""" The module contains an implementation of uBoost algorithm. The main goal of **uBoost** is to fight correlation between predictions and some variables (i.e. mass of particle). * `uBoostBDT` is a modified version of AdaBoost, that targets to obtain efficiency uniformity at the specified level (global efficiency) * `uBoostClassifier` is a combination of uBoostBDTs for different efficiencies This implementation is more advanced than one described in the original paper, contains smoothing and trains classifiers in threads, has `learning_rate` and `uniforming_rate` parameters, does automatic weights renormalization and supports SAMME.R modification to use predicted probabilities. Only binary classification is implemented. See also: :class:`hep_ml.losses.BinFlatnessLossFunction`, :class:`hep_ml.losses.KnnFlatnessLossFunction`, :class:`hep_ml.losses.KnnAdaLossFunction` to fight correlation. Examples ________ To get uniform prediction in mass for background: >>> base_tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3) >>> clf = uBoostClassifier(uniform_features=['mass'], uniform_label=0, base_estimator=base_tree, >>> train_features=['pt', 'flight_time']) >>> clf.fit(train_data, train_labels, sample_weight=train_weights) >>> proba = clf.predict_proba(test_data) To get uniform prediction in Dalitz variables for signal >>> clf = uBoostClassifier(uniform_features=['mass_12', 'mass_23'], uniform_label=1, base_estimator=base_tree, >>> train_features=['pt', 'flight_time']) >>> clf.fit(train_data, train_labels, sample_weight=train_weights) >>> proba = clf.predict_proba(test_data) """ # Authors: # Alex Rogozhnikov # Nikita Kazeev from six.moves import zip import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, clone from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.utils.random import check_random_state from .commonutils import sigmoid_function, map_on_cluster, \ compute_knn_indices_of_same_class, compute_cut_for_efficiency, check_xyw from . import commonutils from .metrics_utils import compute_group_efficiencies_by_indices __author__ = "Alex Rogozhnikov, Nikita Kazeev" __all__ = ["uBoostBDT", "uBoostClassifier"] class uBoostBDT(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin): def __init__(self, uniform_features, uniform_label, target_efficiency=0.5, n_neighbors=50, subsample=1.0, base_estimator=None, n_estimators=50, learning_rate=1., uniforming_rate=1., train_features=None, smoothing=0.0, random_state=None, algorithm="SAMME"): """ uBoostBDT is AdaBoostClassifier, which is modified to have flat efficiency of signal (class=1) along some variables. Efficiency is only guaranteed at the cut, corresponding to global efficiency == target_efficiency. Can be used alone, without uBoostClassifier. :param uniform_features: list of strings, names of variables, along which flatness is desired :param uniform_label: int, label of class on which uniformity is desired (typically 0 for background, 1 for signal). :param target_efficiency: float, the flatness is obtained at global BDT cut, corresponding to global efficiency :param n_neighbors: int, (default=50) the number of neighbours, which are used to compute local efficiency :param subsample: float (default=1.0), part of training dataset used to build each base estimator. :param base_estimator: classifier, optional (default=DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=2)) The base estimator from which the boosted ensemble is built. Support for sample weighting is required, as well as proper `classes_` and `n_classes_` attributes. :param n_estimators: integer, optional (default=50) number of estimators used. :param learning_rate: float, optional (default=1.) Learning rate shrinks the contribution of each classifier by ``learning_rate``. There is a trade-off between ``learning_rate`` and ``n_estimators``. :param uniforming_rate: float, optional (default=1.) how much do we take into account the uniformity of signal, there is a trade-off between uniforming_rate and the speed of uniforming, zero value corresponds to plain AdaBoost :param train_features: list of strings, names of variables used in fit/predict. If None, all the variables are used (including uniform_variables) :param smoothing: float, (default=0.), used to smooth computing of local efficiencies, 0.0 corresponds to usual uBoost :param random_state: int, RandomState instance or None (default None) Reference ---------- .. [1] J. Stevens, M. Williams 'uBoost: A boosting method for producing uniform selection efficiencies from multivariate classifiers' """ self.base_estimator = base_estimator self.n_estimators = n_estimators self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.uniforming_rate = uniforming_rate self.uniform_features = uniform_features self.target_efficiency = target_efficiency self.n_neighbors = n_neighbors self.subsample = subsample self.train_features = train_features self.smoothing = smoothing self.uniform_label = uniform_label self.random_state = random_state self.algorithm = algorithm def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, neighbours_matrix=None): """Build