from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division from copy import copy import numpy as np from six import iteritems, integer_types from six.moves import xrange import theano from theano import gof from theano.compat import izip from theano import change_flags from theano.gof import Apply, Op, COp, OpenMPOp, ParamsType from theano import scalar from theano.scalar import get_scalar_type from theano.printing import pprint from theano.gradient import DisconnectedType from theano.gof.null_type import NullType from theano.tensor import elemwise_cgen as cgen from theano.misc.frozendict import frozendict config = theano.config _numpy_ver = [int(n) for n in np.__version__.split('.')[:2]] # tensor depends on elemwise to provide definitions for several ops # but elemwise needs to make TensorType instances, so we have these as # placeholders and the tensor module fills them def as_tensor_variable(data): raise Exception("Circular dependencies prevent using this" "here. import tensor before elemwise") def TensorType(*inputs, **kwargs): raise Exception("Circular dependencies prevent " "using this here. import tensor before elemwise") def TensorVariable(*inputs, **kwargs): raise Exception("Circular dependencies " "prevent using this here. import tensor before elemwise") def TensorConstant(*inputs, **kwargs): raise Exception("Circular dependencies " "prevent using this here. import tensor before elemwise") ################## # DimShuffle # ################## class DimShuffle(COp): """ Allows to reorder the dimensions of a tensor or insert or remove broadcastable dimensions. In the following examples, 'x' means that we insert a broadcastable dimension and a numerical index represents the dimension of the same rank in the tensor passed to perform. Parameters ---------- input_broadcastable The expected broadcastable pattern of the input new_order A list representing the relationship between the input's dimensions and the output's dimensions. Each element of the list can either be an index or 'x'. Indices must be encoded as python integers, not theano symbolic integers. inplace : bool, optional If True (default), the output will be a view of the input. Note ---- If `j = new_order[i]` is an index, the output's ith dimension will be the input's jth dimension. If `new_order[i]` is `x`, the output's ith dimension will be 1 and Broadcast operations will be allowed to do broadcasting over that dimension. If `input.broadcastable[i] == False` then `i` must be found in new_order. Broadcastable dimensions, on the other hand, can be discarded. Note ---- .. code-block:: python DimShuffle((False, False, False), ['x', 2, 'x', 0, 1]) This op will only work on 3d tensors with no broadcastable dimensions. The first dimension will be broadcastable, then we will have the third dimension of the input tensor as the second of the resulting tensor, etc. If the tensor has shape (20, 30, 40), the resulting tensor will have dimensions (1, 40, 1, 20, 30). (AxBxC tensor is mapped to 1xCx1xAxB tensor) .. code-block:: python DimShuffle((True, False), [1]) This op will only work on 2d tensors with the first dimension broadcastable. The second dimension of the input tensor will be the first dimension of the resulting tensor. If the tensor has shape (1, 20), the resulting tensor will have shape (20, ). Example ------- .. code-block:: python DimShuffle((), ['x']) # make a 0d (scalar) into a 1d vector DimShuffle((False, False), [0, 1]) # identity DimShuffle((False, False), [1, 0]) # inverts the 1st and 2nd dimensions DimShuffle((False,), ['x', 0]) # make a row out of a 1d vector # (N to 1xN) DimShuffle((False,), [0, 'x']) # make a column out of a 1d vector # (N to Nx1) DimShuffle((False, False, False), [2, 0, 1]) # AxBxC to CxAxB DimShuffle((False, False), [0, 'x', 1]) # AxB to Ax1xB DimShuffle((False, False), [1, 'x', 0]) # AxB to Bx1xA The reordering of the dimensions can be done with the numpy.transpose function. Adding, subtracting dimensions can be done with reshape. """ _f16_ok = True check_input = False __props__ = ("input_broadcastable", "new_order", "inplace") c_func_file = 'c_code/dimshuffle.c' c_func_name = 'APPLY_SPECIFIC(cpu_dimshuffle)' @property def params_type(self): # We can't directly create `params_type` as class attribute # because of importation issues related to TensorType. return ParamsType(input_broadcastable=TensorType(dtype='bool', broadcastable=(False,)), _new_order=theano.tensor.lvector, transposition=TensorType(dtype='uint32', broadcastable=(False,)), inplace=theano.scalar.bool) @property def _new_order(self): # Param for C code. # self.new_order may contain 'x', which is not a valid integer value. # We replace it with -1. return [(-1 if x == 'x' else x) for x in self.new_order] @property def transposition(self): return self.shuffle + self.drop def __init__(self, input_broadcastable, new_order, inplace=True): COp.__init__(self, [self.c_func_file], self.c_func_name) self.input_broadcastable = tuple(input_broadcastable) self.new_order = tuple(new_order) if inplace is True: self.inplace = inplace else: raise ValueError("DimShuffle is inplace by default and hence the inplace for DimShuffle must be true") for i, j in enumerate(new_order): if j != 'x': # There is a bug in numpy that results in # isinstance(x, integer_types) returning False for # numpy integers. See # . if not isinstance(j, (integer_types, np.integer)): raise TypeError( "DimShuffle indices must be python ints. " "Got: '%s' of type '%s'.", str(j), str(type(j))) if j >= len(input_broadcastable): raise ValueError(("new_order[%d] is %d, but the input " "only has %d axes.") % (i, j, len(input_broadcastable))) if j in new_order[(i + 1):]: raise ValueError("The same input dimension may not appear " "twice in the list of output dimensions", new_order) # list of dimensions of the input to drop self.drop = [] for i, b in enumerate(input_broadcastable): if i not in new_order: # we want to drop this dimension because it's not a value in # new_order if b == 1: # 1 aka True self.drop.append(i) else: # we cannot drop non-broadcastable dimensions raise ValueError( "You cannot drop a non-broadcastable dimension.", (input_broadcastable, new_order)) # this is the list of the original dimensions that we keep self.shuffle = [x for x in new_order if x != 'x'] # list of dimensions of the output that are broadcastable and were not # in the original input self.augment = [i for i, x in enumerate(new_order) if x == 'x'] if self.inplace: self.view_map = {0: [0]} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) if not hasattr(self, 'func_files'): # Perhaps we are loading an old `Op` version of DimShuffle. # Let's just build the COp. COp.