/* */
/* X r d X r o o t d C o n f i g . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2010 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Deprtment of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#ifdef __solaris__
#include "XrdVersion.hh"
#include "XProtocol/XProtocol.hh"
#include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsInterface.hh"
#include "XrdNet/XrdNetOpts.hh"
#include "XrdNet/XrdNetSocket.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOuca2x.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucEnv.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucProg.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucReqID.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucStream.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucTrace.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucUtils.hh"
#include "XrdSec/XrdSecLoadSecurity.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysHeaders.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysLogger.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdAdmin.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdAio.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdCallBack.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdFile.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdFileLock.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdFileLock1.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdJob.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdMonitor.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdPrepare.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdProtocol.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdStats.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdTrace.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdTransit.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdXPath.hh"
#include "Xrd/XrdBuffer.hh"
#include "Xrd/XrdInet.hh"
/* P r o t o c o l C o m m a n d L i n e O p t i o n s */
/* This is the XRootd server. The syntax is:
xrootd [options]
options: [] [-r] [-t] [-y] [path]
xopt are xrd specified options that are screened out.
-r This is a redirecting server.
-t This server is a redirection target.
-y This server is a proxy server.
path Export path. Any number of paths may be specified.
By default, only '/tmp' is exported.
/* G l o b a l s */
extern XrdOucTrace *XrdXrootdTrace;
XrdXrootdPrepare *XrdXrootdPrepQ;
const char *XrdXrootdInstance;
int XrdXrootdPort;
/* C o n f i g u r e */
int XrdXrootdProtocol::Configure(char *parms, XrdProtocol_Config *pi)
Function: Establish configuration at load time.
Input: None.
Output: 0 upon success or !0 otherwise.
extern XrdSfsFileSystem *XrdSfsGetDefaultFileSystem
(XrdSfsFileSystem *nativeFS,
XrdSysLogger *Logger,
const char *configFn,
XrdOucEnv *EnvInfo);
extern XrdSfsFileSystem *XrdXrootdloadFileSystem(XrdSysError *,
XrdSfsFileSystem *,
char *, int,
const char *, XrdOucEnv *);
extern XrdSfsFileSystem *XrdDigGetFS
(XrdSfsFileSystem *nativeFS,
XrdSysLogger *Logger,
const char *configFn,
const char *theParms);
extern int optind, opterr;
XrdOucEnv myEnv;
XrdXrootdXPath *xp;
char *adminp, *rdf, *bP, *tmp, c, buff[1024];
int i, n, deper = 0;
// Copy out the special info we want to use at top level
XrdXrootdTrace = new XrdOucTrace(&eDest);
SI = new XrdXrootdStats(pi->Stats);
Sched = pi->Sched;
BPool = pi->BPool;
hailWait = pi->hailWait;
readWait = pi->readWait;
Port = pi->Port;
myInst = pi->myInst;
Window = pi->WSize;
WANPort = pi->WANPort;
WANWindow = pi->WANWSize;
// Record globally accessible values
XrdXrootdInstance = pi->myInst;
XrdXrootdPort = pi->Port;
// Set the callback object static areas now!
XrdXrootdCallBack::setVals(&eDest, SI, Sched, Port);
// Prohibit this program from executing as superuser
if (geteuid() == 0)
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "Security reasons prohibit xrootd running as "
"superuser; xrootd is terminating.");
// Process any command line options
opterr = 0; optind = 1;
if (pi->argc > 1 && '-' == *(pi->argv[1]))
while ((c=getopt(pi->argc,pi->argv,"mrst")) && ((unsigned char)c != 0xff))
{ switch(c)
case 'r': deper = 1;
XrdOucEnv::Export("XRDREDIRECT", "R");
case 'm': XrdOucEnv::Export("XRDREDIRECT", "R");
case 't': deper = 1;
XrdOucEnv::Export("XRDRETARGET", "1");
case 's': XrdOucEnv::Export("XRDRETARGET", "1");
case 'y': XrdOucEnv::Export("XRDREDPROXY", "1");
default: eDest.Say("Config warning: ignoring invalid option '",pi->argv[optind-1],"'.");
// Check for deprecated options
if (deper) eDest.Say("Config warning: '-r -t' are deprecated; use '-m -s' instead.");
// Pick up exported paths
for ( ; optind < pi->argc; optind++) xexpdo(pi->argv[optind]);
// Pre-initialize some i/o values. Note that we now set maximum readv element
// transfer size to the buffer size (before it was a reasonable 256K).
if (!(as_miniosz = as_segsize/2)) as_miniosz = as_segsize;
n = (pi->theEnv ? pi->theEnv->GetInt("MaxBuffSize") : 0);
maxTransz = maxBuffsz = (n ? n : BPool->MaxSize());
memset(Route, 0, sizeof(Route));
// Now process and configuration parameters
rdf = (parms && *parms ? parms : pi->ConfigFN);
if (rdf && Config(rdf)) return 0;
if (pi->DebugON) XrdXrootdTrace->What = TRACE_ALL;
// Check if we are exporting a generic object name
{eDest.Say("Config exporting ", XPList.Path(n)); n += 2;}
else n = 0;
// Check if we are exporting anything
if (!(xp = XPList.Next()) && !n)
{XPList.Insert("/tmp"); n = 8;
eDest.Say("Config warning: only '/tmp' will be exported.");
} else {
while(xp) {eDest.Say("Config exporting ", xp->Path(i));
n += i+2; xp = xp->Next();
// Export the exports
bP = tmp = (char *)malloc(n);
{strcpy(bP, XPList.Path(i)); bP += i, *bP++ = ' ';}
xp = XPList.Next();
while(xp) {strcpy(bP, xp->Path(i)); bP += i; *bP++ = ' '; xp = xp->Next();}
*(bP-1) = '\0';
XrdOucEnv::Export("XRDEXPORTS", tmp); free(tmp);
// Initialize the security system if this is wanted
if (!ConfigSecurity(myEnv, pi->ConfigFN)) return 0;
// Set up the network for self-identification and display it
pi->NetTCP->netIF.Display("Config ");
// Establish our specific environment that will be passed along
myEnv.PutPtr("XrdInet*", (void *)(pi->NetTCP));
myEnv.PutPtr("XrdNetIF*", (void *)(&(pi->NetTCP->netIF)));
myEnv.PutPtr("XrdScheduler*", Sched);
// Copy over the xrd environment which contains plugin argv's
if (pi->theEnv) myEnv.PutPtr("xrdEnv*", pi->theEnv);
// Get the filesystem to be used
if (FSLib[0])
{TRACE(DEBUG, "Loading base filesystem library " <ConfigFN, &myEnv);
} else {
osFS = XrdSfsGetDefaultFileSystem(0,eDest.logger(),pi->ConfigFN,&myEnv);
if (!osFS)
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "Unable to load file system.");
return 0;
} else {
if (FSLib[0]) osFS->EnvInfo(&myEnv);
// Check if we have a wrapper library
if (FSLib[1])
{TRACE(DEBUG, "Loading wrapper filesystem library " <ConfigFN, &myEnv);
if (!osFS)
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "Unable to load file system wrapper.");
return 0;
} else osFS->EnvInfo(&myEnv);
// Check if the diglib should be loaded. We only support the builtin one. In
// the future we will have to change this code to be like the above.
