/* */
/* X r d X r o o t d M o n F i l e . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2012 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "Xrd/XrdScheduler.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPlatform.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdMonFile.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdFileStats.hh"
/* G l o b a l s */
namespace XrdXrootdMonInfo
extern long long mySID;
/* S t a t i c M e m b e r s */
XrdSysError *XrdXrootdMonFile::eDest = 0;
XrdScheduler *XrdXrootdMonFile::Sched = 0;
XrdSysMutex XrdXrootdMonFile::bfMutex;
XrdSysMutex XrdXrootdMonFile::fmMutex;
XrdXrootdMonFMap XrdXrootdMonFile::fmMap[XrdXrootdMonFMap::mapNum];
short XrdXrootdMonFile::fmUse[XrdXrootdMonFMap::mapNum] = {0};
char *XrdXrootdMonFile::repBuff = 0;
XrdXrootdMonHeader *XrdXrootdMonFile::repHdr = 0;
XrdXrootdMonFileTOD *XrdXrootdMonFile::repTOD = 0;
char *XrdXrootdMonFile::repNext = 0;
char *XrdXrootdMonFile::repFirst = 0;
char *XrdXrootdMonFile::repLast = 0;
int XrdXrootdMonFile::totRecs = 0;
int XrdXrootdMonFile::xfrRecs = 0;
int XrdXrootdMonFile::repSize = 0;
int XrdXrootdMonFile::repTime = 0;
int XrdXrootdMonFile::fmHWM =-1;
int XrdXrootdMonFile::crecSize = 0;
int XrdXrootdMonFile::xfrCnt = 0;
int XrdXrootdMonFile::xfrRem = 0;
XrdXrootdMonFileXFR XrdXrootdMonFile::xfrRec;
short XrdXrootdMonFile::crecNLen = 0;
short XrdXrootdMonFile::trecNLen = 0;
char XrdXrootdMonFile::fsLFN = 0;
char XrdXrootdMonFile::fsLVL = 0;
char XrdXrootdMonFile::fsOPS = 0;
char XrdXrootdMonFile::fsSSQ = 0;
char XrdXrootdMonFile::fsXFR = 0;
char XrdXrootdMonFile::crecFlag = 0;
/* C l o s e */
void XrdXrootdMonFile::Close(XrdXrootdFileStats *fsP, bool isDisc)
XrdXrootdMonFileCLS cRec;
char *cP;
int iEnt, iMap, iSlot;
// If this object was registered for I/O reporting, deregister it.
if (fsP->MonEnt != -1)
{iEnt = fsP->MonEnt & 0xffff;
iMap = iEnt >> XrdXrootdMonFMap::fmShft;
iSlot = iEnt & XrdXrootdMonFMap::fmMask;
fsP->MonEnt = -1;
if (fmMap[iMap].Free(iSlot)) fmUse[iMap]--;
if (iMap == fmHWM) while(fmHWM >= 0 && !fmUse[fmHWM]) fmHWM--;
// Insert a close record header (mostly precomputed)
cRec.Hdr.recType = XrdXrootdMonFileHdr::isClose;
cRec.Hdr.recFlag = crecFlag;
if (isDisc) cRec.Hdr.recFlag |= XrdXrootdMonFileHdr::forced;
cRec.Hdr.recSize = crecNLen;
cRec.Hdr.fileID = fsP->FileID;
// Insert the I/O bytes
cRec.Xfr.read = htonll(fsP->xfr.read);
cRec.Xfr.readv = htonll(fsP->xfr.readv);
cRec.Xfr.write = htonll(fsP->xfr.write);
// Insert ops if so wanted
if (fsOPS)
{cRec.Ops.read = htonl (fsP->ops.read);
if (fsP->ops.read)
{cRec.Ops.rdMin = htonl (fsP->ops.rdMin);
cRec.Ops.rdMax = htonl (fsP->ops.rdMax);
