from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import logging import warnings from six.moves import xrange import numpy as np try: import scipy.linalg imported_scipy = True except ImportError: # some ops (e.g. Cholesky, Solve, A_Xinv_b) won't work imported_scipy = False from theano import tensor import theano.tensor from theano.tensor import as_tensor_variable from theano.gof import Op, Apply logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MATRIX_STRUCTURES = ( 'general', 'symmetric', 'lower_triangular', 'upper_triangular', 'hermitian', 'banded', 'diagonal', 'toeplitz') class Cholesky(Op): """ Return a triangular matrix square root of positive semi-definite `x`. L = cholesky(X, lower=True) implies dot(L, L.T) == X. Parameters ---------- lower : bool, default=True Whether to return the lower or upper cholesky factor on_error : ['raise', 'nan'] If on_error is set to 'raise', this Op will raise a `scipy.linalg.LinAlgError` if the matrix is not positive definite. If on_error is set to 'nan', it will return a matrix containing nans instead. """ # TODO: inplace # TODO: for specific dtypes # TODO: LAPACK wrapper with in-place behavior, for solve also __props__ = ('lower', 'destructive', 'on_error') def __init__(self, lower=True, on_error='raise'): self.lower = lower self.destructive = False if on_error not in ['raise', 'nan']: raise ValueError('on_error must be one of "raise" or ""nan"') self.on_error = on_error def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): return [shapes[0]] def make_node(self, x): assert imported_scipy, ( "Scipy not available. Scipy is needed for the Cholesky op") x = as_tensor_variable(x) assert x.ndim == 2 return Apply(self, [x], [x.type()]) def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs): x = inputs[0] z = outputs[0] try: z[0] = scipy.linalg.cholesky(x, lower=self.lower).astype(x.dtype) except scipy.linalg.LinAlgError: if self.on_error == 'raise': raise else: z[0] = (np.zeros(x.shape) * np.nan).astype(x.dtype) def L_op(self, inputs, outputs, gradients): """ Cholesky decomposition reverse-mode gradient update. Symbolic expression for reverse-mode Cholesky gradient taken from [#]_ References ---------- .. [#] I. Murray, "Differentiation of the Cholesky decomposition", """ dz = gradients[0] chol_x = outputs[0] # Replace the cholesky decomposition with 1 if there are nans # or solve_upper_triangular will throw a ValueError. if self.on_error == 'nan': ok = ~tensor.any(tensor.isnan(chol_x)) chol_x = tensor.switch(ok, chol_x, 1) dz = tensor.switch(ok, dz, 1) # deal with upper triangular by converting to lower triangular if not self.lower: chol_x = chol_x.T dz = dz.T def tril_and_halve_diagonal(mtx): """Extracts lower triangle of square matrix and halves diagonal.""" return tensor.tril(mtx) - tensor.diag(tensor.diagonal(mtx) / 2.) def conjugate_solve_triangular(outer, inner): """Computes L^{-T} P L^{-1} for lower-triangular L.""" return solve_upper_triangular( outer.T, solve_upper_triangular(outer.T, inner.T).T) s = conjugate_solve_triangular( chol_x, tril_and_halve_diagonal( if self.lower: grad = tensor.tril(s + s.T) - tensor.diag(tensor.diagonal(s)) else: grad = tensor.triu(s + s.T) - tensor.diag(tensor.diagonal(s)) if self.on_error == 'nan': return [tensor.switch(ok, grad, np.nan)] else: return [grad] cholesky = Cholesky() class CholeskyGrad(Op): """ """ __props__ = ('lower', 'destructive') def __init__(self, lower=True): self.lower = lower self.destructive = False def make_node(self, x, l, dz): x = as_tensor_variable(x) l = as_tensor_variable(l) dz = as_tensor_variable(dz) assert x.ndim == 2 assert l.ndim == 2 assert dz.ndim == 2 assert l.owner.op.lower == self.lower, ( "lower/upper mismatch between Cholesky op and CholeskyGrad op" ) return Apply(self, [x, l, dz], [x.type()]) def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs): """ Implements the "reverse-mode" gradient [#]_ for the Cholesky factorization of a positive-definite matrix. References ---------- .. [#] S. P. Smith. "Differentiation of the Cholesky Algorithm". Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Jun.,1995), pp. 134-147 """ x = inputs[0] L = inputs[1] dz = inputs[2] dx = outputs[0] N = x.shape[0] if self.lower: F = np.tril(dz) for k in xrange(N - 1, -1, -1): for j in xrange(k + 1, N): for i in xrange(j, N): F[i, k] -= F[i, j] * L[j, k] F[j, k] -= F[i, j] * L[i, k] for j in xrange(k + 1, N): F[j, k] /= L[k, k] F[k, k] -= L[j, k] * F[j, k] F[k, k] /= (2 * L[k, k]) else: F = np.triu(dz) for k in xrange(N - 1, -1, -1): for j in xrange(k + 1, N): for i in xrange(j, N): F[k, i] -= F[j, i] * L[k, j] F[k, j] -= F[j, i] * L[k, i] for j in xrange(k + 1, N): F[k, j] /= L[k, k] F[k, k] -= L[k, j] * F[k, j] F[k, k] /= (2 * L[k, k]) dx[0] = F def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): return [shapes[0]] class Solve(Op): """ Solve a system of linear equations. For on CPU and GPU. """ __props__ = ('A_structure', 'lower', 'overwrite_A', 'overwrite_b') def __init__(self, A_structure='general', lower=False, overwrite_A=False, overwrite_b=False): if A_structure not in MATRIX_STRUCTURES: raise ValueError('Invalid matrix structure argument', A_structure) self.A_structure = A_structure self.lower = lower self.overwrite_A = overwrite_A self.overwrite_b = overwrite_b def __repr__(self): return 'Solve{%s}' % str(self._props()) def make_node(self, A, b): assert imported_scipy, ( "Scipy not available. Scipy is needed for the Solve op") A = as_tensor_variable(A) b = as_tensor_variable(b) assert A.ndim == 2 assert b.ndim in [1, 2] # infer dtype by solving the most simple # case with (1, 1) matrices o_dtype = scipy.linalg.solve( np.eye(1).astype(A.dtype), np.eye(1).astype(b.dtype)).dtype x = tensor.tensor( broadcastable=b.broadcastable, dtype=o_dtype) return Apply(self, [A, b], [x]) def perform(self, node, inputs, output_storage): A, b = inputs if self.A_structure == 'lower_triangular': rval = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular( A, b, lower=True) elif self.A_structure == 'upper_triangular': rval = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular( A, b, lower=False) else: rval = scipy.linalg.solve(A, b) output_storage[0][0] = rval # computes shape of x where x = inv(A) * b def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): Ashape, Bshape = shapes rows = Ashape[1] if len(Bshape) == 1: # b is a Vector return [(rows,)] else: cols = Bshape[1] # b is a Matrix return [(rows, cols)] def L_op(self, inputs, outputs, output_gradients): """ Reverse-mode gradient updates for matrix solve operation c = A \\\ b. Symbolic expression for updates taken from [#]_. References ---------- .. [#] M. B. Giles, "An extended collection of matrix derivative results for forward and reverse mode automatic differentiation", """ A, b = inputs c = outputs[0] c_bar = output_gradients[0] trans_map = { 'lower_triangular': 'upper_triangular', 'upper_triangular': 'lower_triangular' } trans_solve_op = Solve( # update A_structure and lower to account for a transpose operation A_structure=trans_map.get(self.A_structure, self.A_structure), lower=not self.lower ) b_bar = trans_solve_op(A.T, c_bar) # force outer product if vector second input A_bar = -tensor.outer(b_bar, c) if c.ndim == 1 else if self.A_structure == 'lower_triangular': A_bar = tensor.tril(A_bar) elif self.A_structure == 'upper_triangular': A_bar = tensor.triu(A_bar) return [A_bar, b_bar] solve = Solve() """ Solves the equation ``a x = b`` for x, where ``a`` is a matrix and ``b`` can be either a vector or a matrix. Note Parameters ---------- a : `(M, M) symbolix matrix` A square matrix b : `(M,) or (M, N) symbolic vector or matrix` Right hand side matrix in ``a x = b`` Returns ------- x : `(M, ) or (M, N) symbolic vector or matrix` x will have the same shape as b """ # lower and upper triangular solves solve_lower_triangular = Solve(A_structure='lower_triangular', lower=True) """Optimized implementation of :func:`theano.tensor.slinalg.solve` when A is lower triangular.""" solve_upper_triangular = Solve(A_structure='upper_triangular', lower=False) """Optimized implementation of :func:`theano.tensor.slinalg.solve` when A is upper triangular.""" # symmetric solves solve_symmetric = Solve(A_structure='symmetric') """Optimized implementation of :func:`theano.tensor.slinalg.solve` when A is symmetric.""" # TODO: Optimizations to replace multiplication by matrix inverse # with solve() Op (still unwritten) class Eigvalsh(Op): """ Generalized eigenvalues of a Hermitian positive definite eigensystem. """ __props__ = ('lower',) def __init__(self, lower=True): assert lower in [True, False] self.lower = lower def make_node(self, a, b): assert imported_scipy, ( "Scipy not available. Scipy is needed for the Eigvalsh op") if b == theano.tensor.NoneConst: a = as_tensor_variable(a) assert a.ndim == 2 out_dtype = theano.scalar.upcast(a.dtype) w = theano.tensor.vector(dtype=out_dtype) return Apply(self, [a], [w]) else: a = as_tensor_variable(a) b = as_tensor_variable(b) assert a.ndim == 2 assert b.ndim == 2 out_dtype = theano.scalar.upcast(a.dtype, b.dtype) w = theano.tensor.vector(dtype=out_dtype) return Apply(self, [a, b], [w]) def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs): (w,) = outputs if