/* */
/* X r d X r o o t d P r o t o c o l . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2004 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdVersion.hh"
#include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsInterface.hh"
#include "Xrd/XrdBuffer.hh"
#include "Xrd/XrdLink.hh"
#include "XProtocol/XProtocol.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucStream.hh"
#include "XrdSec/XrdSecProtect.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysTimer.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdAio.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdFile.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdFileLock.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdFileLock1.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdMonFile.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdMonitor.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdPio.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdProtocol.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdStats.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdTrace.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdXPath.hh"
/* G l o b a l s */
XrdOucTrace *XrdXrootdTrace;
XrdXrootdXPath XrdXrootdProtocol::RPList;
XrdXrootdXPath XrdXrootdProtocol::RQList;
XrdXrootdXPath XrdXrootdProtocol::XPList;
XrdSfsFileSystem *XrdXrootdProtocol::osFS;
XrdSfsFileSystem *XrdXrootdProtocol::digFS = 0;
char *XrdXrootdProtocol::FSLib[2] = {0, 0};
int XrdXrootdProtocol::FSLvn[2] = {0, 0};
char *XrdXrootdProtocol::digLib = 0;
char *XrdXrootdProtocol::digParm = 0;
XrdXrootdFileLock *XrdXrootdProtocol::Locker;
XrdSecService *XrdXrootdProtocol::CIA = 0;
XrdSecProtector *XrdXrootdProtocol::DHS = 0;
char *XrdXrootdProtocol::SecLib = 0;
char *XrdXrootdProtocol::pidPath = strdup("/tmp");
XrdScheduler *XrdXrootdProtocol::Sched;
XrdBuffManager *XrdXrootdProtocol::BPool;
XrdSysError XrdXrootdProtocol::eDest(0, "Xrootd");
XrdXrootdStats *XrdXrootdProtocol::SI;
XrdXrootdJob *XrdXrootdProtocol::JobCKS = 0;
char *XrdXrootdProtocol::JobCKT = 0;
XrdOucTList *XrdXrootdProtocol::JobCKTLST= 0;
XrdOucReqID *XrdXrootdProtocol::PrepID = 0;
char *XrdXrootdProtocol::Notify = 0;
const char *XrdXrootdProtocol::myCName= 0;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::myCNlen= 0;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::hailWait;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::readWait;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::Port;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::Window;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::WANPort;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::WANWindow;
char XrdXrootdProtocol::isRedir = 0;
char XrdXrootdProtocol::JobLCL = 0;
char XrdXrootdProtocol::JobCKCGI=0;
XrdNetSocket *XrdXrootdProtocol::AdminSock= 0;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::hcMax = 28657; // const for now
int XrdXrootdProtocol::maxBuffsz;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::maxTransz = 262144; // 256KB
int XrdXrootdProtocol::as_maxperlnk = 8; // Max ops per link
int XrdXrootdProtocol::as_maxperreq = 8; // Max ops per request
int XrdXrootdProtocol::as_maxpersrv = 4096;// Max ops per server
int XrdXrootdProtocol::as_segsize = 131072;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::as_miniosz = 32768;
#ifdef __solaris__
int XrdXrootdProtocol::as_minsfsz = 1;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::as_minsfsz = 8192;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::as_maxstalls = 5;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::as_force = 0;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::as_noaio = 0;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::as_nosf = 0;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::as_syncw = 0;
const char *XrdXrootdProtocol::myInst = 0;
const char *XrdXrootdProtocol::TraceID = "Protocol";
int XrdXrootdProtocol::RQLxist = 0;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::myPID = static_cast(getpid());
int XrdXrootdProtocol::myRole = 0;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::myRolf = 0;
int XrdXrootdProtocol::PrepareLimit = -1;
bool XrdXrootdProtocol::LimitError = true;
struct XrdXrootdProtocol::RD_Table XrdXrootdProtocol::Route[RD_Num];
int XrdXrootdProtocol::OD_Stall = 33;
bool XrdXrootdProtocol::OD_Bypass= false;
bool XrdXrootdProtocol::OD_Redir = false;
/* P r o t o c o l M a n a g e m e n t S t a c k s */
"xrootd protocol anchor");
/* P r o t o c o l L o a d e r */
/* X r d g e t P r o t o c o l */
// This protocol can live in a shared library. The interface below is used by
// the protocol driver to obtain a copy of the protocol object that can be used
// to decide whether or not a link is talking a particular protocol.