if (digParm)
{TRACE(DEBUG, "Loading dig filesystem builtin");
digFS = XrdDigGetFS(osFS, eDest.logger(), pi->ConfigFN, digParm);
if (!digFS) eDest.Emsg("Config","Unable to load digFS; "
"remote debugging disabled!");
// Check if we are going to be processing checksums locally
if (JobCKT && JobLCL)
{XrdOucErrInfo myError("Config");
XrdOucTList *tP = JobCKTLST;
do {if (osFS->chksum(XrdSfsFileSystem::csSize,tP->text,0,myError))
{eDest.Emsg("Config",tP->text,"checksum is not natively supported.");
return 0;
tP->ival[1] = myError.getErrInfo();
tP = tP->next;
} while(tP);
// Initialiaze for AIO
if (getenv("XRDXROOTD_NOAIO")) as_noaio = 1;
else if (!as_noaio) XrdXrootdAioReq::Init(as_segsize, as_maxperreq, as_maxpersrv);
else eDest.Say("Config warning: asynchronous I/O has been disabled!");
// Create the file lock manager
Locker = (XrdXrootdFileLock *)new XrdXrootdFileLock1();
XrdXrootdFile::Init(Locker, &eDest, as_nosf == 0);
if (as_nosf) eDest.Say("Config warning: sendfile I/O has been disabled!");
// Schedule protocol object cleanup (also advise the transit protocol)
ProtStack.Set(pi->Sched, XrdXrootdTrace, TRACE_MEM);
n = (pi->ConnMax/3 ? pi->ConnMax/3 : 30);
ProtStack.Set(n, 60*60);
XrdXrootdTransit::Init(pi->Sched, n, 60*60);
// Initialize the request ID generation object
PrepID = new XrdOucReqID(pi->urAddr, (int)Port);
// Initialize for prepare processing
XrdXrootdPrepQ = new XrdXrootdPrepare(&eDest, pi->Sched);
sprintf(buff, "udp://%s:%d/&L=%%d&U=%%s", pi->myName, pi->Port);
Notify = strdup(buff);
// Set the redirect flag if we are a pure redirector
myRole = kXR_isServer; myRolf = kXR_DataServer;
if ((rdf = getenv("XRDREDIRECT"))
&& (!strcmp(rdf, "R") || !strcmp(rdf, "M")))
{isRedir = *rdf;
myRole = kXR_isManager; myRolf = kXR_LBalServer;
if (!strcmp(rdf, "M")) myRole |=kXR_attrMeta;
if (getenv("XRDREDPROXY")) myRole |=kXR_attrProxy;
// Check if we are redirecting anything
if ((xp = RPList.Next()))
{int k;
char buff[2048], puff[1024];
do {k = xp->Opts();
if (Route[k].Host[0] == Route[k].Host[1]
&& Route[k].Port[0] == Route[k].Port[1]) *puff = 0;
else sprintf(puff, "%%%s:%d", Route[k].Host[1], Route[k].Port[1]);
sprintf(buff," to %s:%d%s",Route[k].Host[0],Route[k].Port[0],puff);
eDest.Say("Config redirect static ", xp->Path(), buff);
xp = xp->Next();
} while(xp);
if ((xp = RQList.Next()))
{int k;
const char *cgi1, *cgi2;
char buff[2048], puff[1024], xCgi[RD_Num] = {0};
if (isRedir) {cgi1 = "+"; cgi2 = getenv("XRDCMSCLUSTERID");}
else {cgi1 = ""; cgi2 = pi->myName;}
myCNlen = snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s%s", cgi1, cgi2);
myCName = strdup(buff);
do {k = xp->Opts();
if (Route[k].Host[0] == Route[k].Host[1]
&& Route[k].Port[0] == Route[k].Port[1]) *puff = 0;
else sprintf(puff, "%%%s:%d", Route[k].Host[1], Route[k].Port[1]);
sprintf(buff," to %s:%d%s",Route[k].Host[0],Route[k].Port[0],puff);
eDest.Say("Config redirect enoent ", xp->Path(), buff);
if (!xCgi[k] && cgi2)
{bool isdup = Route[k].Host[0] == Route[k].Host[1]
&& Route[k].Port[0] == Route[k].Port[1];
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
{n = snprintf(buff,sizeof(buff), "%s?tried=%s%s",
Route[k].Host[i], cgi1, cgi2);
free(Route[k].Host[i]); Route[k].Host[i] = strdup(buff);
Route[k].RDSz[i] = n;
if (isdup) {Route[k].Host[1] = Route[k].Host[0];
Route[k].RDSz[1] = n; break;
xCgi[k] = 1;
xp = xp->Next();
} while(xp);
// Initialize monitoring (it won't do anything if it wasn't enabled)
if (!XrdXrootdMonitor::Init(Sched, &eDest, pi->myName, pi->myProg,
myInst, Port)) return 0;
// Add all jobs that we can run to the admin object
if (JobCKS) XrdXrootdAdmin::addJob("chksum", JobCKS);
// Establish the path to be used for admin functions. We will loose this
// storage upon an error but we don't care because we'll just exit.