} else {
cRec.Ops.rdMin = cRec.Ops.rdMax = 0;
cRec.Ops.readv = htonl (fsP->ops.readv);
cRec.Ops.rsegs = htonll(fsP->ops.rsegs);
if (fsP->ops.readv)
{cRec.Ops.rsMin = htons (fsP->ops.rsMin);
cRec.Ops.rsMax = htons (fsP->ops.rsMax);
cRec.Ops.rvMin = htonl (fsP->ops.rvMin);
cRec.Ops.rvMax = htonl (fsP->ops.rvMax);
} else {
cRec.Ops.rsMin = cRec.Ops.rsMax = 0;
cRec.Ops.rvMin = cRec.Ops.rvMax = 0;
cRec.Ops.write = htonl (fsP->ops.write);
if (fsP->ops.write)
{cRec.Ops.wrMin = htonl (fsP->ops.wrMin);
cRec.Ops.wrMax = htonl (fsP->ops.wrMax);
} else {
cRec.Ops.wrMin = cRec.Ops.wrMax = 0;
// Record sum of squares if so needed
if (fsSSQ)
{XrdXrootdMonDouble xval;
xval.dreal = fsP->ssq.read;
cRec.Ssq.read.dlong = htonll(xval.dlong);
xval.dreal = fsP->ssq.readv;
cRec.Ssq.readv.dlong = htonll(xval.dlong);
xval.dreal = fsP->ssq.rsegs;
cRec.Ssq.rsegs.dlong = htonll(xval.dlong);
xval.dreal = fsP->ssq.write;
cRec.Ssq.write.dlong = htonll(xval.dlong);
// Get a pointer to the next slot (the buffer gets locked)
cP = GetSlot(crecSize);
memcpy(cP, &cRec, crecSize);
/* D e f a u l t s */
void XrdXrootdMonFile::Defaults(int intv, int opts, int xfrcnt)
// Set the reporting interval and I/O counter
repTime = intv;
xfrCnt = xfrcnt;
xfrRem = xfrcnt;
// Expand out the options
fsXFR = (opts & XROOTD_MON_FSXFR) != 0;
fsLFN = (opts & XROOTD_MON_FSLFN) != 0;
fsSSQ = (opts & XROOTD_MON_FSSSQ) != 0;
// Set monitoring level
if (fsSSQ) fsLVL = XrdXrootdFileStats::monSsq;
else if (fsOPS) fsLVL = XrdXrootdFileStats::monOps;
else if (intv) fsLVL = XrdXrootdFileStats::monOn;
else fsLVL = XrdXrootdFileStats::monOff;
/* D i s c */
void XrdXrootdMonFile::Disc(unsigned int usrID)
static short drecSize = htons(sizeof(XrdXrootdMonFileDSC));
XrdXrootdMonFileDSC *dP;
// Get a pointer to the next slot (the buffer gets locked)
dP = (XrdXrootdMonFileDSC *)GetSlot(sizeof(XrdXrootdMonFileDSC));
// Fill out the record. It's pretty simple
dP->Hdr.recType = XrdXrootdMonFileHdr::isDisc;
dP->Hdr.recFlag = 0;
dP->Hdr.recSize = drecSize;
dP->Hdr.userID = usrID;
/* D o I t */
void XrdXrootdMonFile::DoIt()
// First check if we need to report all the I/O stats
if (!xfrRem) DoXFR();
// Check if we should flush the buffer
if (repNext) Flush();
// Reschedule ourselves
XrdXrootdMonitor::Sched->Schedule((XrdJob *)this, time(0)+repTime);
/* Private: D o X F R */
void XrdXrootdMonFile::DoXFR()
XrdXrootdFileStats *fsP;
int keep, i, n, hwm;
// Reset interval counter
xfrRem = xfrCnt;
// Grab the high watermark once
hwm = fmHWM;
// Report on all the files we have registered. This is a CPU burner as we
// periodically drop the lock to allow open/close requests to come through.
