from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division from functools import partial from collections import OrderedDict import sys import time import inspect import numpy as np from six.moves import StringIO import theano from theano import config from theano.gof import graph class AlreadyThere(Exception): """ Raised by a Feature's on_attach callback method if the FunctionGraph attempting to attach the feature already has a functionally identical feature. """ pass class ReplacementDidntRemovedError(Exception): """ This exception should be thrown by replace_all_validate_remove when an optimization wanted to remove a Variable or a Node from the graph, but the replacement it gived didn't do that. """ pass class BadOptimization(Exception): """ Exception: some variable and its substitute take different runtime values. Note: If there is only 1 parameter and it is a string, we will use it as the error message. This is needed when we catch, extend and reraise an error. """ new_r = None """ A `Variable` instance that took a different value from `old_r`, but which replaced `old_r`. """ old_r = None """ A `Variable` instance that was replaced by `new_r`. """ old_r_val = None """ The value computed for `old_r`. """ new_r_val = None """ The value computed for `new_r`. """ reason = None """ An object that indicates why old_r was turned into new_r. Convention is that this is the name of the optimization that requested the replacement. """ old_graph = "" """ A multiline string representation of the graph leading to old_r, at the time of the replacement. """ new_graph = "" """ A multiline string representation of the graph leading to new_r, at the time of the replacement. """ def __init__(self, old_r, new_r=None, old_r_val=None, new_r_val=None, reason=None, old_graph=None, new_graph=None): super(BadOptimization, self).__init__() self.old_r = old_r self.new_r = new_r self.old_r_val = old_r_val self.new_r_val = new_r_val self.reason = reason self.old_graph = old_graph self.new_graph = new_graph # To allow extending the error message of an existing error. self.full_err = None if isinstance(old_r, str): assert (new_r is None and old_r_val is None and new_r_val is None and reason is None and old_graph is None and new_graph is None) self.full_err = old_r def __str__(self): return self.str_diagnostic() def str_diagnostic(self): """ Return a pretty multiline string representating the cause of the exception. """ # We have a pre-made message if getattr(self, 'full_err', None) is not None: return self.full_err sio = StringIO() val_str_len_limit = 800 print("BadOptimization Error", super(BadOptimization, self).__str__(), file=sio) print(" Variable: id", id(self.new_r), self.new_r, file=sio) print(" Op", self.new_r.owner, file=sio) print(" Value Type:", type(self.new_r_val), file=sio) try: ssio = StringIO() print(" Old Value shape, dtype, strides:", end=' ', file=ssio) print(self.old_r_val.shape, end=' ', file=ssio) print(self.old_r_val.dtype, end=' ', file=ssio) print(self.old_r_val.strides, file=ssio) # only if all succeeds to we add anything to sio print(ssio.getvalue(), file=sio) except Exception: pass str_old_r_val = str(self.old_r_val) if len(str_old_r_val) > val_str_len_limit: print(" Old Value: ", str(self.old_r_val)[ :val_str_len_limit], '...', file=sio) else: print(" Old Value: ", str(self.old_r_val), file=sio) try: ssio = StringIO() print(" New Value shape, dtype, strides:", end=' ', file=ssio) print(self.new_r_val.shape, end=' ', file=ssio) print(self.new_r_val.dtype, end=' ', file=ssio) print(self.new_r_val.strides, file=ssio) # only if all succeeds to we add anything to sio print(ssio.getvalue(), file=sio) except Exception: pass str_new_r_val = str(self.new_r_val) if len(str_new_r_val) > val_str_len_limit: print(" New Value: ", str(self.new_r_val)[ :val_str_len_limit], '...', file=sio) else: print(" New Value: ", str(self.new_r_val), file=sio) try: ov = np.asarray(self.old_r_val) nv = np.asarray(self.new_r_val) ssio = StringIO() abs_diff = np.absolute(nv - ov) print(" Max