extern "C"
XrdProtocol *XrdgetProtocol(const char *pname, char *parms,
XrdProtocol_Config *pi)
XrdProtocol *pp = 0;
const char *txt = "completed.";
// Put up the banner
pi->eDest->Say("Copr. 2012 Stanford University, xrootd protocol "
pi->eDest->Say("++++++ xrootd protocol initialization started.");
// Return the protocol object to be used if static init succeeds
if (XrdXrootdProtocol::Configure(parms, pi))
pp = (XrdProtocol *)new XrdXrootdProtocol();
else txt = "failed.";
pi->eDest->Say("------ xrootd protocol initialization ", txt);
return pp;
/* */
/* P r o t o c o l P o r t D e t e r m i n a t i o n */
/* X r d g e t P r o t o c o l P o r t */
// This function is called early on to determine the port we need to use. The
// default is ostensibly 1094 but can be overidden; which we allow.
extern "C"
int XrdgetProtocolPort(const char *pname, char *parms, XrdProtocol_Config *pi)
// Figure out what port number we should return. In practice only one port
// number is allowed. However, we could potentially have a clustered port
// and several unclustered ports. So, we let this practicality slide.
if (pi->Port < 0) return 1094;
return pi->Port;
/* X r d P r o t o c o l X r o o t d C l a s s */
/* C o n s t r u c t o r */
: XrdProtocol("xrootd protocol handler"), ProtLink(this),
/* A s s i g n m e n t O p e r a t o r */
XrdXrootdProtocol& XrdXrootdProtocol::operator =(const XrdXrootdProtocol &rhs)
// Reset all common fields
// Now copy the relevant fields only
Link = rhs.Link;
Link->setRef(1); // Keep the link stable until we dereference it
Status = rhs.Status;
myFile = rhs.myFile;
myIOLen = rhs.myIOLen;
myOffset = rhs.myOffset;
Response = rhs.Response;
memcpy((void *)&Request,(const void *)&rhs.Request, sizeof(Request));
Client = rhs.Client;
AuthProt = rhs.AuthProt;
return *this;
/* M a t c h */
#define TRACELINK lp
XrdProtocol *XrdXrootdProtocol::Match(XrdLink *lp)
static const int hsSZ = sizeof(ClientInitHandShake);
static const int prSZ = sizeof(ClientProtocolRequest);
static const int hpSZ = hsSZ + prSZ;
char hsbuff[hpSZ];
struct ClientInitHandShake *hsData = (ClientInitHandShake *)hsbuff;
struct ClientProtocolRequest *hsRqst = (ClientProtocolRequest *)(hsbuff + hsSZ);
static struct hs_response
{kXR_unt16 streamid;
kXR_unt16 status;
kXR_unt32 rlen; // Specified as kXR_int32 in doc!
kXR_unt32 pval; // Specified as kXR_int32 in doc!
kXR_unt32 styp; // Specified as kXR_int32 in doc!
} hsresp={0, 0, htonl(8), // isRedir == 'M' -> MetaManager
(isRedir ? htonl((unsigned int)kXR_LBalServer)
: htonl((unsigned int)kXR_DataServer))};
XrdXrootdProtocol *xp;
int dlen, rc;
// Peek at the first 20 bytes of data
if ((dlen = lp->Peek(hsbuff, hpSZ, hailWait)) < hsSZ)
{if (dlen <= 0) lp->setEtext("handshake not received");
return (XrdProtocol *)0;
// Trace the data
// TRACEI(REQ, "received: " <bin2hex(hsbuff,dlen));
// Verify that this is our protocol
hsData->fourth = ntohl(hsData->fourth);
hsData->fifth = ntohl(hsData->fifth);
if (hsData->first || hsData->second || hsData->third
|| hsData->fourth != 4 || hsData->fifth != ROOTD_PQ) return 0;
// Optimized clients using protocol 2.9.7 or above will piggy-back a protocol
// request with the handshake. We optimize the response here as well.