for (i = 0; i <= hwm; i++)
if (fmUse[i])
{n = 0;
keep = XrdXrootdMonFMap::fmHold;
while((fsP = fmMap[i].Next(n)))
{if (fsP->xfrXeq) DoXFR(fsP);
if (!keep--)
keep = XrdXrootdMonFMap::fmHold;
void XrdXrootdMonFile::DoXFR(XrdXrootdFileStats *fsP)
long long xfrRead, xfrReadv, xfrWrite;
char *cP;
// Turn off the activity flag
fsP->xfrXeq = 0;
// Grab the I/O bytes to get a somewhat consistent image here
xfrRead = fsP->xfr.read;
xfrReadv = fsP->xfr.readv;
xfrWrite = fsP->xfr.write;
// Complete the record
xfrRec.Hdr.fileID = fsP->FileID;
xfrRec.Xfr.read = htonll(xfrRead);
xfrRec.Xfr.readv = htonll(xfrReadv);
xfrRec.Xfr.write = htonll(xfrWrite);
// Get a pointer to the next slot (the buffer gets locked)
cP = GetSlot(sizeof(xfrRec));
memcpy(cP, &xfrRec, sizeof(xfrRec));
/* I n i t */
bool XrdXrootdMonFile::Init(XrdScheduler *sp, XrdSysError *errp, int bfsz)
XrdXrootdMonFile *mfP;
int alignment, pagsz = getpagesize();
// Set the variables
Sched = sp;
eDest = errp;
// Allocate a socket buffer
alignment = (bfsz < pagsz ? 1024 : pagsz);
if (posix_memalign((void **)&repBuff, alignment, bfsz))
{eDest->Emsg("MonFile", "Unable to allocate monitor buffer.");
return false;
// Set the header (always present)
repHdr = (XrdXrootdMonHeader *)repBuff;
repHdr->code = XROOTD_MON_MAPFSTA;
repHdr->pseq = 0;
repHdr->stod = XrdXrootdMonitor::startTime;
// Set the time record (always present)
repTOD = (XrdXrootdMonFileTOD *)(repBuff + sizeof(XrdXrootdMonHeader));
repTOD->Hdr.recType = XrdXrootdMonFileHdr::isTime;
repTOD->Hdr.recFlag = XrdXrootdMonFileHdr::hasSID;
repTOD->Hdr.recSize = htons(sizeof(XrdXrootdMonFileTOD));
repTOD->sID = static_cast(XrdXrootdMonInfo::mySID);
// Establish first real record in the buffer (always fixed)
repFirst = repBuff+sizeof(XrdXrootdMonHeader)+sizeof(XrdXrootdMonFileTOD);
// Calculate the end nut the next slot always starts with a null pointer
repLast = repBuff+bfsz-1;
repNext = 0;
// Calculate the close record size and the initial flags
crecSize = sizeof(XrdXrootdMonFileHdr) + sizeof(XrdXrootdMonStatXFR);
if (fsSSQ || fsOPS)
{crecSize += sizeof(XrdXrootdMonStatOPS);
crecFlag = XrdXrootdMonFileHdr::hasOPS;
} else crecFlag = 0;
if (fsSSQ)
{crecSize += sizeof(XrdXrootdMonStatSSQ);
crecFlag |= XrdXrootdMonFileHdr::hasSSQ;
crecNLen = htons(static_cast(crecSize));
// Preformat the i/o record
xfrRec.Hdr.recType = XrdXrootdMonFileHdr::isXfr;
xfrRec.Hdr.recFlag = 0;
xfrRec.Hdr.recSize = htons(static_cast(sizeof(xfrRec)));
// Calculate the tod record size
trecNLen = htons(static_cast(sizeof(XrdXrootdMonFileTOD)));
// Allocate an instance of ourselves so we can schedule ourselves
mfP = new XrdXrootdMonFile();
// Schedule an the flushes
XrdXrootdMonitor::Sched->Schedule((XrdJob *)mfP, time(0)+repTime);
return true;
