from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import errno import logging import os from six.moves import reload_module as reload import sys import warnings import theano from theano import config from theano.gof.compilelock import get_lock, release_lock from theano.gof import cmodule _logger = logging.getLogger('theano.gof.lazylinker_c') force_compile = False version = 0.211 # must match constant returned in function get_version() lazylinker_ext = None def try_import(): global lazylinker_ext sys.path[0:0] = [config.compiledir] import lazylinker_ext # noqa del sys.path[0] def try_reload(): sys.path[0:0] = [config.compiledir] reload(lazylinker_ext) del sys.path[0] try: # See gh issue #728 for why these lines are here. Summary: compiledir must # be at the beginning of the path to avoid conflicts with any other # lazylinker_ext modules that might exist (this step handled in try_import # and try_reload). An file must be created for the same reason. # Note that these lines may seem redundant (they are repeated in # compile_str()) but if another lazylinker_ext does exist then it will be # imported and compile_str won't get called at all. location = os.path.join(config.compiledir, 'lazylinker_ext') if not os.path.exists(location): try: # Try to make the location os.mkdir(location) except OSError as e: # If we get an error, verify that the error was # 17, the # path already exists, and that it is a directory Note: we # can't check if it exists before making it, because we # are not holding the lock right now, so we could race # another process and get error 17 if we lose the race assert e.errno == errno.EEXIST assert os.path.isdir(location) init_file = os.path.join(location, '') if not os.path.exists(init_file): try: open(init_file, 'w').close() except IOError as e: if os.path.exists(init_file): pass # has already been created else: e.args += ('%s exist? %s' % (location, os.path.exists(location)),) raise _need_reload = False if force_compile: raise ImportError() else: try_import() _need_reload = True actual_version = getattr(lazylinker_ext, '_version', None) if version != actual_version: raise ImportError( "Version check of the existing lazylinker compiled file." " Looking for version %s, but found %s. " "Extra debug information: force_compile=%s, _need_reload=%s" % ( version, actual_version, force_compile, _need_reload)) except ImportError: get_lock() try: # Maybe someone else already finished compiling it while we were # waiting for the lock? try: if force_compile: raise ImportError() if _need_reload: # The module was successfully imported earlier: we need to # reload it to check if the version was updated. try_reload() else: try_import() _need_reload = True actual_version = getattr(lazylinker_ext, '_version', None) if version != actual_version: raise ImportError( "Version check of the existing lazylinker compiled file." " Looking for version %s, but found %s. " "Extra debug information: force_compile=%s," " _need_reload=%s" % ( version, actual_version, force_compile, _need_reload)) except ImportError: # It is useless to try to compile if there isn't any # compiler! But we still want to try to load it, in case # the cache was copied from another computer. if not theano.config.cxx: raise"Compiling new CVM") dirname = 'lazylinker_ext' cfile = os.path.join(theano.__path__[0], 'gof', 'c_code', 'lazylinker_c.c') if not os.path.exists(cfile): # This can happen in not normal case. We just # disable the c clinker. If we are here the user # didn't disable the compiler, so print a warning. warnings.warn( "The file lazylinker_c.c is not available. This do" "not happen normally. You are probably in a strange" "setup. This mean Theano can not use the cvm:" "our c execution engine for Theano function. If you" "want to remove this warning, use the Theano flag" "'cxx=' (set to an empty string) to disable all c" "code generation." ) raise ImportError("The file lazylinker_c.c is not available.") code = open(cfile).read() loc = os.path.join(config.compiledir, dirname) if not os.path.exists(loc): try: os.mkdir(loc) except OSError as e: assert e.errno == errno.EEXIST assert os.path.exists(loc) args = cmodule.GCC_compiler.compile_args() cmodule.GCC_compiler.compile_str(dirname, code, location=loc, preargs=args) # Save version into the file. init_py = os.path.join(loc, '') with open(init_py, 'w') as f: f.write('_version = %s\n' % version) # If we just compiled the module for the first time, then it was # imported at the same time: we need to make sure we do not # reload the now outdated __init__.pyc below. init_pyc = os.path.join(loc, '__init__.pyc') if os.path.isfile(init_pyc): os.remove(init_pyc) try_import() try_reload() from lazylinker_ext import lazylinker_ext as lazy_c assert (lazylinker_ext._version == lazy_c.get_version())"New version %s", lazylinker_ext._version) finally: # Release lock on compilation directory. release_lock() from lazylinker_ext.lazylinker_ext import * # noqa assert force_compile or (version == get_version()) # noqa