adminp = XrdOucUtils::genPath(pi->AdmPath, 0, ".xrootd");
// Setup the admin path (used in all roles).
if (!(AdminSock = XrdNetSocket::Create(&eDest, adminp, "admin", pi->AdmMode))
|| !XrdXrootdAdmin::Init(&eDest, AdminSock)) return 0;
// Setup pid file
// Finally, check if we really need to be in bypass mode if it is set
if (OD_Bypass)
{const char *penv = getenv("XRDXROOTD_PROXY");
if (!penv || *penv != '=')
{OD_Bypass = false;
eDest.Say("Config warning: 'fsoverload bypass' ignored; "
"not a forwarding proxy.");
// Return success
return 1;
/* C o n f i g */
#define TS_Xeq(x,m) (!strcmp(x,var)) GoNo = m(Config)
int XrdXrootdProtocol::Config(const char *ConfigFN)
XrdOucEnv myEnv;
XrdOucStream Config(&eDest, getenv("XRDINSTANCE"), &myEnv, "=====> ");
char *var;
int cfgFD, GoNo, NoGo = 0, ismine;
// Open and attach the config file
if ((cfgFD = open(ConfigFN, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0)
return eDest.Emsg("Config", errno, "open config file", ConfigFN);
// Process items
while((var = Config.GetMyFirstWord()))
{ if ((ismine = !strncmp("xrootd.", var, 7)) && var[7]) var += 7;
else if ((ismine = !strcmp("all.export", var))) var += 4;
else if ((ismine = !strcmp("all.pidpath",var))) var += 4;
else if ((ismine = !strcmp("all.seclib", var))) var += 4;
if (ismine)
{ if TS_Xeq("async", xasync);
else if TS_Xeq("chksum", xcksum);
else if TS_Xeq("diglib", xdig);
else if TS_Xeq("export", xexp);
else if TS_Xeq("fslib", xfsl);
else if TS_Xeq("fsoverload", xfso);
else if TS_Xeq("log", xlog);
else if TS_Xeq("monitor", xmon);
else if TS_Xeq("pidpath", xpidf);
else if TS_Xeq("prep", xprep);
else if TS_Xeq("redirect", xred);
else if TS_Xeq("seclib", xsecl);
else if TS_Xeq("trace", xtrace);
else if TS_Xeq("limit", xlimit);
else {eDest.Say("Config warning: ignoring unknown directive '",var,"'.");
if (GoNo) {Config.Echo(); NoGo = 1;}
return NoGo;
/* P r i v a t e F u n c t i o n s */
/* P i d F i l e */
void XrdXrootdProtocol::PidFile()
int rc, xfd;
char buff[32], pidFN[1200];
char *ppath=XrdOucUtils::genPath(pidPath,XrdOucUtils::InstName(-1));
const char *xop = 0;
if ((rc = XrdOucUtils::makePath(ppath,XrdOucUtils::pathMode)))
{xop = "create"; errno = rc;}
else {snprintf(pidFN, sizeof(pidFN), "%s/xrootd.pid", ppath);
if ((xfd = open(pidFN, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,0644)) < 0)
xop = "open";
else {if (write(xfd,buff,snprintf(buff,sizeof(buff),"%d",
static_cast(getpid()))) < 0) xop = "write";
if (xop) eDest.Emsg("Config", errno, xop, pidFN);
/* C o n f i g S e c u r i t y */
int XrdXrootdProtocol::ConfigSecurity(XrdOucEnv &xEnv, const char *cfn)
XrdSecGetProt_t secGetProt = 0;
// Check if we need to loadanything
if (!SecLib)
{eDest.Say("Config warning: 'xrootd.seclib' not specified;"
" strong authentication disabled!");
xEnv.PutPtr("XrdSecGetProtocol*", (void *)0);
xEnv.PutPtr("XrdSecProtector*" , (void *)0);
return 1;
// Blad some debugging info
TRACE(DEBUG, "Loading security library " <] [maxsegs ]
[maxtot ] [segsize ]
[minsize ] [maxstalls ]
[force] [syncw] [off] [nosf]
maximum number of async ops per link. Default 8.
maximum number of async ops per request. Default 8.
maximum number of async ops per server. Default is 20%
of maximum connection times aiopl divided by two.
The aio segment size. This is the maximum size that data
will be read or written. The defaults to 64K but is
adjusted for each request to minimize latency.
the minimum number of bytes that must be read or written
to allow async processing to occur (default is maxbsz/2
typically 1M).
Maximum number of client stalls before synchronous i/o is
used. Async mode is tried after requests.
force Uses async i/o for all requests, even when not explicitly
requested (this is compatible with synchronous clients).
syncw Use synchronous i/o for write requests.
off Disables async i/o
nosf Disables use of sendfile to send data to the client.
Output: 0 upon success or 1 upon failure.