__init__(self, [self.c_func_file], self.c_func_name) def make_node(self, _input): input = as_tensor_variable(_input) ib = tuple(input.type.broadcastable) if not ib == self.input_broadcastable: if len(ib) != len(self.input_broadcastable): raise TypeError(( "The number of dimensions of the " "input is incorrect for this op. Expected %s, got %s." % (self.input_broadcastable, ib))) for expected, b in zip(self.input_broadcastable, ib): if expected is True and b is False: raise TypeError(( "The broadcastable pattern of the " "input is incorrect for this op. Expected %s, got %s." % (self.input_broadcastable, ib))) # else, expected == b or expected is False and b is True # Both case are good. ob = [] for value in self.new_order: if value == 'x': ob.append(True) else: ob.append(ib[value]) output = TensorType(dtype=input.type.dtype, broadcastable=ob)() return Apply(self, [input], [output]) def __str__(self): if self.inplace: return "InplaceDimShuffle{%s}" % ",".join(str(x) for x in self.new_order) else: return "DimShuffle{%s}" % ",".join(str(x) for x in self.new_order) def perform(self, node, inp, out, params): input, = inp storage, = out # drop res = input if type(res) != np.ndarray and type(res) != np.memmap: raise TypeError(res) # transpose res = res.transpose(self.shuffle + self.drop) # augment shape = list(res.shape[:len(self.shuffle)]) for augm in self.augment: shape.insert(augm, 1) res = res.reshape(shape) # copy (if not inplace) if not self.inplace: res = np.copy(res) storage[0] = np.asarray(res) # asarray puts scalars back into array def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): ishp, = shapes # transpose rval = [ishp[i] for i in self.shuffle] # augment for augm in self.augment: rval.insert(augm, 1) return [rval] def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): if None in eval_points: return [None] return self(*eval_points, **dict(return_list=True)) def grad(self, inp, grads): x, = inp gz, = grads gz = as_tensor_variable(gz) grad_order = ['x'] * len(x.type.broadcastable) for i, v in enumerate(self.new_order): if v != 'x': grad_order[v] = i # Do not make the DimShuffle inplace as an optimization at the # canonicalization optimization phase will remove the inplace. # The inplace will be reintroduced automatically later in the graph. if inp[0].dtype in theano.tensor.discrete_dtypes: return [inp[0].zeros_like(dtype=theano.config.floatX)] else: return [DimShuffle(gz.type.broadcastable, grad_order)( Elemwise(scalar.identity)(gz))] class DimShufflePrinter: def __p(self, new_order, pstate, r): if new_order != () and new_order[0] == 'x': return "%s" % self.__p(new_order[1:], pstate, r) # return "[%s]" % self.__p(new_order[1:], pstate, r) if list(new_order) == list(range(r.type.ndim)): return pstate.pprinter.process(r) if list(new_order) == list(reversed(range(r.type.ndim))): return "%s.T" % pstate.pprinter.process(r) return "DimShuffle{%s}(%s)" % (", ".join(map(str, new_order)), pstate.pprinter.process(r)) def process(self, r, pstate): if r.owner is None: raise TypeError("Can only print DimShuffle.") elif isinstance(r.owner.op, DimShuffle): ord = r.owner.op.new_order return self.__p(ord, pstate, r.owner.inputs[0]) else: raise TypeError("Can only print DimShuffle.") pprint.assign(DimShuffle, DimShufflePrinter()) ################ # Elemwise # ################ class Elemwise(OpenMPOp): """ Generalizes a scalar op to tensors. All the inputs must have the same number of dimensions. When the Op is performed, for each dimension, each input's size for that dimension must be the same. As a special case, it can also be 1 but only if the input's broadcastable flag is True for that dimension. In that case, the tensor is (virtually) replicated along that dimension to match the size of the others. The dtypes of the outputs mirror those of the scalar Op that is being generalized to tensors. In particular, if the calculations for an output are done inplace on an input, the output type must be the same as the corresponding input type (see the doc of scalar.ScalarOp to get help about controlling the output type) Parameters ---------- scalar_op An instance of a subclass of scalar.ScalarOp which works uniquely on scalars. inplace_pattern A dictionary that maps the index of an output to the index of an input so the output is calculated inplace using the input's storage. (Just like destroymap, but without the lists.) nfunc_spec Either None or a tuple of three elements, (nfunc_name, nin, nout) such that getattr(numpy, nfunc_name) implements this operation, takes nin inputs and nout outputs. Note that nin cannot always be inferred from the scalar op's own nin field because that value is sometimes 0 (meaning a variable number of inputs), whereas the numpy function may not have varargs. Note ---- | Elemwise(add) represents + on tensors (x + y) | Elemwise(add, {0 : 0}) represents the += operation (x += y) | Elemwise(add, {0 : 1}) represents += on the second argument (y += x) | Elemwise(mul)(rand(10, 5), rand(1, 5)) the second input is completed \ along the first dimension to match the first input | Elemwise(true_div)(rand(10, 5), rand(10, 1)) same but along the \ second dimension | Elemwise(int_div)(rand(1, 5), rand(10, 1)) the output has size (10, 5) | Elemwise(log)(rand(3, 4, 5)) """ __props__ = ("scalar_op", "inplace_pattern") def __init__(self, scalar_op, inplace_pattern=None, name=None, nfunc_spec=None, openmp=None): if inplace_pattern is None: inplace_pattern = frozendict({}) = name self.scalar_op = scalar_op self.inplace_pattern = inplace_pattern self.destroy_map = dict((o, [i]) for o, i in self.inplace_pattern.items()) if nfunc_spec is None: nfunc_spec = getattr(scalar_op, 'nfunc_spec', None) self.nfunc_spec = nfunc_spec self.__setstate__(self.__dict__) super(Elemwise, self).__init__(openmp=openmp) def __getstate__(self): d = copy(self.__dict__) d.pop('ufunc') d.pop('nfunc') d.pop('__epydoc_asRoutine', None) return d def __setstate__(self, d): super(Elemwise, self).__setstate__(d) self.ufunc = None self.nfunc = None self.inplace_pattern = frozendict(self.inplace_pattern) def get_output_info(self, dim_shuffle, *inputs): """Return the outputs dtype and broadcastable pattern and the dimshuffled niputs. """ shadow = self.scalar_op.make_node( *[get_scalar_type(dtype=i.type.dtype).make_variable() for i in inputs]) target_length = max([input.type.ndim for input in inputs]) args = [] for input in inputs: length = input.type.ndim difference = target_length - length if not difference: args.append(input) else: # TODO: use LComplete instead args.append(dim_shuffle( input.type.broadcastable, ['x'] * difference + list(range(length)))(input)) inputs = args # HERE: all the broadcast dims have the same length now # cleverness: we iterate over the first, second, third broadcast flag # of all inputs in parallel... the all() gives us each output # broadcastable bit in turn. # it is multiplied by nout because Elemwise supports multiple outputs # (nout of them) out_broadcastables = [[all(bcast) for bcast in izip(*[input.type.broadcastable for input in inputs])]] * shadow.nout # inplace_pattern maps output idx -> input idx inplace_pattern = self.inplace_pattern if inplace_pattern: for overwriter, overwritten in iteritems(inplace_pattern): for ob, ib in izip(out_broadcastables[overwriter], inputs[overwritten].type.broadcastable): if ib and not ob: raise ValueError( "Operation cannot be done inplace on an input " "with broadcasted dimensions.") out_dtypes = [o.type.dtype for o in shadow.outputs] if any(inputs[i].type.dtype != out_dtypes[o] for o, i in inplace_pattern.items()): raise TypeError(( "Cannot do an inplace operation on incompatible data types.", ([i.type.dtype for i in inputs], out_dtypes, inplace_pattern))) assert len(out_dtypes) == len(out_broadcastables) return out_dtypes, out_broadcastables, inputs def make_node(self, *inputs): """ If the inputs have different number of dimensions, their shape is left-completed to the greatest number of dimensions with 1s using DimShuffle. """ inputs = list(map(as_tensor_variable, inputs)) out_dtypes, out_broadcastables, inputs = self.get_output_info( DimShuffle, *inputs) outputs = [TensorType(dtype=dtype, broadcastable=broadcastable)() for dtype, broadcastable in izip(out_dtypes, out_broadcastables)] return