/* Private: F l u s h */
void XrdXrootdMonFile::Flush() // The bfMutex must be locked
static int seq = 0;
int bfSize;
// Update the sequence number
repHdr->pseq = static_cast(0x00ff & seq++);
// Insert ending timestamp and record counts
repTOD->Hdr.nRecs[0] = htons(static_cast(xfrRecs));
repTOD->Hdr.nRecs[1] = htons(static_cast(totRecs));
repTOD->tEnd = htonl(static_cast(time(0)));
// Calculate buffer size and stick into the header
bfSize = (repNext - repBuff);
repHdr->plen = htons(static_cast(bfSize));
repNext = 0;
// Write this out
XrdXrootdMonitor::Send(XROOTD_MON_FSTA, repBuff, bfSize);
repTOD->tBeg = repTOD->tEnd;
xfrRecs = totRecs = 0;
/* Private: G e t S l o t */
char *XrdXrootdMonFile::GetSlot(int slotSZ)
char *myRec;
// Lock this code to prevent interference (we should use double buffering)
// Note that the caller must do the unlock when finished with the slot.
// Check if we need to flush the buffer (sets repNext to zero). Otherwise,
// if this is the first record insert a timestamp.
if (repNext)
{if ((repNext + slotSZ) > repLast)
repNext = repFirst;
} else {
repTOD->tBeg = htonl(static_cast(time(0)));
repNext = repFirst;
// Return the slot
myRec = repNext;
repNext += slotSZ;
return myRec;
/* O p e n */
void XrdXrootdMonFile::Open(XrdXrootdFileStats *fsP, const char *Path,
unsigned int uDID, bool isRW)
static const int minRecSz = sizeof(XrdXrootdMonFileOPN)
- sizeof(XrdXrootdMonFileLFN);
XrdXrootdMonFileOPN *oP;
int i = 0, sNum = -1, rLen, pLen = 0;
// Assign the path a dictionary id if not assigned via file monitoring
if (fsP->FileID == 0) fsP->FileID = XrdXrootdMonitor::GetDictID();
// Add this open to the map table if we are doing I/O stats.
if (fsXFR)
for (i = 0; i < XrdXrootdMonFMap::mapNum; i++)
if (fmUse[i] < XrdXrootdMonFMap::fmSize)
{if ((sNum = fmMap[i].Insert(fsP)) >= 0)
if (i > fmHWM) fmHWM = i;
// Generate the cookie (real or virtual) to find the entry in the map table.
// Supply the monitoring options for effeciency.
fsP->MonEnt = (sNum | (i << XrdXrootdMonFMap::fmShft)) & 0xffff;
fsP->monLvl = fsLVL;
fsP->xfrXeq = 0;
// Compute the size of this record
rLen = minRecSz;
if (fsLFN)
{pLen = strlen(Path);
rLen += sizeof(kXR_unt32) + pLen;
i = (rLen + 8) & ~0x00000003;
pLen = pLen + (i - rLen);
rLen = i;
// Get a pointer to the next slot (the buffer gets locked)
oP = (XrdXrootdMonFileOPN *)GetSlot(rLen);
// Fill out the record
oP->Hdr.recType = XrdXrootdMonFileHdr::isOpen;
oP->Hdr.recFlag = (isRW ? XrdXrootdMonFileHdr::hasRW : 0);
oP->Hdr.recSize = htons(static_cast(rLen));
oP->Hdr.fileID = fsP->FileID;
oP->fsz = htonll(fsP->fSize);
// Append user and path if so wanted (sizes have been verified)
if (fsLFN)
{oP->Hdr.recFlag |= XrdXrootdMonFileHdr::hasLFN;
oP->ufn.user = uDID;
strncpy(oP->ufn.lfn, Path, pLen);