"""Base class for notebook tests.""" from binascii import hexlify from contextlib import contextmanager import errno import os import sys from threading import Thread, Event import time from unittest import TestCase pjoin = os.path.join from unittest.mock import patch import requests from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop import zmq import jupyter_core.paths from traitlets.config import Config from ..notebookapp import NotebookApp, urlencode_unix_socket from ..utils import url_path_join from ipython_genutils.tempdir import TemporaryDirectory MAX_WAITTIME = 30 # seconds to wait for notebook server to start POLL_INTERVAL = 0.1 # time between attempts # TimeoutError is a builtin on Python 3. This can be removed when we stop # supporting Python 2. class TimeoutError(Exception): pass class NotebookTestBase(TestCase): """A base class for tests that need a running notebook. This create some empty config and runtime directories and then starts the notebook server with them. """ port = 12341 config = None # run with a base URL that would be escaped, # to test that we don't double-escape URLs url_prefix = '/a%40b/' @classmethod def wait_until_alive(cls): """Wait for the server to be alive""" url = cls.base_url() + 'api/contents' for _ in range(int(MAX_WAITTIME/POLL_INTERVAL)): try: cls.fetch_url(url) except ModuleNotFoundError as error: # Errors that should be immediately thrown back to caller raise error except Exception as e: if not cls.notebook_thread.is_alive(): raise RuntimeError("The notebook server failed to start") from e time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL) else: return raise TimeoutError("The notebook server didn't start up correctly.") @classmethod def wait_until_dead(cls): """Wait for the server process to terminate after shutdown""" cls.notebook_thread.join(timeout=MAX_WAITTIME) if cls.notebook_thread.is_alive(): raise TimeoutError("Undead notebook server") @classmethod def auth_headers(cls): headers = {} if cls.token: headers['Authorization'] = 'token %s' % cls.token return headers @staticmethod def fetch_url(url): return requests.get(url) @classmethod def request(cls, verb, path, **kwargs): """Send a request to my server with authentication and everything. """ headers = kwargs.setdefault('headers', {}) headers.update(cls.auth_headers()) response = requests.request(verb, url_path_join(cls.base_url(), path), **kwargs) return response @classmethod def get_patch_env(cls): return { 'HOME': cls.home_dir, 'PYTHONPATH': os.pathsep.join(sys.path), 'IPYTHONDIR': pjoin(cls.home_dir, '.ipython'), 'JUPYTER_NO_CONFIG': '1', # needed in the future 'JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR' : cls.config_dir, 'JUPYTER_DATA_DIR' : cls.data_dir, 'JUPYTER_RUNTIME_DIR': cls.runtime_dir, } @classmethod def get_argv(cls): return [] @classmethod def get_bind_args(cls): return dict(port=cls.port) @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls.tmp_dir = TemporaryDirectory() def tmp(*parts): path = os.path.join(cls.tmp_dir.name, *parts) try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise return path cls.home_dir = tmp('home') data_dir = cls.data_dir = tmp('data') config_dir = cls.config_dir = tmp('config') runtime_dir = cls.runtime_dir = tmp('runtime') cls.notebook_dir = tmp('notebooks') cls.env_patch = patch.dict('os.environ', cls.get_patch_env()) cls.env_patch.start() # Patch systemwide & user-wide data & config directories, to isolate # the tests from oddities of the local setup. But leave Python env # locations alone, so data files for e.g. nbconvert are accessible. # If this isolation isn't sufficient, you may need to run the tests in # a virtualenv or conda env. cls.path_patch = patch.multiple( jupyter_core.paths, SYSTEM_JUPYTER_PATH=[tmp('share', 'jupyter')], SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH=[tmp('etc', 'jupyter')], ) cls.path_patch.start() config = cls.config or Config() config.NotebookNotary.db_file = ':memory:' cls.token = hexlify(os.urandom(4)).decode('ascii') started = Event() def start_thread(): try: bind_args = cls.get_bind_args() app = cls.notebook = NotebookApp( port_retries=0, open_browser=False, config_dir=cls.config_dir, data_dir=cls.data_dir, runtime_dir=cls.runtime_dir, notebook_dir=cls.notebook_dir, base_url=cls.url_prefix, config=config, allow_root=True, token=cls.token, **bind_args ) if 'asyncio' in sys.modules: app._init_asyncio_patch() import asyncio asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) # don't register signal handler during tests app.init_signal = lambda : None # clear log handlers and propagate to root for nose to capture it # needs to be redone after initialize, which reconfigures logging app.log.propagate = True app.log.handlers = [] app.initialize(argv=cls.get_argv()) app.log.propagate = True app.log.handlers = [] loop = IOLoop.current() loop.add_callback(started.set) app.start() finally: # set the event, so failure to start doesn't cause a hang started.set() app.session_manager.close() cls.notebook_thread = Thread(target=start_thread) cls.notebook_thread.daemon = True cls.notebook_thread.start() started.wait() cls.wait_until_alive() @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): cls.notebook.stop() cls.wait_until_dead() cls.env_patch.stop() cls.path_patch.stop() cls.tmp_dir.cleanup() # cleanup global zmq Context, to ensure we aren't leaving dangling sockets def cleanup_zmq(): zmq.Context.instance().term() t = Thread(target=cleanup_zmq) t.daemon = True t.start() t.join(5) # give it a few seconds to clean up (this should be immediate) # if term never returned, there's zmq stuff still open somewhere, so shout about it. if t.is_alive(): raise RuntimeError("Failed to teardown zmq Context, open sockets likely left lying around.") @classmethod def base_url(cls): return 'http://localhost:%i%s' % (cls.port, cls.url_prefix) class UNIXSocketNotebookTestBase(NotebookTestBase): # Rely on `/tmp` to avoid any Linux socket length max buffer # issues. Key on PID for process-wise concurrency. sock = '/tmp/.notebook.%i.sock' % os.getpid() @classmethod def get_bind_args(cls): return dict(sock=cls.sock) @classmethod def base_url(cls): return '%s%s' % (urlencode_unix_socket(cls.sock), cls.url_prefix) @staticmethod def fetch_url(url): # Lazily import so it is not required at the module level if os.name != 'nt': import requests_unixsocket with requests_unixsocket.monkeypatch(): return requests.get(url) @contextmanager def assert_http_error(status, msg=None): try: yield except requests.HTTPError as e: real_status = e.response.status_code assert real_status == status, \ "Expected status %d, got %d" % (status, real_status) if msg: assert msg in str(e), e else: assert False, "Expected HTTP error status"