########################################################################## # # pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020, The pgAdmin Development Team # This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence # ########################################################################## """ This file collect all modules/files present in tests directory and add them to TestSuite. """ from __future__ import print_function import argparse import atexit import logging import os import signal import sys import traceback import json import random import coverage import unittest if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: import builtins else: import __builtin__ as builtins # Ensure the global server mode is set. builtins.SERVER_MODE = None logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) file_name = os.path.basename(__file__) from testscenarios import scenarios CURRENT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # Set sys path to current directory so that we can import pgadmin package root = os.path.dirname(CURRENT_PATH) if sys.path[0] != root: sys.path.insert(0, root) os.chdir(root) from pgadmin import create_app import config COVERAGE_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(CURRENT_PATH, ".coveragerc") if config.SERVER_MODE is True: config.SECURITY_RECOVERABLE = True config.SECURITY_CHANGEABLE = True config.SECURITY_POST_CHANGE_VIEW = 'browser.change_password' # disable master password for test cases config.MASTER_PASSWORD_REQUIRED = False from regression import test_setup from regression.feature_utils.app_starter import AppStarter # Delete SQLite db file if exists if os.path.isfile(config.TEST_SQLITE_PATH): os.remove(config.TEST_SQLITE_PATH) os.environ["PGADMIN_TESTING_MODE"] = "1" # Disable upgrade checks - no need during testing, and it'll cause an error # if there's no network connection when it runs. config.UPGRADE_CHECK_ENABLED = False pgadmin_credentials = test_setup.config_data # Set environment variables for email and password os.environ['PGADMIN_SETUP_EMAIL'] = '' os.environ['PGADMIN_SETUP_PASSWORD'] = '' if pgadmin_credentials: if 'pgAdmin4_login_credentials' in pgadmin_credentials: if all(item in pgadmin_credentials['pgAdmin4_login_credentials'] for item in ['login_username', 'login_password']): pgadmin_credentials = pgadmin_credentials[ 'pgAdmin4_login_credentials'] os.environ['PGADMIN_SETUP_EMAIL'] = str(pgadmin_credentials[ 'login_username']) os.environ['PGADMIN_SETUP_PASSWORD'] = str(pgadmin_credentials[ 'login_password']) # Execute the setup file exec(open("setup.py").read()) # Get the config database schema version. We store this in pgadmin.model # as it turns out that putting it in the config files isn't a great idea from pgadmin.model import SCHEMA_VERSION # Delay the import test_utils as it needs updated config.SQLITE_PATH from regression.python_test_utils import test_utils from regression.python_test_utils.csrf_test_client import TestClient config.SETTINGS_SCHEMA_VERSION = SCHEMA_VERSION # Override some other defaults from logging import WARNING config.CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL = WARNING # Create the app app = create_app() app.PGADMIN_INT_KEY = '' app.config.update({'SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN': None}) driver = None app_starter = None handle_cleanup = None app.PGADMIN_RUNTIME = True if config.SERVER_MODE is True: app.PGADMIN_RUNTIME = False app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED'] = True # Authentication sources app.PGADMIN_DEFAULT_AUTH_SOURCE = 'internal' app.PGADMIN_EXTERNAL_AUTH_SOURCE = 'ldap' app.test_client_class = TestClient test_client = app.test_client() test_client.setApp(app) setattr(unittest.result.TestResult, "passed", []) unittest.runner.TextTestResult.addSuccess = test_utils.add_success # Override apply_scenario method as we need custom test description/name scenarios.apply_scenario = test_utils.apply_scenario def get_suite(module_list, test_server, test_app_client, server_information, test_db_name): """ This function add the tests to test suite and return modified test suite variable. :param server_information: :param module_list: test module list :type module_list: list :param test_server: server details :type test_server: dict :param