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xasync(XrdOucStream &Config)
char *val;
int i, ppp;
int V_force=-1, V_syncw = -1, V_off = -1, V_mstall = -1, V_nosf = -1;
int V_limit=-1, V_msegs=-1, V_mtot=-1, V_minsz=-1, V_segsz=-1;
int V_minsf=-1;
long long llp;
struct asyncopts {const char *opname; int minv; int *oploc;
const char *opmsg;} asopts[] =
{"force", -1, &V_force, ""},
{"off", -1, &V_off, ""},
{"nosf", -1, &V_nosf, ""},
{"syncw", -1, &V_syncw, ""},
{"limit", 0, &V_limit, "async limit"},
{"segsize", 4096, &V_segsz, "async segsize"},
{"maxsegs", 0, &V_msegs, "async maxsegs"},
{"maxstalls", 0, &V_mstall,"async maxstalls"},
{"maxtot", 0, &V_mtot, "async maxtot"},
{"minsfsz", 1, &V_minsf, "async minsfsz"},
{"minsize", 4096, &V_minsz, "async minsize"}};
int numopts = sizeof(asopts)/sizeof(struct asyncopts);
if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "async option not specified"); return 1;}
while (val)
{for (i = 0; i < numopts; i++)
if (!strcmp(val, asopts[i].opname))
{if (asopts[i].minv >= 0 && !(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config","async",(char *)asopts[i].opname,
"value not specified");
return 1;
if (asopts[i].minv > 0)
if (XrdOuca2x::a2sz(eDest,asopts[i].opmsg, val, &llp,
(long long)asopts[i].minv)) return 1;
else *asopts[i].oploc = (int)llp;
else if (asopts[i].minv == 0)
if (XrdOuca2x::a2i(eDest,asopts[i].opmsg,val,&ppp,1))
return 1;
else *asopts[i].oploc = ppp;
else *asopts[i].oploc = 1;
if (i >= numopts)
eDest.Emsg("Config", "Warning, invalid async option", val);
val = Config.GetWord();
// Make sure max values are consistent
if (V_limit > 0 && V_mtot > 0 && V_limit > V_mtot)
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "async limit may not be greater than maxtot");
return 1;
// Calculate the actual segment size
if (V_segsz > 0)
{i = BPool->Recalc(V_segsz);
if (!i) {eDest.Emsg("Config", "async segsize is too large"); return 1;}
if (i != V_segsz)
{char buff[64];
sprintf(buff, "%d readjusted to %d", V_segsz, i);
eDest.Emsg("Config", "async segsize", buff);
V_segsz = i;
// Establish async options
if (V_limit > 0) as_maxperlnk = V_limit;
if (V_msegs > 0) as_maxperreq = V_msegs;
if (V_mtot > 0) as_maxpersrv = V_mtot;
if (V_minsz > 0) as_miniosz = V_minsz;
if (V_segsz > 0) as_segsize = V_segsz;
if (V_mstall> 0) as_maxstalls = V_mstall;
if (V_force > 0) as_force = 1;
if (V_off > 0) as_noaio = 1;
if (V_syncw > 0) as_syncw = 1;
if (V_nosf > 0) as_nosf = 1;
if (V_minsf > 0) as_minsfsz = V_minsf;
return 0;
/* x c k s u m */
/* Function: xcksum
Purpose: To parse the directive: chksum [chkcgi] [max ] []
max maximum number of simultaneous jobs
chkcgi Always check for checksum type in cgo info.
algorithm of checksum (e.g., md5). If more than one
checksum is supported then they should be listed with
each separated by a space.
the path of the program performing the checksum
If no path is given, the checksum is local.
Output: 0 upon success or !0 upon failure.
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xcksum(XrdOucStream &Config)
static XrdOucProg *theProg = 0;
int (*Proc)(XrdOucStream *, char **, int) = 0;
XrdOucTList *tP, *algFirst = 0, *algLast = 0;
char *palg, prog[2048];
int jmax = 4, anum[2] = {0,0};
// Get the algorithm name and the program implementing it
JobCKCGI = 0;
while ((palg = Config.GetWord()) && *palg != '/')
{if (!strcmp(palg,"chkcgi")) {JobCKCGI = 1; continue;}
if (strcmp(palg, "max"))
XrdOucTList *xalg = new XrdOucTList(palg, anum); anum[0]++;
if (algLast) algLast->next = xalg;
else algFirst = xalg;
algLast = xalg;
if (!(palg = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "chksum max not specified"); return 1;}
if (XrdOuca2x::a2i(eDest, "chksum max", palg, &jmax, 0)) return 1;
// Verify we have an algoritm
if (!algFirst)
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "chksum algorithm not specified"); return 1;}
if (JobCKT) free(JobCKT);
JobCKT = strdup(algFirst->text);
// Handle alternate checksums
while((tP = JobCKTLST)) {JobCKTLST = tP->next; delete tP;}
JobCKTLST = algFirst;
if (algFirst->next) JobCKCGI = 2;
// Handle program if we have one
if (palg)
{int n = strlen(palg);
if (n+2 >= (int)sizeof(prog))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "cksum program too long"); return 1;}
strcpy(prog, palg); palg = prog+n; *palg++ = ' '; n = sizeof(prog)-n-1;
if (!Config.GetRest(palg, n))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "cksum parameters too long"); return 1;}
} else *prog = 0;
// Check if we have a program. If not, then this will be a local checksum and
// the algorithm will be verified after we load the filesystem.
if (*prog) JobLCL = 0;
else { JobLCL = 1; Proc = &CheckSum; strcpy(prog, "chksum");}
// Set up the program and job
if (!theProg) theProg = new XrdOucProg(0);
if (theProg->Setup(prog, &eDest, Proc)) return 1;
if (JobCKS) delete JobCKS;
if (jmax) JobCKS = new XrdXrootdJob(Sched, theProg, "chksum", jmax);
else JobCKS = 0;
return 0;
/* x d i g */
/* Function: xdig
Purpose: To parse the directive: diglib *
* use builtin digfs library (only one supported now).
parms parameters for digfs.
Output: 0 upon success or !0 upon failure.
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xdig(XrdOucStream &Config)
char parms[4096], *val;
// Get the path
if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "digfslib not specified"); return 1;}
// Make sure it refers to an internal one
if (strcmp(val, "*"))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "builtin diglib not specified"); return 1;}
// Grab the parameters
if (!Config.GetRest(parms, sizeof(parms)))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "diglib parameters too long"); return 1;}
if (digParm) free(digParm);
digParm = strdup(parms);
// All done
return 0;
/* x e x p */
/* Function: xexp
Purpose: To parse the directive: export [lock|nolock] [mwfiles]
the path to be exported.
Output: 0 upon success or !0 upon failure.