a boosted classifier from the training set (X, y). :param X: array-like of shape [n_samples, n_features] :param y: labels, array of shape [n_samples] with 0 and 1. :param sample_weight: array-like of shape [n_samples] or None :param neighbours_matrix: array-like of shape [n_samples, n_neighbours], each row contains indices of signal neighbours (neighbours should be computed for background too), if None, this matrix is computed. :return: self """ if self.smoothing < 0: raise ValueError("Smoothing must be non-negative") if not isinstance(self.base_estimator, BaseEstimator): raise TypeError("estimator must be a subclass of BaseEstimator") if self.n_estimators <= 0: raise ValueError("n_estimators must be greater than zero.") if self.learning_rate <= 0: raise ValueError("learning_rate must be greater than zero") if self.base_estimator is None: self.base_estimator = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=2) # Check that algorithm is supported if self.algorithm not in ('SAMME', 'SAMME.R'): raise ValueError("algorithm %s is not supported" % self.algorithm) if self.algorithm == 'SAMME.R': if not hasattr(self.base_estimator, 'predict_proba'): raise TypeError( "uBoostBDT with algorithm='SAMME.R' requires " "that the weak learner have a predict_proba method.\n" "Please change the base estimator or set algorithm='SAMME' instead.") assert np.in1d(y, [0, 1]).all(), \ "only two-class classification is implemented, with labels 0 and 1" self.signed_uniform_label = 2 * self.uniform_label - 1 if neighbours_matrix is not None: assert np.shape(neighbours_matrix) == (len(X), self.n_neighbors), \ "Wrong shape of neighbours_matrix" self.knn_indices = neighbours_matrix else: assert self.uniform_features is not None, \ "uniform_variables should be set" self.knn_indices = compute_knn_indices_of_same_class( X.ix[:, self.uniform_features], y, self.n_neighbors) sample_weight = commonutils.check_sample_weight(y, sample_weight=sample_weight, normalize=True) assert np.all(sample_weight >= 0.), 'the weights should be non-negative' # Clear any previous fit results self.estimators_ = [] self.estimator_weights_ = [] # score cuts correspond to # global efficiency == target_efficiency on each iteration. self.score_cuts_ = [] x_train_features = self._get_train_features(X) x_train_features, y, sample_weight = check_xyw(x_train_features, y, sample_weight) self.random_state_ = check_random_state(self.random_state) self._boost(x_train_features, y, sample_weight) self.score_cut = self.signed_uniform_label * compute_cut_for_efficiency( self.target_efficiency, y == self.uniform_label, self.decision_function(X) * self.signed_uniform_label) assert np.allclose(self.score_cut, self.score_cuts_[-1], rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10), \ "score cut doesn't appear to coincide with the staged one" assert len(self.estimators_) == len(self.estimator_weights_) == len(self.score_cuts_) return self def _make_estimator(self): estimator = clone(self.base_estimator) # self.estimators_.append(estimator) try: estimator.set_params(random_state=self.random_state) except ValueError: pass return estimator def _estimator_score(self, estimator, X): if self.algorithm == "SAMME": return 2 * estimator.predict(X) - 1. else: p = estimator.predict_proba(X) p[p <= 1e-5] = 1e-5 return np.log(p[:, 1] / p[:, 0]) @staticmethod def _normalize_weight(y, weight): # frequently algorithm assigns very big weight to signal events # compared to background ones (or visa versa, if want to be uniform in bck) return commonutils.check_sample_weight(y, sample_weight=weight, normalize=True, normalize_by_class=True) def _compute_uboost_multipliers(self, sample_weight, score, y): """Returns uBoost multipliers to sample_weight and computed global cut""" signed_score = score * self.signed_uniform_label signed_score_cut = compute_cut_for_efficiency(self.target_efficiency, y == self.uniform_label, signed_score) global_score_cut = signed_score_cut * self.signed_uniform_label local_efficiencies = compute_group_efficiencies_by_indices(signed_score, self.knn_indices, cut=signed_score_cut, smoothing=self.smoothing) # pay attention - sample_weight should be used only here e_prime = np.average(np.abs(local_efficiencies - self.target_efficiency), weights=sample_weight) is_uniform_class = (y == self.uniform_label) # beta = np.log((1.0 - e_prime) / e_prime) # changed to log(1. / e_prime), otherwise this can lead to the situation # where beta is negative (which is a disaster). # Mike (uboost author) said he didn't take that into account. beta = np.log(1. / e_prime) boost_weights = np.exp((self.target_efficiency - local_efficiencies) * is_uniform_class * (beta * self.uniforming_rate)) return boost_weights, global_score_cut def _boost(self, X, y, sample_weight): """Implement a single boost using the SAMME or SAMME.R algorithm, which is modified in uBoost way""" cumulative_score = np.zeros(len(X)) y_signed = 2 * y - 1 for iteration in range(self.n_estimators): estimator = self._make_estimator() mask = _generate_subsample_mask(len(X), self.subsample, self.random_state_) estimator.fit(X[mask], y[mask], sample_weight=sample_weight[mask]) # computing estimator weight if self.algorithm == 'SAMME': y_pred = estimator.predict(X) # Error fraction estimator_error = np.average(y_pred != y, weights=sample_weight) estimator_error = np.clip(estimator_error, 1e-6, 1. - 1e-6) estimator_weight = self.learning_rate * 0.5 * ( np.log((1. - estimator_error) / estimator_error)) score = estimator_weight * (2 * y_pred - 1) else: estimator_weight = self.learning_rate * 0.5 score = estimator_weight * self._estimator_score(estimator, X) # correcting the weights and score according to predictions sample_weight *= np.exp(- y_signed * score) sample_weight = self._normalize_weight(y, sample_weight) cumulative_score += score uboost_multipliers, global_score_cut = \ self._compute_uboost_multipliers(sample_weight, cumulative_score, y) sample_weight *= uboost_multipliers sample_weight = self._normalize_weight(y, sample_weight) self.score_cuts_.append(global_score_cut) self.estimators_.append(estimator) self.estimator_weights_.append(estimator_weight) # erasing from memory self.knn_indices = None def _get_train_features(self, X): """Gets the DataFrame and returns only columns that should be used in fitting / predictions""" if self.train_features is None: return X else: return X[self.train_features] def staged_decision_function(self, X): """Decision function after each stage of boosting. Float for each sample, the greater --- the more signal like event is. :param X: data, pandas.DataFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features] :return: array of shape [n_samples] with floats. """ X = self._get_train_features(X) score = np.zeros(len(X)) for classifier, weight in zip(self.estimators_, self.estimator_weights_): score += self._estimator_score(classifier, X) * weight yield score def decision_function(self, X): """Decision function. Float for each sample, the greater --- the more signal like event is. :param X: data, pandas.DataFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features] :return: array of shape [n_samples] with floats """ return commonutils.take_last(self.staged_decision_function(X)) def predict(self, X): """Predict classes for each sample :param X: data, pandas.DataFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features] :return: array of shape [n_samples] with predicted classes. """ return np.array(self.decision_function(X) > self.score_cut, dtype=int) def predict_proba(self, X): """Predict probabilities :param X: data, pandas.DataFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features] :return: array of shape [n_samples, n_classes] with probabilities. """ return commonutils.score_to_proba(self.decision_function(X)) def staged_predict_proba(self, X): """Predicted probabilities for each sample after each stage of boosting. :param X: data, pandas.DataFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features] :return: sequence of numpy.arrays of shape [n_samples, n_classes] """ for score in self.staged_decision_function(X): yield commonutils.score_to_proba(score) def _uboost_predict_score(self, X): """Method added specially for uBoostClassifier""" return sigmoid_function(self.decision_function(X) - self.score_cut, self.smoothing) def _uboost_staged_predict_score(self, X): """Method added specially for uBoostClassifier""" for cut, score in zip(self.score_cuts_, self.staged_decision_function(X)): yield sigmoid_function(score - cut, self.smoothing) @property def feature_importances_(self): """Return the feature importances for `train_features`. :return: array of shape [n_features], the order is the same as in `train_features` """ if self.estimators_ is None or len(self.estimators_) == 0: raise ValueError("Estimator not fitted," " call `fit` before `feature_importances_`.") return sum(tree.feature_importances_ * weight for tree, weight in zip(self.estimators_, self.estimator_weights_)) def _train_classifier(classifier, X_train_vars, y, sample_weight, neighbours_matrix): # supplementary function to train separate parts of uBoost on cluster return classifier.fit(X_train_vars, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, neighbours_matrix=neighbours_matrix) class uBoostClassifier(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin): def __init__(self, uniform_features, uniform_label, train_features=None, n_neighbors=50, efficiency_steps=20, n_estimators=40, base_estimator=None, subsample=1.0, algorithm="SAMME", smoothing=None, n_threads=1, random_state=None): """uBoost classifier, an algorithm of boosting targeted to obtain flat efficiency in signal along some variables (e.g. mass). In principle, uBoost is ensemble of uBoostBDTs. See [1] for details. Parameters ---------- :param uniform_features: list of strings, names of variables, along which flatness is desired :param uniform_label: int, tha label of class for which uniformity is desired :param train_features: list of strings, names of variables used in fit/predict. if None, all the variables are used (including uniform_variables) :param