link);
aioReq->reDrive = 0;
// If more aio objects are needed, place this one on the free queue. Otherwise,
// schedule the AioReq object to complete handling the request if no more
// requests are outstanding. It is impossible to have a zero length with more
// requests outstanding.
//cerr <<"doneWrite left " <numActive <<' ' <myIOLen <myIOLen > 0)
{Next = aioReq->aioFree; aioReq->aioFree = this;}
else {if (!(aioReq->numActive)) Sched->Schedule((XrdJob *)aioReq);
recycle = 1;
// All done, perform early recycling if possible
if (recycle) Recycle();
/* X r d X r o o t d A i o : : R e c y c l e */
void XrdXrootdAio::Recycle()
// Recycle the buffer
if (buffp) {BPool->Release(buffp); buffp = 0;}
// Add this object to the free queue
Next = fqFirst;
fqFirst = this;
if (--(SI->AsyncNow) < 0) SI->AsyncNow=0;
/* P r i v a t e M e t h o d s */
/* X r d X r o o t d A i o : : a d d B l o c k */
XrdXrootdAio *XrdXrootdAio::addBlock()
const int numalloc = 4096/sizeof(XrdXrootdAio);
int i = (numalloc <= maxAio ? numalloc : maxAio);
XrdXrootdAio *aiop;
TRACE(DEBUG, "Adding " <Next = fqFirst; fqFirst = aiop; aiop++;}
return aiop;
/* X r d X r o o t d A i o R e q */
/* X r d X r o o t d A i o R e q : : A l l o c */
// Implicit Parameters: prot->myIOLen // Length of i/o request
// prot->myOffset // Starting offset
// prot->myFile // Target file
// prot->Link // Link object
// prot->response // Response object
XrdXrootdAioReq *XrdXrootdAioReq::Alloc(XrdXrootdProtocol *prot,
char iotype, int numaio)
int i, cntaio, myQuantum, iolen = prot->myIOLen;
XrdXrootdAioReq *arp;
XrdXrootdAio *aiop;
// Obtain an aioreq object
if ((arp = rqFirst)) rqFirst = arp->Next;
else arp = addBlock();
// Make sure we have one, fully reset it if we do
if (!arp) return arp;
if (!numaio) numaio = maxAioPR;
// Compute the number of aio objects should get and the Quantum size we should
// use. This is a delicate balancing act. We don't want too many segments but
// neither do we want too large of an i/o size. So, if the i/o size is less than
// the quantum then use half a quantum. If the number of segments is greater
// than twice what we would like, then use a larger quantum size.
if (iolen < Quantum)
{myQuantum = QuantumMin;
if (!(cntaio = iolen / myQuantum)) cntaio = 1;
else if (iolen % myQuantum) cntaio++;
} else {cntaio = iolen / Quantum;
if (cntaio <= maxAioPR2) myQuantum = Quantum;
else {myQuantum = QuantumMax;
cntaio = iolen / myQuantum;
if (iolen % myQuantum) cntaio++;
// Get appropriate number of aio objects
i = (maxAioPR < cntaio ? maxAioPR : cntaio);
while(i && (aiop = XrdXrootdAio::Alloc(arp, myQuantum)))
{aiop->Next = arp->aioFree; arp->aioFree = aiop; i--;}
// Make sure we have at least the minimum number of aio objects
if (i && (maxAioPR - i) < 2 && cntaio > 1)
{arp->Recycle(0); return (XrdXrootdAioReq *)0;}
// Complete the request information
if (iotype != 'w') prot->Link->setRef(1);
arp->Instance = prot->Link->Inst();
arp->myIOLen = iolen; // Amount that is left to send
arp->myOffset = prot->myOffset;
arp->myFile = prot->myFile;
arp->Response = prot->Response;
arp->aioType = iotype;
// Return what we have
return arp;
/* X r d X r o o t d A i o R e q : : g e t A i o */
XrdXrootdAio *XrdXrootdAioReq::getAio()
XrdXrootdAio *aiop;
// Grab the next free aio object. If none, we return a null pointer. While this
// is a classic consumer/producer problem, normally handled by a semaphore,
// doing so would cause more threads to be tied up as the load increases. We
// want the opposite effect for scaling purposes. So, we use a redrive scheme.