test_app_client: test client :type test_app_client: pgadmin app object :return pgadmin_suite: test suite with test cases :rtype: TestSuite """ modules = [] pgadmin_suite = unittest.TestSuite() # Get the each test module and add into list for key, klass in module_list: # Separate each test class from list of classes and store in modules for item in klass: gen = item modules.append(gen) # Set the test client to each module & generate the scenarios for module in modules: obj = module() obj.setApp(app) obj.setTestClient(test_app_client) obj.setTestServer(test_server) obj.setDriver(driver) obj.setServerInformation(server_information) obj.setTestDatabaseName(test_db_name) scenario = scenarios.generate_scenarios(obj) pgadmin_suite.addTests(scenario) return pgadmin_suite def get_test_modules(arguments): """ This function loads the all modules in the tests directory into testing environment. :param arguments: this is command line arguments for module name to which test suite will run :type arguments: dict :return module list: test module list :rtype: list """ from pgadmin.utils.route import TestsGeneratorRegistry exclude_pkgs = [] global driver, app_starter, handle_cleanup if not config.SERVER_MODE: # following test cases applicable only for server mode exclude_pkgs.extend([ "browser.tests.test_change_password", "browser.tests.test_gravatar_image_display", "browser.tests.test_login", "browser.tests.test_logout", "browser.tests.test_reset_password", "browser.tests.test_ldap_login", "browser.tests.test_ldap_with_mocking", ]) if arguments['exclude'] is not None: exclude_pkgs += arguments['exclude'].split(',') if 'feature_tests' not in exclude_pkgs and \ (arguments['pkg'] is None or arguments['pkg'] == "all" or arguments['pkg'] == "feature_tests"): from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import \ DesiredCapabilities default_browser = 'chrome' # Check default browser provided through command line. If provided # then use that browser as default browser else check for the setting # provided in test_config.json file. if ( 'default_browser' in arguments and arguments['default_browser'] is not None ): default_browser = arguments['default_browser'].lower() elif ( test_setup.config_data and "default_browser" in test_setup.config_data ): default_browser = test_setup.config_data['default_browser'].lower() if default_browser == 'firefox': cap = DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX cap['requireWindowFocus'] = True cap['enablePersistentHover'] = False profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile() profile.set_preference("dom.disable_beforeunload", True) driver = webdriver.Firefox(capabilities=cap, firefox_profile=profile) driver.implicitly_wait(1) else: options = Options() if test_setup.config_data: if 'headless_chrome' in test_setup.config_data: if test_setup.config_data['headless_chrome']: options.add_argument("--headless") options.add_argument("--no-sandbox") options.add_argument("--disable-setuid-sandbox") options.add_argument("--window-size=1280,1024") options.add_argument("--disable-infobars") options.add_experimental_option('w3c', False) driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options) # maximize browser window driver.maximize_window() app_starter = AppStarter(driver, config) app_starter.start_app() handle_cleanup = test_utils.get_cleanup_handler(test_client, app_starter) # Register cleanup function to cleanup on exit atexit.register(handle_cleanup) # Load the test modules which are in given package(i.e. in arguments.pkg) if arguments['pkg'] is None or arguments['pkg'] == "all": TestsGeneratorRegistry.load_generators('pgadmin', exclude_pkgs) elif arguments['pkg'] is not None and arguments['pkg'] == "resql": for_modules = [] if arguments['modules'] is not None: for_modules = arguments['modules'].split(',') # Load the reverse engineering sql test module TestsGeneratorRegistry.load_generators('pgadmin', exclude_pkgs, for_modules, is_resql_only=True) else: for_modules = [] if arguments['modules'] is not None: for_modules = arguments['modules'].split(',') TestsGeneratorRegistry.load_generators('pgadmin.