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xexp(XrdOucStream &Config)
char *val, pbuff[1024];
int popt = 0;
// Get the path
val = Config.GetWord();
if (!val || !val[0])
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "export path not specified"); return 1;}
strlcpy(pbuff, val, sizeof(pbuff));
// Get export lock option
while((val = Config.GetWord()))
{ if (!strcmp( "nolock", val)) popt |= XROOTDXP_NOLK;
else if (!strcmp( "lock", val)) popt &= ~XROOTDXP_NOLK;
else if (!strcmp("mwfiles", val)) popt |= XROOTDXP_NOMWCHK;
else {Config.RetToken(); break;}
// Add path to configuration
return xexpdo(pbuff, popt);
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xexpdo(char *path, int popt)
char *opaque;
int xopt;
// Check if we are exporting a generic name
if (*path == '*')
if (*(path+1))
{if (*(path+1) == '?') popt &= ~XROOTDXP_NOCGI;
else {eDest.Emsg("Config","invalid export path -",path);return 1;}
XPList.Set(popt, path);
return 0;
// Make sure path start with a slash
if (rpCheck(path, &opaque))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "non-absolute export path -", path); return 1;}
// Record the path
if (!(xopt = Squash(path)) || xopt != (popt|XROOTDXP_OK))
XPList.Insert(path, popt);
return 0;
/* x f s l */
/* Function: xfsl
Purpose: To parse the directive: fslib [throttle | [-2] ]
{default | [-2] }
-2 Uses version2 of the plugin initializer.
This is ignored now because it's always done.
throttle load libXrdThrottle.so as the head interface.
load the named library as the head interface.
default load libXrdOfs.so ro libXrdPss.so as the tail
interface. This is the default.
load the named library as the tail interface.
Output: 0 upon success or !0 upon failure.
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xfsl(XrdOucStream &Config)
char *val;
// Clear storage pointers
if (FSLib[0]) {free(FSLib[0]); FSLib[0] = 0;}
if (FSLib[1]) {free(FSLib[1]); FSLib[1] = 0;}
FSLvn[0] = FSLvn[1] = 0;
// Get the path
if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "fslib not specified"); return 1;}
// Check if this is "thottle"
if (!strcmp("throttle", val))
{FSLib[1] = strdup("libXrdThrottle.so");
if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config","fslib throttle target library not specified");
return 1;
return xfsL(Config, val, 0);
// Check for default or default library, the common case
if (xfsL(Config, val, 1)) return 1;
if (!FSLib[1]) return 0;
// If we dont have another token, then demote the previous library
if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{FSLib[0] = FSLib[1]; FSLib[1] = 0;
FSLvn[0] = FSLvn[1]; FSLvn[1] = 0;
return 0;
// Check for default or default library, the common case
return xfsL(Config, val, 0);
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xfsL(XrdOucStream &Config, char *val, int lix)
char *Slash;
int lvn = 0;
// Check if this is a version token
if (!strcmp(val, "-2"))
{lvn = 2;
if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "fslib not specified"); return 1;}
// We will play fast and furious with the syntax as "default" should not be
// prefixed with a version number but will let that pass.
if (!strcmp("default", val)) return 0;
// If this is the "standard" name tell the user that we are ignoring this lib.
// Otherwise, record the path and return.
if (!(Slash = rindex(val, '/'))) Slash = val;
else Slash++;
if (!strcmp(Slash, "libXrdOfs.so"))
eDest.Say("Config warning: 'fslib libXrdOfs.so' is actually built-in.");
else {FSLib[lix] = strdup(val); FSLvn[lix] = lvn;}
return 0;
/* x f s o */
/* Function: xfso
Purpose: To parse the directive: fsoverload [options]
options: [[no]bypass] [redirect :[%:]]
[stall ]
bypass If path is a forwarding path, redirect client to the
location specified in the path to bypass this server.
The default is nobypass.
redirect Redirect the request to the specified destination.
stall Stall the client seconds. The default is 33.
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xfso(XrdOucStream &Config)
static const int rHLen = 264;
char rHost[2][rHLen], *hP[2] = {0,0}, *val;
int rPort[2], bypass = -1, stall = -1;
// Process all of the options
while((val = Config.GetWord()) && *val)
{ if (!strcmp(val, "bypass")) bypass = 1;
else if (!strcmp(val, "nobypass")) bypass = 0;
else if (!strcmp(val, "redirect"))
{val = Config.GetWord();
if (!xred_php(val, hP, rPort)) return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
{if (!hP[i]) rHost[i][0] = 0;
else {strlcpy(rHost[i], hP[i], rHLen);
hP[i] = rHost[i];
else if (!strcmp(val, "stall"))
{if (!(val = Config.GetWord()) || !(*val))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "stall value not specified");
return 1;
if (XrdOuca2x::a2tm(eDest,"stall",val,&stall,0,32767))
return 1;
else {eDest.Emsg("config","invalid fsoverload option",val); return 1;}
// Set all specified values
if (bypass >= 0) OD_Bypass = (bypass ? true : false);
if (stall >= 0) OD_Stall = stall;
if (hP[0])
{if (Route[RD_ovld].Host[0]) free(Route[RD_ovld].Host[0]);
if (Route[RD_ovld].Host[1]) free(Route[RD_ovld].Host[1]);
Route[RD_ovld].Host[0] = strdup(hP[0]);
Route[RD_ovld].Port[0] = rPort[0];
Route[RD_ovld].RDSz[0] = strlen(hP[0]);
if (hP[1])
{Route[RD_ovld].Host[1] = strdup(hP[1]);
Route[RD_ovld].Port[1] = rPort[1];
Route[RD_ovld].RDSz[1] = strlen(hP[1]);
} else {
Route[RD_ovld].Host[1] = Route[RD_ovld].Host[0];
Route[RD_ovld].Port[1] = Route[RD_ovld].Port[0];
Route[RD_ovld].RDSz[1] = Route[RD_ovld].RDSz[0];
OD_Redir = true;
} else OD_Redir = false;
return 0;
/* x l o g */
/* Function: xlog
Purpose: To parse the directive: log
the blank separated list of events to log.
