import functools import textwrap import warnings class MatplotlibDeprecationWarning(UserWarning): """ A class for issuing deprecation warnings for Matplotlib users. In light of the fact that Python builtin DeprecationWarnings are ignored by default as of Python 2.7 (see link below), this class was put in to allow for the signaling of deprecation, but via UserWarnings which are not ignored by default. """ mplDeprecation = MatplotlibDeprecationWarning """mplDeprecation is deprecated. Use MatplotlibDeprecationWarning instead.""" def _generate_deprecation_message( since, message='', name='', alternative='', pending=False, obj_type='attribute', addendum='', *, removal=''): if removal == "": removal = {"2.2": "in 3.1", "3.0": "in 3.2"}.get( since, "two minor releases later") elif removal: if pending: raise ValueError( "A pending deprecation cannot have a scheduled removal") removal = "in {}".format(removal) if not message: message = ( "The %(name)s %(obj_type)s" + (" will be deprecated in a future version" if pending else (" was deprecated in Matplotlib %(since)s" + (" and will be removed %(removal)s" if removal else ""))) + "." + (" Use %(alternative)s instead." if alternative else "") + (" %(addendum)s" if addendum else "")) return message % dict( func=name, name=name, obj_type=obj_type, since=since, removal=removal, alternative=alternative, addendum=addendum) def warn_deprecated( since, message='', name='', alternative='', pending=False, obj_type='attribute', addendum='', *, removal=''): """ Used to display deprecation in a standard way. Parameters ---------- since : str The release at which this API became deprecated. message : str, optional Override the default deprecation message. The format specifier `%(name)s` may be used for the name of the function, and `%(alternative)s` may be used in the deprecation message to insert the name of an alternative to the deprecated function. `%(obj_type)s` may be used to insert a friendly name for the type of object being deprecated. name : str, optional The name of the deprecated object. alternative : str, optional An alternative API that the user may use in place of the deprecated API. The deprecation warning will tell the user about this alternative if provided. pending : bool, optional If True, uses a PendingDeprecationWarning instead of a DeprecationWarning. Cannot be used together with *removal*. removal : str, optional The expected removal version. With the default (an empty string), a removal version is automatically computed from *since*. Set to other Falsy values to not schedule a removal date. Cannot be used together with *pending*. obj_type : str, optional The object type being deprecated. addendum : str, optional Additional text appended directly to the final message. Examples -------- Basic example:: # To warn of the deprecation of "matplotlib.name_of_module" warn_deprecated('1.4.0', name='matplotlib.name_of_module', obj_type='module') """ message = '\n' + _generate_deprecation_message( since, message, name, alternative, pending, obj_type, addendum, removal=removal) category = (PendingDeprecationWarning if pending else MatplotlibDeprecationWarning) warnings.warn(message, category, stacklevel=2) def deprecated(since, message='', name='', alternative='', pending=False, obj_type=None, addendum='', *, removal=''): """ Decorator to mark a function or a class as deprecated. Parameters ---------- since : str The release at which this API became deprecated. This is required. message : str, optional Override the default deprecation message. The format specifier `%(name)s` may be used for the name of the object, and `%(alternative)s` may be used in the deprecation message to insert the name of an alternative to the deprecated object. name : str, optional The name of the deprecated object; if not provided the name is automatically determined from the passed in object, though this is useful in the case of renamed functions, where the new function is just assigned to the name of the deprecated function. For example:: def new_function(): ... oldFunction = new_function alternative : str, optional An alternative API that the user may use in place of the deprecated API. The deprecation warning will tell the user about this alternative if provided. pending : bool, optional If True, uses a PendingDeprecationWarning instead of a DeprecationWarning. Cannot be used together with *removal*. removal : str, optional The expected removal version. With the default (an empty string), a removal version is automatically computed from *since*. Set to other Falsy values to not schedule a removal date. Cannot be used together with *pending*. addendum : str, optional Additional text appended directly to the final message. Examples -------- Basic example:: @deprecated('1.4.0') def the_function_to_deprecate(): pass """ if obj_type is not None: warn_deprecated( "3.0", "Passing 'obj_type' to the 'deprecated' decorator has no " "effect, and is deprecated since Matplotlib %(since)s; support " "for it will be removed %(removal)s.") def deprecate(obj, message=message, name=name, alternative=alternative, pending=pending, addendum=addendum): if not name: name = obj.__name__ if isinstance(obj, type): obj_type = "class" old_doc = obj.__doc__ func = obj.__init__ def finalize(wrapper, new_doc): obj.__doc__ = new_doc obj.__init__ = wrapper return obj elif isinstance(obj, property): obj_type = "attribute" func = None name = name or obj.fget.__name__ old_doc = obj.__doc__ class _deprecated_property(property): def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is not None: from . import _warn_external _warn_external(message, category) return super().__get__(instance, owner) def __set__(self, instance, value): if instance is not None: from . import _warn_external _warn_external(message, category) return super().__set__(instance, value) def __delete__(self, instance): if instance is not None: from . import _warn_external _warn_external(message, category) return super().__delete__(instance) def finalize(_, new_doc): return _deprecated_property( fget=obj.fget, fset=obj.fset, fdel=obj.fdel, doc=new_doc) else: obj_type = "function" if isinstance(obj, classmethod): func = obj.__func__ old_doc = func.__doc__ def finalize(wrapper, new_doc): wrapper = functools.wraps(func)(wrapper) wrapper.__doc__ = new_doc return classmethod(wrapper) else: func = obj old_doc = func.__doc__ def finalize(wrapper, new_doc): wrapper = functools.wraps(func)(wrapper) wrapper.__doc__ = new_doc return wrapper message = _generate_deprecation_message( since, message, name, alternative, pending, obj_type, addendum, removal=removal) category = (PendingDeprecationWarning if pending else MatplotlibDeprecationWarning) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn(message, category, stacklevel=2) return func(*args, **kwargs) old_doc = textwrap.dedent(old_doc or '').strip('\n') message = message.strip() new_doc = (('\n.. deprecated:: %(since)s' '\n %(message)s\n\n' % {'since': since, 'message': message}) + old_doc) if not old_doc: # This is to prevent a spurious 'unexected unindent' warning from # docutils when the original docstring was blank. new_doc += r'\ ' return finalize(wrapper, new_doc) return deprecate