import types import sys import os from functools import partial import libcppyy as cppyy_backend from cppyy import gbl as gbl_namespace from cppyy import cppdef from libROOTPythonizations import gROOT, CreateBufferFromAddress from ._application import PyROOTApplication _numba_pyversion = (2, 7, 5) if sys.version_info[:3] > _numba_pyversion: # Python <= 2.7.5 cannot use exec in an inner function from ._numbadeclare import _NumbaDeclareDecorator class PyROOTConfiguration(object): """Class for configuring PyROOT""" def __init__(self): self.IgnoreCommandLineOptions = True self.ShutDown = True self.DisableRootLogon = False self.StartGUIThread = True class _gROOTWrapper(object): """Internal class to manage lookups of gROOT in the facade. This wrapper calls _finalSetup on the facade when it receives a lookup, unless the lookup is for SetBatch. This allows to evaluate the command line parameters before checking if batch mode is on in _finalSetup """ def __init__(self, facade): self.__dict__['_facade'] = facade self.__dict__['_gROOT'] = gROOT def __getattr__( self, name ): if name != 'SetBatch' and self._facade.__dict__['gROOT'] != self._gROOT: self._facade._finalSetup() return getattr(self._gROOT, name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): return setattr(self._gROOT, name, value) class ROOTFacade(types.ModuleType): """Facade class for ROOT module""" def __init__(self, module, is_ipython): types.ModuleType.__init__(self, module.__name__) self.module = module # Importing all will be customised later self.module.__all__ = [] self.__doc__ = module.__doc__ self.__name__ = module.__name__ self.__file__ = module.__file__ # Inject gROOT global self.gROOT = _gROOTWrapper(self) # Expose some functionality from CPyCppyy extension module self._cppyy_exports = [ 'nullptr', 'bind_object', 'as_cobject', 'addressof', 'SetMemoryPolicy', 'kMemoryHeuristics', 'kMemoryStrict', 'SetOwnership' ] for name in self._cppyy_exports: setattr(self, name, getattr(cppyy_backend, name)) # For backwards compatibility self.MakeNullPointer = partial(self.bind_object, 0) self.BindObject = self.bind_object self.AsCObject = self.as_cobject # Initialize configuration self.PyConfig = PyROOTConfiguration() self._is_ipython = is_ipython # Redirect lookups to temporary helper methods # This lets the user do some actions before all the machinery is in place: # - Set batch mode in gROOT # - Set options in PyConfig self.__class__.__getattr__ = self._getattr self.__class__.__setattr__ = self._setattr # Setup import hook self._set_import_hook() def AddressOf(self, obj): # Return an indexable buffer of length 1, whose only element # is the address of the object. # The address of the buffer is the same as the address of the # address of the object # addr is the address of the address of the object addr = self.addressof(instance = obj, byref = True) # Create a buffer (LowLevelView) from address return CreateBufferFromAddress(addr) def _set_import_hook(self): # This hook allows to write e.g: # from ROOT.A import a # instead of the longer: # from ROOT import A # from A import a try: import __builtin__ except ImportError: import builtins as __builtin__ # name change in p3 _orig_ihook = __builtin__.__import__ def _importhook(name, *args, **kwds): if name[0:5] == 'ROOT.': try: sys.modules[name] = getattr(self, name[5:]) except Exception: pass return _orig_ihook(name, *args, **kwds) __builtin__.__import__ = _importhook def _handle_import_all(self): # Called if "from ROOT import *" is executed in the app. # Customises lookup in Python's main module to also # check in C++'s global namespace # Get caller module (jump over the facade frames) num_frame = 2 frame = sys._getframe(num_frame).f_globals['__name__'] while frame == 'ROOT._facade': num_frame += 1 frame = sys._getframe(num_frame).f_globals['__name__'] caller = sys.modules[frame] # Install the hook cppyy_backend._set_cpp_lazy_lookup(caller.