/* */
/* X r d X r o o t d P r o t o c o l . h h */
/* */
/* (c) 2004 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh"
#include "XrdSec/XrdSecInterface.hh"
#include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsDio.hh"
#include "Xrd/XrdObject.hh"
#include "Xrd/XrdProtocol.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdMonitor.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdReqID.hh"
#include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdResponse.hh"
#include "XProtocol/XProtocol.hh"
/* D e f i n e s */
#define ROOTD_PQ 2012
#define XRD_LOGGEDIN 1
#define XRD_NEED_AUTH 2
#ifndef __GNUC__
#define __attribute__(x)
/* x r d _ P r o t o c o l _ X R o o t d */
class XrdNetSocket;
class XrdOucEnv;
class XrdOucErrInfo;
class XrdOucReqID;
class XrdOucStream;
class XrdOucTList;
class XrdOucTokenizer;
class XrdOucTrace;
class XrdSecProtect;
class XrdSecProtector;
class XrdSfsDirectory;
class XrdSfsFileSystem;
class XrdSecProtocol;
class XrdBuffer;
class XrdLink;
class XrdXrootdAioReq;
class XrdXrootdFile;
class XrdXrootdFileLock;
class XrdXrootdFileTable;
class XrdXrootdJob;
class XrdXrootdMonitor;
class XrdXrootdPio;
class XrdXrootdStats;
class XrdXrootdWVInfo;
class XrdXrootdXPath;
class XrdXrootdProtocol : public XrdProtocol, public XrdSfsDio
friend class XrdXrootdAdmin;
friend class XrdXrootdAioReq;
static int Configure(char *parms, XrdProtocol_Config *pi);
void DoIt() {(*this.*Resume)();}
int do_WriteSpan();
XrdProtocol *Match(XrdLink *lp);
int Process(XrdLink *lp); // Sync: Job->Link.DoIt->Process
int Process2();
int ProcSig();
void Recycle(XrdLink *lp, int consec, const char *reason);
int SendFile(int fildes);
int SendFile(XrdOucSFVec *sfvec, int sfvnum);
void SetFD(int fildes);
int Stats(char *buff, int blen, int do_sync=0);
static int StatGen(struct stat &buf, char *xxBuff);
// XrdXrootdProtocol operator =(const XrdXrootdProtocol &rhs) = delete;
XrdXrootdProtocol& operator =(const XrdXrootdProtocol &rhs);
~XrdXrootdProtocol() {Cleanup();}
// Note that Route[] structure (below) must have RD_Num elements!
enum RD_func {RD_chmod = 0, RD_chksum, RD_dirlist, RD_locate, RD_mkdir,
RD_mv, RD_prepare, RD_prepstg, RD_rm, RD_rmdir,
RD_stat, RD_trunc, RD_ovld,
RD_open1, RD_open2, RD_open3, RD_open4, RD_Num};
int do_Admin();
int do_Auth();
int do_Bind();
int do_Chmod();
int do_CKsum(int canit);
int do_CKsum(char *algT, const char *Path, char *Opaque);
int do_Close();
int do_Dirlist();
int do_DirStat(XrdSfsDirectory *dp, char *pbuff, char *opaque);
int do_Endsess();
int do_Getfile();
int do_Login();
int do_Locate();
int do_Mkdir();
int do_Mv();
int do_Offload(int pathID, int isRead);
int do_OffloadIO();
int do_Open();
int do_Ping();
int do_Prepare();
int do_Protocol(ServerResponseBody_Protocol *rsp=0);
int do_Putfile();
int do_Qconf();
int do_Qfh();
int do_Qopaque(short);
int do_Qspace();
int do_Query();
int do_Qxattr();
int do_Read();
int do_ReadV();
int do_ReadAll(int asyncOK=1);
int do_ReadNone(int &retc, int &pathID);
int do_Rm();
int do_Rmdir();
int do_Set();
int do_Set_Mon(XrdOucTokenizer &setargs);
int do_Stat();
int do_Statx();
int do_Sync();
int do_Truncate();
int do_Write();
int do_WriteAll();
int do_WriteCont();
int do_WriteNone();
int do_WriteV();
int do_WriteVec();
int aio_Error(const char *op, int ecode);
int aio_Read();