%s' % arguments['pkg'], exclude_pkgs, for_modules) # Sort module list so that test suite executes the test cases sequentially module_list = TestsGeneratorRegistry.registry.items() module_list = sorted(module_list, key=lambda module_tuple: module_tuple[0]) return module_list def add_arguments(): """ This function parse the command line arguments(project's package name e.g. browser) & add into parser :return args: command line argument for pgadmin's package name :rtype: argparse namespace """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test suite for pgAdmin4') parser.add_argument( '--pkg', help='Executes the test cases of particular package and subpackages' ) parser.add_argument( '--exclude', help='Skips execution of the test cases of particular package and ' 'sub-packages' ) parser.add_argument('--coverage', nargs='?', const=True, type=bool, default=False, help='Enable code coverage feature') parser.add_argument( '--default_browser', help='Executes the feature test in specific browser' ) parser.add_argument( '--modules', help='Executes the feature test for specific modules in pkg' ) arg = parser.parse_args() return arg def sig_handler(signo, frame): global handle_cleanup if handle_cleanup: handle_cleanup() def update_test_result(test_cases, test_result_dict): """ This function update the test result in appropriate test behaviours i.e passed/failed/skipped. :param test_cases: test cases :type test_cases: dict :param test_result_dict: test result to be stored :type test_result_dict: dict :return: None """ for test_case in test_cases: test_class_name = test_case[0].__class__.__name__ test_scenario_name = getattr( test_case[0], 'scenario_name', str(test_case[0]) ) if test_class_name in test_result_dict: test_result_dict[test_class_name].append( {test_scenario_name: test_case[1]}) else: test_result_dict[test_class_name] = \ [{test_scenario_name: test_case[1]}] def get_tests_result(test_suite): """This function returns the total ran and total failed test cases count""" try: total_ran = test_suite.testsRun passed_cases_result = {} failed_cases_result = {} skipped_cases_result = {} if total_ran: passed = test_suite.passed failures = test_suite.failures errors = test_suite.errors skipped = test_suite.skipped if passed: update_test_result(passed, passed_cases_result) if failures: update_test_result(failures, failed_cases_result) if errors: update_test_result(errors, failed_cases_result) if skipped: update_test_result(skipped, skipped_cases_result) return total_ran, failed_cases_result, skipped_cases_result, \ passed_cases_result except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) class StreamToLogger(object): def __init__(self, logger, log_level=logging.INFO): self.terminal = sys.stderr self.logger = logger self.log_level = log_level self.linebuf = '' def write(self, buf): """ This function writes the log in the logger file as well as on console :param buf: log message :type buf: str :return: None """ self.terminal.write(buf) for line in buf.rstrip().splitlines(): self.logger.log(self.log_level, line.rstrip()) def flush(self): pass if __name__ == '__main__': # Failure detected? failure = False test_result = dict() cov = None # Set signal handler for cleanup signal_list = dir(signal) required_signal_list = ['SIGTERM', 'SIGABRT', 'SIGQUIT', 'SIGINT'] # Get the OS wise supported signals supported_signal_list = [sig for sig in required_signal_list if sig in signal_list] for sig in supported_signal_list: signal.signal(getattr(signal, sig), sig_handler) # Set basic logging configuration for log file fh = logging.FileHandler(CURRENT_PATH + '/' + 'regression.log', 'w', 'utf-8') fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(config.FILE_LOG_FORMAT)) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.addHandler(fh) # Create logger to write log in the logger file as well as on console stderr_logger = logging.getLogger('STDERR') sys.stderr = StreamToLogger(stderr_logger, logging.ERROR) args = vars(add_arguments()) # Get test module list try: test_module_list = get_test_modules(args) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) sys.exit(1) # Login the test client test_utils.login_tester_account(test_client) servers_info = test_utils.get_config_data() node_name = "all" if args['pkg'] is not None: node_name = args['pkg'].split('.')