Output: 0 upon success or 1 upon failure.
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xlog(XrdOucStream &Config)
char *val;
static struct logopts {const char *opname; int opval;} lgopts[] =
{"all", -1},
{"disc", SYS_LOG_02},
{"login", SYS_LOG_01}
int i, neg, lgval = -1, numopts = sizeof(lgopts)/sizeof(struct logopts);
if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("config", "log option not specified"); return 1;}
while (val)
{if ((neg = (val[0] == '-' && val[1]))) val++;
for (i = 0; i < numopts; i++)
{if (!strcmp(val, lgopts[i].opname))
{if (neg) lgval &= ~lgopts[i].opval;
else lgval |= lgopts[i].opval;
if (i >= numopts) eDest.Emsg("config","invalid log option",val);
val = Config.GetWord();
return 0;
/* x m o n */
/* Function: xmon
Purpose: Parse directive: monitor [all] [auth] [flush [io] ]
[fstat [lfn] [ops] [ssq] [xfr ]
[ident ] [mbuff ] [rbuff ]
[rnums ] [window ]
dest [Events]
Events: [files] [fstat] [info] [io] [iov] [redir] [user]
all enables monitoring for all connections.
auth add authentication information to "user".
flush [io] time (seconds, M, H) between auto flushes. When
io is given applies only to i/o events.
fstat produces an "f" stream for open & close events
specifies the flush interval (also see xfr)
lfn - adds lfn to the open event
ops - adds the ops record when the file is closed
ssq - computes the sum of squares for the ops rec
xfr - inserts i/o stats for open files every
*. Minimum is 1.
ident time (seconds, M, H) between identification records.
mbuff size of message buffer for event trace monitoring.
rbuff size of message buffer for redirection monitoring.
rnums bumber of redirections monitoring streams.
window time (seconds, M, H) between timing marks.
dest specified routing information. Up to two dests
may be specified.
files only monitors file open/close events.
fstats vectors the "f" stream to the destination
info monitors client appid and info requests.
io monitors I/O requests, and files open/close events.
iov like I/O but also unwinds vector reads.
redir monitors request redirections
user monitors user login and disconnect events.
where monitor records are to be sentvia UDP.
Output: 0 upon success or !0 upon failure. Ignored by master.
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xmon(XrdOucStream &Config)
{ static const char *mrMsg[] = {"monitor mbuff value not specified",
"monitor rbuff value not specified",
"monitor mbuff", "monitor rbuff"
char *val = 0, *cp, *monDest[2] = {0, 0};
long long tempval;
int i, monFlash = 0, monFlush=0, monMBval=0, monRBval=0, monWWval=0;
int monIdent = 3600, xmode=0, monMode[2] = {0, 0}, mrType, *flushDest;
int monRnums = 0, monFSint = 0, monFSopt = 0, monFSion = 0;
int haveWord = 0;
while(haveWord || (val = Config.GetWord()))
{haveWord = 0;
if (!strcmp("all", val)) xmode = XROOTD_MON_ALL;
else if (!strcmp("auth", val))
monMode[0] = monMode[1] = XROOTD_MON_AUTH;
else if (!strcmp("flush", val))
{if ((val = Config.GetWord()) && !strcmp("io", val))
{ flushDest = &monFlash; val = Config.GetWord();}
else flushDest = &monFlush;
if (!val)
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "monitor flush value not specified");
return 1;
if (XrdOuca2x::a2tm(eDest,"monitor flush",val,
flushDest,1)) return 1;
else if (!strcmp("fstat",val))
{if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "monitor fstat value not specified");
return 1;
if (XrdOuca2x::a2tm(eDest,"monitor fstat",val,
&monFSint,0)) return 1;
while((val = Config.GetWord()))
if (!strcmp("lfn", val)) monFSopt |= XROOTD_MON_FSLFN;
else if (!strcmp("ops", val)) monFSopt |= XROOTD_MON_FSOPS;
else if (!strcmp("ssq", val)) monFSopt |= XROOTD_MON_FSSSQ;
else if (!strcmp("xfr", val))
{if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "monitor fstat xfr count not specified");
return 1;
if (XrdOuca2x::a2i(eDest,"monitor fstat io count",
val, &monFSion,1)) return 1;
else {haveWord = 1; break;}
else if (!strcmp("mbuff",val) || !strcmp("rbuff",val))
{mrType = (*val == 'r');
if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", mrMsg[mrType]); return 1;}
if (XrdOuca2x::a2sz(eDest,mrMsg[mrType+2], val,
&tempval, 1024, 65536)) return 1;
if (mrType) monRBval = static_cast(tempval);
else monMBval = static_cast(tempval);
else if (!strcmp("ident", val))
{if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "monitor ident value not specified");
return 1;
if (XrdOuca2x::a2tm(eDest,"monitor ident",val,
&monIdent,0)) return 1;
else if (!strcmp("rnums", val))
{if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "monitor rnums value not specified");
return 1;
if (XrdOuca2x::a2i(eDest,"monitor rnums",val, &monRnums,1,
XrdXrootdMonitor::rdrMax)) return 1;
else if (!strcmp("window", val))
{if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "monitor window value not specified");