Apply(self, inputs, outputs) def __str__(self): if is None: if self.inplace_pattern: items = list(self.inplace_pattern.items()) items.sort() return "Elemwise{%s}%s" % (self.scalar_op, str(items)) else: return "Elemwise{%s}" % (self.scalar_op) else: return def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): outs = self(*inputs, **dict(return_list=True)) rval = [None for x in outs] # For each output for idx, out in enumerate(outs): # make such that _bgrads computes only the gradients of the # current output on the inputs ( and not all outputs) ograds = [x.zeros_like() for x in outs] ograds[idx] = theano.tensor.ones_like(out) bgrads = self._bgrad(inputs, outs, ograds) rop_out = None for jdx, (inp, eval_point) in enumerate(izip(inputs, eval_points)): # if None, then we can just ignore this branch .. # what we do is to assume that for any non-differentiable # branch, the gradient is actually 0, which I think is not # the right thing to do .. have to talk to Ian and James # about it if bgrads[jdx] is None or \ isinstance(bgrads[jdx].type, DisconnectedType): pass elif eval_point is not None: if rop_out is None: rop_out = bgrads[jdx] * eval_point else: rop_out = rop_out + bgrads[jdx] * eval_point rval[idx] = rop_out return rval def connection_pattern(self, node): if hasattr(self.scalar_op, 'connection_pattern'): return self.scalar_op.connection_pattern(node) return [[True for output in node.outputs] for ipt in node.inputs] def L_op(self, inputs, outs, ograds): # compute grad with respect to broadcasted input rval = self._bgrad(inputs, outs, ograds) # TODO: make sure that zeros are clearly identifiable # to the gradient.grad method when the outputs have # some integer and some floating point outputs if any(out.type.dtype not in theano.tensor.continuous_dtypes for out in outs): # For integer output, return value may # only be zero or undefined # We don't bother with trying to check # that the scalar ops correctly # returned something that evaluates to 0, # we just make the return # value obviously zero so that gradient.grad # can tell this op did # the right thing. new_rval = [] for elem, ipt in izip(rval, inputs): if isinstance(elem.type, (NullType, DisconnectedType)): new_rval.append(elem) else: elem = ipt.zeros_like() if str(elem.type.dtype) not in theano.tensor.continuous_dtypes: elem = elem.astype(theano.config.floatX) assert str(elem.type.dtype) not in theano.tensor.discrete_dtypes new_rval.append(elem) return new_rval # sum out the broadcasted dimensions for i, ipt in enumerate(inputs): if isinstance(rval[i].type, (NullType, DisconnectedType)): continue # list of all the dimensions that are broadcastable for input[i] so # we can sum over them # todo: only count dimensions that were effectively broadcasted to_sum = [j for j, bcast in enumerate(ipt.type.broadcastable) if bcast and not outs[0].broadcastable[j]] if to_sum: sr = theano.tensor.basic.sum( rval[i], axis=to_sum, keepdims=True) rval[i] = sr # close if # close for return rval def _bgrad(self, inputs, outputs, ograds): # returns grad, with respect to broadcasted versions of inputs with change_flags(compute_test_value='off'): def as_scalar(t): if isinstance(t.type, (NullType, DisconnectedType)): return t return get_scalar_type(t.type.dtype)() scalar_inputs = list(map(as_scalar, inputs)) scalar_ograds = list(map(as_scalar, ograds)) scalar_outputs = self.scalar_op.make_node( *[get_scalar_type(dtype=i.type.dtype).make_variable() for i in inputs]).outputs scalar_igrads = self.scalar_op.L_op(scalar_inputs, scalar_outputs, scalar_ograds) for igrad in scalar_igrads: assert igrad is not None, self.scalar_op if not isinstance(scalar_igrads, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError('%s.grad returned %s instead of list or tuple' % (str(self.scalar_op), str(type(scalar_igrads)))) nd = len(inputs[0].type.broadcastable) # this is the same for everyone def transform(r): # From a graph of ScalarOps, make a graph of Broadcast ops. if isinstance(r.type, (NullType, DisconnectedType)): return r if r in scalar_inputs: return inputs[scalar_inputs.index(r)] if r in scalar_outputs: return outputs[scalar_outputs.index(r)] if r in scalar_ograds: return ograds[scalar_ograds.index(r)] node = r.owner if node is None: # the gradient contains a constant, translate it as # an equivalent TensorType of size 1 and proper number of # dimensions res = theano.tensor.constant(np.asarray(, dtype=r.type.dtype) return DimShuffle((), ['x'] * nd)(res) new_r = Elemwise(node.op, {})( *[transform(ipt) for ipt in node.inputs]) return new_r ret = [] for scalar_igrad, ipt in izip(scalar_igrads, inputs): if scalar_igrad is None: # undefined gradient ret.append(None) continue ret.append(transform(scalar_igrad)) return ret def prepare_node(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, impl): # Postpone the ufunc building to the last minutes due to: # - NumPy ufunc support only up to 31 inputs. # But our c code support more. # - nfunc is reused for scipy and scipy is optional if getattr(self, 'nfunc_spec', None) and impl != 'c': self.nfunc = getattr(np, self.nfunc_spec[0], None) if self.nfunc is None: # Not inside NumPy. So probably another package like scipy. symb = self.nfunc_spec[0].split(".") for idx in range(1, len(self.nfunc_spec[0])): try: module = __import__('.'.join(symb[:idx])) except ImportError: break for sub in symb[1:]: try: module = getattr(module, sub) except AttributeError: module = None break self.nfunc = module if (len(node.inputs) < 32 and (self.nfunc is None or self.scalar_op.nin != len(node.inputs)) and self.ufunc is None and impl == 'py'): ufunc = np.frompyfunc(self.scalar_op.impl, len(node.inputs), self.scalar_op.nout) if self.scalar_op.nin > 0: # We can reuse it for many nodes self.ufunc = ufunc else: node.tag.ufunc = ufunc # Numpy ufuncs will sometimes perform operations in # float16, in particular when the input is int8. # This is not something that we want, and we do not # do it in the C code, so we specify that the computation # should be carried out in the returned dtype. # This is done via the "sig" kwarg of the ufunc, its value # should be something like "ff->f", where the characters # represent the dtype of the inputs and outputs. # NumPy 1.10.1 raise an error when giving the signature # when the input is complex. So add it only when inputs is int. out_dtype = node.outputs[0].dtype if (out_dtype in theano.tensor.float_dtypes and isinstance(self.nfunc, np.ufunc) and node.inputs[0].dtype in theano.tensor.discrete_dtypes): char = np.sctype2char(out_dtype) sig = char * node.nin + '->' + char * node.nout node.tag.sig = sig node.tag.fake_node = Apply( self.scalar_op, [get_scalar_type(dtype=input.type.dtype).make_variable() for input in node.inputs], [get_scalar_type(dtype=output.type.dtype).make_variable() for output in node.outputs]) self.scalar_op.prepare_node(node.tag.fake_node, None, None, impl) def perform(self, node, inputs, output_storage): if len(node.inputs) >= 32: # Some versions of NumPy will segfault, other will raise a # ValueError, if the number of inputs to a ufunc is 32 or more. # In that case, the C version should be used, or Elemwise fusion # should be disabled. super(Elemwise, self).perform(node, inputs, output_storage) for dims in izip(*[list(zip(input.shape, sinput.type.broadcastable)) for input, sinput in zip(inputs, node.inputs)]): if max(d for d, b in dims) != 1 and (1, False) in dims: # yes there may be more compact ways to write this code, # but please maintain python 2.4 compatibility # (no "x if c else y") msg = [] assert len(inputs) == len(node.inputs) for input, sinput in zip(inputs, node.inputs): assert len(input.shape) == len(sinput.type.broadcastable) msg2 = [] for d, b in zip(input.shape, sinput.type.broadcastable): if b: msg2 += ['*'] else: msg2 += [str(d)] msg.append('(%s)' % ", ".join(msg2)) base_exc_str = 'Dimension mismatch; shapes are %s' % ( ', '.join(msg)) raise ValueError(base_exc_str) # Determine the shape of outputs out_shape = [] for values in izip(*[input.shape for input in inputs]): if any(v == 0 for v in values): # All non-broadcasted dimensions should be zero assert max(values) <= 1 out_shape.append(0) else: out_shape.append(max(values)) out_shape = tuple(out_shape) ufunc_args = inputs ufunc_kwargs = {} # We supported in the past calling manually op.perform. # To keep that support we need to sometimes call self.prepare_node if self.nfunc is None and self.ufunc is None: self.prepare_node(node, None, None, 'py') if self.nfunc and len(inputs) == self.nfunc_spec[1]: ufunc = self.nfunc nout = self.nfunc_spec[2] if hasattr(node.tag, 'sig'): ufunc_kwargs['sig'] = node.tag.sig # Unfortunately, the else case does not allow us to # directly feed the destination arguments to the nfunc # since it sometimes requires resizing. Doing this # optimization is probably not worth the effort, since we # should normally run the C version of the Op. else: # the second calling form is used because in certain versions of # numpy the first (faster) version leads to segfaults if self.ufunc: ufunc = self.ufunc elif not hasattr(node.tag, 'ufunc'): # It happen that make_thunk isn't called, like in # get_scalar_constant_value self.prepare_node(node, None, None, 'py') # prepare_node will add ufunc to self or the tag # depending if we can reuse it or not. So we need to # test both again. if self.ufunc: ufunc = self.ufunc else: ufunc = node.tag.ufunc else: ufunc = node.tag.ufunc nout = ufunc.nout variables = ufunc(*ufunc_args, **ufunc_kwargs) if nout == 1: variables = [variables] i = 0 for variable, storage, nout in izip(variables, output_storage, node.outputs): if getattr(variable, "dtype", "") == 'object': # Since numpy 1.6, function created with numpy.frompyfunc # always return an ndarray with dtype object variable = np.asarray(variable, dtype=nout.dtype) if i in self.inplace_pattern: odat = inputs[self.inplace_pattern[i]] odat[...] = variable storage[0] = odat # Sometimes NumPy return a Python type. # Some Theano op return a different dtype like floor, ceil, # trunc, eq, ... elif (not isinstance(variable, np.ndarray) or variable.dtype != nout.dtype): variable = np.asarray(variable, nout.dtype) # The next line is needed for numpy 1.9. Otherwise # there are tests that fail in DebugMode. # Normally we would call theano.misc._asarray, but it # is faster to inline the code. We know that the dtype # are the same string, just different typenum. if np.dtype(nout.dtype).num != variable.dtype.num: variable = variable.view(dtype=nout.dtype) storage[0] = variable # numpy.real return a view! elif not variable.flags.owndata: storage[0] = variable.copy() else: storage[0] = variable i += 1 def infer_shape(self, node, i_shapes): rval = [] for o in node.outputs: oshp = [] for dim, b in enumerate(o.type.broadcastable): b_dim = None if b: # this is broadcastable b_dim = 1 else: # there must be some input that is not broadcastable in # dimension 'dim' for ishp, i in izip(i_shapes, node.inputs): if isinstance(i.type, theano.scalar.Scalar): continue # we skip scalar if not i.type.broadcastable[dim]: # input i is not broadcastable in position dim # therefore if its shape is known, we can use it # as the output shape if ishp[dim]: b_dim = ishp[dim] break # b_dim might still be None, if every input's shape was unknown # in dimension 'dim' oshp.append(b_dim) # TODO: it would be interesting to return the constraining # information that if one of the inputs shape[dim] is known # and another input's shape[dim] is not, that we can now assume # that the other input's shape[dim] is the same as the first. rval.append(tuple(oshp)) return rval def _c_all(self, node, nodename, inames, onames, sub): # Some ops call directly the Elemwise._c_all or Elemwise.c_code # To not request all of them to call prepare_node(), do it here. # There is no harm if it get called multile time. if not hasattr(node.tag, 'fake_node'): self.prepare_node(node, None, None, 'c') _inames = inames _onames = onames inames = gof.utils.uniq(inames) inputs = gof.utils.uniq(node.inputs) # assert that inames and inputs order stay consistent. # This is to protect again futur change of uniq. assert len(inames) == len(inputs) ii, iii = list(zip(*gof.utils.uniq(list(zip(_inames, node.inputs))))) assert all([x == y for x, y in zip(ii, inames)]) assert all([x == y for x, y in zip(iii, inputs)]) defines = "" undefs = "" # The destroy map is a map of output indices to input indices # that overwrite them. We just convert them to the actual # Variables. dmap = dict([(node.outputs[o], [node.inputs[i]]) for o, i in iteritems(self.inplace_pattern)]) # dtypes of the inputs idtypes = [input.type.dtype_specs()[1] for input in inputs] # These are the outputs that we will need to allocate # (output, name, name of the c type), transposed real = list(zip(*[(r, s, r.type.dtype_specs()[1]) for r, s in izip(node.outputs, onames) if r not in dmap])) if real: real_outputs, real_onames, real_odtypes = real else: real_outputs, real_onames, real_odtypes = [], [], [] # Outputs that are aliased with an input (inplace) # (output, name), transposed (c type name not needed since we don't # need to allocate. aliased = list(zip(*[(r, s) for (r, s) in izip(node.outputs, onames) if r in dmap])) if aliased: aliased_outputs, aliased_onames = aliased else: aliased_outputs, aliased_onames = [], [] # for each input: # same as range(ndim), but with 'x' at all broadcastable positions orders = [[x and 'x' or i for i, x in enumerate(input.type.broadcastable)] for input in inputs] # number of nested loops we will need (all inputs have same # dimensionality) nnested = len(orders[0]) sub = dict(sub) for i, (input, iname) in enumerate(izip(inputs, inames)): # the c generators will substitute the input names for # references to loop variables lv0, lv1, ... sub['lv%i' % i] = iname decl = cgen.make_declare(orders, idtypes, sub) checks = cgen.make_checks(orders, idtypes, sub) # Check if all inputs (except broadcasted scalar) are fortran. # In that case, create an fortran output ndarray. z = list(zip(inames, inputs)) alloc_fortran = ' && '.join(["PyArray_ISFORTRAN(%s)" % arr for arr, var in z if not all(var.broadcastable)]) # If it is a scalar, make it c contig to prevent problem with # NumPy C and F contig not always set as both of them. if len(alloc_fortran) == 0: alloc_fortran = '0' alloc = "" # We loop over the "real" outputs, i.e., those that are not # inplace (must be allocated) and we declare/allocate/check # them for output, oname, odtype in izip( real_outputs, real_onames, real_odtypes): i += 1 # before this loop, i = number of inputs sub['lv%i' % i] = oname sub['olv'] = oname alloc += cgen.make_declare([list(range(nnested))], [odtype], dict(sub, lv0=oname)) alloc += cgen.make_alloc(orders, odtype, sub, fortran=alloc_fortran) alloc += cgen.make_checks([list(range(nnested))], [odtype], dict(sub, lv0=oname)) olv_index = i # index of the last output # We loop over the "aliased" outputs, i.e., those that are # inplace (overwrite the contents of one of the