len(inputs) == 2: w[0] = scipy.linalg.eigvalsh(a=inputs[0], b=inputs[1], lower=self.lower) else: w[0] = scipy.linalg.eigvalsh(a=inputs[0], b=None, lower=self.lower) def grad(self, inputs, g_outputs): a, b = inputs gw, = g_outputs return EigvalshGrad(self.lower)(a, b, gw) def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): n = shapes[0][0] return [(n,)] class EigvalshGrad(Op): """ Gradient of generalized eigenvalues of a Hermitian positive definite eigensystem. """ # Note: This Op (EigvalshGrad), should be removed and replaced with a graph # of theano ops that is constructed directly in Eigvalsh.grad. # But this can only be done once scipy.linalg.eigh is available as an Op # (currently the Eigh uses numpy.linalg.eigh, which doesn't let you # pass the right-hand-side matrix for a generalized eigenproblem.) See the # discussion on github at # __props__ = ('lower',) def __init__(self, lower=True): assert lower in [True, False] self.lower = lower if lower: self.tri0 = np.tril self.tri1 = lambda a: np.triu(a, 1) else: self.tri0 = np.triu self.tri1 = lambda a: np.tril(a, -1) def make_node(self, a, b, gw): assert imported_scipy, ( "Scipy not available. Scipy is needed for the GEigvalsh op") a = as_tensor_variable(a) b = as_tensor_variable(b) gw = as_tensor_variable(gw) assert a.ndim == 2 assert b.ndim == 2 assert gw.ndim == 1 out_dtype = theano.scalar.upcast(a.dtype, b.dtype, gw.dtype) out1 = theano.tensor.matrix(dtype=out_dtype) out2 = theano.tensor.matrix(dtype=out_dtype) return Apply(self, [a, b, gw], [out1, out2]) def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs): (a, b, gw) = inputs w, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(a, b, lower=self.lower) gA = gB = - * w).dot(v.T)) # See EighGrad comments for an explanation of these lines out1 = self.tri0(gA) + self.tri1(gA).T out2 = self.tri0(gB) + self.tri1(gB).T outputs[0][0] = np.asarray(out1, dtype=node.outputs[0].dtype) outputs[1][0] = np.asarray(out2, dtype=node.outputs[1].dtype) def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): return [shapes[0], shapes[1]] def eigvalsh(a, b, lower=True): return Eigvalsh(lower)(a, b) def kron(a, b): """ Kronecker product. Same as scipy.linalg.kron(a, b). Parameters ---------- a: array_like b: array_like Returns ------- array_like with a.ndim + b.ndim - 2 dimensions Notes ----- numpy.kron(a, b) != scipy.linalg.kron(a, b)! They don't have the same shape and order when a.ndim != b.ndim != 2. """ a = tensor.as_tensor_variable(a) b = tensor.as_tensor_variable(b) if (a.ndim + b.ndim <= 2): raise TypeError('kron: inputs dimensions must sum to 3 or more. ' 'You passed %d and %d.' % (a.ndim, b.ndim)) o = tensor.outer(a, b) o = o.reshape(tensor.concatenate((a.shape, b.shape)), a.ndim + b.ndim) shf = o.dimshuffle(0, 2, 1, * list(range(3, o.ndim))) if shf.ndim == 3: shf = o.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2) o = shf.flatten() else: o = shf.reshape((o.shape[0] * o.shape[2], o.shape[1] * o.shape[3]) + tuple(o.shape[i] for i in xrange(4, o.ndim))) return o class Expm(Op): """ Compute the matrix exponential of a square array. """ __props__ = () def make_node(self, A): assert imported_scipy, ( "Scipy not available. Scipy is needed for the Expm op") A = as_tensor_variable(A) assert A.ndim == 2 expm = theano.tensor.matrix(dtype=A.dtype) return Apply(self, [A, ], [expm, ]) def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs): (A,) = inputs (expm,) = outputs expm[0] = scipy.linalg.expm(A) def grad(self, inputs, outputs): (A,) = inputs (g_out,) = outputs return [ExpmGrad()(A, g_out)] def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): return [shapes[0]] class ExpmGrad(Op): """ Gradient of the matrix exponential of a square array. """ __props__ = () def make_node(self, A, gw): assert imported_scipy, ( "Scipy not available. Scipy is needed for the Expm op") A = as_tensor_variable(A) assert A.ndim == 2 out = theano.tensor.matrix(dtype=A.dtype) return Apply(self, [A, gw], [out, ]) def infer_shape(self, node, shapes): return [shapes[0]] def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs): # Kalbfleisch and Lawless, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 80 (1985) Equation 3.4 # Kind of... You need to do some algebra from there to arrive at # this expression. (A, gA) = inputs (out,) = outputs w, V = scipy.linalg.eig(A, right=True) U = scipy.linalg.inv(V).T exp_w = np.exp(w) X = np.subtract.outer(exp_w, exp_w) / np.subtract.outer(w, w) np.fill_diagonal(X, exp_w) Y = * X).dot(V.T) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", np.ComplexWarning) out[0] = Y.astype(A.dtype) expm = Expm()