""" Currently **hep_ml.metrics** module contains metric functions, which measure nonuniformity in predictions. These metrics are unfortunately more complicated than usual ones and require more information: not only predictions and classes, but also mass (or other variables along which we want to have uniformity) Available metrics of uniformity of predictions (for each of them bin version and knn version are available): * SDE - the standard deviation of efficiency * Theil - Theil index of Efficiency (Theil index is used in economics) * CVM - based on Cramer-von Mises similarity between distributions uniform_label: * 1, if you want to measure non-uniformity in signal predictions * 0, if background. Metrics are following `REP `_ conventions (first fit, then compute metrics on same dataset). For these metrics `fit` stage is crucial, since it precomputes information using dataset X, which is quite long and better to do this once. Different quality metrics with same interface can be found in **REP** package. Examples ________ we want to check if our predictions are uniform in mass for background events >>> metric = BinBasedCvM(uniform_features=['mass'], uniform_label=0) >>> metric.fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) >>> result = metric(y, classifier.predict_proba(X), sample_weight=sample_weight) to check predictions over two variables in signal (for dimensions > 2 always use kNN, not bins): >>> metric = KnnBasedCvM(uniform_features=['mass12', 'mass23'], uniform_label=1) >>> metric.fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) >>> result = metric(y, classifier.predict_proba(X), sample_weight=sample_weight) to check uniformity of signal predictions at global signal efficiency of 0.7: >>> metric = KnnBasedSDE(uniform_features=['mass12', 'mass23'], uniform_label=1, target_rcp=[0.7]) >>> metric.fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) >>> result = metric(y, classifier.predict_proba(X), sample_weight=sample_weight) Generally kNN versions are slower, but more stable in higher dimensions. Don't forget to scale features is those are of different nature. """ from __future__ import division, print_function import numpy from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator from sklearn.neighbors.unsupervised import NearestNeighbors from .commonutils import take_features, check_xyw, weighted_quantile from . import metrics_utils as ut __author__ = 'Alex Rogozhnikov' __all__ = ['BinBasedSDE', 'BinBasedCvM', 'BinBasedTheil', 'KnnBasedSDE', 'KnnBasedCvM', 'KnnBasedTheil'] class AbstractMetric(BaseEstimator): def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """ If metrics needs some initial heavy computations, this can be done here. interface is the same as for all REP estimators """ return self def __call__(self, y, proba, sample_weight): """ Compute value of metrics :param proba: numpy.array of shape [n_samples, n_classes] with predicted probabilities (typically returned by predict_proba) Events should be passed in the same order, as to method fit """ raise NotImplementedError('To be derived by descendant') class AbstractBinMetric(AbstractMetric): def __init__(self, n_bins, uniform_features, uniform_label): """ Abstract class for bin-based metrics of uniformity. :param n_bins: int, number of bins along each axis :param uniform_features: list of strings, features along which uniformity is desired () :param uniform_label: int, label of class in which uniformity is desired (typically, 0 is bck, 1 is signal) """ self.uniform_label = uniform_label self.uniform_features = uniform_features self.n_bins = n_bins def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """ Prepare different things for fast computation of metrics """ X, y, sample_weight = check_xyw(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) self._mask = numpy.array(y == self.uniform_label, dtype=bool) assert sum(self._mask) > 0, 'No event of class, along which uniformity is desired' self._masked_weight = sample_weight[self._mask] X_part = numpy.array(take_features(X, self.uniform_features))[self._mask, :] self._bin_indices = ut.compute_bin_indices(X_part=X_part, n_bins=self.n_bins) self._bin_weights = ut.compute_bin_weights(bin_indices=self._bin_indices, sample_weight=self._masked_weight) return self class BinBasedSDE(AbstractBinMetric): def __init__(self, uniform_features, uniform_label, n_bins=10, target_rcp=None, power=2.): """ Standard Deviation of Efficiency, computed using bins. :param list[str] uniform_features: features, in which we compute non-uniformity. :param uniform_label: label of class, in which uniformity is measured (0 for bck, 1 for signal) :param int n_bins: number of bins used along each axis. :param list[float] target_rcp: global right-classified-parts. Thresholds are selected so this part of class was correctly classified. Default values are [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9] :param float power: power used in SDE formula (default is 2.) """ AbstractBinMetric.