from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import numpy as np from theano import gof import theano.tensor as T from theano.gradient import DisconnectedType class RFFTOp(gof.Op): __props__ = () def output_type(self, inp): # add extra dim for real/imag return T.TensorType(inp.dtype, broadcastable=[False] * (inp.type.ndim + 1)) def make_node(self, a, s=None): a = T.as_tensor_variable(a) if a.ndim < 2: raise TypeError('%s: input must have dimension > 2, with first dimension batches' % self.__class__.__name__) if s is None: s = a.shape[1:] s = T.as_tensor_variable(s) else: s = T.as_tensor_variable(s) if s.dtype not in T.integer_dtypes: raise TypeError('%s: length of the transformed axis must be' ' of type integer' % self.__class__.__name__) return gof.Apply(self, [a, s], [self.output_type(a)()]) def perform(self, node, inputs, output_storage): a = inputs[0] s = inputs[1] A = np.fft.rfftn(a, s=tuple(s)) # Format output with two extra dimensions for real and imaginary # parts. out = np.zeros(A.shape + (2,), dtype=a.dtype) out[..., 0], out[..., 1] = np.real(A), np.imag(A) output_storage[0][0] = out def grad(self, inputs, output_grads): gout, = output_grads s = inputs[1] # Divide the last dimension of the output gradients by 2, they are # double-counted by the real-IFFT due to symmetry, except the first # and last elements (for even transforms) which are unique. idx = [slice(None)] * (gout.ndim - 2) \ + [slice(1, (s[-1] // 2) + (s[-1] % 2))] + [slice(None)] gout = T.set_subtensor(gout[idx], gout[idx] * 0.5) return [irfft_op(gout, s), DisconnectedType()()] def connection_pattern(self, node): # Specificy that shape input parameter has no connection to graph and gradients. return [[True], [False]] rfft_op = RFFTOp() class IRFFTOp(gof.Op): __props__ = () def output_type(self, inp): # remove extra dim for real/imag return T.TensorType(inp.dtype, broadcastable=[False] * (inp.type.ndim - 1)) def make_node(self, a, s=None): a = T.as_tensor_variable(a) if a.ndim < 3: raise TypeError('%s: input must have dimension >= 3, with ' % self.__class__.__name__ + 'first dimension batches and last real/imag parts') if s is None: s = a.shape[1:-1] s = T.set_subtensor(s[-1], (s[-1] - 1) * 2) s = T.as_tensor_variable(s) else: s = T.as_tensor_variable(s) if s.dtype not in T.integer_dtypes: raise TypeError('%s: length of the transformed axis must be' ' of type integer' % self.__class__.__name__) return gof.Apply(self, [a, s], [self.output_type(a)()]) def perform(self, node, inputs, output_storage): a = inputs[0] s = inputs[1] # Reconstruct complex array from two float dimensions inp = a[..., 0] + 1j * a[..., 1] out = np.fft.irfftn(inp, s=tuple(s)) # Remove numpy's default normalization # Cast to input type (numpy outputs float64 by default) output_storage[0][0] = (out * def grad(self, inputs, output_grads): gout, = output_grads s = inputs[1] gf = rfft_op(gout, s) # Multiply the last dimension of the gradient by 2, they represent # both positive and negative frequencies, except the first # and last elements (for even transforms) which are unique. idx = [slice(None)] * (gf.ndim - 2) \ + [slice(1, (s[-1] // 2) + (s[-1] % 2))] + [slice(None)] gf = T.set_subtensor(gf[idx], gf[idx] * 2) return [gf, DisconnectedType()()] def connection_pattern(self, node): # Specificy that shape input parameter has no connection to graph and gradients. return [[True], [False]] irfft_op = IRFFTOp() def rfft(inp, norm=None): """ Performs the fast Fourier transform of a real-valued input. The input must be a real-valued variable of dimensions (m, ..., n). It performs FFTs of size (..., n) on m batches. The output is a tensor of dimensions (m, ..., n//2+1, 2). The second to last dimension of the output contains the n//2+1 non-trivial elements of the real-valued FFTs. The real and imaginary parts are stored as a pair of float arrays. Parameters ---------- inp Array of floats of size (m, ..., n), containing m inputs of size (..., n). norm : {None, 'ortho', 'no_norm'} Normalization of transform. Following numpy, default *None* normalizes only the inverse transform by n, 'ortho' yields the unitary transform (:math:`1/\sqrt n` forward and inverse). In addition, 'no_norm' leaves the transform unnormalized. """ s = inp.shape[1:] cond_norm = _unitary(norm) scaling = 1 if cond_norm == "ortho": scaling = T.sqrt( return rfft_op(inp, s) / scaling def irfft(inp, norm=None, is_odd=False): """ Performs the inverse fast Fourier Transform with real-valued output. The input is a variable of dimensions (m, ..., n//2+1, 2) representing the non-trivial elements of m real-valued Fourier transforms of initial size (..., n). The real and imaginary parts are stored as a pair of float arrays. The output is a real-valued variable of dimensions (m, ..., n) giving the m inverse FFTs. Parameters ---------- inp Array of size (m, ..., n//2+1, 2), containing m inputs with n//2+1 non-trivial elements on the last dimension and real and imaginary parts stored as separate real arrays. norm : {None, 'ortho', 'no_norm'} Normalization of transform. Following numpy, default *None* normalizes only the inverse transform by n, 'ortho' yields the unitary transform (:math:`1/\sqrt n` forward and inverse). In addition, 'no_norm' leaves the transform unnormalized. is_odd : {True, False} Set to True to get a real inverse transform output with an odd last dimension of length (N-1)*2 + 1 for an input last dimension of length N. """ if is_odd not in (True, False): raise ValueError("Invalid value %s for id_odd, must be True or False" % is_odd) s = inp.shape[1:-1] if is_odd: s = T.set_subtensor(s[-1], (s[-1] - 1) * 2 + 1) else: s = T.set_subtensor(s[-1], (s[-1] - 1) * 2) cond_norm = _unitary(norm) scaling = 1 # Numpy's default normalization is 1/N on the inverse transform. if cond_norm is None: scaling = elif cond_norm == "ortho": scaling = T.sqrt( return irfft_op(inp, s) / scaling def _unitary(norm): if norm not in (None, "ortho", "no_norm"): raise ValueError("Invalid value %s for norm, must be None, 'ortho' or " "'no norm'" % norm) return norm