if ((aiop = aioFree)) {aioFree = aiop->Next; aiop->Next = 0;}
else reDrive = 1;
return aiop;
/* X r d X r o o t d A i o R e q : : I n i t */
void XrdXrootdAioReq::Init(int iosize, int maxaiopr, int maxaio)
XrdXrootdAio *aiop;
XrdXrootdAioReq *arp;
// Set the pointer to the buffer pool, scheduler and statistical area, these are
// only used by the Aio object
XrdXrootdAio::Sched = XrdXrootdProtocol::Sched;
XrdXrootdAio::BPool = XrdXrootdProtocol::BPool;
XrdXrootdAio::SI = XrdXrootdProtocol::SI;
// Set the pointer to the error object and compute the limits
eDest = &XrdXrootdProtocol::eDest;
Quantum = static_cast(iosize);
QuantumMin = Quantum / 2;
QuantumMax = Quantum * 2;
if (QuantumMax > XrdXrootdProtocol::maxBuffsz)
QuantumMax = XrdXrootdProtocol::maxBuffsz;
// Set the maximum number of aio objects we can have (used by Aio object only)
// Note that sysconf(_SC_AIO_MAX) usually provides an unreliable number if it
// provides a number at all.
maxAioPR = (maxaiopr < 1 ? 8 : maxaiopr);
maxAioPR2 = maxAioPR * 2;
XrdXrootdAio::maxAio = (maxaio < maxAioPR ? maxAioPR : maxaio);
// Do some debuging
TRACE(DEBUG, "Max aio/req=" <Next = rqFirst; rqFirst = arp; arp++;}
return arp;
/* C l e a r */
void XrdXrootdAioReq::Clear(XrdLink *lnkp)
Next = 0;
myOffset = 0;
myIOLen = 0;
Instance = 0;
Link = lnkp;
myFile = 0;
aioDone = 0;
aioFree = 0;
numActive = 0;
aioTotal = 0;
aioError = 0;
aioType = 0;
respDone = 0;
isLocked = 0;
reDrive = 0;
/* X r d X r o o t d A i o R e q : : e n d R e a d */
void XrdXrootdAioReq::endRead()
XrdXrootdAio *aiop;
int rc;
// For read requests, schedule the next read request and send the data we
// already have. Since we don't know if that read will complete before we
// can send the data of the just completed read, we must lock the AioReq.
// We do know that if we have the lock, absolutely nothing is in transit.
// Do a sanity check. The link should not have changed hands but stranger
// things have happened.
if (!(Link->isInstance(Instance))) {Scuttle("aio read"); return;}
// Dequeue the completed request (we know we're just double buffered but the
// queueing is structured so this works even we're n-buffered.
aiop = aioDone;
aioDone = aiop->Next;
// If we encountered an error, send off the error message now and terminate
if (aioError
|| (myIOLen > 0 && aiop->Result == aiop->buffp->bsize && (aioError=Read())))
{sendError((char *)aiop->TIdent);
Recycle(1, aiop);
// We may or may not have an I/O request in flight. However, send off
// whatever data we have at this point.
rc = (numActive ?
Response.Send(kXR_oksofar, aiop->buffp->buff, aiop->Result) :
Response.Send( aiop->buffp->buff, aiop->Result));
// Stop the operation if no I/O is in flight. Make the request stop-pending if
// we could not send the data to the client.
if (!numActive)
Recycle(1, aiop);
else {aiop->Next = aioFree, aioFree = aiop;
if (rc < 0) {aioError = -1; respDone = 1;}
/* X r d X r o o t d A i o R e q : : e n d W r i t e */
void XrdXrootdAioReq::endWrite()
// For write requests, this method is called when all of the I/O has completed
// There is no need to lock this object since nothing is pending. In any case,
// Do a sanity check. The link should not have changed hands but stranger
// things have happened.
if (!(Link->isInstance(Instance))) {Scuttle("aio write"); return;}
// If we encountered an error, send off the error message else indicate all OK
if (aioError) sendError(Link->ID);
else Response.Send();
// Add in the bytes written. This is approzimate because it is done without
// obtaining any kind of lock. Fortunately, it only statistical in nature.
// We are done, simply recycle ouselves.
/* X r d X r o o t d A i o R e q : : S c u t t l e */
void XrdXrootdAioReq::Scuttle(const char *opname)
// Log this event. We can't trust much of anything at this point.
eDest->Emsg("scuttle",opname,"failed; link reassigned to",Link->ID);
// We can just recycle ourselves at this point since we know we are in a
// transition window where nothing is active w.r.t. this request.
/* X r d X r o o t d A i o R e q : : s e n d E r r o r */
// Warning! The caller must have appropriately serialized the use of this method
void XrdXrootdAioReq::sendError(char *tident)
char mbuff[4096];
int rc;
// If a response was sent, don't send one again
if (respDone) return;
respDone = 1;
// Generate message text. We can't rely on the sfs interface to do this since
// that interface is synchronous.
snprintf(mbuff, sizeof(mbuff)-1, "XrdXrootdAio: Unable to %s %s; %s",
(aioType == 'r' ? "read" : "write"), myFile->XrdSfsp->FName(),
// Please the error message in the log
eDest->Emsg("aio", tident, mbuff);
// Remap the error from the filesystem
rc = XProtocol::mapError(aioError);
// Send the erro back to the client (ignore any errors)
Response.Send((XErrorCode)rc, mbuff);