[-1] # Start coverage if test_utils.is_coverage_enabled(args): cov = coverage.Coverage(config_file=COVERAGE_CONFIG_FILE) cov.start() try: for server in servers_info: print("\n=============Running the test cases for '%s'=============" % server['name'], file=sys.stderr) # Create test server server_information = test_utils.create_parent_server_node(server) # Create test database with random number to avoid conflict in # parallel execution on different platforms. This database will be # used across all feature tests. test_db_name = "acceptance_test_db" + \ str(random.randint(10000, 65535)) connection = test_utils.get_db_connection( server['db'], server['username'], server['db_password'], server['host'], server['port'], server['sslmode'] ) # Add the server version in server information server_information['server_version'] = connection.server_version server_information['type'] = server['type'] # Drop the database if already exists. test_utils.drop_database(connection, test_db_name) # Create database test_utils.create_database(server, test_db_name) # Configure preferences for the test cases test_utils.configure_preferences( default_binary_path=server['default_binary_paths']) suite = get_suite(test_module_list, server, test_client, server_information, test_db_name) tests = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=sys.stderr, descriptions=True, verbosity=2).run(suite) ran_tests, failed_cases, skipped_cases, passed_cases = \ get_tests_result(tests) test_result[server['name']] = [ran_tests, failed_cases, skipped_cases, passed_cases] # Set empty list for 'passed' parameter for each testRun. # So that it will not append same test case name unittest.result.TestResult.passed = [] if len(failed_cases) > 0: failure = True # Drop the testing database created initially if connection: test_utils.drop_database(connection, test_db_name) connection.close() # Delete test server test_utils.delete_test_server(test_client) except SystemExit: if handle_cleanup: handle_cleanup() print( "\n===============================================================" "=======", file=sys.stderr ) print("Test Result Summary", file=sys.stderr) print( "===================================================================" "===\n", file=sys.stderr ) test_result_json = {} for server_res in test_result: failed_cases = test_result[server_res][1] skipped_cases = test_result[server_res][2] passed_cases = test_result[server_res][3] skipped_cases, skipped_cases_json = test_utils.get_scenario_name( skipped_cases) failed_cases, failed_cases_json = test_utils.get_scenario_name( failed_cases) total_failed = len(dict((key, value) for key, value in failed_cases.items()).values()) total_skipped = len(dict((key, value) for key, value in skipped_cases.items()).values()) total_passed_cases = int( test_result[server_res][0]) - total_failed - total_skipped print( "%s:\n\n\t%s test%s passed\n\t%s test%s failed%s%s" "\n\t%s test%s skipped%s%s\n" % (server_res, total_passed_cases, (total_passed_cases != 1 and "s" or ""), total_failed, (total_failed != 1 and "s" or ""), (total_failed != 0 and ":\n\t\t" or ""), "\n\t\t".join("{0} ({1})".format(key, ",\n\t\t\t\t\t".join( map(str, value))) for key, value in failed_cases.items()), total_skipped, (total_skipped != 1 and "s" or ""), (total_skipped != 0 and ":\n\t\t" or ""), "\n\t\t".join("{0} ({1})".format(key, ",\n\t\t\t\t\t".join( map(str, value))) for key, value in skipped_cases.items())), file=sys.stderr) temp_dict_for_server = { server_res: { "tests_passed": [total_passed_cases, passed_cases], "tests_failed": [total_failed, failed_cases_json], "tests_skipped": [total_skipped, skipped_cases_json] } } test_result_json.update(temp_dict_for_server) # Dump test result into json file json_file_path = CURRENT_PATH + "/test_result.json" with open(json_file_path, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(test_result_json, outfile, indent=2) print( "===================================================================" "===\n", file=sys.stderr ) # Stop code coverage if test_utils.is_coverage_enabled(args): cov.stop() cov.save() # # Print coverage only if coverage args given in command line if test_utils.is_coverage_enabled(args): test_utils.print_and_store_coverage_report(cov) print("Please check output in file: %s/regression.log\n" % CURRENT_PATH) # Unset environment variable del os.environ["PGADMIN_TESTING_MODE"] if failure: sys.exit(1) else: sys.exit(0)