# For flag of bool type, we consider the strings 'False', 'false' and '0' # as False, and the string s'True', 'true', '1' as True. # We also accept the bool type as its corresponding value! from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import logging import os import shlex import sys import warnings from functools import wraps from six import StringIO, PY3, iteritems import theano from theano.compat import configparser as ConfigParser from six import string_types _logger = logging.getLogger('theano.configparser') class TheanoConfigWarning(Warning): def warn(cls, message, stacklevel=0): warnings.warn(message, cls, stacklevel=stacklevel + 3) warn = classmethod(warn) THEANO_FLAGS = os.getenv("THEANO_FLAGS", "") # The THEANO_FLAGS environment variable should be a list of comma-separated # [section.]option=value entries. If the section part is omitted, there should # be only one section that contains the given option. def parse_config_string(config_string, issue_warnings=True): """ Parses a config string (comma-separated key=value components) into a dict. """ config_dict = {} my_splitter = shlex.shlex(config_string, posix=True) my_splitter.whitespace = ',' my_splitter.whitespace_split = True for kv_pair in my_splitter: kv_pair = kv_pair.strip() if not kv_pair: continue kv_tuple = kv_pair.split('=', 1) if len(kv_tuple) == 1: if issue_warnings: TheanoConfigWarning.warn( ("Config key '%s' has no value, ignoring it" % kv_tuple[0]), stacklevel=1) else: k, v = kv_tuple # subsequent values for k will override earlier ones config_dict[k] = v return config_dict THEANO_FLAGS_DICT = parse_config_string(THEANO_FLAGS, issue_warnings=True) # THEANORC can contain a colon-delimited list of config files, like # THEANORC=~lisa/.theanorc:~/.theanorc # In that case, definitions in files on the right (here, ~/.theanorc) have # precedence over those in files on the left. def config_files_from_theanorc(): rval = [os.path.expanduser(s) for s in os.getenv('THEANORC', '~/.theanorc').split(os.pathsep)] if os.getenv('THEANORC') is None and sys.platform == "win32": # to don't need to change the filename and make it open easily rval.append(os.path.expanduser('~/.theanorc.txt')) return rval config_files = config_files_from_theanorc() theano_cfg = (ConfigParser.ConfigParser if PY3 else ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser)( {'USER': os.getenv("USER", os.path.split(os.path.expanduser('~'))[-1]), 'LSCRATCH': os.getenv("LSCRATCH", ""), 'TMPDIR': os.getenv("TMPDIR", ""), 'TEMP': os.getenv("TEMP", ""), 'TMP': os.getenv("TMP", ""), 'PID': str(os.getpid()), } ) theano_cfg.read(config_files) # Having a raw version of the config around as well enables us to pass # through config values that contain format strings. # The time required to parse the config twice is negligible. theano_raw_cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() theano_raw_cfg.read(config_files) class change_flags(object): """ Use this as a decorator or context manager to change the value of Theano config variables. Useful during tests. """ def __init__(self, args=(), **kwargs): confs = dict() args = dict(args) args.update(kwargs) for k in args: l = [v for v in _config_var_list if v.fullname == k] assert len(l) == 1, l confs[k] = l[0] self.confs = confs self.new_vals = args def __call__(self, f): @wraps(f) def res(*args, **kwargs): with self: return f(*args, **kwargs) return res def __enter__(self): self.old_vals = {} for k, v in iteritems(self.confs): self.old_vals[k] = v.__get__(True, None) try: for k, v in iteritems(self.confs): v.__set__(None, self.new_vals[k]) except Exception: self.__exit__() raise def __exit__(self, *args): for k, v in iteritems(self.confs): v.__set__(None, self.old_vals[k]) def fetch_val_for_key(key, delete_key=False): """Return the overriding config value for a key. A successful search returns a string value. An unsuccessful search raises a KeyError The (decreasing) priority order is: - THEANO_FLAGS - ~./theanorc """ # first try to find it in the FLAGS try: if delete_key: return THEANO_FLAGS_DICT.pop(key) return THEANO_FLAGS_DICT[key] except KeyError: pass # next try to find it in the config file # config file keys can be of form option, or section.option key_tokens = key.rsplit('.', 1) if len(key_tokens) > 2: raise KeyError(key) if len(key_tokens) == 2: section, option = key_tokens else: section, option = 'global', key try: try: return theano_cfg.get(section, option) except ConfigParser.InterpolationError: return theano_raw_cfg.get(section, option) except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): raise KeyError(key) _config_var_list = [] def _config_print(thing, buf, print_doc=True): for cv in _config_var_list: print(cv, file=buf) if print_doc: print(" Doc: ", cv.doc, file=buf) print(" Value: ", cv.__get__(True, None), file=buf) print("", file=buf) def get_config_hash(): """ Return a string sha256 of the current config options. In the past, it was md5. The string should be such that we can safely assume that two different config setups will lead to two different strings. We only take into account config options for which `in_c_key` is True. """ all_opts = sorted([c for c in _config_var_list if c.in_c_key], key=lambda cv: cv.fullname) return theano.gof.utils.hash_from_code('\n'.join( ['%s = %s' % (cv.fullname, cv.__get__(True, None)) for cv in all_opts])) class TheanoConfigParser(object): # properties are installed by AddConfigVar _i_am_a_config_class = True def __str__(self, print_doc=True): sio = StringIO() _config_print(self.__class__, sio, print_doc=print_doc) return sio.getvalue() # N.B. all instances of TheanoConfigParser give access to the same properties. config = TheanoConfigParser() # The data structure at work here is a tree of CLASSES with # CLASS ATTRIBUTES/PROPERTIES that are either a) INSTANTIATED # dynamically-generated CLASSES, or b) ConfigParam instances. The root # of this tree is the TheanoConfigParser CLASS, and the internal nodes # are the SubObj classes created inside of AddConfigVar(). # Why this design ? # - The config object is a true singleton. Every instance of # TheanoConfigParser is an empty instance that looks up attributes/properties # in the [single] TheanoConfigParser.