# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. from __future__ import print_function import json import os import pprint import sys import warnings from ipython_genutils.importstring import import_item from .json_compat import get_current_validator, ValidationError from .reader import get_version, reads from .corpus.words import generate_corpus_id validators = {} def _relax_additional_properties(obj): """relax any `additionalProperties`""" if isinstance(obj, dict): for key, value in obj.items(): if key == 'additionalProperties': value = True else: value = _relax_additional_properties(value) obj[key] = value elif isinstance(obj, list): for i, value in enumerate(obj): obj[i] = _relax_additional_properties(value) return obj def _allow_undefined(schema): schema['definitions']['cell']['oneOf'].append( {"$ref": "#/definitions/unrecognized_cell"} ) schema['definitions']['output']['oneOf'].append( {"$ref": "#/definitions/unrecognized_output"} ) return schema def get_validator(version=None, version_minor=None, relax_add_props=False): """Load the JSON schema into a Validator""" if version is None: from . import current_nbformat version = current_nbformat v = import_item("nbformat.v%s" % version) current_minor = getattr(v, 'nbformat_minor', 0) if version_minor is None: version_minor = current_minor current_validator = get_current_validator() version_tuple = (current_validator.name, version, version_minor) if version_tuple not in validators: try: schema_json = _get_schema_json(v, version=version, version_minor=version_minor) except AttributeError: return None if current_minor < version_minor: # notebook from the future, relax all `additionalProperties: False` requirements schema_json = _relax_additional_properties(schema_json) # and allow undefined cell types and outputs schema_json = _allow_undefined(schema_json) validators[version_tuple] = current_validator(schema_json) if relax_add_props: try: schema_json = _get_schema_json(v, version=version, version_minor=version_minor) except AttributeError: return None # this allows properties to be added for intermediate # representations while validating for all other kinds of errors schema_json = _relax_additional_properties(schema_json) validators[version_tuple] = current_validator(schema_json) return validators[version_tuple] def _get_schema_json(v, version=None, version_minor=None): """ Gets the json schema from a given imported library and nbformat version. """ if (version, version_minor) in v.nbformat_schema: schema_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(v.__file__), v.nbformat_schema[(version, version_minor)]) elif version_minor > v.nbformat_minor: # load the latest schema schema_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(v.__file__), v.nbformat_schema[(None, None)]) else: raise AttributeError('Cannot find appropriate nbformat schema file.') with open(schema_path) as f: schema_json = json.load(f) return schema_json def isvalid(nbjson, ref=None, version=None, version_minor=None): """Checks whether the given notebook JSON conforms to the current notebook format schema. Returns True if the JSON is valid, and False otherwise. To see the individual errors that were encountered, please use the `validate` function instead. """ try: validate(nbjson, ref, version, version_minor) except ValidationError: return False else: return True def _format_as_index(indices): """ (from jsonschema._utils.format_as_index, copied to avoid relying on private API) Construct a single string containing indexing operations for the indices. For example, [1, 2, "foo"] -> [1][2]["foo"] """ if not indices: return "" return "[%s]" % "][".join(repr(index) for index in indices) _ITEM_LIMIT = 16 _STR_LIMIT = 64 def _truncate_obj(obj): """Truncate objects for use in validation tracebacks Cell and output lists are squashed, as are long strings, lists, and dicts. """ if isinstance(obj, dict): truncated = { k:_truncate_obj(v) for k,v in list(obj.items())[:_ITEM_LIMIT] } if isinstance(truncated.get('cells'), list): truncated['cells'] = ['...%i cells...' % len(obj['cells'])] if isinstance(truncated.get('outputs'), list): truncated['outputs'] = ['...%i outputs...' % len(obj['outputs'])] if len(obj) > _ITEM_LIMIT: truncated['...'] = '%i keys truncated' % (len(obj) - _ITEM_LIMIT) return truncated elif isinstance(obj, list): truncated = [ _truncate_obj(item) for item in obj[:_ITEM_LIMIT] ] if len(obj) > _ITEM_LIMIT: truncated.append('...