inputs) and # make the output pointers point to their corresponding input # pointers. for output, oname in izip(aliased_outputs, aliased_onames): olv_index = inputs.index(dmap[output][0]) iname = inames[olv_index] # We make the output point to the corresponding input and # decrease the reference of whatever the output contained # prior to this alloc += """ if (%(oname)s) { Py_XDECREF(%(oname)s); } %(oname)s = %(iname)s; Py_XINCREF(%(oname)s); """ % locals() # We alias the scalar variables defines += "#define %(oname)s_i %(iname)s_i\n" % locals() undefs += "#undef %(oname)s_i\n" % locals() # Note: here, olv_index is either the index of the last output # which is allocated, OR, if there are any aliased outputs, # the index of the last of these aliased outputs. # We generate the C code of the inner loop using the scalar op if self.openmp: # If we are using openmp, we need to get rid of the "goto" # statement in sub['fail']. For now we recreate it here. fail =, use_goto=False) else: fail = sub['fail'] task_code = self.scalar_op.c_code( node.tag.fake_node, nodename + '_scalar_', ["%s_i" % s for s in _inames], ["%s_i" % s for s in onames], dict(sub, fail=fail)) code = """ { %(defines)s %(task_code)s %(undefs)s } """ % locals() loop_orders = orders + [list(range(nnested))] * len(real_onames) dtypes = (idtypes + list(real_odtypes)) if all([o.ndim <= 1 for o in node.outputs] or # Use simpler code when output ndim == 0 or 1 # or for broadcated scalar. all(node.outputs[0].broadcastable)): if nnested: all_code = [("", "")] * (nnested - 1) + [("", code)] + [""] else: all_code = [code] if len(all_code) == 1: # No loops task_decl = "".join([ "%s& %s_i = *%s_iter;\n" % (dtype, name, name) for name, dtype in izip(inames + list(real_onames), idtypes + list(real_odtypes))]) preloops = {} for i, (loop_order, dtype) in enumerate(zip(loop_orders, dtypes)): for j, index in enumerate(loop_order): if index != 'x': preloops.setdefault(j, "") preloops[j] += ("%%(lv%(i)s)s_iter = (%(dtype)s*)" "(PyArray_DATA(%%(lv%(i)s)s));\n" % locals()) % sub break else: # all broadcastable preloops.setdefault(0, "") preloops[0] += ("%%(lv%(i)s)s_iter = (%(dtype)s*)" "(PyArray_DATA(%%(lv%(i)s)s));\n" % locals()) % sub init_array = preloops.get(0, " ") loop = """ { %(defines)s %(init_array)s %(task_decl)s %(task_code)s %(undefs)s } """ % locals() else: loop = cgen.make_loop( loop_orders=loop_orders, dtypes=dtypes, loop_tasks=all_code, sub=sub, openmp=self.openmp) else: loop = cgen.make_reordered_loop( init_loop_orders=loop_orders, olv_index=olv_index, dtypes=dtypes, inner_task=code, sub=sub, openmp=self.openmp) # If all inputs and outputs are contiguous # and the scalar op define optimized code for that case # use it! The scalar_op need to check the broadcast flag himself. if (all([o.ndim >= 1 for o in node.outputs]) and # Don't use the contig code for broadcasted scalar. not all(node.outputs[0].broadcastable)): contig = None try: contig = self.scalar_op.c_code_contiguous( node, nodename + '_scalar_contig_', _inames, onames, sub) except theano.gof.utils.MethodNotDefined: # Try to make one generic version, this will help the # compiler to vectorize the code as their won't be as # many ptr and the stride will be hard coded. if all([io.broadcastable == node.outputs[0].broadcastable or all(io.broadcastable) for io in node.inputs + node.outputs]): z = onames[0] contig = """ // All output have the same size npy_intp n = PyArray_SIZE(%(z)s); """ % locals() index = "" for x, var in zip(inames + onames, inputs + node.outputs): if not all(var.broadcastable): contig += """ dtype_%(x)s * %(x)s_ptr = (dtype_%(x)s*) PyArray_DATA(%(x)s); """ % locals() index += """ dtype_%(x)s& %(x)s_i = %(x)s_ptr[i]; """ % locals() else: contig += """ dtype_%(x)s& %(x)s_i = ((dtype_%(x)s*) PyArray_DATA(%(x)s))[0]; """ % locals() if self.openmp: contig += """#pragma omp parallel for if(n>=%d) """ % (config.openmp_elemwise_minsize) contig += """ for(int i=0; i', ''] def c_support_code(self): return self.scalar_op.c_support_code() def c_support_code_apply(self, node, nodename): support_code = self.scalar_op.c_support_code_apply(node, nodename + '_scalar_') return support_code def c_code_cache_version_apply(self, node): version = [13] # the version corresponding to the c code in this Op # now we insert versions for the ops on which we depend... scalar_node = Apply( self.scalar_op, [get_scalar_type(dtype=input.type.dtype).make_variable() for input in node.inputs], [get_scalar_type(dtype=output.type.dtype).make_variable() for output in node.outputs]) version.append(self.scalar_op.c_code_cache_version_apply(scalar_node)) for i in node.inputs + node.outputs: version.append( get_scalar_type(dtype=i.type.dtype).c_code_cache_version()) version.append(('openmp', self.openmp)) if all(version): return tuple(version) else: return () def python_constant_folding(self, node): """ Return True if we do not want to compile c code when doing constant folding of this node. """ # The python code don't support 32 inputs or more. return node.outputs[0].ndim == 0 and len(node.inputs) < 32 ################ # CAReduce # ################ class CAReduce(Op): """ CAReduce = Commutative Associative Reduce Reduces a scalar operation along the specified axis(es). (The scalar op should be both commutative and assocative) The output will have the same shape as the input minus the reduced dimensions. It will contain the variable of accumulating all values over the reduced dimensions using the specified scalar op. Parameters ---------- scalar_op A binary scalar op with only one output. It must be commutative and associative. axis - The dimension along which we want to reduce - List of dimensions that we want to reduce - If None, all dimensions are reduced Note ---- .. code-block:: python CAReduce(add) # sum (ie, acts like the numpy sum operation) CAReduce(mul) # product CAReduce(maximum) # max CAReduce(minimum) # min CAReduce(or_) # any # not lazy CAReduce(and_) # all # not lazy CAReduce(xor) # a bit at 1 tell that there was an odd number of # bit at that position that where 1. 0 it was an # even number ... In order to (eventually) optimize memory usage patterns, CAReduce makes zero guarantees on the order in which it iterates over the dimensions and the elements of the array(s). Therefore, to ensure consistent variables, the scalar operation represented by the reduction must be both commutative and associative (eg add, multiply, maximum, binary or/and/xor - but not subtract, divide or power). """ __props__ = ("scalar_op", "axis") def __init__(self, scalar_op, axis=None): if scalar_op.nin not in [-1, 2] or scalar_op.nout != 1: raise NotImplementedError(( "CAReduce only supports binary functions with a single " "output.")) self.scalar_op = scalar_op if axis is None: self.axis = axis # There is a bug in numpy that results in isinstance(x, # integer_types) returning False for numpy integers. See # . elif isinstance(axis, (integer_types, np.integer)): self.axis = (axis,) elif isinstance(axis, np.ndarray) and axis.ndim == 0: self.axis = (int(axis),) else: self.axis = list(set(int(a) for a in axis)) self.axis.sort() self.axis = tuple(self.axis) self.set_ufunc(scalar_op) def set_ufunc(self, scalar_op): # This is probably a speed up of the implementation if isinstance(scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.Add): self.ufunc = np.add elif isinstance(scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.Mul): self.ufunc = np.multiply elif