if (dlen != hpSZ||ntohs(hsRqst->requestid) != kXR_protocol||hsRqst->dlen)
{dlen = hsSZ;
rc = lp->Send((char *)&hsresp, sizeof(hsresp));
} else {
struct {struct ServerResponseHeader Hdr;
struct ServerResponseBody_Protocol Rsp;
} hsprot;
struct iovec iov[2] = {{(char *)&hsresp, sizeof(hsresp)},
{(char *)&hsprot, 0}
int rspLen;
memcpy(&Request, hsRqst, sizeof(Request));
rspLen = do_Protocol(&hsprot.Rsp);
hsprot.Hdr.dlen = htonl(rspLen);
hsprot.Hdr.status = 0;
iov[1].iov_len = sizeof(hsprot.Hdr) + rspLen;
rc = lp->Send(iov, 2, sizeof(hsresp)+sizeof(hsprot.Hdr)+rspLen);
// Verify that our handshake response was actually sent
if (!rc)
{lp->setEtext("handshake failed");
return (XrdProtocol *)0;
// We can now read all 20 bytes and discard them (no need to wait for it)
if (lp->Recv(hsbuff, dlen) != dlen)
{lp->setEtext("reread failed");
return (XrdProtocol *)0;
// Get a protocol object off the stack (if none, allocate a new one)
if (!(xp = ProtStack.Pop())) xp = new XrdXrootdProtocol();
// Bind the protocol to the link and return the protocol
xp->Link = lp;
strcpy(xp->Entity.prot, "host");
xp->Entity.host = (char *)lp->Host();
xp->Entity.addrInfo = lp->AddrInfo();
return (XrdProtocol *)xp;
/* P r o c e s s */
#define TRACELINK Link
int XrdXrootdProtocol::Process(XrdLink *lp) // We ignore the argument here
int rc;
kXR_unt16 reqID;
// Check if we are servicing a slow link
if (Resume)
{if (myBlen && (rc = getData("data", myBuff, myBlen)) != 0)
{if (rc < 0 && myAioReq) myAioReq->Recycle(-1);
return rc;
else if ((rc = (*this.*Resume)()) != 0) return rc;
else {Resume = 0; return 0;}
// Read the next request header
if ((rc=getData("request",(char *)&Request,sizeof(Request))) != 0) return rc;
// Check if we need to copy the request prior to unmarshalling it
reqID = ntohs(Request.header.requestid);
if (reqID != kXR_sigver && NEED2SECURE(Protect)(Request))
{memcpy(&sigReq2Ver, &Request, sizeof(ClientRequest));
sigNeed = true;
// Deserialize the data
Request.header.requestid = reqID;
Request.header.dlen = ntohl(Request.header.dlen);
TRACEP(REQ, "req=" <setEtext("protocol data length error");
// Process sigver requests now as they appear ahead of a request
if (reqID == kXR_sigver) return ProcSig();
// Read any argument data at this point, except when the request is a write.
// The argument may have to be segmented and we're not prepared to do that here.
if (reqID != kXR_write && Request.header.dlen)
{if (!argp || Request.header.dlen+1 > argp->bsize)
{if (argp) BPool->Release(argp);
if (!(argp = BPool->Obtain(Request.header.dlen+1)))
{Response.Send(kXR_ArgTooLong, "Request argument is too long");
return 0;
hcNow = hcPrev; halfBSize = argp->bsize >> 1;
argp->buff[Request.header.dlen] = '\0';
if ((rc = getData("arg", argp->buff, Request.header.dlen)))
{Resume = &XrdXrootdProtocol::Process2; return rc;}
// Continue with request processing at the resume point
return Process2();
/* p r i v a t e P r o c e s s 2 */
int XrdXrootdProtocol::Process2()
// If we are verifying requests, see if this request needs to be verified
if (sigNeed)
{const char *eText = "Request not signed";
if (!sigHere || (eText = Protect->Verify(sigReq,sigReq2Ver,argp->buff)))
{Response.Send(kXR_SigVerErr, eText);
TRACEP(REQ, "req=" <Bump(SI->badSCnt);
return Link->setEtext(eText);
} else {
sigNeed = sigHere = false;
} else {
if (sigHere)
{TRACEP(REQ, "req=" <Bump(SI->ignSCnt);
sigHere = false;
// If the user is not yet logged in, restrict what the user can do
if (!Status)
{case kXR_login: return do_Login();
case kXR_protocol: return do_Protocol();
case kXR_bind: return do_Bind();
default: Response.Send(kXR_InvalidRequest,
"Invalid request; user not logged in");
return Link->setEtext("protocol sequence error 1");
// Help the compiler, select the the high activity requests (the ones with
// file handles) in a separate switch statement. A special case exists for
// sync() which return with a callback, so handle it here.
