#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Part of the astor library for Python AST manipulation. License: 3-clause BSD Copyright (c) 2015 Patrick Maupin """ import sys import os import ast import shutil import logging from astor.code_gen import to_source from astor.file_util import code_to_ast from astor.node_util import (allow_ast_comparison, dump_tree, strip_tree, fast_compare) dsttree = 'tmp_rtrip' # TODO: Remove this workaround once we remove version 2 support def out_prep(s, pre_encoded=(sys.version_info[0] == 2)): return s if pre_encoded else s.encode('utf-8') def convert(srctree, dsttree=dsttree, readonly=False, dumpall=False, ignore_exceptions=False, fullcomp=False): """Walk the srctree, and convert/copy all python files into the dsttree """ if fullcomp: allow_ast_comparison() parse_file = code_to_ast.parse_file find_py_files = code_to_ast.find_py_files srctree = os.path.normpath(srctree) if not readonly: dsttree = os.path.normpath(dsttree) logging.info('') logging.info('Trashing ' + dsttree) shutil.rmtree(dsttree, True) unknown_src_nodes = set() unknown_dst_nodes = set() badfiles = set() broken = [] oldpath = None allfiles = find_py_files(srctree, None if readonly else dsttree) for srcpath, fname in allfiles: # Create destination directory if not readonly and srcpath != oldpath: oldpath = srcpath if srcpath >= srctree: dstpath = srcpath.replace(srctree, dsttree, 1) if not dstpath.startswith(dsttree): raise ValueError("%s not a subdirectory of %s" % (dstpath, dsttree)) else: assert srctree.startswith(srcpath) dstpath = dsttree os.makedirs(dstpath) srcfname = os.path.join(srcpath, fname) logging.info('Converting %s' % srcfname) try: srcast = parse_file(srcfname) except SyntaxError: badfiles.add(srcfname) continue try: dsttxt = to_source(srcast) except Exception: if not ignore_exceptions: raise dsttxt = '' if not readonly: dstfname = os.path.join(dstpath, fname) try: with open(dstfname, 'wb') as f: f.write(out_prep(dsttxt)) except UnicodeEncodeError: badfiles.add(dstfname) # As a sanity check, make sure that ASTs themselves # round-trip OK try: dstast = ast.parse(dsttxt) if readonly else parse_file(dstfname) except SyntaxError: dstast = [] if fullcomp: unknown_src_nodes.update(strip_tree(srcast)) unknown_dst_nodes.update(strip_tree(dstast)) bad = srcast != dstast else: bad = not fast_compare(srcast, dstast) if dumpall or bad: srcdump = dump_tree(srcast) dstdump = dump_tree(dstast) logging.warning(' calculating dump -- %s' % ('bad' if bad else 'OK')) if bad: broken.append(srcfname) if dumpall or bad: if not readonly: try: with open(dstfname[:-3] + '.srcdmp', 'wb') as f: f.write(out_prep(srcdump)) except UnicodeEncodeError: badfiles.add(dstfname[:-3] + '.srcdmp') try: with open(dstfname[:-3] + '.dstdmp', 'wb') as f: f.write(out_prep(dstdump)) except UnicodeEncodeError: badfiles.add(dstfname[:-3] + '.dstdmp') elif dumpall: sys.stdout.write('\n\nAST:\n\n ') sys.stdout.write(srcdump.replace('\n', '\n ')) sys.stdout.write('\n\nDecompile:\n\n ') sys.stdout.write(dsttxt.replace('\n', '\n ')) sys.stdout.write('\n\nNew AST:\n\n ') sys.stdout.write('(same as old)' if dstdump == srcdump else dstdump.replace('\n', '\n ')) sys.stdout.write('\n') if badfiles: logging.warning('\nFiles not processed due to syntax errors:') for fname in sorted(badfiles): logging.warning(' %s' % fname) if broken: logging.warning('\nFiles failed to round-trip to AST:') for srcfname in broken: logging.warning(' %s' % srcfname) ok_to_strip = 'col_offset _precedence _use_parens lineno _p_op _pp' ok_to_strip = set(ok_to_strip.split()) bad_nodes = (unknown_dst_nodes | unknown_src_nodes) - ok_to_strip if bad_nodes: logging.error('\nERROR -- UNKNOWN NODES STRIPPED: %s' % bad_nodes) logging.info('\n') return broken def usage(msg): raise SystemExit(textwrap.dedent(""" Error: %s Usage: python -m astor.rtrip [readonly] [] This utility tests round-tripping of Python source to AST and back to source. If readonly is specified, then the source will be tested, but no files will be written. if the source is specified to be "stdin" (without quotes) then any source entered at the command line will be compiled into an AST, converted back to text, and then compiled to an AST again, and the results will be displayed to stdout. If neither readonly nor stdin is specified, then rtrip will create a mirror directory named tmp_rtrip and will recursively round-trip all the Python source from the source into the tmp_rtrip dir, after compiling it and then reconstituting it through code_gen.to_source. If the source is not specified, the entire Python library will be used. """) % msg) if __name__ == '__main__': import textwrap args = sys.argv[1:] readonly = 'readonly' in args if readonly: args.remove('readonly') if not args: args = [os.path.dirname(textwrap.__file__)] if len(args) > 1: usage("Too many arguments") fname, = args dumpall = False if not os.path.exists(fname): dumpall = fname == 'stdin' or usage("Cannot find directory %s" % fname) logging.basicConfig(format='%(msg)s', level=logging.INFO) convert(fname, readonly=readonly or dumpall, dumpall=dumpall)