isinstance(scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.Maximum): self.ufunc = np.maximum elif isinstance(scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.Minimum): self.ufunc = np.minimum elif (isinstance(scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.AND) and _numpy_ver >= [1, 12]): # numpy.bitwise_and.identity was incorrect for versions before # 1.12 (it was 1 instead of -1), so we skip it in that case. # We will fall back to the "else:" case, which defines a # ufunc without identity. self.ufunc = np.bitwise_and elif isinstance(scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.OR): self.ufunc = np.bitwise_or elif isinstance(scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.XOR): self.ufunc = np.bitwise_xor else: self.ufunc = np.frompyfunc(scalar_op.impl, 2, 1) def _output_dtype(self, input_dtype): return input_dtype def make_node(self, input): input = as_tensor_variable(input) if self.axis is not None: for axis in self.axis: if (axis >= input.type.ndim or (axis < 0 and abs(axis) > input.type.ndim)): raise ValueError(( 'Not enough dimensions on %s to reduce on axis %s' % (input, axis))) input = as_tensor_variable(input) axis = self.axis if axis is None: axis = list(range(len(input.type.broadcastable))) if any(a < 0 for a in axis): axis2 = [] for a in self.axis: if a < 0: axis2.append(a + input.type.ndim) else: axis2.append(a) assert len(axis) == len(axis2) axis = tuple(axis2) # We can't call self.__class__() as there is a class that # inherits from CAReduce that doesn't have the same signature op = copy(self) op.set_ufunc(op.scalar_op) op.axis = axis else: op = self broadcastable = [x for i, x in enumerate(input.type.broadcastable) if i not in axis] output = TensorType(dtype=self._output_dtype(input.type.dtype), broadcastable=broadcastable)() return Apply(op, [input], [output]) def __getstate__(self): d = copy(self.__dict__) d.pop('ufunc', None) return d def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) self.set_ufunc(self.scalar_op) def __str__(self): if self.axis is not None: return "Reduce{%s}{%s}" % ( self.scalar_op, ", ".join(str(x) for x in self.axis)) else: return "Reduce{%s}" % self.scalar_op def perform(self, node, inp, out): input, = inp output, = out axis = self.axis if axis is None: axis = list(range(input.ndim)) variable = input to_reduce = reversed(sorted(axis)) if hasattr(self, 'acc_dtype') and self.acc_dtype is not None: acc_dtype = self.acc_dtype else: acc_dtype = node.outputs[0].type.dtype if to_reduce: for dimension in to_reduce: # If it's a zero-sized array, use scalar_op.identity # if available if variable.shape[dimension] == 0: if hasattr(self.scalar_op, 'identity'): # Compute the shape of the output v_shape = list(variable.shape) del v_shape[dimension] variable = np.empty(tuple(v_shape), dtype=acc_dtype) variable.fill(self.scalar_op.identity) else: raise ValueError(( "Input (%s) has zero-size on axis %s, but " "self.scalar_op (%s) has no attribute 'identity'" % (variable, dimension, self.scalar_op))) else: variable = self.ufunc.reduce(variable, dimension, dtype=acc_dtype) variable = np.asarray(variable) if np.may_share_memory(variable, input): # perhaps numpy is clever for reductions of size 1? # We don't want this. variable = variable.copy() output[0] = theano._asarray(variable, dtype=node.outputs[0].type.dtype) else: # Force a copy output[0] = np.array(variable, copy=True, dtype=node.outputs[0].type.dtype) def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): ishape, = shapes axis = self.axis if axis is None: return (), return [ishape[i] for (i, b) in enumerate(node.inputs[0].type.broadcastable) if i not in axis], def _c_all(self, node, name, inames, onames, sub): input = node.inputs[0] output = node.outputs[0] iname = inames[0] oname = onames[0] idtype = input.type.dtype_specs()[1] odtype = output.type.dtype_specs()[1] if hasattr(self, 'acc_dtype') and self.acc_dtype is not None: if self.acc_dtype == 'float16': raise theano.gof.utils.MethodNotDefined("no c_code for " "float16") acc_type = TensorType( broadcastable=node.outputs[0].broadcastable, dtype=self.acc_dtype) adtype = acc_type.dtype_specs()[1] else: adtype = odtype axis = self.axis if axis is None: axis = list(range(len(input.type.broadcastable))) if len(axis) == 0: # The acc_dtype is never a downcast compared to the input dtype # So we just need a cast to the output dtype. var = theano.tensor.cast(input, node.outputs[0].dtype) if var is input: var = Elemwise(scalar.identity)(input) assert var.dtype == node.outputs[0].dtype return var.owner.op._c_all(var.owner, name, inames, onames, sub) order1 = [i for i in xrange(input.type.ndim) if i not in axis] order = order1 + list(axis) nnested = len(order1) sub = dict(sub) for i, (input, iname) in enumerate(izip(node.inputs, inames)): sub['lv%i' % i] = iname decl = "" if adtype != odtype: # Create an accumulator variable different from the output aname = "acc" decl = acc_type.c_declare(aname, sub) decl += acc_type.c_init(aname, sub) else: # the output is the accumulator variable aname = oname decl += cgen.make_declare([order], [idtype], sub) checks = cgen.make_checks([order], [idtype], sub) alloc = "" i += 1 sub['lv%i' % i] = oname sub['olv'] = oname # Allocate output buffer alloc += cgen.make_declare( [list(range(nnested)) + ['x'] * len(axis)], [odtype], dict(sub, lv0=oname)) alloc += cgen.make_alloc([order1], odtype, sub) alloc += cgen.make_checks( [list(range(nnested)) + ['x'] * len(axis)], [odtype], dict(sub, lv0=oname)) if adtype != odtype: # Allocate accumulation buffer sub['lv%i' % i] = aname sub['olv'] = aname alloc += cgen.make_declare( [list(range(nnested)) + ['x'] * len(axis)], [adtype], dict(sub, lv0=aname)) alloc += cgen.make_alloc([order1], adtype, sub) alloc += cgen.make_checks( [list(range(nnested)) + ['x'] * len(axis)], [adtype], dict(sub, lv0=aname)) if hasattr(self.scalar_op, 'identity'): identity = self.scalar_op.identity elif self.scalar_op in [scalar.maximum, scalar.minimum]: if self.scalar_op == scalar.maximum: scal_name = 'maximum' if input.type.dtype in ["float32", "float64"]: identity = "-__builtin_inf()" elif input.type.dtype.startswith("uint") or input.type.dtype == 'bool': # numpy does not define NPY_MIN_UINT* and NPY_MIN_BOOL identity = "0" else: identity = "NPY_MIN_" + str(input.type.dtype).upper() if self.scalar_op == scalar.minimum: scal_name = 'minimum' if input.type.dtype in ["float32", "float64"]: identity = "__builtin_inf()" elif input.type.dtype == 'bool': # numpy does not define NPY_MAX_BOOL identity = "1" else: identity = "NPY_MAX_" + str(input.type.dtype).upper() fail = sub["fail"] pattern = [0] * len(node.inputs[0].broadcastable) axis = self.axis if axis is None: axis = list(range(len(pattern))) for i in axis: pattern[i] = 1 pattern_ = str(pattern)[1:-1] decl += """int tosum[]={%(pattern_)s};""" % locals() alloc += """ for(int i=0;i', ''] def c_code_cache_version_apply(self, node): # the version corresponding to the c code in this Op version = [8] # now we insert versions for the ops on which we depend... scalar_node = Apply( self.scalar_op, [get_scalar_type(dtype=input.type.dtype).make_variable() for input in node.inputs], [get_scalar_type(dtype=output.type.dtype).make_variable() for output in node.outputs]) version.append(self.scalar_op.c_code_cache_version_apply(scalar_node)) for i in node.inputs + node.outputs: version.append( get_scalar_type(dtype=i.type.dtype).c_code_cache_version()) if all(version): return tuple(version) else: return () class All(CAReduce): """ Applies `logical and` to all the values of a tensor along the specified axis(es). """ __props__ = ("axis",) def __init__(self, axis=None): CAReduce.