from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division from theano import Op, Apply from theano.gof import ParamsType from theano.tensor.nnet.neighbours import Images2Neibs import theano.tensor as T try: from pygpu import gpuarray except ImportError: pass from .basic_ops import (as_gpuarray_variable, GpuKernelBase, Kernel, infer_context_name) from .type import GpuArrayType, gpu_context_type class GpuImages2Neibs(GpuKernelBase, Images2Neibs, Op): """ Images2Neibs for the GPU. """ params_type = ParamsType(mode=Images2Neibs.BORDER_MODE, context=gpu_context_type) def get_params(self, node): return self.params_type.get_params(self, context=node.inputs[0].type.context) def make_node(self, ten4, neib_shape, neib_step=None): ten4 = as_gpuarray_variable(ten4, infer_context_name(ten4)) neib_shape = T.as_tensor_variable(neib_shape) if neib_step is None: neib_step = neib_shape else: neib_step = T.as_tensor_variable(neib_step) assert ten4.ndim == 4 assert neib_shape.ndim == 1 assert neib_step.ndim == 1 assert neib_shape.dtype in T.integer_dtypes assert neib_step.dtype in T.integer_dtypes return Apply(self, [ten4, neib_shape, neib_step], [GpuArrayType(broadcastable=(False, False), dtype=ten4.type.dtype, context_name=ten4.type.context_name)()]) def c_code_cache_version(self): return (14,) def c_headers(self): return ['', ''] def gpu_kernels(self, node, nodename): dtype_ten4 = node.inputs[0].dtype dtype_z = node.outputs[0].dtype flags = Kernel.get_flags(dtype_ten4, dtype_z) type_ten4 = gpuarray.dtype_to_ctype(dtype_ten4) type_z = gpuarray.dtype_to_ctype(dtype_z) # `BORDER_MODE`'s c_support_code() contains C constants definitions that are useful here. mode_constants = self.BORDER_MODE.c_support_code() kernels = [] kname = "k_multi_warp_less" k_var = "k_multi_warp_less_" + nodename code = """#include "cluda.h" // a version that uses less registers but doesn't work in all cases. %(mode_constants)s KERNEL void %(kname)s( const ga_int mode, const ga_int nb_batch, const ga_int nb_stack, const ga_int height, const ga_int width, const ga_int c, const ga_int d, const ga_int step_x, const ga_int step_y, const ga_int grid_c, const ga_int grid_d, const ga_size stride0, const ga_size stride1, const ga_size stride2, const ga_size stride3, GLOBAL_MEM const %(type_ten4)s * global_ten4, const ga_size offset_ten4, const ga_size out_s0, const ga_size out_s1, GLOBAL_MEM %(type_z)s * global_out, const ga_size offset_out ) { const ga_int wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x = c/2; const ga_int wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y = d/2; global_ten4 = (GLOBAL_MEM const %(type_ten4)s *)(((GLOBAL_MEM char *)global_ten4)+offset_ten4); global_out = (GLOBAL_MEM %(type_z)s *)(((GLOBAL_MEM char *)global_out)+offset_out); for(ga_int tblock = GID_0*LDIM_2+LID_2; tblocknb_batch)continue; if(s>nb_stack)continue; if(a>grid_c)continue; if(b>grid_d)continue; ga_int z_row = b + grid_d*(a + grid_c* (s + nb_stack*n)); ga_int i = LID_1; // loop over c { ga_int ten4_2 = i + a * step_x; if(mode == MODE_WRAP_CENTERED) { ten4_2 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x; if ( ten4_2 < 0 ) ten4_2 += height; else if (ten4_2 >= height) ten4_2 -= height; } else if (mode == MODE_HALF) { ten4_2 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x; } else if (mode == MODE_FULL) { ten4_2 -= c - 1; } ga_int j = LID_0; // loop over d { ga_int ten4_3 = j + b * step_y; if(mode == MODE_WRAP_CENTERED){ ten4_3 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y; if ( ten4_3 < 0 ) ten4_3 += width; else if (ten4_3 >= width) ten4_3 -= width; } else if (mode == MODE_HALF) { ten4_3 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y; } else if (mode == MODE_FULL) { ten4_3 -= d - 1; } ga_int z_col = j + d * i; ga_int z_idx = z_col * out_s1 + z_row * out_s0; if(ten4_2 < 0 || ten4_2 >= height || ten4_3 < 0 || ten4_3 >= width){ global_out[z_idx] = 0; } else { ga_int ten4_idx = stride3*ten4_3 + stride2*ten4_2 + stride1*s + stride0*n; global_out[z_idx] = global_ten4[ten4_idx]; } } } } }""" % dict(kname=kname, type_ten4=type_ten4, type_z=type_z, mode_constants=mode_constants) params = [ 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'uintp', 'uintp', 'uintp', 'uintp', gpuarray.GpuArray, 'uintp', 'uintp', 'uintp', gpuarray.GpuArray, 'uintp', ] kernels.append(Kernel(code=code, name=kname, params=params, flags=flags, objvar=k_var)) kname = "k_multi_warp" k_var = "k_multi_warp_" + nodename code = """#include "cluda.h" %(mode_constants)s KERNEL void %(kname)s( const ga_int mode, const ga_int nb_batch, const ga_int nb_stack, const ga_int height, const ga_int width, const ga_int c, const ga_int d, const ga_int step_x, const ga_int step_y, const ga_int grid_c, const ga_int grid_d, const ga_size stride0, const ga_size stride1, const ga_size stride2, const ga_size stride3, GLOBAL_MEM const %(type_ten4)s * global_ten4, const ga_size offset_ten4, const ga_size out_s0, const ga_size out_s1, GLOBAL_MEM %(type_z)s * global_out, const ga_size offset_out ) { const ga_int wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x = c/2; const ga_int wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y = d/2; global_ten4 = (GLOBAL_MEM const %(type_ten4)s *)(((GLOBAL_MEM char *)global_ten4)+offset_ten4); global_out = (GLOBAL_MEM %(type_z)s *)(((GLOBAL_MEM char *)global_out)+offset_out); for(ga_int tblock = GID_0*LDIM_2+LID_2; tblocknb_batch)continue; if(s>nb_stack)continue; if(a>grid_c)continue; if(b>grid_d)continue; ga_int z_row = b + grid_d*(a + grid_c* (s + nb_stack*n)); // loop over c for (ga_int i = LID_1; i < c; i+=LDIM_1) { ga_int ten4_2 = i + a * step_x; if(mode == MODE_WRAP_CENTERED) { ten4_2 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x; if ( ten4_2 < 0 ) ten4_2 += height; else if (ten4_2 >= height) ten4_2 -= height; } else if (mode == MODE_HALF) { ten4_2 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x; } else if (mode == MODE_FULL) { ten4_2 -= c - 1; } // loop over d for (ga_int j = LID_0; j < d; j+=LDIM_0) { ga_int ten4_3 = j + b * step_y; if(mode == MODE_WRAP_CENTERED) { ten4_3 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y; if ( ten4_3 < 0 ) ten4_3 += width; else if (ten4_3 >= width) ten4_3 -= width; } else if (mode == MODE_HALF) { ten4_3 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y; } else if (mode == MODE_FULL) { ten4_3 -= d - 1; } ga_int z_col = j + d * i; ga_int z_idx = z_col * out_s1 + z_row * out_s0; if(ten4_2 < 0 || ten4_2 >= height || ten4_3 < 0 || ten4_3 >= width){ global_out[z_idx] = 0; } else { ga_int ten4_idx = stride3*ten4_3 + stride2*ten4_2 + stride1*s + stride0*n; global_out[z_idx] = global_ten4[ten4_idx]; } } } } } """ % dict(kname=kname, type_ten4=type_ten4, type_z=type_z, mode_constants=mode_constants) params = [ 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'intc', 'uintp', 'uintp', 'uintp', 'uintp', gpuarray.GpuArray, 'uintp', 'uintp', 'uintp', gpuarray.GpuArray, 'uintp', ] kernels.append(Kernel(code=code, name=kname, params=params, flags=flags, objvar=k_var)) return kernels def c_support_code(self): return """ template static T ceil_intdiv(T a, T b) { return (a/b) + ((a % b) ? 1: 0); } """ def c_code(self, node, name, inp, out, sub): err_check = """ if (err != GA_NO_ERROR) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "gpuarray error: *fptr: %%s.", GpuKernel_error(fptr, err)); %(fail)s; } """ % dict(fail=sub['fail']) # NB: To reduce C code variability: # For itemsize_ten4, I use GpuArray_ITEMSIZE(&ten4->ga) instead of np.dtype(node.inputs[0].dtype).itemsize # For itemsize_z, I use itemsize_ten4, as ten4 and z have same type properties (deduced from make_node) # For typecode_z, I use ten4->ga.typecode (for same reason as above) return """ int grid_c = -1; int grid_d = -1; size_t itemsize_ten4 = GpuArray_ITEMSIZE(&%(ten4)s->ga); size_t itemsize_z = itemsize_ten4; int typecode_z = %(ten4)s->ga.typecode; { if (PyGpuArray_NDIM(%(ten4)s) != 4) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "GpuImages2Neibs: pvals wrong rank"); %(fail)s; } if (PyArray_NDIM(%(neib_shape)s) != 1) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "GpuImages2Neibs: unis wrong rank"); %(fail)s; } if (PyArray_DIMS(%(neib_shape)s)[0] != 2) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "GpuImages2Neibs: neib_shape has to contain two" " elements"); %(fail)s; } const int c = *(npy_%(dtype_neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1( %(neib_shape)s, 0); const int d = *(npy_%(dtype_neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1( %(neib_shape)s, 1); const npy_intp step_x = (npy_intp) *(npy_%(dtype_neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 0); const npy_intp step_y = (npy_intp) *(npy_%(dtype_neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 1); if (step_x <=0 || step_y <=0) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "neib_step wrong step ; values <= 0. Got %%lld %%lld.", (long long) step_x, (long long) step_y); %(fail)s; } if (c <=0 || d <=0) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "neib_shape values <= 0. Got %%lld %%lld.", (long long)c, (long long)d); %(fail)s; } if (%(params)s->mode == MODE_WRAP_CENTERED) { if (c%%2!=1 || d%%2!=1){ PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "GpuImages2Neibs: in mode wrap_centered need patch with odd shapes"); %(fail)s; } if ( PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2] < c || PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3] < d) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "GpuImages2Neibs: in wrap_centered mode," " don't support image shapes smaller then" " the patch shapes: neib_shape=(%%d,%%d)," " ten4[2:]=[%%d,%%d]", c, d, PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2], PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]); %(fail)s; } grid_c = ceil_intdiv(((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]), (size_t)step_x); grid_d = ceil_intdiv(((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]), (size_t)step_y); } else if (%(params)s->mode == MODE_VALID) { if ( ((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c) || ((((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-c) %% step_x)!=0)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "GpuImages2Neibs:" " neib_shape[0]=%%d, neib_step[0]=%%d and" " ten4.shape[2]=%%d not consistent", c, step_x, PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]); %(fail)s; } if ( ((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d) || ((((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-d) %% step_y)!=0)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "GpuImages2Neibs:" " neib_shape[1]=%%d, neib_step[1]=%%d and" " ten4.shape[3]=%%d not consistent", d, step_y, PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]); %(fail)s; } //number of patch in height grid_c = 1+(((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-c)/step_x); //number of patch in width grid_d = 1+(((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-d)/step_y); } else if (%(params)s->mode == MODE_IGNORE_BORDERS) { //number of patch in height grid_c = 1+(((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-c)/step_x); //number of patch in width grid_d = 1+(((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-d)/step_y); } else if (%(params)s->mode == MODE_HALF) { if ( ((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c) || ((((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-(c%%2)) %% step_x)!=0)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "GpuImages2Neibs:" " neib_shape[0]=%%d, neib_step[0]=%%d and" " ten4.shape[2]=%%d not consistent", c, step_x, PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]); %(fail)s; } if ( ((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d) || ((((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-(d%%2)) %% step_y)!=0)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "GpuImages2Neibs:" " neib_shape[1]=%%d, neib_step[1]=%%d and" " ten4.shape[3]=%%d not consistent", d, step_y, PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]); %(fail)s; } //number of patch in height grid_c = 1+(((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-(c%%2))/step_x); //number of patch in width grid_d = 1+(((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-(d%%2))/step_y); } else if (%(params)s->mode == MODE_FULL) { if ( ((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c) || ( (((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]+c-2) %% step_x)!