%i items truncated...' % (len(obj) - _ITEM_LIMIT)) return truncated elif isinstance(obj, str): truncated = obj[:_STR_LIMIT] if len(obj) > _STR_LIMIT: truncated += '...' return truncated else: return obj class NotebookValidationError(ValidationError): """Schema ValidationError with truncated representation to avoid massive verbose tracebacks. """ def __init__(self, original, ref=None): self.original = original self.ref = getattr(self.original, 'ref', ref) self.message = self.original.message def __getattr__(self, key): return getattr(self.original, key) def __unicode__(self): """Custom str for validation errors avoids dumping full schema and notebook to logs """ error = self.original instance = _truncate_obj(error.instance) return u'\n'.join([ error.message, u'', u"Failed validating %r in %s%s:" % ( error.validator, self.ref or 'notebook', _format_as_index(list(error.relative_schema_path)[:-1])), u'', u'On instance%s:' % _format_as_index(error.relative_path), pprint.pformat(instance, width=78), ]) if sys.version_info >= (3,): __str__ = __unicode__ def better_validation_error(error, version, version_minor): """Get better ValidationError on oneOf failures oneOf errors aren't informative. if it's a cell type or output_type error, try validating directly based on the type for a better error message """ key = error.schema_path[-1] ref = None if key.endswith('Of'): if isinstance(error.instance, dict): if 'cell_type' in error.instance: ref = error.instance['cell_type'] + "_cell" elif 'output_type' in error.instance: ref = error.instance['output_type'] if ref: try: validate(error.instance, ref, version=version, version_minor=version_minor, ) except ValidationError as sub_error: # keep extending relative path error.relative_path.extend(sub_error.relative_path) sub_error.relative_path = error.relative_path better = better_validation_error(sub_error, version, version_minor) if better.ref is None: better.ref = ref return better except Exception: # if it fails for some reason, # let the original error through pass return NotebookValidationError(error, ref) def validate(nbdict=None, ref=None, version=None, version_minor=None, relax_add_props=False, nbjson=None): """Checks whether the given notebook dict-like object conforms to the relevant notebook format schema. Raises ValidationError if not valid. """ # backwards compatibility for nbjson argument if nbdict is not None: pass elif nbjson is not None: nbdict = nbjson else: raise TypeError("validate() missing 1 required argument: 'nbdict'") if ref is None: # if ref is not specified, we have a whole notebook, so we can get the version nbdict_version, nbdict_version_minor = get_version(nbdict) if version is None: version = nbdict_version if version_minor is None: version_minor = nbdict_version_minor else: # if ref is specified, and we don't have a version number, assume we're validating against 1.0 if version is None: version, version_minor = 1, 0 if ref is None and version >= 4 and version_minor >= 5: # if we support cell ids ensure default ids are provided for cell in nbdict['cells']: if 'id' not in cell: # Generate cell ids if any are missing cell['id'] = generate_corpus_id() for error in iter_validate(nbdict, ref=ref, version=version, version_minor=version_minor, relax_add_props=relax_add_props): raise error if ref is None and version >= 4 and version_minor >= 5: # if we support cell ids check for uniqueness when validating the whole notebook seen_ids = set() for cell in nbdict['cells']: cell_id = cell['id'] if cell_id in seen_ids: cell['id'] = generate_corpus_id() # Best effort to repair if we find a duplicate id in case the ValidationError isn't blocking raise ValidationError("Non-unique cell id '{}' detected. Corrected to '{}'.".format(cell_id, cell['id'])) seen_ids.add(cell_id) def iter_validate(nbdict=None, ref=None, version=None, version_minor=None, relax_add_props=False, nbjson=None): """Checks whether the given notebook dict-like object conforms to the relevant notebook format schema. Returns a generator of all ValidationErrors if not valid. """ # backwards compatibility for nbjson argument if nbdict is not None: pass elif nbjson is not None: nbdict = nbjson else: raise TypeError("iter_validate() missing 1 required argument: 'nbdict'") if version is None: version, version_minor = get_version(nbdict) validator = get_validator(version, version_minor, relax_add_props=relax_add_props) if validator is None: # no validator yield ValidationError("No schema for validating v%s notebooks" % version) return if ref: errors = validator.iter_errors(nbdict, {'$ref' : '#/definitions/%s' % ref}) else: errors = validator.iter_errors(nbdict) for error in errors: yield better_validation_error(error, version, version_minor)