Abs Diff: ", np.max(abs_diff), file=ssio) print(" Mean Abs Diff: ", np.mean(abs_diff), file=ssio) print(" Median Abs Diff: ", np.median(abs_diff), file=ssio) print(" Std Abs Diff: ", np.std(abs_diff), file=ssio) arg_max_val = np.argmax(abs_diff) values_at_max = (nv.flatten()[arg_max_val], ov.flatten()[arg_max_val]) print(" Value at Max Diff: ", values_at_max, file=ssio) # N.B. the maximum(..., 1e-8) protects against div by 0 when # nv == ov == 0 reldiff = (abs_diff / np.maximum(np.absolute(nv) + np.absolute(ov), 1e-8)) print(" Max Rel Diff: ", np.max(reldiff), file=ssio) print(" Mean Rel Diff: ", np.mean(reldiff), file=ssio) print(" Median Rel Diff: ", np.median(reldiff), file=ssio) print(" Std Rel Diff: ", np.std(reldiff), file=ssio) arg_max_val = np.argmax(reldiff) values_at_max = (nv.flatten()[arg_max_val], ov.flatten()[arg_max_val]) print(" Value at Max Diff: ", values_at_max, file=ssio) # only if all succeeds to we add anything to sio print(ssio.getvalue(), file=sio) except Exception: pass print(" Reason: ", str(self.reason), file=sio) print(" Old Graph:", file=sio) print(self.old_graph, file=sio) print(" New Graph:", file=sio) print(self.new_graph, file=sio) print("", file=sio) print("Hint: relax the tolerance by setting tensor.cmp_sloppy=1", file=sio) print(" or even tensor.cmp_sloppy=2 for less-strict comparison", file=sio) return sio.getvalue() class Feature(object): """ Base class for FunctionGraph extensions. A Feature is an object with several callbacks that are triggered by various operations on FunctionGraphs. It can be used to enforce graph properties at all stages of graph optimization. See Also -------- theano.gof.toolbox : for common extensions. """ def on_attach(self, function_graph): """ Called by FunctionGraph.attach_feature, the method that attaches the feature to the FunctionGraph. Since this is called after the FunctionGraph is initially populated, this is where you should run checks on the initial contents of the FunctionGraph. The on_attach method may raise the AlreadyThere exception to cancel the attach operation if it detects that another Feature instance implementing the same functionality is already atttached to the FunctionGraph. The feature has great freedom in what it can do with the function_graph: it may, for example, add methods to it dynamically. """ def on_detach(self, function_graph): """ Called by remove_feature(feature). Should remove any dynamically-added functionality that it installed into the function_graph. """ def on_import(self, function_graph, node, reason): """ Called whenever a node is imported into function_graph, which is just before the node is actually connected to the graph. Note: on_import is not called when the graph is created. If you want to detect the first nodes to be implemented to the graph, you should do this by implementing on_attach. """ def on_prune(self, function_graph, node, reason): """ Called whenever a node is pruned (removed) from the function_graph, after it is disconnected from the graph. """ def on_change_input(self, function_graph, node, i, r, new_r, reason=None): """ Called whenever node.inputs[i] is changed from r to new_r. At the moment the callback is done, the change has already taken place. If you raise an exception in this function, the state of the graph might be broken for all intents and purposes. """ def orderings(self, function_graph): """ Called by toposort. It should return a dictionary of {node: predecessors} where predecessors is a list of nodes that should be computed before the key node. If you raise an exception in this function, the state of the graph might be broken for all intents and purposes. """ return OrderedDict() class Bookkeeper(Feature): def on_attach(self, fgraph): """ Called by FunctionGraph.attach_feature, the method that attaches the feature to the FunctionGraph. Since this is called after the FunctionGraph is initially populated, this is where you should run checks on the initial contents of the FunctionGraph. """ for node in