int aio_Write();
int aio_WriteAll();
int aio_WriteCont();
void Assign(const XrdXrootdProtocol &rhs);
static int CheckSum(XrdOucStream *, char **, int);
void Cleanup();
static int Config(const char *fn);
static int ConfigSecurity(XrdOucEnv &xEnv, const char *cfn);
int fsError(int rc, char opc, XrdOucErrInfo &myError,
const char *Path, char *Cgi);
int fsOvrld(char opc, const char *Path, char *Cgi);
int fsRedirNoEnt(const char *eMsg, char *Cgi, int popt);
int getBuff(const int isRead, int Quantum);
int getData(const char *dtype, char *buff, int blen);
void logLogin(bool xauth=false);
static int mapMode(int mode);
static void PidFile();
void Reset();
static int rpCheck(char *fn, char **opaque);
int rpEmsg(const char *op, char *fn);
int vpEmsg(const char *op, char *fn);
static int Squash(char *);
static int xapath(XrdOucStream &Config);
static int xasync(XrdOucStream &Config);
static int xcksum(XrdOucStream &Config);
static int xdig(XrdOucStream &Config);
static int xexp(XrdOucStream &Config);
static int xexpdo(char *path, int popt=0);
static int xfsl(XrdOucStream &Config);
static int xfsL(XrdOucStream &Config, char *val, int lix);
static int xfso(XrdOucStream &Config);
static int xpidf(XrdOucStream &Config);
static int xprep(XrdOucStream &Config);
static int xlog(XrdOucStream &Config);
static int xmon(XrdOucStream &Config);
static int xred(XrdOucStream &Config);
static bool xred_php(char *val, char *hP[2], int rPort[2]);
static void xred_set(RD_func func, char *rHost[2], int rPort[2]);
static bool xred_xok(int func, char *rHost[2], int rPort[2]);
static int xsecl(XrdOucStream &Config);
static int xtrace(XrdOucStream &Config);
static int xlimit(XrdOucStream &Config);
static XrdObjectQ ProtStack;
XrdObject ProtLink;
void MonAuth();
int SetSF(kXR_char *fhandle, bool seton=false);
static XrdXrootdXPath RPList; // Redirected paths
static XrdXrootdXPath RQList; // Redirected paths for ENOENT
static XrdXrootdXPath XPList; // Exported paths
static XrdSfsFileSystem *osFS; // The filesystem
static XrdSfsFileSystem *digFS; // The filesystem (digFS)
static XrdSecService *CIA; // Authentication Server
static XrdSecProtector *DHS; // Protection Server
static XrdXrootdFileLock *Locker; // File lock handler
static XrdScheduler *Sched; // System scheduler
static XrdBuffManager *BPool; // Buffer manager
static XrdSysError eDest; // Error message handler
static const char *myInst;
static const char *TraceID;
static char *pidPath;
static int RQLxist; // Something is present in RQList
static int myPID;
static int myRole; // Role for kXR_protocol (>= 2.9.7)
static int myRolf; // Role for kXR_protocol (< 2.9.7)
// Admin control area
static XrdNetSocket *AdminSock;
// Processing configuration values
static int hailWait;
static int readWait;
static int Port;
static int Window;
static int WANPort;
static int WANWindow;
static char *SecLib;
static char *FSLib[2];
static int FSLvn[2];
static char *digLib; // Normally zero for now
static char *digParm;
static char *Notify;
static const char *myCName;
static int myCNlen;
static char isRedir;
static char JobLCL;
static char JobCKCGI;
static XrdXrootdJob *JobCKS;
static char *JobCKT;
static XrdOucTList *JobCKTLST;
static XrdOucReqID *PrepID;
// Static redirection
static struct RD_Table {char *Host[2];
unsigned short Port[2];
short RDSz[2];} Route[RD_Num];