__dict__ # - The subtrees provide the same interface as the root # - ConfigParser subclasses control get/set of config properties to guard # against craziness. def AddConfigVar(name, doc, configparam, root=config, in_c_key=True): """Add a new variable to theano.config :type name: string for form "[section0.[section1.[etc]]].option" :param name: the full name for this configuration variable. :type doc: string :param doc: What does this variable specify? :type configparam: ConfigParam instance :param configparam: an object for getting and setting this configuration parameter :type root: object :param root: used for recursive calls -- do not provide an argument for this parameter. :type in_c_key: boolean :param in_c_key: If True, then whenever this config option changes, the key associated to compiled C modules also changes, i.e. it may trigger a compilation of these modules (this compilation will only be partial if it turns out that the generated C code is unchanged). Set this option to False only if you are confident this option should not affect C code compilation. :returns: None """ # This method also performs some of the work of initializing ConfigParam # instances if root is config: # only set the name in the first call, not the recursive ones configparam.fullname = name sections = name.split('.') if len(sections) > 1: # set up a subobject if not hasattr(root, sections[0]): # every internal node in the config tree is an instance of its own # unique class class SubObj(object): _i_am_a_config_class = True setattr(root.__class__, sections[0], SubObj()) newroot = getattr(root, sections[0]) if (not getattr(newroot, '_i_am_a_config_class', False) or isinstance(newroot, type)): raise TypeError( 'Internal config nodes must be config class instances', newroot) return AddConfigVar('.'.join(sections[1:]), doc, configparam, root=newroot, in_c_key=in_c_key) else: if hasattr(root, name): raise AttributeError('This name is already taken', configparam.fullname) configparam.doc = doc configparam.in_c_key = in_c_key # Trigger a read of the value from config files and env vars # This allow to filter wrong value from the user. if not callable(configparam.default): configparam.__get__(root, type(root), delete_key=True) else: # We do not want to evaluate now the default value # when it is a callable. try: fetch_val_for_key(configparam.fullname) # The user provided a value, filter it now. configparam.__get__(root, type(root), delete_key=True) except KeyError: pass setattr(root.__class__, sections[0], configparam) _config_var_list.append(configparam) class ConfigParam(object): def __init__(self, default, filter=None, allow_override=True): """ If allow_override is False, we can't change the value after the import of Theano. So the value should be the same during all the execution. """ self.default = default self.filter = filter self.allow_override = allow_override self.is_default = True # N.B. -- # self.fullname # set by AddConfigVar # self.doc # set by AddConfigVar # Note that we do not call `self.filter` on the default value: this # will be done automatically in AddConfigVar, potentially with a # more appropriate user-provided default value. # Calling `filter` here may actually be harmful if the default value is # invalid and causes a crash or has unwanted side effects. def __get__(self, cls, type_, delete_key=False): if cls is None: return self if not hasattr(self, 'val'): try: val_str = fetch_val_for_key(self.fullname, delete_key=delete_key) self.is_default = False except KeyError: if callable(self.default): val_str = self.default() else: val_str = self.default self.__set__(cls, val_str) # print "RVAL", self.val return self.val def __set__(self, cls, val): if not self.allow_override and hasattr(self, 'val'): raise Exception( "Can't change the value of this config parameter " "after initialization!") # print "SETTING PARAM", self.fullname,(cls), val if self.filter: self.val = self.filter(val) else: self.val = val class EnumStr(ConfigParam): def __init__(self, default, *options, **kwargs): self.default = default self.all = (default,) + options # All options should be strings for val in self.all: if not isinstance(val, string_types): raise ValueError('Valid values for an EnumStr parameter ' 'should be strings', val, type(val)) convert = kwargs.get("convert", None) def filter(val): if convert: val = convert(val) if val in self.all: return val else: raise ValueError(( 'Invalid value ("%s") for configuration variable "%s". ' 'Valid options are %s' % (val, self.fullname, self.all))) over = kwargs.get("allow_override", True) super(EnumStr, self).__init__(default, filter, over) def __str__(self): return '%s (%s) ' % (self.fullname, self.all) class TypedParam(ConfigParam): def __init__(self, default, mytype, is_valid=None, allow_override=True): self.mytype = mytype def filter(val): cast_val = mytype(val) if callable(is_valid): if is_valid(cast_val): return cast_val else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid value (%s) for configuration variable ' '"%s".' % (val, self.fullname), val) return cast_val super(TypedParam, self).__init__(default, filter, allow_override=allow_override) def __str__(self): return '%s (%s) ' % (self.fullname, self.mytype) def StrParam(default, is_valid=None, allow_override=True): return TypedParam(default, str, is_valid, allow_override=allow_override) def IntParam(default, is_valid=None, allow_override=True): return TypedParam(default, int, is_valid, allow_override=allow_override) def FloatParam(default, is_valid=None, allow_override=True): return TypedParam(default, float, is_valid, allow_override=allow_override) def BoolParam(default, is_valid=None, allow_override=True): # see comment at the beginning of this file. def booltype(s): if s in ['False', 'false', '0', False]: return False elif s in ['True', 'true', '1', True]: return True def is_valid_bool(s): if s in ['False', 'false', '0', 'True', 'true', '1', False, True]: return True else: return False if is_valid is None: is_valid = is_valid_bool return TypedParam(default, booltype, is_valid, allow_override=allow_override)