from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division from theano import Apply, Op from theano.tensor.extra_ops import CumOp try: from pygpu import gpuarray except ImportError: pass from .basic_ops import (as_gpuarray_variable, GpuKernelBase, Kernel, GpuReshape, infer_context_name, gpuarray_helper_inc_dir) from .opt import register_opt, op_lifter, register_opt2 from .type import gpu_context_type from theano.gof import ParamsType import theano.scalar as scalar class GpuCumOp(GpuKernelBase, Op): """ Parameters ---------- axis Can not be None. If you want the array flattened, do it before. """ SUPPORTED_NDIMS = 3 __props__ = ('axis', 'mode') params_type = ParamsType(axis=scalar.int32, context=gpu_context_type) def __init__(self, axis, mode='add'): assert axis is not None self.axis = int(axis) self.mode = mode def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) != type(self): return False return self.axis == other.axis and self.mode == other.mode def __hash__(self): return hash(self.axis) ^ hash(self.mode) def c_code_cache_version(self): return (7,) def c_headers(self): return ['', '', ''] def c_header_dirs(self): return [gpuarray_helper_inc_dir()] def get_params(self, node): return self.params_type.get_params(self, context=node.inputs[0].type.context) def make_node(self, x): assert x.type.dtype == 'float32', "Only float32 supported for GpuCumOp" context_name = infer_context_name(x) x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, context_name) if x.ndim > GpuCumOp.SUPPORTED_NDIMS: raise NotImplementedError('Only cum op on 1D, 2D and\ 3D arrays are supported right now!') if self.axis >= x.ndim or self.axis < -x.ndim: raise ValueError('axis(={0}) out of bounds'.format(self.axis)) return Apply(self, [x], [x.type()]) def gpu_kernels(self, node, nodename): kernels = [] # cumadd kname = "k_cumadd" op = {'mul': '*', 'add': '+'}[self.mode] k_var = "k_cumadd_" + nodename dtype_x = node.inputs[0].dtype flags = Kernel.get_flags(dtype_x) code = """#include "cluda.h" KERNEL void %(kname)s(float* input, ga_size input_offset, float* output, ga_size output_offset, ga_ssize inputStrides_x, ga_ssize inputStrides_y, ga_ssize inputStrides_z, ga_ssize outputStrides_x, ga_ssize outputStrides_y, ga_ssize outputStrides_z, const int offsetY, const int offsetZ, const int beforeLastElementIdx, const int lastElementIdx){ input = (float *)(((char *)input) + input_offset); output = (float *)(((char *)output) + output_offset); int idY = blockIdx.y + offsetY; int idZ = blockIdx.z + offsetZ; int dataOffsetY_input = idY * inputStrides_y + idZ * inputStrides_z; int dataOffsetY_output = idY * outputStrides_y + idZ * outputStrides_z; int idx_last_input = lastElementIdx*inputStrides_x + dataOffsetY_input; int idx_last_output = lastElementIdx*outputStrides_x + dataOffsetY_output; int idx_beforelast = beforeLastElementIdx*outputStrides_x + dataOffsetY_output; output[idx_last_output] = input[idx_last_input] %(op)s output[idx_beforelast]; } """ % locals() params = [gpuarray.GpuArray, gpuarray.SIZE, gpuarray.GpuArray, gpuarray.SIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', ] kernels.append(Kernel(code=code, name=kname, params=params, flags=flags, objvar=k_var)) # blockCumOp kname = "k_blockCumOp" k_var = "k_blockCumOp_" + nodename params = [gpuarray.GpuArray, gpuarray.SIZE, gpuarray.GpuArray, gpuarray.SIZE, gpuarray.SIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, 'int32', 'int32', gpuarray.GpuArray, gpuarray.SIZE] code = """#include "cluda.h" // helper functions WITHIN_KERNEL void k_reductionPhase(float* partialCumOp) { // Traverse down from leaves to root building partial sums at internal nodes in the tree. for (unsigned int stride = 1; stride <= blockDim.x; stride *= 2) { local_barrier(); unsigned int index = (threadIdx.x + 1) * (stride * 2) - 1; if (index < blockDim.x*2) { partialCumOp[index] %(op)s= partialCumOp[index - stride]; } } } WITHIN_KERNEL void k_fetchData(float* partialCumOp, float* input, int globalThreadID, ga_ssize dataStrides_x, ga_ssize dataStrides_y, ga_ssize dataStrides_z, int offsetY, int offsetZ) { // blockIdx.y and blockIdx.z represents the current independent cum op int idY = blockIdx.y + offsetY; int idZ = blockIdx.z + offsetZ; int offset = idY * dataStrides_y + idZ * dataStrides_z; int idx_even = (globalThreadID*2 ) * dataStrides_x + offset; int idx_odd = (globalThreadID*2 + 1) * dataStrides_x + offset; partialCumOp[threadIdx.x*2] = input[idx_even]; partialCumOp[threadIdx.x*2 + 1] = input[idx_odd]; } WITHIN_KERNEL void k_reversePhase(float* partialCumOp) { // Traverse back up the tree building the scan from the partial sums for (unsigned int stride = exp2(ceil(log2((float)blockDim.x))); stride > 0; stride /= 2) { local_barrier(); unsigned int index = (threadIdx.x + 1) * (stride * 2) - 1; if (index + stride < blockDim.x*2) { partialCumOp[index + stride] %(op)s= partialCumOp[index]; } } } WITHIN_KERNEL void k_pushData(float* partialCumOp, float* output, int globalThreadID, ga_ssize dataStrides_x, ga_ssize dataStrides_y, ga_ssize dataStrides_z, int offsetY, int offsetZ) { local_barrier(); // blockIdx.y and blockIdx.z represents the current independent cum op int idY = blockIdx.y + offsetY; int idZ = blockIdx.z + offsetZ; int offset = idY * dataStrides_y + idZ * dataStrides_z; int idx_even = (globalThreadID*2 ) * dataStrides_x + offset; int idx_odd = (globalThreadID*2 + 1) * dataStrides_x + offset; output[idx_even] = partialCumOp[threadIdx.x*2]; output[idx_odd] = partialCumOp[threadIdx.x*2 + 1]; } KERNEL void k_blockCumOp(float* input, ga_size input_offset, float* output, ga_size output_offset, size_t nbElementsPerCumOp, ga_ssize inputStrides_x, ga_ssize inputStrides_y, ga_ssize inputStrides_z, ga_ssize outputStrides_x, ga_ssize outputStrides_y, ga_ssize outputStrides_z, int offsetY, int offsetZ, float* blockSum, ga_size blockSum_offset) { input = (float *)(((char *)input) + input_offset); output = (float *)(((char *)output) + output_offset); blockSum = (float *)(((char *)blockSum) + blockSum_offset); // Regarding blockIdx and threadIdx, 'CumOp' is always performed along the X axis. // The Y and Z axis of the grid will contain all independent cumops of the 2D/3D case. int globalThreadID = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; // Check if current thread has data to process. if (globalThreadID >= (nbElementsPerCumOp+1)/2) { return; } extern __shared__ float partialCumOp[]; // Load data in shared memory k_fetchData(partialCumOp, input, globalThreadID, inputStrides_x, inputStrides_y, inputStrides_z, offsetY, offsetZ); // Use a dichotomy approach to compute