=0)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "neib_shape[0]=%%ld, neib_step[0]=%%ld and" " ten4.shape[2]=%%ld not consistent", (long int)c, (long int)step_x, (long int)(PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2])); %(fail)s; } if ( ((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d) || ( (((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]+d-2) %% step_y)!=0)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "neib_shape[1]=%%ld, neib_step[1]=%%ld and" " ten4.shape[3]=%%ld not consistent", (long int)d, (long int)step_y, (long int)(PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3])); %(fail)s; } //number of patch in height grid_c = 1+(((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]+c-2)/step_x); //number of patch in width grid_d = 1+(((PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]+d-2)/step_y); } else { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "GpuImages2Neibs:: unknown mode %%d", %(params)s->mode); %(fail)s; } // new dimensions for z const int z_dim1 = c * d; const int z_dim0 = grid_c * grid_d * PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[1] * PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[0]; if ((NULL == %(z)s) || (PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(z)s)[0] != z_dim0) || (PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(z)s)[1] != z_dim1)) { Py_XDECREF(%(z)s); size_t dims[2]; dims[0] = z_dim0; dims[1] = z_dim1; %(z)s = pygpu_empty(2, dims, typecode_z, GA_C_ORDER, %(params)s->context, Py_None); if (!%(z)s) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "GpuImages2Neibs:" " failed to alloc z output"); %(fail)s; } } } { // NESTED SCOPE const int mode = %(params)s->mode; const int nb_batch = PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[0]; const int nb_stack = PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[1]; const int height = PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]; const int width = PyGpuArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]; const int c = *(npy_%(dtype_neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1( %(neib_shape)s, 0); const int d = *(npy_%(dtype_neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1( %(neib_shape)s, 1); const npy_intp step_x = (npy_intp) *(npy_%(dtype_neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 0); const npy_intp step_y = (npy_intp) *(npy_%(dtype_neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 1); size_t threads_per_block[3] = {d, c, 1}; //get the max threads per blocks size_t max_threads_dim; int err = gpucontext_property(%(params)s->context->ctx, GA_CTX_PROP_MAXLSIZE0, &max_threads_dim); if (err != GA_NO_ERROR){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Could not fetch max_threads_dims"); %(fail)s; } while(threads_per_block[0]*threads_per_block[1]>max_threads_dim && threads_per_block[1]>1)threads_per_block[1]--; while(threads_per_block[0]*threads_per_block[1]>max_threads_dim && threads_per_block[0]>1)threads_per_block[0]--; //Make bigger block to have better memory access pattern and //a higher core utilisation. for smaller patch size while(c*d*(threads_per_block[2]+1) < 128 && threads_per_block[2]<64 && threads_per_block[2], (void *)&%(ten4)s->ga.offset, (void *)&stride_Z0, (void *)&stride_Z1, (void *)%(z)s->, (void *)&%(z)s->ga.offset}; err = GpuKernel_call(fptr, 3, n_blocks, threads_per_block, 0, kernel_params); %(err_check)s } // END NESTED SCOPE """ % dict(ten4=inp[0], neib_shape=inp[1], neib_step=inp[2], z=out[0], dtype_neib_shape=node.inputs[1].dtype, dtype_neib_step=node.inputs[2].dtype, err_check=err_check, name=name, params=sub['params'], fail=sub['fail']) def perform(self, node, inp, out, params): # Disable the perform method from the CPU version Op.perform(self, node, inp, out, params)