import itertools import warnings import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.testing.decorators import image_comparison import pytest def check_shared(axs, x_shared, y_shared): """ x_shared and y_shared are n x n boolean matrices; entry (i, j) indicates whether the x (or y) axes of subplots i and j should be shared. """ for (i1, ax1), (i2, ax2), (i3, (name, shared)) in itertools.product( enumerate(axs), enumerate(axs), enumerate(zip("xy", [x_shared, y_shared]))): if i2 <= i1: continue assert \ (getattr(axs[0], "_shared_{}_axes".format(name)).joined(ax1, ax2) == shared[i1, i2]), \ "axes %i and %i incorrectly %ssharing %s axis" % ( i1, i2, "not " if shared[i1, i2] else "", name) def check_visible(axs, x_visible, y_visible): def tostr(v): return "invisible" if v else "visible" for ax, vx, vy in zip(axs, x_visible, y_visible): for l in ax.get_xticklabels() + [ax.get_xaxis().offsetText]: assert l.get_visible() == vx, \ "X axis was incorrectly %s" % (tostr(vx)) for l in ax.get_yticklabels() + [ax.get_yaxis().offsetText]: assert l.get_visible() == vy, \ "Y axis was incorrectly %s" % (tostr(vy)) def test_shared(): rdim = (4, 4, 2) share = { 'all': numpy.ones(rdim[:2], dtype=bool), 'none': numpy.zeros(rdim[:2], dtype=bool), 'row': numpy.array([ [False, True, False, False], [True, False, False, False], [False, False, False, True], [False, False, True, False]]), 'col': numpy.array([ [False, False, True, False], [False, False, False, True], [True, False, False, False], [False, True, False, False]]), } visible = { 'x': { 'all': [False, False, True, True], 'col': [False, False, True, True], 'row': [True] * 4, 'none': [True] * 4, False: [True] * 4, True: [False, False, True, True], }, 'y': { 'all': [True, False, True, False], 'col': [True] * 4, 'row': [True, False, True, False], 'none': [True] * 4, False: [True] * 4, True: [True, False, True, False], }, } share[False] = share['none'] share[True] = share['all'] # test default f, ((a1, a2), (a3, a4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2) axs = [a1, a2, a3, a4] check_shared(axs, share['none'], share['none']) plt.close(f) # test all option combinations ops = [False, True, 'all', 'none', 'row', 'col'] for xo in ops: for yo in ops: f, ((a1, a2), (a3, a4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex=xo, sharey=yo) axs = [a1, a2, a3, a4] check_shared(axs, share[xo], share[yo]) check_visible(axs, visible['x'][xo], visible['y'][yo]) plt.close(f) # test label_outer f, ((a1, a2), (a3, a4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True) axs = [a1, a2, a3, a4] for ax in axs: ax.label_outer() check_visible(axs, [False, False, True, True], [True, False, True, False]) def test_shared_and_moved(): # test if sharey is on, but then tick_left is called that labels don't # re-appear. Seaborn does this just to be sure yaxis is on left... f, (a1, a2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True) check_visible([a2], [True], [False]) a2.yaxis.tick_left() check_visible([a2], [True], [False]) f, (a1, a2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) check_visible([a1], [False], [True]) a2.xaxis.tick_bottom() check_visible([a1], [False], [True]) def test_exceptions(): # TODO should this test more options? with pytest.raises(ValueError): plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='blah') with pytest.raises(ValueError): plt.subplots(2, 2, sharey='blah') # We filter warnings in this test which are genuine since # the point of this test is to ensure that this raises. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='.*sharex argument to subplots', category=UserWarning) with pytest.raises(ValueError): plt.subplots(2, 2, -1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): plt.subplots(2, 2, 0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): plt.subplots(2, 2, 5) @image_comparison(baseline_images=['subplots_offset_text'], remove_text=False) def test_subplots_offsettext(): x = numpy.arange(0, 1e10, 1e9) y = numpy.arange(0, 100, 10)+1e4 fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='col', sharey='all') axes[0, 0].plot(x, x) axes[1, 0].plot(x, x) axes[0, 1].plot(y, x) axes[1, 1].plot(y, x) def test_get_gridspec(): # ahem, pretty trivial, but... fig, ax = plt.subplots() assert ax.get_subplotspec().get_gridspec() == ax.get_gridspec() def test_dont_mutate_kwargs(): subplot_kw = {'sharex': 'all'} gridspec_kw = {'width_ratios': [1, 2]} fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, subplot_kw=subplot_kw, gridspec_kw=gridspec_kw) assert subplot_kw == {'sharex': 'all'} assert gridspec_kw == {'width_ratios': [1, 2]}