n_neighbors: int, (default=50) the number of neighbours, which are used to compute local efficiency :param n_estimators: integer, optional (default=50) The maximum number of estimators at which boosting is terminated. In case of perfect fit, the learning procedure is stopped early. :param efficiency_steps: integer, optional (default=20), How many uBoostBDTs should be trained (each with its own target_efficiency) :param base_estimator: object, optional (default=DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=2)) The base estimator from which the boosted ensemble is built. Support for sample weighting is required, as well as proper `classes_` and `n_classes_` attributes. :param subsample: float (default =1.) part of training dataset used to train each base classifier. :param smoothing: float, default=None, used to smooth computing of local efficiencies, 0.0 corresponds to usual uBoost, :param random_state: int, RandomState instance or None, (default=None) :param n_threads: int, number of threads used. Reference ---------- .. [1] J. Stevens, M. Williams 'uBoost: A boosting method for producing uniform selection efficiencies from multivariate classifiers' """ self.uniform_features = uniform_features self.uniform_label = uniform_label self.n_neighbors = n_neighbors self.efficiency_steps = efficiency_steps self.random_state = random_state self.n_estimators = n_estimators self.base_estimator = base_estimator self.subsample = subsample self.train_features = train_features self.smoothing = smoothing self.n_threads = n_threads self.algorithm = algorithm def _get_train_features(self, X): if self.train_features is not None: return X[self.train_features] else: return X def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Build a boosted classifier from the training set. :param X: data, pandas.DatFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features] :param y: labels, array of shape [n_samples] with 0 and 1. The target values (integers that correspond to classes). :param sample_weight: array-like of shape [n_samples] with weights or None :return: self """ if self.uniform_features is None: raise ValueError("Please set uniform variables") if len(self.uniform_features) == 0: raise ValueError("The set of uniform variables cannot be empty") assert np.in1d(y, [0, 1]).all(), \ "only two-class classification is implemented" if self.base_estimator is None: self.base_estimator = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=2) X, y, sample_weight = check_xyw(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, classification=True) data_train_features = self._get_train_features(X) if self.smoothing is None: self.smoothing = 10. / self.efficiency_steps neighbours_matrix = compute_knn_indices_of_same_class( X[self.uniform_features], y, n_neighbours=self.n_neighbors) self.target_efficiencies = np.linspace(0, 1, self.efficiency_steps + 2)[1:-1] self.classifiers = [] for efficiency in self.target_efficiencies: classifier = uBoostBDT( uniform_features=self.uniform_features, uniform_label=self.uniform_label, train_features=None, target_efficiency=efficiency, n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors, n_estimators=self.n_estimators, base_estimator=self.base_estimator, random_state=self.random_state, subsample=self.subsample, smoothing=self.smoothing, algorithm=self.algorithm) self.classifiers.append(classifier) self.classifiers = map_on_cluster('threads-{}'.format(self.n_threads), _train_classifier, self.classifiers, self.efficiency_steps * [data_train_features], self.efficiency_steps * [y], self.efficiency_steps * [sample_weight], self.efficiency_steps * [neighbours_matrix]) return self def predict(self, X): """Predict labels :param X: data, pandas.DataFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features] :return: numpy.array of shape [n_samples] """ return self.predict_proba(X).argmax(axis=1) def predict_proba(self, X): """Predict probabilities :param X: data, pandas.DataFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features] :return: array of shape [n_samples, n_classes] with probabilities. """ X = self._get_train_features(X) score = sum(clf._uboost_predict_score(X) for clf in self.classifiers) return commonutils.score_to_proba(score / self.efficiency_steps) def staged_predict_proba(self, X): """Predicted probabilities for each sample after each stage of boosting. :param X: data, pandas.DataFrame of shape [n_samples, n_features] :return: sequence of numpy.arrays of shape [n_samples, n_classes] """ X = self._get_train_features(X) for scores in zip(*[clf._uboost_staged_predict_score(X) for clf in self.classifiers]): yield commonutils.score_to_proba(sum(scores) / self.efficiency_steps) def _generate_subsample_mask(n_samples, subsample, random_generator): """ :param float subsample: part of samples to be left :param random_generator: numpy.random.RandomState instance """ assert 0 < subsample <= 1., 'subsample should be in range (0, 1]' if subsample == 1.0: mask = slice(None, None, None) else: mask = random_generator.uniform(size=n_samples) < subsample return mask