graph.io_toposort(fgraph.inputs, fgraph.outputs): self.on_import(fgraph, node, "on_attach") def on_detach(self, fgraph): """ Should remove any dynamically added functionality that it installed into the function_graph """ for node in graph.io_toposort(fgraph.inputs, fgraph.outputs): self.on_prune(fgraph, node, 'Bookkeeper.detach') class GetCheckpoint: def __init__(self, history, fgraph): self.h = history self.fgraph = fgraph self.nb = 0 def __call__(self): self.h.history[self.fgraph] = [] self.nb += 1 return self.nb class LambdExtract: def __init__(self, fgraph, node, i, r, reason=None): self.fgraph = fgraph self.node = node self.i = i self.r = r self.reason = reason def __call__(self): return self.fgraph.change_input(self.node, self.i, self.r, reason=("Revert", self.reason)) class History(Feature): """Keep an history of changes to an FunctionGraph. This history can be reverted up to the last checkpoint.. We can revert to only 1 point in the past. This limit was added to lower the memory usage. """ pickle_rm_attr = ["checkpoint", "revert"] def __init__(self): self.history = {} def on_attach(self, fgraph): if hasattr(fgraph, 'checkpoint') or hasattr(fgraph, 'revert'): raise AlreadyThere("History feature is already present or in" " conflict with another plugin.") self.history[fgraph] = [] # Don't call unpickle here, as ReplaceValidate.on_attach() # call to History.on_attach() will call the # ReplaceValidate.unpickle and not History.unpickle fgraph.checkpoint = GetCheckpoint(self, fgraph) fgraph.revert = partial(self.revert, fgraph) def unpickle(self, fgraph): fgraph.checkpoint = GetCheckpoint(self, fgraph) fgraph.revert = partial(self.revert, fgraph) def on_detach(self, fgraph): """ Should remove any dynamically added functionality that it installed into the function_graph """ del fgraph.checkpoint del fgraph.revert del self.history[fgraph] def on_change_input(self, fgraph, node, i, r, new_r, reason=None): if self.history[fgraph] is None: return h = self.history[fgraph] h.append(LambdExtract(fgraph, node, i, r, reason)) def revert(self, fgraph, checkpoint): """ Reverts the graph to whatever it was at the provided checkpoint (undoes all replacements). A checkpoint at any given time can be obtained using self.checkpoint(). """ h = self.history[fgraph] self.history[fgraph] = None assert fgraph.checkpoint.nb == checkpoint while h: f = h.pop() f() self.history[fgraph] = h class Validator(Feature): pickle_rm_attr = ["validate", "consistent"] def on_attach(self, fgraph): for attr in ('validate', 'validate_time'): if hasattr(fgraph, attr): raise AlreadyThere("Validator feature is already present or in" " conflict with another plugin.") # Don't call unpickle here, as ReplaceValidate.on_attach() # call to History.on_attach() will call the # ReplaceValidate.unpickle and not History.unpickle fgraph.validate = partial(self.validate_, fgraph) fgraph.consistent = partial(self.consistent_, fgraph) def unpickle(self, fgraph): fgraph.validate = partial(self.validate_, fgraph) fgraph.consistent = partial(self.consistent_, fgraph) def on_detach(self, fgraph): """ Should remove any dynamically added functionality that it installed into the function_graph """ del fgraph.validate del fgraph.consistent def validate_(self, fgraph): """ If the caller is replace_all_validate, just raise the exception. replace_all_validate will print out the verbose output. Or it has to be done here before raise. """ t0 = time.time() try: ret = fgraph.execute_callbacks('validate') except Exception as e: cf = inspect.currentframe() uf = cf.f_back uf_info = inspect.getframeinfo(uf) # If the caller is replace_all_validate, just raise the # exception. replace_all_validate will print out the # verbose output. # Or it has to be done here before raise. if uf_info.function == 'replace_all_validate': raise else: verbose = uf.f_locals.get('verbose', False) if verbose: r = uf.f_locals.get('r', "") reason = uf_info.function print("validate failed on node %s.