the cum op (i.e. balanced binary tree). // The tree is sweeped from the leaves to the root and from the root to the leaves. // Similar to k_reductionPhase(partialCumOp); k_reversePhase(partialCumOp); // Write the final output to global memory k_pushData(partialCumOp, output, globalThreadID, outputStrides_x, outputStrides_y, outputStrides_z, offsetY, offsetZ); if (blockSum != NULL){ if (threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1) { blockSum[blockIdx.x*(gridDim.y*gridDim.z) + (blockIdx.y + offsetY)*gridDim.z + blockIdx.z + offsetZ] = partialCumOp[threadIdx.x*2 + 1]; } } } """ % locals() kernels.append(Kernel(code=code, name=kname, params=params, flags=flags, objvar=k_var)) # k_finalCumOp kname = "k_finalCumOp" k_var = "k_finalCumOp_" + nodename code = """#include "cluda.h" KERNEL void k_finalCumOp(float* output, ga_size output_offset, float* blockSum, ga_size blockSum_offset, size_t nbElementsPerCumOp, ga_ssize dataStrides_x, ga_ssize dataStrides_y, ga_ssize dataStrides_z, int offsetY, int offsetZ) { output = (float *)(((char *)output) + output_offset); blockSum = (float *)(((char *)blockSum) + blockSum_offset); int globalThreadID = (blockIdx.x + 1) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; // Check if current has data to process. if (globalThreadID >= (nbElementsPerCumOp+1)/2) return; int idY = blockIdx.y + offsetY; int idZ = blockIdx.z + offsetZ; const float currentBlockSum = blockSum[blockIdx.x*(gridDim.y*gridDim.z) + idY*gridDim.z + idZ]; int offset = idY * dataStrides_y + idZ * dataStrides_z; int idx_even = (globalThreadID*2 ) * dataStrides_x + offset; int idx_odd = (globalThreadID*2 + 1) * dataStrides_x + offset; output[idx_even] %(op)s= currentBlockSum; output[idx_odd] %(op)s= currentBlockSum; } """ % locals() params = [gpuarray.GpuArray, gpuarray.SIZE, gpuarray.GpuArray, gpuarray.SIZE, gpuarray.SIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, gpuarray.SSIZE, 'int32', 'int32', ] kernels.append(Kernel(code=code, name=kname, params=params, flags=flags, objvar=k_var)) return kernels def c_code(self, node, nodename, inp, out, sub): if node.inputs[0].type.context.kind != b'cuda': raise NotImplementedError("cuda only") return """ const size_t* shape = PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(x)s); bool needAllocation = !%(z)s || PyGpuArray_NDIM(%(x)s) != PyGpuArray_NDIM(%(z)s); int axis = %(params)s->axis; if (axis < 0) { // Convert negative axis to positive axis. axis += PyGpuArray_NDIM(%(x)s); } if (theano_prep_output(&%(z)s, PyGpuArray_NDIM(%(x)s), PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(x)s), %(x)s->ga.typecode, GA_C_ORDER, %(params)s->context) != 0) { %(fail)s; } { // Namespace for kernel calls // size_t max_threads_dim0; size_t max_grid_size1; size_t max_grid_size2; int err; err = gpucontext_property(%(params)s->context->ctx, GA_CTX_PROP_MAXLSIZE0, &max_threads_dim0); if (err != GA_NO_ERROR){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Could not fetch max_threads_dims0"); %(fail)s; } err = gpucontext_property(%(params)s->context->ctx, GA_CTX_PROP_MAXGSIZE1, &max_grid_size1); if (err != GA_NO_ERROR){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Could not fetch max_grid_size1"); %(fail)s; } err = gpucontext_property(%(params)s->context->ctx, GA_CTX_PROP_MAXGSIZE2, &max_grid_size2); if (err != GA_NO_ERROR){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Could not fetch max_grid_size2"); %(fail)s; } if (cumOp_%(nodename)s(%(x)s, %(z)s, axis, max_threads_dim0, max_grid_size1, max_grid_size2) == -1){ %(fail)s; } } """ % dict(x=inp[0], z=out[0], nodename=nodename, fail=sub['fail'], params=sub['params']) def c_support_code_struct(self, node, nodename): code = """ int cumOp_%(nodename)s(PyGpuArrayObject* input, PyGpuArrayObject* output, int axis, size_t maxThreads, size_t maxGridY, size_t maxGridZ) { size_t shape[3] = { 1, 1, 1 }; ssize_t inputStrides_x; ssize_t inputStrides_y; ssize_t inputStrides_z; ssize_t outputStrides_x; ssize_t outputStrides_y; ssize_t outputStrides_z; switch (PyGpuArray_NDIM(input)) { case 1: shape[0] = PyGpuArray_DIMS(input)[0]; inputStrides_x = PyGpuArray_STRIDES(input)[0] / sizeof(float); outputStrides_x = PyGpuArray_STRIDES(output)[0] / sizeof(float); break; case 2: shape[0] = PyGpuArray_DIMS(input)[0]; shape[1] = PyGpuArray_DIMS(input)[1]; inputStrides_x = PyGpuArray_STRIDES(input)[0] / sizeof(float); inputStrides_y = PyGpuArray_STRIDES(input)[1] / sizeof(float); outputStrides_x = PyGpuArray_STRIDES(output)[0] / sizeof(float); outputStrides_y = PyGpuArray_STRIDES(output)[1] / sizeof(float); break; case 3: shape[0] = PyGpuArray_DIMS(input)[0]; shape[1] = PyGpuArray_DIMS(input)[1]; shape[2] = PyGpuArray_DIMS(input)[2]; inputStrides_x = PyGpuArray_STRIDES(input)[0] / sizeof(float); inputStrides_y = PyGpuArray_STRIDES(input)[1] / sizeof(float); inputStrides_z = PyGpuArray_STRIDES(input)[2] / sizeof(float); outputStrides_x = PyGpuArray_STRIDES(output)[0] / sizeof(float); outputStrides_y = PyGpuArray_STRIDES(output)[1] / sizeof(float); outputStrides_z = PyGpuArray_STRIDES(output)[2] / sizeof(float); break; default: PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unsupported Axis"); return -1; } if (shape[axis] <= 1) { int err = pygpu_move(output, input); return err; } // Perform cum op on array of even size. size_t nbElementsPerCumOp = shape[axis] - (shape[axis] %% 2); // Determine how many elements can be processed in one block. size_t dimBlockX = ((nbElementsPerCumOp > 2*maxThreads ? 2*maxThreads : nbElementsPerCumOp)+1)/2; // Determine how many blocks are needed in total. size_t dimGridX = (nbElementsPerCumOp+2*dimBlockX-1) / (2*dimBlockX); // Nb. of blocks needed per cum op. size_t dimGridY; // Nb. of independent cum ops (width). size_t dimGridZ; // Nb. of independent cum ops (height). ssize_t tmp; switch (axis) { case 0: dimGridY = shape[1]; dimGridZ = shape[2]; break; case 1: dimGridY = shape[0]; dimGridZ = shape[2]; tmp = inputStrides_x; inputStrides_x = inputStrides_y; inputStrides_y = tmp; tmp = outputStrides_x; outputStrides_x = outputStrides_y; outputStrides_y = tmp; break; case 2: dimGridY = shape[1]; dimGridZ = shape[0]; tmp = inputStrides_x; inputStrides_x = inputStrides_z; inputStrides_z = tmp; tmp = outputStrides_x; outputStrides_x = outputStrides_z; outputStrides_z = tmp; break; default: PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unsupported Axis"); return -1; } const size_t shapeBlockSum[2] = { dimGridX, dimGridY*dimGridZ }; PyGpuArrayObject* deviceBlockSum = pygpu_empty(2, shapeBlockSum, output->ga.typecode, GA_C_ORDER, input->context, Py_None); if (deviceBlockSum == NULL){ return -1; } // Perform `maxGridY`*`maxGridZ` cum ops in parallel. for (size_t offsetY = 0; offsetY < dimGridY; offsetY += maxGridY){ size_t localDimGridY = (dimGridY - offsetY < maxGridY) ? (dimGridY - offsetY) : (maxGridY); for (size_t offsetZ = 0; offsetZ < dimGridZ; offsetZ += maxGridZ){ size_t localDimGridZ = (dimGridZ - offsetZ < maxGridZ) ? (dimGridZ - offsetZ) : (maxGridZ); size_t dimGrid[3] = {dimGridX, localDimGridY, localDimGridZ}; size_t dimBlock[3] = {dimBlockX, 1, 1}; // One cum op per block. size_t sharedBytes = (2*dimBlockX) * sizeof(float); int err = k_blockCumOp_call(3, dimGrid, dimBlock, sharedBytes, input->, input->ga.offset, output->, output->ga.offset, nbElementsPerCumOp, inputStrides_x, inputStrides_y, inputStrides_z, outputStrides_x, outputStrides_y, outputStrides_z, offsetY, offsetZ, deviceBlockSum->, deviceBlockSum->ga.offset); if (err != GA_NO_ERROR){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "blockCumOp call failed"); return -1; } if (dimGridX > 1) { // Do a cum op over the blockSum (recursive). if (cumOp_%(nodename)s(deviceBlockSum, deviceBlockSum, 0, maxThreads, maxGridY, maxGridZ) == -1){ Py_DECREF(deviceBlockSum); return -1; } // Since there are more than one block (i.e. `dimGridX > 1`) // report partial cum ops of previous blocks to subsequents ones. size_t dimGrid[3] = {dimGridX, localDimGridY, localDimGridZ}; size_t dimBlock[3] = {dimBlockX, 1, 1}; int err = k_finalCumOp_call(3, dimGrid, dimBlock, sharedBytes, output->, output->ga.offset, deviceBlockSum->, deviceBlockSum->ga.offset, nbElementsPerCumOp, outputStrides_x, outputStrides_y, outputStrides_z, offsetY, offsetZ); if (err != GA_NO_ERROR){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "finalCumOp call failed"); return -1; } } // If shape[axis] is odd, the last element is compute manually if (shape[axis] != nbElementsPerCumOp){ size_t dimGrid[3] = {1, localDimGridY, localDimGridZ}; size_t dimBlock[3] = {1, 1, 1}; int err = k_cumadd_call(3, dimGrid, dimBlock, sharedBytes, input->, input->ga.offset, output->, output->ga.offset, inputStrides_x, inputStrides_y, inputStrides_z, outputStrides_x, outputStrides_y, outputStrides_z, offsetY, offsetZ, shape[axis] - 2, shape[axis] - 1); if (err != GA_NO_ERROR){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "cumadd call failed"); return -1; } } } } Py_XDECREF(deviceBlockSum); return 0; } """ % locals() return super(GpuCumOp, self).c_support_code_struct(node, nodename) + code # GpuCumsumOp exists only to serve backward compatibility. # Once an object is created, it will be converted to CumOp object. class GpuCumsumOp(GpuKernelBase, Op): SUPPORTED_NDIMS = 3 __props__ = ("axis",) def __new__(typ, *args, **kwargs): obj = object.__new__(GpuCumOp, *args, **kwargs) obj.mode = 'add' return obj @register_opt('fast_compile') @op_lifter([CumOp]) @register_opt2([CumOp], 'fast_compile') def local_gpua_cumop(op, ctx_name, inputs, outputs): if inputs[0].dtype != 'float32': return False axis = op.axis x = inputs[0] if axis is not None and x.ndim > GpuCumOp.SUPPORTED_NDIMS: return False x = as_gpuarray_variable(x, ctx_name) if axis is None and x.ndim > 1: x = GpuReshape(1)(x, (-1,)) # ``gpu_cumop`` assume array has been flattened if needed. if axis is None: axis = 0 return GpuCumOp(axis, op.mode)(x)