switch(Request.header.requestid) // First, the ones with file handles
{case kXR_read: return do_Read();
case kXR_readv: return do_ReadV();
case kXR_write: return do_Write();
case kXR_writev: return do_WriteV();
case kXR_sync: ReqID.setID(Request.header.streamid);
return do_Sync();
case kXR_close: ReqID.setID(Request.header.streamid);
return do_Close();
case kXR_truncate: ReqID.setID(Request.header.streamid);
if (!Request.header.dlen) return do_Truncate();
case kXR_query: if (!Request.header.dlen) return do_Qfh();
default: break;
// Now select the requests that do not need authentication
{case kXR_protocol: return do_Protocol(); // dlen ignored
case kXR_ping: return do_Ping(); // dlen ignored
default: break;
// Force authentication at this point, if need be
if (Status & XRD_NEED_AUTH)
{if (Request.header.requestid == kXR_auth) return do_Auth();
else {Response.Send(kXR_InvalidRequest,
"Invalid request; user not authenticated");
return -1;
// Construct request ID as the following functions are async eligible
// Process items that don't need arguments but may have them
{case kXR_stat: return do_Stat();
case kXR_endsess: return do_Endsess();
default: break;
// All remaining requests require an argument. Make sure we have one
if (!argp || !Request.header.dlen)
{Response.Send(kXR_ArgMissing, "Required argument not present");
return 0;
// Process items that keep own statistics
{case kXR_open: return do_Open();
case kXR_getfile: return do_Getfile();
case kXR_putfile: return do_Putfile();
default: break;
// Update misc stats count
// Now process whatever we have
{case kXR_admin: if (Status & XRD_ADMINUSER) return do_Admin();
else break;
case kXR_chmod: return do_Chmod();
case kXR_dirlist: return do_Dirlist();
case kXR_locate: return do_Locate();
case kXR_mkdir: return do_Mkdir();
case kXR_mv: return do_Mv();
case kXR_query: return do_Query();
case kXR_prepare: return do_Prepare();
case kXR_rm: return do_Rm();
case kXR_rmdir: return do_Rmdir();
case kXR_set: return do_Set();
case kXR_statx: return do_Statx();
case kXR_truncate: return do_Truncate();
default: break;
// Whatever we have, it's not valid
Response.Send(kXR_InvalidRequest, "Invalid request code");
return 0;
/* P r o c S i g */
int XrdXrootdProtocol::ProcSig()
int rc;
// Check if we completed reading the signature and if so, we are done
if (sigRead)
{sigRead = false;
sigHere = true;
return 0;
// Verify that the hash is not longer that what we support and is present
if (Request.header.dlen <= 0
|| Request.header.dlen > (int)sizeof(sigBuff))
{Response.Send(kXR_ArgInvalid, "Invalid signature data length");
return Link->setEtext("signature data length error");
// Save relevant information for the next round
memcpy(&sigReq, &Request, sizeof(ClientSigverRequest));
sigReq.header.dlen = htonl(Request.header.dlen);
// Now read in the signature
sigRead = true;
if ((rc = getData("arg", sigBuff, Request.header.dlen)))
{Resume = &XrdXrootdProtocol::ProcSig; return rc;}
sigRead = false;
// All done
sigHere = true;
return 0;
/* R e c y c l e */
#define TRACELINK Link
void XrdXrootdProtocol::Recycle(XrdLink *lp, int csec, const char *reason)
char *sfxp, ctbuff[24], buff[128], Flags = (reason ? XROOTD_MON_FORCED : 0);
const char *What;
// Check for disconnect or unbind
if (Status == XRD_BOUNDPATH) {What = "unbind"; Flags |= XROOTD_MON_BOUNDP;}
else What = "disc";
// Document the disconnect or undind
if (lp)
{XrdSysTimer::s2hms(csec, ctbuff, sizeof(ctbuff));
if (reason) {snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s (%s)", ctbuff, reason);
sfxp = buff;
} else sfxp = ctbuff;
eDest.Log(SYS_LOG_02, "Xeq", lp->ID, (char *)What, sfxp);
// If this is a bound stream then we cannot release the resources until
// the main stream closes this stream (i.e., lp == 0). On the other hand, the
// main stream will not be trying to do this if we are still tagged as active.
// So, we need to redrive the main stream to complete the full shutdown.
if (Status == XRD_BOUNDPATH && Stream[0])
isDead = 1;
if (isActive)
{isActive = 0;
if (lp) return; // Async close
// Release all appendages
// If we are monitoring logins then we are also monitoring disconnects. We do
// this after cleanup so that close records can be generated before we cut a
// disconnect record. This then requires we clear the monitor object here.