return 1;
if (XrdOuca2x::a2tm(eDest,"monitor window",val,
&monWWval,1)) return 1;
else break;
if (!val) {eDest.Emsg("Config", "monitor dest not specified"); return 1;}
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
{if (strcmp("dest", val)) break;
while((val = Config.GetWord()))
if (!strcmp("files",val)) monMode[i] |= XROOTD_MON_FILE;
else if (!strcmp("fstat",val)) monMode[i] |= XROOTD_MON_FSTA;
else if (!strcmp("info", val)) monMode[i] |= XROOTD_MON_INFO;
else if (!strcmp("io", val)) monMode[i] |= XROOTD_MON_IO;
else if (!strcmp("iov", val)) monMode[i] |= (XROOTD_MON_IO
else if (!strcmp("redir",val)) monMode[i] |= XROOTD_MON_REDR;
else if (!strcmp("user", val)) monMode[i] |= XROOTD_MON_USER;
else break;
if (!val) {eDest.Emsg("Config","monitor dest value not specified");
return 1;
if (!(cp = index(val, (int)':')) || !atoi(cp+1))
{eDest.Emsg("Config","monitor dest port missing or invalid in",val);
return 1;
monDest[i] = strdup(val);
if (!(val = Config.GetWord())) break;
if (val)
{if (!strcmp("dest", val))
eDest.Emsg("Config", "Warning, a maximum of two dest values allowed.");
else eDest.Emsg("Config", "Warning, invalid monitor option", val);
// Make sure dests differ
if (monDest[0] && monDest[1] && !strcmp(monDest[0], monDest[1]))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "Warning, monitor dests are identical.");
monMode[0] |= monMode[1]; monMode[1] = 0;
free(monDest[1]); monDest[1] = 0;
// Add files option if I/O is enabled
if (monMode[0] & XROOTD_MON_IO) monMode[0] |= XROOTD_MON_FILE;
if (monMode[1] & XROOTD_MON_IO) monMode[1] |= XROOTD_MON_FILE;
// If ssq was specified, make sure we support IEEE754 floating point
#if !defined(__solaris__) || !defined(_IEEE_754)
if (monFSopt & XROOTD_MON_FSSSQ && !(std::numeric_limits::is_iec559))
eDest.Emsg("Config","Warning, 'fstat ssq' ignored; platform does not "
"use IEEE754 floating point.");
// Set the monitor defaults
XrdXrootdMonitor::Defaults(monMBval, monRBval, monWWval,
monFlush, monFlash, monIdent, monRnums,
monFSint, monFSopt, monFSion);
if (monDest[0]) monMode[0] |= (monMode[0] ? xmode : XROOTD_MON_FILE|xmode);
if (monDest[1]) monMode[1] |= (monMode[1] ? xmode : XROOTD_MON_FILE|xmode);
return 0;
/* x p i d f */
/* Function: xpidf
Purpose: To parse the directive: pidpath
the path where the pid file is to be created.
Output: 0 upon success or !0 upon failure.
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xpidf(XrdOucStream &Config)
char *val;
// Get the path
val = Config.GetWord();
if (!val || !val[0])
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "pidpath not specified"); return 1;}
// Record the path
if (pidPath) free(pidPath);
pidPath = strdup(val);
return 0;
/* x p r e p */
/* Function: xprep
Purpose: To parse the directive: prep [keep ] [scrub ]
[logdir ]
keep time (seconds, M, H) to keep logdir entries.
scrub time (seconds, M, H) between logdir scrubs.
logdir the absolute path to the prepare log directory.
Output: 0 upon success or !0 upon failure. Ignored by master.
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xprep(XrdOucStream &Config)
{ int rc, keep = 0, scrub=0;
char *ldir=0,*val,buff[1024];
if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "prep options not specified"); return 1;}
do { if (!strcmp("keep", val))
{if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "prep keep value not specified");
return 1;
if (XrdOuca2x::a2tm(eDest,"prep keep int",val,&keep,1)) return 1;
else if (!strcmp("scrub", val))
{if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "prep scrub value not specified");
return 1;
if (XrdOuca2x::a2tm(eDest,"prep scrub",val,&scrub,0)) return 1;
else if (!strcmp("logdir", val))
{if (!(ldir = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "prep logdir value not specified");
return 1;
else eDest.Emsg("Config", "Warning, invalid prep option", val);
} while((val = Config.GetWord()));
// Set the values
if (scrub || keep) XrdXrootdPrepare::setParms(scrub, keep);
if (ldir)
if ((rc = XrdOucUtils::genPath(buff, sizeof(buff), ldir, myInst)) < 0
|| (rc = XrdOucUtils::makePath(buff, XrdOucUtils::pathMode)) < 0
|| (rc = XrdXrootdPrepare::setParms(buff)) < 0)
{eDest.Emsg("Config", rc, "process logdir", ldir);
return 1;
return 0;
/* x r e d */
/* Function: xred
Purpose: To parse the directive: redirect :[%:]
are one or more of the following functions that will
be immediately redirected to :. Each function
may be prefixed by a minus sign to disable redirection.
chmod dirlist locate mkdir mv prepare rm rmdir stat
redirects the client when an attempt is made to open
one of absolute . Up to 4 different redirect
combinations may be specified. When prefixed by "?"
then the redirect applies to any operation on the path
that results in an ENOENT error.
Output: 0 upon success or !0 upon failure.