__init__(self, n_bins=n_bins, uniform_features=uniform_features, uniform_label=uniform_label) self.power = power self.target_rcp = target_rcp def __call__(self, y, proba, sample_weight): y_pred = proba[self._mask, self.uniform_label] if self.target_rcp is None: self.target_rcp = [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9] result = 0. cuts = weighted_quantile(y_pred, self.target_rcp, sample_weight=self._masked_weight) for cut in cuts: bin_efficiencies = ut.compute_bin_efficiencies(y_pred, bin_indices=self._bin_indices, cut=cut, sample_weight=self._masked_weight) result += ut.weighted_deviation(bin_efficiencies, weights=self._bin_weights, power=self.power) return (result / len(cuts)) ** (1. / self.power) class BinBasedTheil(AbstractBinMetric): def __init__(self, uniform_features, uniform_label, n_bins=10, target_rcp=None): """ Theil index of Efficiency, computed using bins. :param list[str] uniform_features: features, in which we compute non-uniformity. :param uniform_label: label of class, in which uniformity is measured (0 for bck, 1 for signal) :param int n_bins: number of bins used along each axis. :param list[float] target_rcp: global right-classified-parts. Thresholds are selected so this part of class was correctly classified. Default values are [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9] """ AbstractBinMetric.__init__(self, n_bins=n_bins, uniform_features=uniform_features, uniform_label=uniform_label) self.target_rcp = target_rcp def __call__(self, y, proba, sample_weight): y_pred = proba[self._mask, self.uniform_label] if self.target_rcp is None: self.target_rcp = [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9] result = 0. cuts = weighted_quantile(y_pred, self.target_rcp, sample_weight=self._masked_weight) for cut in cuts: bin_efficiencies = ut.compute_bin_efficiencies(y_pred, bin_indices=self._bin_indices, cut=cut, sample_weight=self._masked_weight) result += ut.theil(bin_efficiencies, weights=self._bin_weights) return result / len(cuts) class BinBasedCvM(AbstractBinMetric): def __init__(self, uniform_features, uniform_label, n_bins=10, power=2.): """ Nonuniformity metric based on Cramer-von Mises distance between distributions, computed on bins. :param list[str] uniform_features: features, in which we compute non-uniformity. :param uniform_label: label of class, in which uniformity is measured (0 for bck, 1 for signal) :param int n_bins: number of bins used along each axis. :param float power: power used in CvM formula (default is 2.) """ AbstractBinMetric.__init__(self, n_bins=n_bins, uniform_features=uniform_features, uniform_label=uniform_label) self.power = power def __call__(self, y, proba, sample_weight): y_pred = proba[self._mask, self.uniform_label] global_data, global_weight, global_cdf = ut.prepare_distribution(y_pred, weights=self._masked_weight) result = 0. for bin, bin_weight in enumerate(self._bin_weights): if bin_weight <= 0: continue bin_mask = self._bin_indices == bin local_distribution = y_pred[bin_mask] local_weights = self._masked_weight[bin_mask] result += bin_weight * ut._cvm_2samp_fast(global_data, local_distribution, global_weight, local_weights, global_cdf) return result class AbstractKnnMetric(AbstractMetric): def __init__(self, uniform_features, uniform_label, n_neighbours=50): """ Abstract class for knn-based metrics of uniformity. :param n_neighbours: int, number of neighbours :param uniform_features: list of strings, features along which uniformity is desired () :param uniform_label: int, label of class in which uniformity is desired (typically, 0 is bck, 1 is signal) """ self.uniform_label = uniform_label self.uniform_features = uniform_features self.n_neighbours = n_neighbours # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """ Prepare different things for fast computation of metrics """ X, y, sample_weight = check_xyw(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) self._label_mask = numpy.array(y == self.uniform_label) assert sum(self._label_mask) > 0, 'No events of uniform class!' # weights of events self._masked_weight = sample_weight[self._label_mask] X_part = numpy.array(take_features(X, self.uniform_features))[self._label_mask, :] # computing knn indices neighbours = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=self.n_neighbours, algorithm='kd_tree').fit(X_part) _, self._groups_indices = neighbours.kneighbors(X_part) self._group_matrix = ut.group_indices_to_groups_matrix(self._groups_indices, n_events=len(X_part)) # self._group_weights = ut.compute_group_weights_by_indices(self._groups_indices, # sample_weight=self._masked_weight) self._group_weights = ut.compute_group_weights(self._group_matrix, sample_weight=self._masked_weight) # self._divided_weights = ut.compute_divided_weight_by_indices(self._groups_indices, # sample_weight=self._masked_weight) self._divided_weights = ut.compute_divided_weight(self._group_matrix, sample_weight=self._masked_weight) return self class KnnBasedSDE(AbstractKnnMetric): def __init__(self, uniform_features, uniform_label, n_neighbours=50, target_rcp=None, power=2.): """ Standard Deviation of Efficiency, computed using k nearest neighbours. :param list[str] uniform_features: features, in which we compute non-uniformity. :param uniform_label: label of class, in which uniformity is measured (0 for bck, 1 for signal) :param int n_neighbours: number of neighs :param list[float] target_rcp: global right-classified-parts. Thresholds are selected so this part of class was correctly classified. Default values are [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9] :param float power: power used in SDE formula (default is 2.) """ AbstractKnnMetric.__init__(self, n_neighbours=n_neighbours, uniform_features=uniform_features, uniform_label=uniform_label) self.power = power self.target_rcp = target_rcp def __call__(self, y, proba, sample_weight): y_pred = proba[self._label_mask, self.uniform_label] if self.target_rcp is None: self.target_rcp = [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9] self.target_rcp = numpy.array(self.target_rcp) result = 0. cuts = weighted_quantile(y_pred, quantiles=1 - self.target_rcp, sample_weight=self._masked_weight) for cut in cuts: groups_efficiencies = ut.compute_group_efficiencies(y_pred, groups_matrix=self._group_matrix, cut=cut, divided_weight=self._divided_weights) result += ut.weighted_deviation(groups_efficiencies, weights=self._group_weights, power=self.power) return (result / len(cuts)) ** (1. / self.power) class KnnBasedTheil(AbstractKnnMetric): def __init__(self, uniform_features, uniform_label, n_neighbours=50, target_rcp=None): """ Theil index of Efficiency, computed using k nearest neighbours. :param list[str] uniform_features: features, in which we compute non-uniformity. :param uniform_label: label of class, in which uniformity is measured (0 for bck, 1 for signal) :param int n_neighbours: number of neighs :param list[float] target_rcp: global right-classified-parts. Thresholds are selected so this part of class was correctly classified. Default values are [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9] """ AbstractKnnMetric.__init__(self, n_neighbours=n_neighbours, uniform_features=uniform_features, uniform_label=uniform_label) self.target_rcp = target_rcp def __call__(self, y, proba, sample_weight): y_pred = proba[self._label_mask, self.uniform_label] if self.target_rcp is None: self.target_rcp = [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9] self.target_rcp = numpy.array(self.target_rcp) result = 0. cuts = weighted_quantile(y_pred, quantiles=1 - self.target_rcp, sample_weight=self._masked_weight) for cut in cuts: groups_efficiencies = ut.compute_group_efficiencies(y_pred, groups_matrix=self._group_matrix, cut=cut, divided_weight=self._divided_weights) result += ut.theil(groups_efficiencies, weights=self._group_weights) return result / len(cuts) class KnnBasedCvM(AbstractKnnMetric): def __init__(self, uniform_features, uniform_label, n_neighbours=50, power=2.): """ Nonuniformity metric based on Cramer-von Mises distance between distributions, computed on nearest neighbours. :param list[str] uniform_features: features, in which we compute non-uniformity. :param uniform_label: label of class, in which uniformity is measured (0 for bck, 1 for signal) :param int n_neighbours: number of neighs :param float power: power used in CvM formula (default is 2.) """ AbstractKnnMetric.__init__(self, n_neighbours=n_neighbours, uniform_features=uniform_features, uniform_label=uniform_label) self.power = power def __call__(self, y, proba, sample_weight): y_pred = proba[self._label_mask, self.uniform_label] result = 0. global_data, global_sample_weight, global_cdf = ut.prepare_distribution(y_pred, weights=self._masked_weight) for group, group_weight in zip(self._groups_indices, self._group_weights): local_distribution = y_pred[group] local_sample_weights = self._masked_weight[group] result += group_weight * ut._cvm_2samp_fast(global_data, local_distribution, global_sample_weight, local_sample_weights, global_cdf) return result