\n Reason: %s, %s" % (r, reason, e)) raise t1 = time.time() if fgraph.profile: fgraph.profile.validate_time += t1 - t0 return ret def consistent_(self, fgraph): try: fgraph.validate() return True except Exception: return False class ReplaceValidate(History, Validator): pickle_rm_attr = (["replace_validate", "replace_all_validate", "replace_all_validate_remove"] + History.pickle_rm_attr + Validator.pickle_rm_attr) def on_attach(self, fgraph): for attr in ('replace_validate', 'replace_all_validate', 'replace_all_validate_remove'): if hasattr(fgraph, attr): raise AlreadyThere("ReplaceValidate feature is already present" " or in conflict with another plugin.") self._nodes_removed = set() self.fail_validate = False History.on_attach(self, fgraph) Validator.on_attach(self, fgraph) self.unpickle(fgraph) def unpickle(self, fgraph): History.unpickle(self, fgraph) Validator.unpickle(self, fgraph) fgraph.replace_validate = partial(self.replace_validate, fgraph) fgraph.replace_all_validate = partial(self.replace_all_validate, fgraph) fgraph.replace_all_validate_remove = partial( self.replace_all_validate_remove, fgraph) def on_detach(self, fgraph): """ Should remove any dynamically added functionality that it installed into the function_graph """ History.on_detach(self, fgraph) Validator.on_detach(self, fgraph) del self._nodes_removed del fgraph.replace_validate del fgraph.replace_all_validate del fgraph.replace_all_validate_remove def replace_validate(self, fgraph, r, new_r, reason=None): self.replace_all_validate(fgraph, [(r, new_r)], reason=reason) def replace_all_validate(self, fgraph, replacements, reason=None, verbose=None): chk = fgraph.checkpoint() if verbose is None: verbose = config.optimizer_verbose if config.scan.debug: scans = [n for n in fgraph.apply_nodes if isinstance(n.op, theano.scan_module.scan_op.Scan)] for r, new_r in replacements: try: fgraph.replace(r, new_r, reason=reason, verbose=False) except Exception as e: msg = str(e) s1 = 'The type of the replacement must be the same' s2 = 'does not belong to this FunctionGraph' s3 = 'maximum recursion depth exceeded' if s3 in msg: # There is nothing safe we can do to recover from this. # So don't revert as this raise a different error # that isn't helpful. e.args += ( "Please, report this to theano-dev mailing list." " As a temporary work around, you can raise Python" " stack limit with:" " import sys; sys.setrecursionlimit(10000)",) raise elif (s1 not in msg and s2 not in msg): out = sys.stderr print("<>", type(e), e, reason, file=out) # this might fail if the error is in a listener: # (fgraph.replace kinda needs better internal error handling) fgraph.revert(chk) raise try: fgraph.validate() except Exception as e: fgraph.revert(chk) if verbose: print("validate failed on node %s.\n Reason: %s, %s" % (r, reason, e)) raise if config.scan.debug: scans2 = [n for n in fgraph.apply_nodes if isinstance(n.op, theano.scan_module.scan_op.Scan)] nb = len(scans) nb2 = len(scans2) if nb2 > nb: print("Extra scan introduced", nb, nb2, getattr(reason, 'name', reason), r, new_r) elif nb2 < nb: print("Scan removed", nb, nb2, getattr(reason, 'name', reason), r, new_r) if verbose: print(reason, r, new_r) # The return is needed by replace_all_validate_remove return chk def replace_all_validate_remove(self, fgraph, replacements, remove, reason=None, warn=True): """ As replace_all_validate, revert the replacement if the ops in the list remove are still in the graph. Also print a warning. """ chk = fgraph.replace_all_validate(replacements, reason) self._nodes_removed.update(remove) for rm in remove: if rm in fgraph.apply_nodes or rm in fgraph.variables: fgraph.revert(chk) if warn: out = sys.stderr print( "WARNING: An optimization wanted to replace a Variable" " in the graph, but the replacement for it doesn't" " remove it. We disabled the optimization." " Your function runs correctly, but it would be" " appreciated if you submit this problem to the" " mailing list theano-users so that we can fix it.", file=out) print(reason, replacements, file=out) raise ReplacementDidntRemovedError() def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() if "history" in d: del d["history"] return d def on_import(self, fgraph, node, reason): if node in self._nodes_removed: self.fail_validate = True def validate(self, fgraph): if self.fail_validate: self.fail_validate = False raise theano.gof.InconsistencyError("Trying to reintroduce a removed node") class NodeFinder(Bookkeeper): def __init__(self): self.fgraph = None self.d = {} def on_attach(self, fgraph): if self.fgraph is not None: raise Exception("A NodeFinder instance can only serve one " "FunctionGraph.") if hasattr(fgraph, 'get_nodes'): raise AlreadyThere("NodeFinder is already present or in conflict" " with another plugin.") self.fgraph = fgraph fgraph.get_nodes = partial(self.query, fgraph) Bookkeeper.on_attach(self, fgraph) def on_detach(self, fgraph): """ Should remove any dynamically added functionality that it installed into the function_graph """ if self.fgraph is not fgraph: raise Exception("This NodeFinder instance was not attached to the" " provided fgraph.") self.fgraph = None del fgraph.get_nodes Bookkeeper.on_detach(self, fgraph) def on_import(self, fgraph, node, reason): try: self.d.setdefault(node.op, []).append(node) except TypeError: # node.op is unhashable return except Exception as e: print('OFFENDING node', type(node), type(node.op), file=sys.stderr) try: print('OFFENDING node hash', hash(node.op), file=sys.stderr) except Exception: print('OFFENDING node not hashable', file=sys.stderr) raise e def on_prune(self, fgraph, node, reason): try: nodes = self.d[node.op] except TypeError: # node.op is unhashable return nodes.remove(node) if not nodes: del self.d[node.op] def query(self, fgraph, op): try: all = self.d.get(op, []) except TypeError: raise TypeError("%s in unhashable and cannot be queried by the" " optimizer" % op) all = list(all) return all class PrintListener(Feature): def __init__(self, active=True): = active def on_attach(self, fgraph): if print("-- attaching to: ", fgraph) def on_detach(self, fgraph): """ Should remove any dynamically added functionality that it installed into the function_graph """ if print("-- detaching from: ", fgraph) def on_import(self, fgraph, node, reason): if print("-- importing: %s, reason: %s" % (node, reason)) def on_prune(self, fgraph, node, reason): if print("-- pruning: %s, reason: %s" % (node, reason)) def on_change_input(self, fgraph, node, i, r, new_r, reason=None): if print("-- changing (%s.inputs[%s]) from %s to %s" % ( node, i, r, new_r)) class PreserveNames(Feature): """ This preserve some variables names during optimization. Deprecated. We need to keep it to allow unpickling. """ def on_change_input(self, fgraph, node, i, r, new_r, reason=None): if is not None and is None: = class PreserveVariableAttributes(Feature): """ This preserve some variables attributes and tag during optimization. """ def on_change_input(self, fgraph, node, i, r, new_r, reason=None): if is not None and is None: = if getattr(r.tag, 'nan_guard_mode_check', False) and getattr( new_r.tag, 'nan_guard_mode_check', False) is False: new_r.tag.nan_guard_mode_check = r.tag.nan_guard_mode_check class NoOutputFromInplace(Feature): def __init__(self, first_output_idx=0, last_output_idx=None): self.first_idx = first_output_idx self.last_idx = last_output_idx def validate(self, fgraph): if not hasattr(fgraph, 'destroyers'): return True outputs_to_validate = list(fgraph.outputs)[self.first_idx: self.last_idx] for out in outputs_to_validate: if out.owner is None: continue # Validate that the node that produces the output does not produce # it by modifying something else inplace. node = out.owner op = node.op out_idx = node.outputs.index(out) if hasattr(op, 'destroy_map') and out_idx in op.destroy_map: raise theano.gof.InconsistencyError( "A function graph Feature has requested (probably for ", "efficiency reasons for scan) that outputs of the graph", "be prevented from being the result of inplace ", "operations. This has prevented output ", out, " from ", "being computed by modifying another variable ", "inplace.")