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xred(XrdOucStream &Config)
static struct rediropts {const char *opname; RD_func opval;} rdopts[] =
{"chmod", RD_chmod},
{"chksum", RD_chksum},
{"dirlist", RD_dirlist},
{"locate", RD_locate},
{"mkdir", RD_mkdir},
{"mv", RD_mv},
{"prepare", RD_prepare},
{"rm", RD_rm},
{"rmdir", RD_rmdir},
{"stat", RD_stat},
{"trunc", RD_trunc}
static const int rHLen = 264;
char rHost[2][rHLen], *hP[2], *val;
int i, k, neg, numopts = sizeof(rdopts)/sizeof(struct rediropts);
int rPort[2], isQ = 0;
// Get the host and port
val = Config.GetWord();
if (!xred_php(val, hP, rPort)) return 1;
// Copy out he values as the target variable will be lost
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
{if (!hP[i]) rHost[i][0] = 0;
else {strlcpy(rHost[i], hP[i], rHLen);
hP[i] = rHost[i];
// Set all redirect target functions
if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("config", "redirect option not specified"); return 1;}
if (*val == '/' || (isQ = ((*val == '?') || !strcmp(val,"enoent"))))
{if (isQ)
{RQLxist = 1;
if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "redirect path not specified.");
return 1;
if (*val != '/')
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "non-absolute redirect path -", val);
return 1;
for (k = static_cast(RD_open1); k < RD_Num; k++)
if (xred_xok(k, hP, rPort)) break;
if (k >= RD_Num)
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "too many diffrent path redirects"); return 1;}
xred_set(RD_func(k), hP, rPort);
do {if (isQ) RQList.Insert(val, k, 0);
else RPList.Insert(val, k, 0);
if ((val = Config.GetWord()) && *val != '/')
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "non-absolute redirect path -", val);
return 1;
} while(val);
return 0;
while (val)
{if (!strcmp(val, "all"))
{for (i = 0; i < numopts; i++)
xred_set(rdopts[i].opval, hP, rPort);
else {if ((neg = (val[0] == '-' && val[1]))) val++;
for (i = 0; i < numopts; i++)
{if (!strcmp(val, rdopts[i].opname))
{if (neg) xred_set(rdopts[i].opval, 0, 0);
else xred_set(rdopts[i].opval, hP, rPort);
if (i >= numopts)
eDest.Emsg("config", "invalid redirect option", val);
val = Config.GetWord();
return 0;
bool XrdXrootdProtocol::xred_php(char *val, char *hP[2], int rPort[2])
char *pp;
// Make sure we have a value
if (!val || !(*val))
{eDest.Emsg("config", "redirect option not specified"); return false;}
// Check if we have two hosts here
hP[0] = val;
if (!(pp = index(val, '%'))) hP[1] = 0;
else {hP[1] = pp+1; *pp = 0;}
// Verify corectness here
if (!(*val) || (hP[1] && !*hP[1]))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "malformed redirect host specification");
return false;
// Process the hosts
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
{if (!(val = hP[i])) break;
if (!val || !val[0] || val[0] == ':')
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "redirect host not specified"); return false;}
if (!(pp = rindex(val, ':')))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "redirect port not specified"); return false;}
if (!(rPort[i] = atoi(pp+1)))
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "redirect port is invalid"); return false;}
*pp = '\0';
// All done
return true;
void XrdXrootdProtocol::xred_set(RD_func func, char *rHost[2], int rPort[2])
// Reset static redirection
if (Route[func].Host[0]) free(Route[func].Host[0]);
if (Route[func].Host[0] != Route[func].Host[1]) free(Route[func].Host[1]);
if (rHost)
{Route[func].Host[0] = strdup(rHost[0]);
Route[func].Port[0] = rPort[0];
} else {
Route[func].Host[0] = Route[func].Host[1] = 0;
Route[func].Port[0] = Route[func].Port[1] = 0;
if (!rHost[1])
{Route[func].Host[1] = Route[func].Host[0];
Route[func].Port[1] = Route[func].Port[0];
} else {
Route[func].Host[1] = strdup(rHost[1]);
Route[func].Port[1] = rPort[1];
bool XrdXrootdProtocol::xred_xok(int func, char *rHost[2], int rPort[2])
if (!Route[func].Host[0]) return true;
if (strcmp(Route[func].Host[0], rHost[0])
|| Route[func].Port[0] != rPort[0]) return false;
if (!rHost[1]) return Route[func].Host[0] == Route[func].Host[1];
if (strcmp(Route[func].Host[1], rHost[1])
|| Route[func].Port[1] != rPort[1]) return false;
return true;
/* x s e c l */
/* Function: xsecl
Purpose: To parse the directive: seclib {default | }
the path of the security library to be used.
"default" uses the default security library.
Output: 0 upon success or !0 upon failure.
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xsecl(XrdOucStream &Config)
char *val;
// Get the path
val = Config.GetWord();
if (!val || !val[0])
{eDest.Emsg("Config", "XRootd seclib not specified"); return 1;}
// Record the path
if (SecLib) free(SecLib);
SecLib = strdup(val);
return 0;
/* x t r a c e */
/* Function: xtrace
Purpose: To parse the directive: trace
the blank separated list of events to trace. Trace
directives are cummalative.
Output: 0 upon success or 1 upon failure.
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xtrace(XrdOucStream &Config)
char *val;
static struct traceopts {const char *opname; int opval;} tropts[] =
{"all", TRACE_ALL},
{"emsg", TRACE_EMSG},
{"debug", TRACE_DEBUG},
{"fs", TRACE_FS},
{"login", TRACE_LOGIN},
{"mem", TRACE_MEM},
{"stall", TRACE_STALL},
{"redirect", TRACE_REDIR},
{"request", TRACE_REQ},
{"response", TRACE_RSP}
int i, neg, trval = 0, numopts = sizeof(tropts)/sizeof(struct traceopts);
if (!(val = Config.GetWord()))
{eDest.Emsg("config", "trace option not specified"); return 1;}
while (val)
{if (!strcmp(val, "off")) trval = 0;
else {if ((neg = (val[0] == '-' && val[1]))) val++;
for (i = 0; i < numopts; i++)
{if (!strcmp(val, tropts[i].opname))
{if (neg) trval &= ~tropts[i].opval;
else trval |= tropts[i].opval;
if (i >= numopts)
eDest.Emsg("config", "invalid trace option", val);
val = Config.GetWord();
XrdXrootdTrace->What = trval;
return 0;
/* x l i m i t */
/* Function: xlimit
Purpose: To parse the directive: limit [prepare ] [noerror]
prepare The maximum number of prepares that are allowed
during the course of a single connection
noerror When possible, do not issue an error when a limit
is hit.
Output: 0 upon success or 1 upon failure.
int XrdXrootdProtocol::xlimit(XrdOucStream &Config)
int plimit = -1;
const char *word;
// Look for various limits set
while ( (word = Config.GetWord()) ) {
if (!strcmp(word, "prepare")) {
if (!(word = Config.GetWord()))
eDest.Emsg("Config", "'limit prepare' value not specified");
return 1;
if (XrdOuca2x::a2i(eDest, "limit prepare", word, &plimit, 0)) { return 1; }
} else if (!strcmp(word, "noerror")) {
LimitError = false;
if (plimit >= 0) {PrepareLimit = plimit;}
return 0;