// We and the destrcutor are the only ones who call cleanup and a deletion
// will call the monitor clear method. So, we won't leak memeory.
if (Monitor.Logins()) Monitor.Agent->Disc(Monitor.Did, csec, Flags);
if (Monitor.Fstat() ) XrdXrootdMonFile::Disc(Monitor.Did);
// Set fields to starting point (debugging mostly)
// Push ourselves on the stack
if (Response.isOurs()) ProtStack.Push(&ProtLink);
/* S t a t s */
int XrdXrootdProtocol::Stats(char *buff, int blen, int do_sync)
// Synchronize statistics if need be
if (do_sync)
SI->readCnt += numReads;
cumReads += numReads; numReads = 0;
SI->prerCnt += numReadP;
cumReadP += numReadP; numReadP = 0;
SI->rvecCnt += numReadV;
cumReadV += numReadV; numReadV = 0;
SI->rsegCnt += numSegsV;
cumSegsV += numSegsV; numSegsV = 0;
SI->wvecCnt += numWritV;
cumWritV += numWritV; numWritV = 0;
SI->wsegCnt += numSegsW;
cumSegsW += numSegsW, numSegsW = 0;
SI->writeCnt += numWrites;
cumWrites+= numWrites;numWrites = 0;
// Now return the statistics
return SI->Stats(buff, blen, do_sync);
/* P r i v a t e M e t h o d s */
/* C h e c k S u m */
int XrdXrootdProtocol::CheckSum(XrdOucStream *Stream, char **argv, int argc)
int rc, ecode;
// The arguments must have (i.e. argc >= 4)
if (argc < 4)
{Stream->PutLine("Internal error; not enough checksum args!");
return 8;
// Issue the checksum calculation (that's all we do here).
XrdOucErrInfo myInfo(argv[3]);
rc = osFS->chksum(XrdSfsFileSystem::csCalc, argv[1], argv[2], myInfo);
// Return result regardless of what it is
if (rc) {SI->errorCnt++;
if (ecode) rc = ecode;
return rc;
/* C l e a n u p */
void XrdXrootdProtocol::Cleanup()
XrdXrootdPio *pioP;
int i;
// Release any internal monitoring information
if (Entity.moninfo) {free(Entity.moninfo); Entity.moninfo = 0;}
// If we have a buffer, release it
if (argp) {BPool->Release(argp); argp = 0;}
// Notify the filesystem of a disconnect prior to deleting file tables
if (Status != XRD_BOUNDPATH) osFS->Disc(Client);
// Delete the FTab if we have it
if (FTab)
{FTab->Recycle(Monitor.Files() ? Monitor.Agent : 0);
FTab = 0;
// Handle parallel stream cleanup. The session stream cannot be closed if
// there is any queued activity on subordinate streams. A subordinate
// can either be closed from the session stream or asynchronously only if
// it is active. Which means they could be running while we are running.
if (isBound && Status != XRD_BOUNDPATH)
for (i = 1; i < maxStreams; i++)
if (Stream[i])
{Stream[i]->isBound = 0; Stream[i]->Stream[0] = 0;
if (Stream[i]->isDead) Stream[i]->Recycle(0, 0, 0);
else Stream[i]->Link->Close();
Stream[i] = 0;
// Handle statistics
SI->readCnt += numReads; SI->writeCnt += numWrites;
// Handle authentication protocol
if (AuthProt) {AuthProt->Delete(); AuthProt = 0;}
if (Protect) {Protect->Delete(); Protect = 0;}
// Handle parallel I/O appendages
while((pioP = pioFirst)) {pioFirst = pioP->Next; pioP->Recycle();}
while((pioP = pioFree )) {pioFree = pioP->Next; pioP->Recycle();}
// Handle writev appendage
if (wvInfo) {free(wvInfo); wvInfo = 0;}
/* g e t D a t a */
int XrdXrootdProtocol::getData(const char *dtype, char *buff, int blen)
int rlen;
// Read the data but reschedule he link if we have not received all of the
// data within the timeout interval.
rlen = Link->Recv(buff, blen, readWait);
if (rlen < 0)
{if (rlen != -ENOMSG) return Link->setEtext("link read error");
else return -1;
if (rlen < blen)
{myBuff = buff+rlen; myBlen = blen-rlen;
TRACEP(REQ, dtype <<" timeout; read " <