__init__(self, scalar.and_, axis) def _output_dtype(self, idtype): return "bool" def __str__(self): if self.axis is None: return "All" else: return "All{%s}" % ", ".join(map(str, self.axis)) def make_node(self, input): input = as_tensor_variable(input) if input.dtype != "bool": input = theano.tensor.neq(input, 0) ret = super(All, self).make_node(input) return ret def grad(self, inp, grads): x, = inp return [x.zeros_like(theano.config.floatX)] class Any(CAReduce): """ Applies `bitwise or` to all the values of a tensor along the specified axis(es). """ __props__ = ("axis", ) def __init__(self, axis=None): CAReduce.__init__(self, scalar.or_, axis) def _output_dtype(self, idtype): return "bool" def __str__(self): if self.axis is None: return "Any" else: return "Any{%s}" % ", ".join(map(str, self.axis)) def make_node(self, input): input = as_tensor_variable(input) if input.dtype != "bool": input = theano.tensor.neq(input, 0) ret = super(Any, self).make_node(input) return ret def grad(self, inp, grads): x, = inp return [x.zeros_like(theano.config.floatX)] class CAReduceDtype(CAReduce): """ Reduces a scalar operation along the specified axis(es). This subclass of CAReduce accepts an additional "dtype" parameter, that specifies which dtype the output should be. It also accepts an optional "acc_dtype", which specify the dtype that will be used for the accumulation. So, the accumulation will be done into a tensor of dtype "acc_dtype", then it will be casted into "dtype" and returned. If no dtype is provided, one will be inferred so as not to lose too much precision. Parameters ---------- scalar_op A binary scalar op with only one output. It must be commutative and associative. axis * the dimension along which we want to reduce * list of dimensions that we want to reduce * if None, all dimensions are reduced dtype The dtype of the returned tensor. If None, then we use the default dtype which is the same as the input tensor's dtype except when: * the input dtype is a signed integer of precision < 64 bit, in which case we use int64 * the input dtype is an unsigned integer of precision < 64 bit, in which case we use uint64 This default dtype does _not_ depend on the value of "acc_dtype". This behavior is similar in spirit to that of numpy (except numpy uses the default machine integer while we always use 64 bit integers to avoid platform-dependent behavior). acc_dtype The dtype of the internal accumulator. If None (default), we use the dtype in the list below, or the input dtype if its precision is higher: * for int dtypes, we use at least int64; * for uint dtypes, we use at least uint64; * for float dtypes, we use at least float64; * for complex dtypes, we use at least complex128. """ __props__ = ("scalar_op", "axis", "dtype", "acc_dtype") def __init__(self, scalar_op, axis=None, dtype=None, acc_dtype=None): CAReduce.__init__(self, scalar_op, axis=axis) self.dtype = dtype self.acc_dtype = acc_dtype def __setstate__(self, d): super(CAReduceDtype, self).__setstate__(d) if not hasattr(self, "dtype"): # This is needed as old pickled will crash otherwise. # We need to keep the old dtype behavior as the op # could be in an apply node with a specified dtype. self.dtype = "OLD" if not hasattr(self, "acc_dtype"): # acc_dtype is not used by any external Op, so we do not # need to keep the previous behaviour here. self.acc_dtype = None def _output_dtype(self, idtype): dtype = self.dtype if dtype == "OLD": return dict( int8='int32', int16='int32', int32='int64', uint8='uint32', uint16='uint32', uint32='uint64').get(idtype, idtype) if dtype is None: # If input has a discrete dtype, upcast it to 64 return dict( bool='int64', int8='int64', int16='int64', int32='int64', uint8='uint64', uint16='uint64', uint32='uint64').get(idtype, idtype) else: # The important is that the accumulator dtype does not # lose precision. Then, the result can be downcasted. return dtype def _acc_dtype(self, idtype): acc_dtype = self.acc_dtype if acc_dtype is None: return dict( bool='int64', int8='int64', int16='int64', int32='int64', uint8='uint64', uint16='uint64', uint32='uint64', float16='float32', float32='float64', complex64='complex128').get(idtype, idtype) elif (acc_dtype in theano.tensor.continuous_dtypes and idtype in theano.tensor.discrete_dtypes): # Specifying a continuous accumulator for discrete input is OK return acc_dtype else: # The conversion has to be considered an upcast. upcasted_dtype = scalar.upcast(idtype, acc_dtype) if acc_dtype != upcasted_dtype: raise TypeError( 'Cannot build %s node with input dtype %s ' 'and acc_dtype %s, as precision would be lost. ' 'To correct this error, you can:\n' ' - not specify acc_dtype, or\n' ' - use an acc_dtype at least as precise as %s.\n' ' - specify "dtype" instead of "acc_dtype", so ' 'the reduction will be precise, but the result will ' 'be casted into "dtype" at the end.\n' 'If you are expecting the precision loss, you can ' 'use tensor.cast(..., dtype="%s"), on your input.' % (self, idtype, acc_dtype, upcasted_dtype, acc_dtype)) return acc_dtype def make_node(self, input): # We need to redefine make_node so that, if self.dtype is None, # we can infer what dtype should be, and create a node from an Op # of the appropriate dtype. input = as_tensor_variable(input) dtype = self._output_dtype(input.dtype) acc_dtype = self._acc_dtype(input.dtype) assert dtype is not None assert acc_dtype is not None if dtype == self.dtype and acc_dtype == self.acc_dtype: # Don't build another instance op = self else: op = copy(self) op.set_ufunc(self.scalar_op) op.dtype = dtype op.acc_dtype = acc_dtype assert op.acc_dtype is not None return CAReduce.make_node(op, input) def __str__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ if self.__class__.__name__ == "CAReduceDtype": name = "ReduceDtype{%s}" % self.scalar_op, axis = "" if self.axis is not None: axis = ", ".join(str(x) for x in self.axis) axis = "axis=[%s], " % axis return "%s{%sacc_dtype=%s}" % ( name, axis, str(self.acc_dtype) ) class Sum(CAReduceDtype): """ Sums all the values of a tensor along the specified axis(es). Equivalent to `CAReduceDtype(scalar.add, axis=axis, dtype=dtype)`, with the difference that this defines the gradient of sum wrt its tensor input. Parameters ---------- axis Axis(es) along which the tensor should be summed (use None to sum over all axes, and a list or tuple to sum along more than one axis). dtype The dtype of the internal accumulator and returned tensor. If None, then we use the default dtype which is the same as the input tensor's dtype except when: - the input dtype is a signed integer of precision < 64 bit, in which case we use int64 - the input dtype is an unsigned integer of precision < 64 bit, in which case we use uint64 This value does not depend on the value of "acc_dtype". acc_dtype The dtype of the internal accumulator. If None (default), we use the dtype in the list below, or the input dtype if its precision is higher: - for int dtypes, we use at least int64; - for uint dtypes, we use at least uint64; - for float dtypes, we use at least float64; - for complex dtypes, we use at least complex128. """ __props__ = ("axis", "dtype", "acc_dtype") def __init__(self, axis=None, dtype=None, acc_dtype=None): CAReduceDtype.