__dict__) def _fallback_getattr(self, name): # Try: # - in the global namespace # - in the ROOT namespace # - in gROOT (ROOT lists such as list of files, # memory mapped files, functions, geometries ecc.) # The first two attempts allow to lookup # e.g. ROOT.ROOT.Math as ROOT.Math if name == '__all__': self._handle_import_all() # Make the attributes of the facade be injected in the # caller module raise AttributeError() # Note that hasattr caches the lookup for getattr elif hasattr(gbl_namespace, name): return getattr(gbl_namespace, name) elif hasattr(gbl_namespace.ROOT, name): return getattr(gbl_namespace.ROOT, name) else: res = gROOT.FindObject(name) if res: return res raise AttributeError("Failed to get attribute {} from ROOT".format(name)) def _finalSetup(self): # Prevent this method from being re-entered through the gROOT wrapper self.__dict__['gROOT'] = gROOT # Setup interactive usage from Python self.__dict__['app'] = PyROOTApplication(self.PyConfig, self._is_ipython) if not self.gROOT.IsBatch() and self.PyConfig.StartGUIThread: # Set memory policy to kUseHeuristics. # This restores the default in PyROOT which was changed # by new Cppyy self.SetMemoryPolicy(self.kMemoryHeuristics) # Redirect lookups to cppyy's global namespace self.__class__.__getattr__ = self._fallback_getattr self.__class__.__setattr__ = lambda self, name, val: setattr(gbl_namespace, name, val) # Run rootlogon if exists self._run_rootlogon() def _getattr(self, name): # Special case, to allow "from ROOT import gROOT" w/o starting the graphics if name == '__path__': raise AttributeError(name) self._finalSetup() return getattr(self, name) def _setattr(self, name, val): self._finalSetup() return setattr(self, name, val) def _run_rootlogon(self): # Run custom logon file (must be after creation of ROOT globals) hasargv = hasattr(sys, 'argv') # -n disables the reading of the logon file, just like with root if hasargv and not '-n' in sys.argv and not self.PyConfig.DisableRootLogon: file_path = os.path.expanduser('~/') if os.path.exists(file_path): # Could also have used execfile, but import is likely to give fewer surprises module_name = 'rootlogon' if sys.version_info >= (3,5): import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, file_path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) sys.modules[module_name] = module spec.loader.exec_module(module) else: import imp imp.load_module(module_name, open(file_path, 'r'), file_path, ('.py','r',1)) del imp else: # If the .py version of rootlogon exists, the .C is ignored (the user can # load the .C from the .py, if so desired). # System logon, user logon, and local logon (skip Rint.Logon) name = '.rootlogon.C' logons = [ os.path.join(str(self.TROOT.GetEtcDir()), 'system' + name), os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', name)) ] if logons[-1] != os.path.join(os.getcwd(), name): logons.append(name) for rootlogon in logons: if os.path.exists(rootlogon): self.TApplication.ExecuteFile(rootlogon) # Inject version as __version__ property in ROOT module @property def __version__(self): return self.gROOT.GetVersion() # Overload VecOps namespace # The property gets the C++ namespace, adds the pythonizations and # eventually deletes itself so that following calls go directly # to the C++ namespace. This mechanic ensures that we pythonize the # namespace lazily. @property def VecOps(self): ns = self._fallback_getattr('VecOps') try: from libROOTPythonizations import AsRVec ns.AsRVec = AsRVec except: raise Exception('Failed to pythonize the namespace VecOps') del type(self).VecOps return ns # Overload RDF namespace @property def RDF(self): ns = self._fallback_getattr('RDF') try: from libROOTPythonizations import MakeNumpyDataFrame ns.MakeNumpyDataFrame = MakeNumpyDataFrame except: raise Exception('Failed to pythonize the namespace RDF') del type(self).RDF return ns # Overload TMVA namespace @property def TMVA(self): ns = self._fallback_getattr('TMVA') try: from libROOTPythonizations import AsRTensor ns.Experimental.AsRTensor = AsRTensor except: raise Exception('Failed to pythonize the namespace TMVA') del type(self).TMVA return ns # Create and overload Numba namespace @property def Numba(self): if sys.version_info[:3] <= _numba_pyversion: raise Exception('ROOT.Numba requires Python above version {}.{}.{}'.format(*_numba_pyversion)) cppdef('namespace Numba {}') ns = self._fallback_getattr('Numba') ns.Declare = staticmethod(_NumbaDeclareDecorator) del type(self).Numba return ns