static int OD_Stall;
static bool OD_Bypass;
static bool OD_Redir;
// async configuration values
static int as_maxperlnk; // Max async requests per link
static int as_maxperreq; // Max async ops per request
static int as_maxpersrv; // Max async ops per server
static int as_miniosz; // Min async request size
static int as_minsfsz; // Min sendf request size
static int as_segsize; // Aio quantum (optimal)
static int as_maxstalls; // Maximum stalls we will tolerate
static int as_force; // aio to be forced
static int as_noaio; // aio is disabled
static int as_nosf; // sendfile is disabled
static int as_syncw; // writes to be synchronous
static int maxBuffsz; // Maximum buffer size we can have
static int maxTransz; // Maximum transfer size we can have
static const int maxRvecsz = 1024; // Maximum read vector size
static const int maxWvecsz = 1024; // Maximum writ vector size
// Statistical area
static XrdXrootdStats *SI;
int numReads; // Count for kXR_read
int numReadP; // Count for kXR_read pre-preads
int numReadV; // Count for kkR_readv
int numSegsV; // Count for kkR_readv segmens
int numWritV; // Count for kkR_write
int numSegsW; // Count for kkR_writev segmens
int numWrites; // Count
int numFiles; // Count
int cumReads; // Count less numReads
int cumReadP; // Count less numReadP
int cumReadV; // Count less numReadV
int cumSegsV; // Count less numSegsV
int cumWritV; // Count less numWritV
int cumSegsW; // Count less numSegsW
int cumWrites; // Count less numWrites
long long totReadP; // Bytes
// Data local to each protocol/link combination
XrdLink *Link;
XrdBuffer *argp;
XrdXrootdFileTable *FTab;
XrdXrootdMonitor::User Monitor;
int clientPV;
short rdType;
char Status;
unsigned char CapVer;
// Authentication area
XrdSecEntity *Client;
XrdSecProtocol *AuthProt;
XrdSecEntity Entity;
XrdSecProtect *Protect;
ClientRequest sigReq2Ver; // Request to verify
SecurityRequest sigReq; // Signature request
char sigBuff[64]; // Signature payload SHA256 + blowfish
bool sigNeed; // Signature target present
bool sigHere; // Signature request present
bool sigRead; // Signature being read
bool sigWarn; // Once for unneeded signature
// Buffer information, used to drive DoIt(), getData(), and (*Resume)()
XrdXrootdAioReq *myAioReq;
char *myBuff;
int myBlen;
int myBlast;
int (XrdXrootdProtocol::*Resume)();
XrdXrootdFile *myFile;
XrdXrootdWVInfo *wvInfo;
union {
long long myOffset;
long long myWVBytes;
int myEInfo[2];
int myIOLen;
int myStalls;
// Buffer resize control area
static int hcMax;
int hcPrev;
int hcNext;
int hcNow;
int halfBSize;
// This area is used for parallel streams
static const int maxStreams = 16;
XrdSysMutex streamMutex;
XrdSysSemaphore *reTry;
XrdXrootdProtocol *Stream[maxStreams];
unsigned int mySID;
char isActive;
char isDead;
char isBound;
char isNOP;
static const int maxPio = 4;
XrdXrootdPio *pioFirst;
XrdXrootdPio *pioLast;
XrdXrootdPio *pioFree;
short PathID;
char doWrite;
char doWriteC;
unsigned char rvSeq;
unsigned char wvSeq;
// Track usage limts.
static bool LimitError; // Indicates that hitting a limit should result in an error response.
// If false, when possible, silently ignore errors.
int PrepareCount;
static int PrepareLimit;
// Buffers to handle client requests
XrdXrootdReqID ReqID;
ClientRequest Request;
XrdXrootdResponse Response;