__init__(self, scalar.add, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, acc_dtype=acc_dtype) def __str__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ axis = "" if self.axis is not None: axis = ", ".join(str(x) for x in self.axis) axis = "axis=[%s], " % axis return "%s{%sacc_dtype=%s}" % ( name, axis, str(self.acc_dtype) ) def L_op(self, inp, out, grads): x, = inp if out[0].dtype not in theano.tensor.continuous_dtypes: return [x.zeros_like(dtype=theano.config.floatX)] gz, = grads gz = as_tensor_variable(gz) axis = self.axis if axis is None: axis = list(range(x.type.ndim)) if axis == (): return gz, new_dims = [] i = 0 for j, _ in enumerate(x.type.broadcastable): if j in axis: new_dims.append('x') else: new_dims.append(i) i += 1 ds_op = DimShuffle(gz.type.broadcastable, new_dims) gx = Elemwise(scalar.second)(x, ds_op(gz)) return [gx] def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points): # There is just one element in inputs and eval_points, the axis are # part of self if None in eval_points: return [None] return self(*eval_points, **dict(return_list=True)) class Prod(CAReduceDtype): """ Multiplies all the values of a tensor along the specified axis(es). Equivalent to `CAReduce(, axis = axis)`, with the difference that this defines the gradient of prod wrt its tensor input. """ __props__ = ("axis", "dtype", "acc_dtype") def __init__(self, axis=None, dtype=None, acc_dtype=None, no_zeros_in_input=False): CAReduceDtype.__init__(self, scalar.mul, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, acc_dtype=acc_dtype) self.no_zeros_in_input = no_zeros_in_input def __setstate__(self, dct): super(Prod, self).__setstate__(dct) # Add default value to be able to reload old pickled objects. if 'no_zeros_in_input' not in dct: self.no_zeros_in_input = False def L_op(self, inp, out, grads): """ The grad of this Op could be very easy, if it is was not for the case where zeros are present in a given "group" (ie. elements reduced together to form the product). If no zeros are found in the elements of the product, then the partial derivative of the product relative to one of the elements (one of the inputs) is simply the product of the other elements. That's easy to see from the chain rule. Now the trick (with no zeros) is to take the overall product, then for every original element, the partial derivative is given by this product divided by the element itself (which equals the product of the other terms). This is easy to do by broadcasting the original product. (Note that we also need to broadcast-multiply by the "incoming gradient", ie. the gradient of the cost relative to the output/product). With zeros, things get more complicated. For a given group, we have 3 cases: * No zeros in the group. Use previous trick. * If only one zero is present, then the gradient for that element is non-zero, but is zero for all others. * If more than one zero is present, then all the derivatives are zero. For the last two cases (with 1 or more zeros), we can't use the division trick, as this gives divisions by 0. Implementing that case-by-case logic is not as trivial, so a bunch of hacks are piled down here to do it. Notably, for the "only one zero" case, there's a special Op that computes the product of the elements in the group, minus the zero (see ProdWithoutZero). The trick is then to use the division trick for groups with no zero, to use the ProdWithoutZeros op where there's only one zero, and to output a derivative of zero for any element part of a group with more than one zero. I do this by first counting the number of zeros in each group (see the "T.eq()" bits), then taking this or that behavior (see T.switch) based on the result of this count. """ prod_in, = inp gz, = grads if (out[0].dtype in theano.tensor.discrete_dtypes or self.acc_dtype in theano.tensor.discrete_dtypes): # There is an int conversion in the way return [prod_in.zeros_like(dtype=theano.config.floatX)] # Prepare the broadcasting that is used everywhere to broadcast # over the original groups (ie. broadcast over the elements of a given # product) gz = as_tensor_variable(gz) axis = self.axis if axis is None: axis = list(range(prod_in.type.ndim)) if axis == (): return gz, new_dims = [] i = 0 for j, _ in enumerate(prod_in.type.broadcastable): if j in axis: new_dims.append('x') else: new_dims.append(i) i += 1 # result of the product, broadcastable over groups prod_out = self(prod_in).dimshuffle(new_dims) # incoming gradient, broadcastable over groups gz = gz.dimshuffle(new_dims) # division trick if we don't have zeros. This will contain # NaNs to be eliminated in the T.switch if we do have zeros. grad_case_without_zeros = (gz * prod_out / prod_in) if self.no_zeros_in_input: # this handles inputs with zeros, but only certain input shapes return [grad_case_without_zeros] else: T = theano.tensor where_zeros = T.eq(prod_in, 0.0) sum_where_zeros = T.sum(where_zeros, axis=self.axis) groups_with_single_zero = T.eq(sum_where_zeros, 1).dimshuffle( new_dims) # tensor with 0 everywhere except for those places where # a 0 part of a group with a single zero was to be found where_single_zero = groups_with_single_zero * where_zeros # further optimization to avoid computing ProdWithoutZeros # if the incoming gradient is 0 where_gz_not_zero = T.neq(gz, 0.0) # only take ProdWithoutZeros for the groups with single zeros # with non-null incoming gradient where_to_take_prod_without_zeros = ( groups_with_single_zero * where_gz_not_zero) # preprocess the original input so that we set 0 everywhere # except for groups that contain a single zero, to avoid computing # multiplications on other groups prod_without_zeros_in = where_to_take_prod_without_zeros * prod_in # TODO: put lazy switch here, if it'd work # this is pretty efficient already (no multiplication if 0), but # it'd be even better if we had a lazy if per element prod_without_zeros = ProdWithoutZeros(axis=self.axis)( prod_without_zeros_in) prod_without_zeros = prod_without_zeros.dimshuffle(new_dims) groups_without_zeros = T.eq(sum_where_zeros, 0).dimshuffle( new_dims) final_grad = T.switch( groups_without_zeros, grad_case_without_zeros, T.switch(where_single_zero, prod_without_zeros, 0.0) * gz) return [final_grad] def c_code_cache_version(self): return (1,) class MulWithoutZeros(scalar.BinaryScalarOp): # "identity" here is zero, as in Reduce we don't want to start # with reducing (1, something_else): this leads to the erroneous # case where a vector of zeros is reduced by binary reductions # of (1, 0), which always ends up as 1 (ie. the result for # the c version, for the product of [0,0,0], is 1.0) identity = 0. commutative = True associative = True def impl(self, x, y): if x == 0: return y if y == 0: return x return x * y def c_code(self, node, name, inp, out, sub): x, y = inp z, = out return (("%(z)s = ((%(x)s == 0) ? (%(y)s) : " + "((%(y)s == 0) ? (%(x)s) : ((%(y)s)*(%(x)s))) );") % locals()) def c_code_cache_version(self): return (1,) mul_without_zeros = MulWithoutZeros(scalar.upcast_out, name='mul_without_zeros') class ProdWithoutZeros(CAReduceDtype): __props__ = ("axis", "dtype", "acc_dtype") def __init__(self, axis=None, dtype=None, acc_dtype=None): CAReduceDtype.__init__(self, mul_without_zeros, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, acc_dtype=acc_dtype) def grad(self, inp, grads): a, = inp a_grad = theano.gradient.grad_not_implemented( self, 0, a, "2nd derivatives of `product(a)` is not currently supported." "If `a` is guaranteed to contains no zeros, use " "`product(a, no_zeros_in_input=True)`.") return [a_grad]