""" """ # Created on 2013.05.15 # # Author: Giovanni Cannata # # Copyright 2013 - 2020 Giovanni Cannata # # This file is part of ldap3. # # ldap3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # ldap3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with ldap3 in the COPYING and COPYING.LESSER files. # If not, see . from types import GeneratorType # authentication ANONYMOUS = 'ANONYMOUS' SIMPLE = 'SIMPLE' SASL = 'SASL' NTLM = 'NTLM' # SASL MECHANISMS EXTERNAL = 'EXTERNAL' DIGEST_MD5 = 'DIGEST-MD5' KERBEROS = GSSAPI = 'GSSAPI' PLAIN = 'PLAIN' AUTO_BIND_DEFAULT = 'DEFAULT' # binds connection whens using "with" context manager AUTO_BIND_NONE = 'NONE' # same as False AUTO_BIND_NO_TLS = 'NO_TLS' # same as True AUTO_BIND_TLS_BEFORE_BIND = 'TLS_BEFORE_BIND' AUTO_BIND_TLS_AFTER_BIND = 'TLS_AFTER_BIND' # server IP dual stack mode IP_SYSTEM_DEFAULT = 'IP_SYSTEM_DEFAULT' IP_V4_ONLY = 'IP_V4_ONLY' IP_V6_ONLY = 'IP_V6_ONLY' IP_V4_PREFERRED = 'IP_V4_PREFERRED' IP_V6_PREFERRED = 'IP_V6_PREFERRED' # search scope BASE = 'BASE' LEVEL = 'LEVEL' SUBTREE = 'SUBTREE' # search alias DEREF_NEVER = 'NEVER' DEREF_SEARCH = 'SEARCH' DEREF_BASE = 'FINDING_BASE' DEREF_ALWAYS = 'ALWAYS' # search attributes ALL_ATTRIBUTES = '*' NO_ATTRIBUTES = '1.1' # as per RFC 4511 ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES = '+' # as per RFC 3673 # modify type MODIFY_ADD = 'MODIFY_ADD' MODIFY_DELETE = 'MODIFY_DELETE' MODIFY_REPLACE = 'MODIFY_REPLACE' MODIFY_INCREMENT = 'MODIFY_INCREMENT' # client strategies SYNC = 'SYNC' ASYNC = 'ASYNC' LDIF = 'LDIF' RESTARTABLE = 'RESTARTABLE' REUSABLE = 'REUSABLE' MOCK_SYNC = 'MOCK_SYNC' MOCK_ASYNC = 'MOCK_ASYNC' ASYNC_STREAM = 'ASYNC_STREAM' # get rootDSE info NONE = 'NO_INFO' DSA = 'DSA' SCHEMA = 'SCHEMA' ALL = 'ALL' OFFLINE_EDIR_8_8_8 = 'EDIR_8_8_8' OFFLINE_EDIR_9_1_4 = 'EDIR_9_1_4' OFFLINE_AD_2012_R2 = 'AD_2012_R2' OFFLINE_SLAPD_2_4 = 'SLAPD_2_4' OFFLINE_DS389_1_3_3 = 'DS389_1_3_3' # server pooling FIRST = 'FIRST' ROUND_ROBIN = 'ROUND_ROBIN' RANDOM = 'RANDOM' # Hashed password HASHED_NONE = 'PLAIN' HASHED_SHA = 'SHA' HASHED_SHA256 = 'SHA256' HASHED_SHA384 = 'SHA384' HASHED_SHA512 = 'SHA512' HASHED_MD5 = 'MD5' HASHED_SALTED_SHA = 'SALTED_SHA' HASHED_SALTED_SHA256 = 'SALTED_SHA256' HASHED_SALTED_SHA384 = 'SALTED_SHA384' HASHED_SALTED_SHA512 = 'SALTED_SHA512' HASHED_SALTED_MD5 = 'SALTED_MD5' if str is not bytes: # Python 3 NUMERIC_TYPES = (int, float) INTEGER_TYPES = (int, ) else: NUMERIC_TYPES = (int, long, float) INTEGER_TYPES = (int, long) # types for string and sequence if str is not bytes: # Python 3 STRING_TYPES = (str, ) SEQUENCE_TYPES = (set, list, tuple, GeneratorType, type(dict().keys())) # dict.keys() is a iterable memoryview in Python 3 else: # Python 2 try: from future.types.newstr import newstr except ImportError: pass STRING_TYPES = (str, unicode) SEQUENCE_TYPES = (set, list, tuple, GeneratorType) # centralized imports # must be at the end of the __init__.py file from .version import __author__, __version__, __email__, __description__, __status__, __license__, __url__ from .utils.config import get_config_parameter, set_config_parameter from .core.server import Server from .core.connection import Connection from .core.tls import Tls from .core.pooling import ServerPool from .abstract.objectDef import ObjectDef from .abstract.attrDef import AttrDef from .abstract.attribute import Attribute, WritableAttribute, OperationalAttribute from .abstract.entry import Entry, WritableEntry from .abstract.cursor import Reader, Writer from .protocol.rfc4512 import DsaInfo, SchemaInfo